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宏碁Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk笔记本测评

太吵了,速度太慢. 宏碁15.6英寸的Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk是一个轻薄的笔记本电脑,售价不到400欧元(约$520)。低功耗的AMD A6-4455M APU应保证电池寿命长。查找出在这里,如果新的笔记本可以兑现这一承诺。

For the original German review, see here.

Acer's lineup features many ultra-thin notebooks which evoke - at least as far as visual appearance is concerned  - higher-priced Ultrabooks. The Aspire V5-551 is a new member of the family. We already checked out the  Aspire V5-531 (Pentium 967HD Graphics) and the Aspire V5-571G (Core i5-3317UGeForce GT 620M) in previous reviews.

To see how the Acer's new entry stacks up, we compare it to the HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15 (AMD A8-4555MRadeon HD 7600G) and the Acer Aspire V5-531 (Pentium 967HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge).


宏碁的阵容有许多超薄笔记本电脑唤起 - 至少尽可能的视觉外观而言 - 高价位的超极本。的Aspire V5-551是一种新的家庭成员。我们已经签出的Aspire V5-531(奔腾967,HD图形)的Aspire V5-571G(酷睿i5-3317U,GeForce®(精视™)GT620M)在以前的评论中。

要看到宏基的新条目如何堆叠起来,我们比较惠普Pavilion Sleekbook15(AMD A8-4555M的Radeon HD7600G)和宏碁Aspire V5-531(奔腾967,HD图形(Sandy Bridge的)。


The chassis remains almost completely unchanged from the previous versions. The notebook is dressed in matte black - only the display is glossy. Higher-end materials (like aluminum) are nowhere to be found, since Acer uses plastic throughout. The  Aspire V5-531 and the HP Sleekbook are no different in that aspect, however.

The base unit could be a bit more sturdy: we noticed a lot of flexing around the touchpad. Pressure to the left of the keyboard not only deforms the keyboard itself, but also causes the front right foot of the notebook to lift up from the supporting surface. The area to the right of the keyboard is also quite flexible - in this case, the culprit is the optical drive, which sits right underneath. The base unit is torsionally fairly rigid; the display lid unfortunately much less so. We also noticed ripple-effects when we exerted pressure on the back of the lid. The hinges are stiff and hold the lid well in position, although they can't prevent some back-and-forth bouncing. Because of the rather stiff hinges, both hands are needed to open the display lid.

底盘仍然几乎完全从以前的版本不变。笔记本电脑是身着黑色磨砂 - 只显示有光泽。更高端的材料(如铝)是无处可寻,因为宏碁使用塑料整个。的Aspire V5-531和HP Sleekbook在这方面并没有什么不同,但是。

可能有点更坚固的基地单元:我们注意到了很多触摸板周围的弯曲。键盘左侧的压力不仅键盘本身变形,而且会引起的笔记本的前沿右脚从支撑表面抬起。键盘右侧的面积也相当灵活 - 在这种情况下,罪魁祸首就是光盘驱动器,它位于正下方。基本单元是扭转相当刚性,遗憾的是少得多,所以显示屏盖。我们也注意到波纹效应,当我们施加压力,后面的盖子。铰链是僵硬,按住盖子的位置,虽然他们不能阻止一些回来,来回弹跳。由于而僵硬铰链,需要双手打开显示屏盖。

The modestly-sized single maintenance cover.
The modestly-sized single maintenance cover.
The chassis has no glossy parts.
The chassis has no glossy parts.
Matte black dominates the appearance.
Matte black dominates the appearance.


All three notebooks are equipped with the standard ports we've come to expect in this segment of the market. The HP Sleekbook does not feature an optical drive and is limited to Fast Ethernet instead of Gigabit Ethernet. Although the V5-551 and the V5-531 are very similar, the way some of the ports are implemented differs: the V5-531 (and also the V5-571G) require the use of a dongle for both Ethernet and VGA; the V5-551 includes full-sized ports instead. In addition, the SD card reader is now on the other side. We are not particularly happy with the location of the ports, as they are mostly located towards the front half of the notebook on either side.

所有这三款笔记本都配备了我们在这一领域的市场所期待的标准端口。 HP Sleekbook不配备光学驱动器是有限的,而不是千兆以太网到快速以太网。虽然V5-551和V5-531非常相似,某些端口的方式来实现不同的V5-531(V5-571G)需要使用以太网和VGA加密狗; V5 -551包括全尺寸的端口,而不是。此外,SD卡读卡器的另一侧。我们特别不开心的端口位置,因为他们大多是位于朝的前半部分笔记本电脑在任何一方。

Right side: 2x USB 2.0, DVD-RW drive, VGA, Kensington lock slot
Right side: 2x USB 2.0, DVD-RW drive, VGA, Kensington lock slot
Left side: power jack, Gigabit Ethernet, HDMI, USB 3.0, SD card reader (SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro), audio combo jack
Left side: power jack, Gigabit Ethernet, HDMI, USB 3.0, SD card reader (SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro), audio combo jack


Acer uses a WLAN module from Atheros (AR5BWB222), which supports standards 802.11 b/g/n. Signal quality was never an issue: the Windows signal strength indicated reported five bars regardless if we were within 3 meters (10 feet) or two floors below the router (transmission strength about 50 percent). The Gigabit Ethernet and the Bluetooth 4.0 modules also from Atheros (AR8151). The integrated webcam (1280 x 720 pixels) delivers slightly noisy and not overly sharp images.


Acer includes a quickstart poster, a quickstart guide, and a pamphlet with warranty information.

Operating System and Recovery

The Aspire V5-551 ships with Windows 8 (64 Bit) pre-installed. A system recovery DVD is not included. To recover the notebook, the user needs to press F8 during bootup to initiate a system restore.

Downgrading the V5-551 to Windows 7 from native Windows 8 is not very complicated, even though Windows 7 does not have all the necessary drivers included (the WLAN and Gigabit Ethernet drivers are missing, for example). Since Acer only supports the V5-551 under Windows 8, we downloaded the drivers for the new OS - and had no problems using them under Windows 7. The driver for the APU can be found on AMD's website. The same is true for the chipset-driver, which is needed since it includes USB 3.0 support (otherwise, the USB 3.0 port can't be used under Windows 7).


The maintenance and expansion options are fairly limited. A small cover allows access to the single RAM slot, which is occupied by a 2 GB module. Another module with the same capacity is soldered onto the motherboard  - the RAM operates in dual-channel mode. Theoretically the RAM could be expanded to 10 GB - but Acer warns that only up to 6 GB are supported. The only way to find out for sure is by trial and error. All the other components are only accessible if the notebook is disassembled further.

To disassemble the base unit, the maintenance cover needs to be taken off and the speaker cable needs to be disconnected, as the speakers are integrated into the bottom plate. After removal of the screws, the optical drive - which is secured by one of the screws that holds the bottom plate in place - can be pulled out. The two halves of the notebook can then be separated - we recommend using a plastic putty knife to avoid damage. Flipping the notebook around and taking off the bottom half gives access to the inside and the other components, including the hard drive, which is not secured by screws. The hard drive in our review model is 9.5 mm thick, although a 7 mm version can also be used as a replacement. 


In Germany, both the Aspire V5-551 and the V5-531 are covered for 24 months against manufacturer's defects; the HP Sleekbook comes with a standard 12 month warranty. The warranty can be extended to three and four years for 70 to 80 Euro (~$90 to ~$105) and 120 to 180 Euro (~$160 to ~$240), respectively. The extensions need to be added within 365 days of the original purchase date.


宏基采用Atheros的(AR5BWB222),它支持标准的802.11 B / G / N无线局域网模块。信号质量是从来没有一个问题:在Windows的信号强度显示报告五道杠,不管我们是3米(10英尺)范围内或两层以下的路由器(约50%)的传输强度。也来自Atheros的AR8151千兆以太网卡和蓝牙4.0模块。集成网络摄像头(1280 x 720像素)主罚稍微嘈杂,而不是过于锐利的图像。




与Windows 8(64位)的Aspire V5-551艘船预装。系统恢复DVD不包括在内。要恢复笔记本电脑,用户需要在启动时按F8键启动系统还原。

降级V5-551到Windows 7原生的Windows 8是不是很复杂,即使Windows 7没有包含所有必要的驱动程序(无线局域网和千兆以太网驱动程序丢失,例如)。由于宏碁只支持V5-551在Windows 8中,我们新的操作系统下载的驱动程序 - 在Windows 7下使用他们没有任何问题。 AMD的网站上可以找到驱动程序的APU。同样是真实的芯片组驱动程序,这是需要的,因为它包含了USB 3.0的支持(否则,USB 3.0端口不能被用来在Windows 7下)。


维护和扩展选项相当有限。一个小盖可以访问单一的RAM插槽,2 GB的模块所占用的。与同容量的另一个模块是焊接在主板上 - 内存工作在双通道模式下。理论上的RAM,可以扩展到10 GB - 但宏碁警告说,支持最多只有6 GB。只有这样,才能找到肯定是通过试验和错误。如果笔记本电脑进一步拆解,所有其他组件只访问。

要拆卸的基本单元,维护盖被取下,需要断开扬声器电缆上,因为扬声器都集成到该底板。拆除的螺丝后,光驱 - 抵押之一的螺丝持有底板到位 - 可以拉出。笔记本电脑的两半,然后可以分离 - 我们建议使用塑料油灰刀,以避免损坏。翻转笔记本脱下半部访问内部和其他组件,包括硬盘驱动器,这是没有用螺丝固定。我们的评价模型中的硬盘驱动器是9.5毫米厚7毫米版本,虽然也可以用来作为替代。

在德国的Aspire V5-551和V5-531包括对制造商的缺陷为24个月;惠普Sleekbook配备了一个标准的12个月保修。保修期可以延长至70%至80欧元(〜$ 90〜$ 105)和120至180欧元(约160美元〜240美元),分别为三年及四年。扩展需要加入的原购买之日起365天以内。

Input Devices


The chiclet-style keyboard features a number pad but no backlight. The main keys - which measure 15 x 15 mm (0.59 x 0.59 inches) - are smooth and flat; their click-point is well defined despite the shallow travel. The keyboard flexes a bit under pressure, although we didn't notice this flex at all while typing.


Acer uses a multitouch enabled clickpad from Elan. The touchpad measures 10.5 x 7.8 cm / 4.13 x 3.07 inches), features a smooth surface, and allows fingers to glide easily. Because of the large size, multitouch gestures - like two-finger zoom - are easy to execute. The individual gestures can be turned on and off in the configuration menu. A clickpad doesn't feature separate mouse buttons - the whole surface is clickable instead. The pad recognizes the finger position and thus if the user clicked the left or right side. Travel is shallow, but the feedback is well defined and the clicks are audible as well.


Chiclet式键盘设有一个数字键盘,但没有背光。主键 - 测量15 x 15毫米(0.59×0.59英寸) - 光滑,平整;点击点被很好地定义,尽管浅旅游。键盘弯曲位的压力下,虽然我们没有注意到这一点,而在所有打字弯曲。


宏基使用多点触控启用的ClickPad义隆。触摸板尺寸为10.5 x7.8厘米/4.13 x3.07英寸),具有光滑的表面,让手指容易下滑。由于大尺寸多点触控手势 - 像两个手指缩放 - 很容易执行。在配置菜单中,可以打开和关闭个别的手势。 Â的ClickPad不具有单独的鼠标按钮 - 是可点击的,而不是整个表面。该焊垫识别手指的位置,因此,如果用户点击的左侧或右侧。旅游是浅的,但反馈是明确界定,并点击发声。

The touchpad supports multi-touch.
The touchpad supports multi-touch.
The keyboard does not offer a backlight.
The keyboard does not offer a backlight.


The Aspire V5-551 comes equipped with a glossy 15.6-inch display featuring a native resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. Other display types are not offered. The average brightness of 192.7 cd/m² places the panel in the bottom half of the middle-tier in our database - although other systems have even dimmer panels: we measured 167.2 cd/m² for the HP Sleekbook and 176.6 cd/m² for the V5-531.

配备的Aspire V5-551采用了镜面的原始分辨率为1366×768像素的15.6英寸显示屏。不提供其他类型的显示。 192.7坎德拉/平方米面板的下半部分中间层在我们的资料库中的平均亮度 - 虽然其他系统有调光面板:我们测量HP Sleekbook167.2坎德拉/平方米和176.6坎德拉/平方米为V5 -531。

Distribution of brightness
AU Optronics B156XW04 V5 tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
Maximum: 208 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 192.7 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 83 %
Center on Battery: 176 cd/m²
Contrast: 904:1 (Black: 0.23 cd/m²)38.84% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
55.4% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
37.43% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
Aspire V5-551 vs. sRGB
Aspire V5-551 vs. sRGB
Aspire V5-551 vs. AdobeRGB
Aspire V5-551 vs. AdobeRGB

After the not overly impressive brightness results, the contrast ratio (904:1) and black level (0.23 cd/m²) come as a real surprise - both values are excellent. In fact, the panels of many much more expensive notebooks can't keep up in this regard - and the displays of the V5-531 (196:1, 0.94 cd/m²) and the Sleekbook (196:1, 0.88 cd/m²) can't compare at all. The gamut range of the panel does not cover the professional color spaces AdobeRGB and sRGB.

As shipped, the display shows significant DeltaE 2000 deviations for the colors white, cyan, magenta, and for the gray levels. The deviation for blue (24) is very high, the other colors are not affected as much: the DeltaE falls between 5 and 10. The display output definitely suffers from a blue cast.

后不是过于令人印象深刻的亮度,对比度(904:1)和黑电平(0.23坎德拉/平方米)来作为一个真正的惊喜 - 这两个值都非常优秀。事实上,许多昂贵得多的笔记本电脑的面板不能跟上在这方面, - 和V5-531(196:1,0.94坎德拉/平方米)和Sleekbook(196:1,0.88坎德拉/平方米的显示器)无法比拟的。面板的色域范围不包括AdobeRGB的专业的色彩空间和sRGB。


CalMan - gray levels
CalMan - gray levels
CalMan - color accuracy
CalMan - color accuracy
CalMan - color saturation
CalMan - color saturation

Although the display is not really bright and glossy to boot, it's usable outside - thanks to the high contrast ratio.

The viewing angle stability is in line with our expectations: deviating in the vertical plane leads to a decrease in picture quality quickly, horizontally the content of the screen remains decipherable up to almost 180 degrees - although the display darkens somewhat.

视角稳定是符合我们的预期:在垂直平面上偏离导致的图像质量下降很快,水平听懂屏幕内容仍然高达近180度 - 虽然显示变得稍显暗淡。

The Aspire V5-551 outdoors.
The Aspire V5-551 outdoors.
Viewing angles Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk.
Viewing angles Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk.


The Aspire V5-551 is a fairly simple business notebook based on an AMD APU. It's designed for the daily tasks like web surfing, communication, office-type work, and video playback. The performance is not really adequate for gaming, as we will see later. The street price of the Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk is currently between 380 and 420 Euro (~$500 to ~$550). Other models in the V5-551 series have a different APU (AMD A8-4555M), hard drive, and/or RAM configurations. The price ranges from 400 to 500 Euro (~$520 to ~$650). There are also versions with a dedicated Radeon HD 7650M GPU.

Aspire V5-551基于AMD APU,是一个相当简单的商务笔记本。它专为日常任务,如网上冲浪,通信,办公型的工作,和视频播放。性能是不是真的足够的游戏,我们将在后面看到。的Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk是目前的零售价为380欧元和420欧元之间(〜$500〜550美元)。 V5-551系列的其他车型中有不同的APU(AMD A8-4555M),硬盘驱动器和/或RAM配置。价格范围从400到500欧元(约520美元〜650美元)。也有一个专用的Radeon HD7650M GPU的版本。

Systeminfo HWInfo
Systeminfo GPUZ
Systeminfo CPUZ RAM SPD
Systeminfo CPUZ RAM
Systeminfo CPUZ Mainboard
Systeminfo CPUZ Cache
Systeminfo CPUZ CPU
System information Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk


The Aspire V5-551 is equipped with a AMD A6-4455M Trinity APU. The CPU section has two cores running at 2.1 GHz - but up to 2.6 GHz are possible when the load increases (AMD Turbo Core). According to AMD, the TDP is 17 watts - same as Intel's ULV processors and the lower-performing E-series APUs.

During the Cinebench single and multi tests, the CPU frequency remained mostly at 2.1 GHz, although one or the other core would spike to 2.3 or 2.6 GHz frequently. The V5 lags behind the Sleekbook (AMD A8-4555MRadeon HD 7600G) in the multi-threaded tests - not surprising, since the HP notebook is equipped with a quad-core CPU. The V5 is faster during the single-threaded tests because of the higher core frequency of its CPU. The V5-531 (Pentium 967HD Graphics) performs similar to the V5-551 running the single-threaded test, but outperforms it during the multi-threaded test. The Pentium processor in the V5-531 runs at 1.3 Ghz but nevertheless manages to deliver equal or better performance. The V5-551 edged out the two competitors when tasked with the Cinebench 11.5 GL test - but trailed them in the Cinebench 10 GL test.

Compared to the E2-1800 APU found in the Lenovo B575e, the A6-4455M APU clearly delivers better CPU benchmarks. This is not really surprising, since the E2-1800 is clocked at a slower 1.7 GHz. The V5-551 also delivers better results running the GL tests since its GPU is more powerful.

Aspire V5-551配备了AMD A6-4455M三位一体的APU。当负载增加(AMD的Turbo核心)的CPU部分有两个核心运行在2.1 GHz - 但可能高达2.6 GHz的。据AMD表示,其TDP为17瓦 - 英特尔的ULV处理器和E系列APU的低不良一样。

的的CINEBENCH单和多测试期间,CPU的频率大多停留在2.1 GHz,虽然一个或其他核心就会猛增到2.3或2.6 GHz的频繁。 V5落后Sleekbook(AMD A8-4555M的Radeon HD7600G),在多线程测试 - 并不令人惊讶,因为惠普笔记本配备了四核CPU。 V5是在单线程测试,因为它的CPU,更高的核心频率快。 V5-531(奔腾967,HD图形)执行V5-551运行单线程测试类似,但比它在多线程的测试。 V5-531运行在1.3 GHz的奔腾处理器,但管理提供同等或更好的性能。 V5-551击败了两个竞争对手时,负责的Cinebench11.5 GL测试 - 但他们在落后的Cinebench10 GL测试。

E2-1800 APU在联想B575e相比,A6-4455M APU显然提供了更好的CPU基准。这是不是真的很奇怪,因为E2-1800是一个较慢的1.7 GHz的主频。 V5-551还提供了更好的结果,因为它的GPU是更强大的运行GL测试。

Cinebench R10 Rendering Single 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Shading 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
2603 Points
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
3585 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading 64Bit
4899 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Single 64Bit
0.62 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 64Bit
0.86 Points
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit
19.5 fps
Cinebench R11.5 - OpenGL 64Bit (sort by value)
Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk
Radeon HD 7500G, A6-4455M, Seagate Momentus 5400.6 ST9500325AS
19.5 fps
Acer Aspire V5-531
HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge), 967, Seagate Momentus Thin ST320LT020-9YG142
6.38 fps -67%
HP Compaq Presario CQ58-350SG
Radeon HD 7310, E1-1200, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
7.64 fps -61%
Lenovo B575e
Radeon HD 7340, E2-1800, WDC Scorpio Blue WD5000BPVT-00HXZT3
8.53 fps -56%
Lenovo IdeaPad S400-MAY8LGE
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD5000LPVT
10.84 fps -44%
HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15z-b000
Radeon HD 7600G, A8-4555M, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
14.23 fps -27%
Samsung 535U3C
Radeon HD 7500G, A6-4455M, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
20.5 fps +5%
Acer Aspire V5-571G-53314G50Makk
GeForce GT 620M, 3317U, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
27.41 fps +41%
Cinebench R11.5 - CPU Multi 64Bit (sort by value)
Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk
Radeon HD 7500G, A6-4455M, Seagate Momentus 5400.6 ST9500325AS
0.86 Points
HP Compaq Presario CQ58-350SG
Radeon HD 7310, E1-1200, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
0.47 Points -45%
Lenovo B575e
Radeon HD 7340, E2-1800, WDC Scorpio Blue WD5000BPVT-00HXZT3
0.64 Points -26%
Samsung 535U3C
Radeon HD 7500G, A6-4455M, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
0.85 Points -1%
Acer Aspire V5-531
HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge), 967, Seagate Momentus Thin ST320LT020-9YG142
0.95 Points +10%
HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15z-b000
Radeon HD 7600G, A8-4555M, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
1.23 Points +43%
Lenovo IdeaPad S400-MAY8LGE
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD5000LPVT
2.38 Points +177%
Acer Aspire V5-571G-53314G50Makk
GeForce GT 620M, 3317U, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
2.38 Points +177%

System Performance

During our time with the notebook, it became apparent that application starts are far from instantaneous. The culprit here is the very slow hard drive, which is also responsible for the pretty low scores the notebook achieved running the two PCMark benchmark tests: both trail the Sleekbook (AMD A8-4555MRadeon HD 7600G) and the V5-531 (Pentium 967HD Graphics). The results of the PC Mark 7 test are comparable to the Lenovo B575e (AMD E2-1800Radeon HD 7340), which has a less powerful APU.

Users interested in the V5-551 might consider swapping out the hard drive. We used an old Solid State Disk (a 32 GB Corsair Nova V32), installed Windows 7, and ran PCMark 7 again: we were rewarded with a speed increase of 61 percent (1931 points). On average, a SSD can better the  PCMark scores by 30 percent - so the fact that we are dealing with a 61 percent increase shows just how slow the hard drive really is.

在我们与笔记本电脑的时候,很明显,应用程序启动远离瞬间。罪魁祸首是很慢的硬盘驱动器,这也是负责笔记本运行的PCMark基准测试中取得了相当低的分数:两个线索Sleekbook(AMD A8-4555M的Radeon HD7600G)和V5-531(奔腾967,HD图形)。 PC马克7测试的结果是与联想B575e(AMD E2-1800的Radeon HD7340),其中有一个不那么强大的APU。

V5-551感兴趣的用户不妨考虑换出硬盘。我们用一个古老的固态磁盘(32 GB的海盗船新V32),安装了Windows7,再次跑的PCMark7:61%的速度增长(1931点),我们得到了回报。平均而言,SSD可以更好的PCMark得分30% - 这样的事实,我们正在处理与61%的增长,显示硬盘真的是多么慢。

Windows 8 Experience Index
Calculations per second
Memory (RAM)
Memory operations per second
Desktop performance for Windows Aero
Gaming graphics
3D business and gaming graphics
Primary hard disk
Disk data transfer rate
PCMark Vantage Result
3053 points
PCMark 7 Score
1201 points
PCMark 7 - Score (sort by value)
Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk
Radeon HD 7500G, A6-4455M, Seagate Momentus 5400.6 ST9500325AS
1201 Points
HP Compaq Presario CQ58-350SG
Radeon HD 7310, E1-1200, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
1073 Points -11%
Lenovo B575e
Radeon HD 7340, E2-1800, WDC Scorpio Blue WD5000BPVT-00HXZT3
1237 Points +3%
Acer Aspire V5-531
HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge), 967, Seagate Momentus Thin ST320LT020-9YG142
1362 Points +13%
Samsung 535U3C
Radeon HD 7500G, A6-4455M, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
1368 Points +14%
HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15z-b000
Radeon HD 7600G, A8-4555M, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
1505 Points +25%
Acer Aspire V5-571G-53314G50Makk
GeForce GT 620M, 3317U, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
1858 Points +55%
Lenovo IdeaPad S400-MAY8LGE
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD5000LPVT
2416 Points +101%

Storage Devices

HD Tune
HD Tune

Acer uses a hard drive model from Seagate's Momentus 5400.6 series. The drive has a capacity of 500 GB and a rotational speed of 5400 RPM. The test results are far from impressive: CrystalDiskMark reports an average read speed of 69.1 MB/s; HD Tune 59.1 MB/s. Both results are quite unremarkable even for 5400 RPM drives.

宏碁采用了希捷的Momentus5400.6系列硬盘型号。该驱动器有一个容量为500 GB,转速为5400 RPM。远离令人印象深刻的测试结果:CrystalDiskMark的报告69.1 MB / s的平均读取速度59.1 MB / s的HD Tune的。这两种结果都相当不起眼,甚至5400转硬盘。

Seagate Momentus 5400.6 ST9500325AS
Transfer Rate Minimum: 32.7 MB/s
Transfer Rate Maximum: 77.8 MB/s
Transfer Rate Average: 59.1 MB/s
Access Time: 18.6 ms
Burst Rate: 53.4 MB/s
CPU Usage: 17.4 %

GPU Performance

The Aspire V5-551 is equipped with an entry-level integrated Radeon HD 7500G GPU. The graphics card supports DirectX 11 and features a core clock speed of 327 MHz. AMD's Turbo Core can increase the clock speed to 424 MHz.

The V5-551 outperformed the other systems when we ran the 3DMark benchmarks. This is surprising, since the Sleekbook (AMD A8-4555MRadeon HD 7600G) has a slightly more powerful GPU with the same frequency, but more pipelines. Both notebooks score similarly when running the 3DMark 11 test. Responsible for the better test results are probably the RAM installed in the V5-551 - it runs in dual-channel mode - and on the other hand throttling, which hampers the performance of the Sleekbook. The V5-531 (Pentium 967HD Graphics) has the lowest-performing GPU and can't keep up with the competition.

Aspire V5-551是一款入门级的集成Radeon HD7500G的GPU配备。显卡支持DirectX11,并设有一个核心的时钟速度为327 MHz。 AMD的Turbo Core可以提高时钟速度为424 MHz。

V5-551优于其他系统,当我们跑了3DMark基准。这是令人惊讶的,因为Sleekbook(AMD A8-4555M的Radeon HD7600G)有稍微更强大的GPU具有相同的频率,但更多的管道。这两款笔记本的得分同样,当运行3DMark 11的测试。负责的更好的测试结果是可能的RAM安装在V5-551 - 它运行在双通道模式 - 在另一方面节流,这阻碍了性能的Sleekbook。 V5-531(奔腾967,高清显卡)表现最低的GPU和无法跟上同业竞争。

3DMark 06 Standard Score
4717 points
3DMark Vantage P Result
2399 points
3DMark 11 Performance
690 points
3DMark Ice Storm Standard Score
22822 points
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score
2080 points
3DMark Fire Strike Score
462 points
3DMark 06 - 1280x1024 Standard Score AA:0x AF:0x (sort by value)
Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk
Radeon HD 7500G, A6-4455M, Seagate Momentus 5400.6 ST9500325AS
4717 Points
Acer Aspire V5-531
HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge), 967, Seagate Momentus Thin ST320LT020-9YG142
1054 Points -78%
HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15z-b000
Radeon HD 7600G, A8-4555M, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
3302 Points -30%

Gaming Performance

The gaming benchmarks confirm it: the V5-551 is not a notebook suitable for gaming - although the APU can handle some current games as long as the resolution (1024 x 768) and details are set to low.

Those looking for an inexpensive, gaming-capable notebook should take a look at the Aspire E1-571G (Core i3-3110M, GeForce GT 620M) or the Packard Bell EasyNote TS11SB-250GE (AMD A8-3520MRadeon HD 6620G + Radeon HD 7670M). Both notebooks have no issues playing most current games - and they sell for less than 500 Euro (~$650).

博彩基准确认:V5-551是不适合玩游戏的笔记本 - 虽然APU可以处理目前的一些游戏,只要分辨率(1024×768)和细节设定为低。

那些寻找一种廉价的,游戏功能的笔记本电脑应该看一看的Aspire E1-571G(酷睿i3-3110M,GeForce®(精视™)GT620M)或德EasyNote TS11SB的250GE(AMD A8-3520M的Radeon HD6620G+的Radeon HD 7670M)。两款笔记本都没有问题,玩最新游戏 - 他们卖不到500欧元(约$650)。

low med. high ultra
Anno 2070 (2011) 46.5 21.4 14.3
F1 2012 (2012) 13
Dead Space 3 (2013) 55.8 27 21.4
Tomb Raider (2013) 35.7 19.3
StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm (2013) 78 30.4 21.1


The fan of the V5-551 is on at all times and always audible. Working with the notebook thus gets annoying fairly quickly. We measured 33.7 - 36.2 dB during idle - both the Sleekbook (32.3 - 32.9 dB) and the V5-531 (31.9 - 34 dB) are less obtrusive. Subjected to medium (3DMark 06 is running) and high load levels (stress test - Prime95 and Furmark running in parallel), the noise level increases to between 38.2 and 41.9 dB. Both the Sleekbook (37.3 - 41.7 dB) and the V5-531 (36.4 - 40.1 dB) are equally noisy.

V5-551的风扇在任何时候,总是听得见。因此,与笔记本电脑工作很烦人的相当迅速。我们测得33.7 - 36.2分贝,在空闲 - Sleekbook(32.3 - 32.9分贝)和V5-531(31.9 - 34分贝)是那么突兀。受介质(3DMark 06的运行)和高负荷水平(压力测试 - Prime95的,用Furmark在并行运行),噪声电平增加38.2和41.9分贝之间。 Sleekbook(37.3 - 41.7分贝),V5-531(36.4 - 40.1分贝)同样嘈杂。

Noise Level

33.7 / 33.7 / 36.2 dB(A)
38.3 / dB(A)
38.2 / 41.9 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Voltcraft sl-320 (15 cm distance)


The Aspire V5-551 during the stress test.
The Aspire V5-551 during the stress test.

During idle, the chassis of the Aspire never exceeds 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). Under load, temperatures increase to between 24.9 and 40 degrees Celsius (76.82 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit). Both the Sleekbook and the V5-531 get warmer during idle - but the temperatures are still acceptable. Under load, the V5-531 gets warmer than the V5-551, the Sleekbook stays a bit cooler.

During the stress test (Prime 95 and Furmark running in parallel for at least one hour), the CPU speed is not consistent : we saw fairly substantial frequency fluctuations for both cores from 900 MHz to 2.6 GHz. After about 10 minutes, the frequency settled around 1.3 GHz - although we could still observe spikes in either direction. The maximum frequency at this point was 2.3 GHz. At the beginning of the stress test, the GPU achieved its Turbo-induced maximum of 424 MHz. After a few minutes, we saw drops down to 327 MHz, after 10 minutes the GPU stayed at that speed for good - save for the occasional spike back up to 424 MHz. After about 25 minutes, we saw occasional drops to 200 MHz. When we repeated the stress test while the notebook was running on battery power, the CPU ran at 2.1 GHz, while the GPU remained at 327 MHz.

Following the stress test - with the notebook plugged in - we repeated the 3DMark 06 benchmark: the resulting score of 3714 points (CPU: 984 points) is lower than what we saw after a cold start. Although it appears that the notebook might be hampered by throttling in high-load scenarios, we don't think that it is really any issue, as the results of the tests and benchmarks overall are right where we would expect them to be. The CPU temperature leveled off at 54 degrees Celsius (129.2 degrees Fahrenheit) with the notebook connected to external power.

在空闲时,底盘的Aspire不会超过摄氏30度(华氏86度)。负载下,温度提高到摄氏24.9度和40度之间,(76.82至华氏104度)。 Sleekbook和V5-531在空闲温暖 - 但温度还是可以接受的。在负载下,V5-531比V5-551转暖,的Sleekbook保持一个有点凉。

压力测试(总理95和至少一个小时,用Furmark在并行运行)期间,CPU的速度并不一致:我们看到了相当的频率从900 MHz到2.6 GHz的两个核心波动。经过约10分钟,约1.3 GHz的频率落户 - 虽然我们仍然可以观察到在两个方向上的高峰。在这一点上的最大频率为2.3千兆赫。压力测试的开始,在GPU实现其涡轮诱导的最大为424 MHz。几分钟后,我们看到下降到327 MHz的GPU,10分钟后,住在这样的速度好 - 除偶尔尖峰高达424 MHz。约25分钟后,我们看到偶尔下降到200 MHz。当我们反复的压力测试,而笔记本电池电源运行,运行在2.1 GHz的CPU,而GPU保持在327 MHz。

压力测试 - 插在笔记本 - 我们反复的3DMark06基准测试:3714点(CPU:984分)得分低于冷启动后,我们看到了什么。虽然它似乎可能会受到影响的笔记本电脑在高负荷的情况下节流,我们不认为它是真的有问题,因为整体的测试和基准测试的结果是正确的,我们希望他们。 CPU温度稳定在54摄氏度(华氏129.2度)与笔记本电脑连接到外部电源。

Max. Load
 35.8 °C30.3 °C26.1 °C 
 36.6 °C33 °C26.6 °C 
 34.5 °C37.7 °C30.9 °C 
Maximum: 37.7 °C
Average: 32.4 °C
24.9 °C33.5 °C36.4 °C
25.5 °C40.6 °C35.3 °C
27.6 °C39.2 °C35.7 °C
Maximum: 40.6 °C
Average: 33.2 °C
Power Supply (max.)  43 °C | Room Temperature 23.5 °C | Voltcraft IR-360
(±) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 32.4 °C / 90 F, compared to the average of 29.5 °C / 85 F for the devices in the class Office.
(+) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 37.7 °C / 100 F, compared to the average of 34.3 °C / 94 F, ranging from 21.2 to 62.5 °C for the class Office.
(±) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 40.6 °C / 105 F, compared to the average of 36.8 °C / 98 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 26.5 °C / 80 F, compared to the device average of 29.5 °C / 85 F.
(±) The palmrests and touchpad can get very hot to the touch with a maximum of 37.7 °C / 99.9 F.
(-) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 27.7 °C / 81.9 F (-10 °C / -18 F).


The stereo speakers of the V5-551 are located on the bottom. They definitely lack base and also sound rather tinny. The pre-installed Dolby Advanced Audio software does improve overall sound quality - but we still strongly recommend headphones or external speakers if premium sound is required.

V5-551的立体声扬声器位于机身底部。他们绝对缺乏基础和听起来也相当自带。预装杜比先进音频软件提高整体音质 - 但我们仍然强烈建议,如果需要高级音响耳机或外部扬声器。

Energy Management

Power Consumption

During idle, we measured a power consumption of between 8.3 and 11.5 watts. The V5-531 needs even less - 8 to 10.5 watts. Under medium load (3D Mark 2006) and high load scenarios (Prime95 and Furmark) the V5-531 (28.4 to 33.9 watts) is again more frugal than the V5-551 (32.6 to 38.9 watts).


在空闲时,我们测量了8.3和11.5瓦的功率消耗。 V5-531的需求,甚至更少 - 8到10.5瓦。在中等负荷(2006年3D马克)和高负载情况下(运行Prime95的Furmark)V5-531(28.4至33.9瓦)比V5-551(32.6至38.9瓦)又是更加节俭。

Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0 / 0.2 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 8.3 / 11.5 / 11.5 Watt
Load midlight 32.6 / 38.9 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 940
Currently we use the Metrahit Energy, a professional single phase power quality and energy measurement digital multimeter, for our measurements. Find out more about it here. All of our test methods can be found here.

Battery Life

To check the battery life in idle mode, we use the Battery Eater Reader's test: the display brightness is turned all the way down, the power saver profile enabled, and the wireless modules turned off. The Aspire V5-551 lasted 5 hours 26 minutes - ahead of the Sleekbook (5 hours even) and the V5-531 (5 hours 9 minutes). To determine the battery life under load, we run the Battery Eater Classic test with the screen set to maximum brightness, performance profile enabled, and wireless modules all turned on. The notebook shut down after 1 hour 18 minutes. This time around, the V5-551 lags slightly behind the competition - the HP lasted 1 hour 27 minutes, the V5-531 1 hour 36 minutes. 

For our WLAN test, we set the screen brightness to 150 cd/m² and enable the power saver profile. A script then visits various webpages every 40 seconds. After 3 hours 19 minutes, we had to plug the notebook back in (HP: 3 hours 20 minutes, V5-531: 3 hours 24 minutes). The notebook was able to play back DVDs for 2 hours 34 minutes - enough for very long movies. The V5-531 (2 hours 39 minutes) lasts slightly longer, however. For that test, we set the display to its maximum brightness, deactivate wireless, and use the power saver profile - unless the playback is not smooth enough, in which case we choose a higher profile.

All three notebooks in our comparison have a battery with a capacity of 37 Wh.

要检查在空闲模式下的电池寿命,我们使用的电池噬魂阅读器的测试:打开显示器的亮度一路下跌,节电配置文件启用,关闭无线模块。的Aspire V5-551历时5小时26分钟 - 提前Sleekbook(5小时甚至)和V5-531(5小时9分钟)。要确定负载下的电池寿命,运行的电池噬魂经典测试与屏幕设置到最大亮度,性能配置启用,无线模块都打开。笔记本电脑关闭后1小时18分钟。这一次,V5-551后面的比赛稍微滞后 - HP历时1小时27分钟,V5-5311小时36分钟。

我们的WLAN测试,我们设置屏幕亮度为150坎德拉/平方米,并启用省电配置。一个脚本,然后访问各种网页,每40秒。经过3小时19分钟,我们有,插上笔记本背面(HP:3小时20分钟,V5-531:3小时24分钟)。笔记本电脑是可以播放2小时34分钟的DVD - 够很长的电影。 V5-531(2小时39分钟)持续时间稍长,但是。测试,我们设置显示它的最大亮度,关闭无线,和使用节电空间 - 除播放不顺畅足够的,在这种情况下,我们选择了较高的知名度。


Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
5h 26min
WiFi Surfing
3h 19min
2h 34min
Load (maximum brightness)
1h 18min


Wie wir testen - Fazit

The Acer Aspire V5-551
The Acer Aspire V5-551

The Acer Aspire V5-551 features a display with a very high contrast ratio in a slim chassis and is protected by a 24-month warranty. The overall impression is marred by a very sluggish hard drive and an overly annoying fan. Performance also suffers because of the slow hard drive. 

Users requiring a system with a more powerful CPU should take a look at the Aspire V5-531. We don't really see a reason to recommend the HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15 above the V5-551 - it's more expensive, has no optical drive, and no Gigabit Ethernet. Battery life is also not any better. Compared to the Sleekbook, the Aspire V5-551 simply offers more for the money.

宏碁Aspire V5-551功能的显示器在超薄机箱具有非常高的对比度,并受24个月的保修期。总的印象是一个非常缓慢的硬盘驱动器和一个过于恼人的风扇毁损。的表现也受到影响,因为缓慢的硬盘驱动器。

用户要求系统具有更强大的CPU应该看一看的Aspire V5-531。我们真的不明白了一个道理,V5-551以上推荐的惠普Pavilion Sleekbook15 - 它更昂贵,没有光驱,没有千兆以太网。续航能力也没有任何好转。的Aspire V5-551 Sleekbook相比,只是提供了更多的钱。

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In Review: Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk
In Review: Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk


Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk (Aspire V5 Series)
AMD A6-4455M 2 x 2.1 - 2.6 GHz, Trinity
Graphics adapter
AMD Radeon HD 7500G, Core: 424 MHz, 8.982.10.6000
4 GB 
, DDR3, dual-channel, one slot, 2 GB soldered on
15.60 inch 16:9, 1366 x 768 pixel, AU Optronics B156XW04 V5, TN LED, glossy: yes
Seagate Momentus 5400.6 ST9500325AS, 500 GB 
, 5400 rpm
AMD Hudson-2 High Definition Audio Controller
2 USB 2.0, 1 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 1 VGA, 1 HDMI, 1 Kensington Lock, Audio Connections: audio combo jack, Card Reader: SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro
Atheros AR8151 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (10/100/1000MBit/s), Atheros AR5BWB222 Wireless Network Adapter (b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/), Bluetooth 4.0
Optical drive
height x width x depth (in mm): 23 x 382 x 253
37 Wh Lithium-Ion, 14.8 V, 2500 mAh
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 8 64 Bit
Webcam: 1.3 Megapixel
Additional features
Speakers: Stereo, Keyboard: Chiclet, Keyboard Light: no, Clear.fi媒体(DVD播放软件),迈克菲网络安全(60天试用版),微软Office2012(试用版),NTI媒体制作9(试用版),Cyberlink的MediaEspresso6.5, 24 Months Warranty
2.3 kg, Power Supply: 217 g
399 Euro


Nice: two WLAN antennas.
Nice: two WLAN antennas.
The battery weighs 190 grams...
The battery weighs 190 grams...
A separate number pad.
A separate number pad.
The speakers are located on the bottom.
The speakers are located on the bottom.
One RAM slot is available.
One RAM slot is available.
The chassis after opening.
The chassis after opening.
The APU is soldered onto the motherboard.
The APU is soldered onto the motherboard.
The cooling fan is accessible for cleaning purposes.
The cooling fan is accessible for cleaning purposes.
The hard drive can be swapped out.
The hard drive can be swapped out.
The DVD-RW drive reads and writes all formats.
The DVD-RW drive reads and writes all formats.
...and has a capacity of 37 Wh.
...and has a capacity of 37 Wh.
The power adapter weighs 217 grams...
The power adapter weighs 217 grams...
...and is rated at 65 watts.
...and is rated at 65 watts.
The Aspire V5-551 outdoors.
The Aspire V5-551 outdoors.

Similar Notebooks

Devices with Same Screen Size and/or Weight

宏碁 Aspire Go 15 评测:运行时间长的办公笔记本,售价 429 欧元
UHD Graphics 32EUs, Alder Lake-N i3-N305, 15.60", 1.71 kg
宏碁 Aspire 5 A515-58GM 评测:配备仿游戏 GPU 的办公笔记本电脑
GeForce RTX 2050 Mobile, Raptor Lake-U i7-1355U, 15.60", 1.794 kg


  • Manufacturer's Information

Price Comparison


+ 保修24个月
+ USB 3.0
+ 显示器提供了良好的对比度


- 范总是发声
- 硬盘是缓慢
- 不容易维护/扩展
- 电池寿命不太好(低容量电池)


What we like

The high contrast ratio and the 24-month warranty.

What we'd like to see

The notebook is in desperate need of a faster hard drive. We would also appreciate a less obtrusive cooling fan.

What surprises us

Acer delivers a bargain notebook - and outfits it with a display with outstanding contrast ratio. Many more expensive notebooks have lower quality screens.

The competition

HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15, Acer Aspire V5-531, HP Compaq Presario CQ58-350sg, Acer Aspire V5-571G, Samsung Serie 3 355E5C-S02DE, Acer Aspire E1-571G, Aspire E1-531, Samsung Serie 5 535U3C, Lenovo IdeaPad S400, Lenovo IdeaPad S405


Acer Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk - 04/02/2013 v3 (old)
Sascha Mölck

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 宏碁Aspire V5-551-64454G50Makk笔记本测评
Sascha Mölck, 2013-05- 2 (Update: 2018-05-15)