惠普 Envy 6-1000sg 超级本测评

While the first generation of Ultrabooks almost exclusively fell into the compact 13-inch category, we've recently witnessed the introduction of more and more models with larger screens. Many of these try to make up for the slight loss of portability with a longer features list and the performance gains that can be achieved with a dedicated graphics card.
The Envy 6-1000g is HP's first attempt in this area of the market, after previously releasing smaller models, such as the Folio 13 or the Envy 14 Spectre. Like all Ultrabooks, the Envy 6 is equipped with an Intel ULV processor, and the choice has come down to the Core i5-3317U, which hails from the latest Ivy Bridge generation. Also part of the package is a dedicated AMD Radeon HD 7670M graphics card, which should find the approval of gamers. The relatively modest price tag of less than 800 Euros (~$1034) forces some compromise in the memory department: 4 GB of RAM are at the lower end, and a 320 GB hard disk (albeit with the help of a 32 GB SSD cache) is average at best.
Thanks to the integrated 4-cell battery, HP promises a battery life of up to 8 hours. Unfortunately, the only display on offer is a glossy 15.6-inch panel with a 1366x768 pixel resolution, but that's typical for the target price range. Here, the Envy 6 will have to compete with rivals such as the Acer Aspire TimelineU M5-581TG, another gaming capable 15-inch Ultrabook.
令人羡慕6-1000G是HP的市场在这方面的第一次尝试,此前发布更小的车型,如开本13和Envy 14的幽灵。像所有的Ultrabooks,羡慕6配备了英特尔ULV处理器,并选择已经下降到了酷睿i5-3317U,来自最新的Ivy Bridge的新一代。包的一部分,是一个专用的AMD Radeon HD 7670M显卡,它应该找到游戏玩家的批准。在相对温和的价格标签的不到800欧元(〜$ 1034)迫使一些妥协的内存部门:4 GB的RAM是在低端,和一个320 GB硬盘(虽然借助一个32 GB SSD缓存)是平均在最好的。
由于集成的4-cell电池,HP承诺的电池寿命长达8小时。不幸的是,只有上显示的报价是一个光滑的15.6英寸面板,具有1366×768像素的分辨率,但是这是典型的目标价格区间。在这里,羡慕6将与对手的竞争,如宏碁Aspire TimelineU M5-581TG,另一个游戏的15英寸Ultrabook。
SApart from the slim profile characteristic of Ultrabooks, the Envy 6 immediately impressed us with its beautiful design and excellent materials. While the back of the display and the top of the chassis are finished in black matte aluminum, the red underside offers a stark contrast - just in case you often find yourself looking at the laptop from below. Attention to detail is reflected in the chrome-look framing of the touchpad, adding to the impression of high build quality that even puts some of the pricier Ultrabook competitors to shame. Unfortunately, the case attracts dirt and finger prints all too easily - frequent use of a cleaning cloth is compulsory.
For a 15-inch laptop, the weight of only 2.15 kg (4.7 pounds) is extremely light, underscoring the mobility aspirations of the Envy 6. In addition, the thickness of less than 2 centimeters (0.78 inches) is just 2 mm (0.08 inches) more than the smaller Asus Zenbook UX32VD. With these numbers, one has to ask: did HP take any shortcuts when it comes to stability?
Fortunately, that's not the case: Especially the base unit is very rigid, thanks to a thick aluminum plate. The rubberized bottom covering also proved to be solid enough, despite its simple plastic construction. The display cannot quite keep up and can be visibly flexed. Given that the hinges are very tight, both hands and a bit of care are required to open up the display.
Apart from this minor shortcoming, the Ultrabook has a remarkable touch and feel to it and oozes build quality. Material transitions reveal no sharp edges or uneven spacing. The HP does not quite reach the lofty quality standard of Apple's MacBooks or Dell's XPS series, but in its price range, the build quality is second to none.
从纤细的轮廓特征的Ultrabooks,羡慕6 SApart立即给我们留下了深刻的印象,其漂亮的设计和优良材料。而背面的显示器和机箱顶部的黑色磨砂铝完成,红色的底部提供了一个鲜明的对比 - 以防万一,你常常会发现自己寻找以下的笔记本电脑。注重细节是体现在镀铬的外观取景的触摸板,增加,高品质的印象,甚至提出了一些价格较高的Ultrabook的竞争对手感到羞耻。不幸的是,吸引灰尘和指纹一样,很容易 - 清洁布的频繁使用是强制性的。
对于15英寸的笔记本电脑,是非常轻的重量仅为2.15公斤(4.7磅),强调了流动性的Envy6的愿望。此外,小于2厘米(0.78英寸)的厚度是仅2毫米(0.08英寸)以上的小华硕ZENBOOK UX32VD。有了这些数字,人们要问:惠普采取任何的快捷键,当它涉及到稳定吗?
的Ultrabook除了这个小的缺点,具有显着的触摸和感觉,它和渗出建设质量。材料转换显示没有锋利的边缘或不均匀的间距。 HP并没有完全达到苹果的MacBook笔记本或者戴尔的XPS系列的崇高品质标准,但其价格范围内,建设质量是首屈一指的。
An Ultrabook is primarily a travel companion, and neither designed for, nor capable of, replacing a full DTR Notebook. This is reflected in the limited range of connectors, and our test candidate is no exception. At least, we find 3 USB ports, two of which support the fast SuperSpeed standard, aka USB 3.0. In addition, the single USB 2.0 port offers the possibility of charging Smartphones or MP3 players while the notebook itself is switched off.
The rest of the ports on the Envy 6 are standard fare: HDMI, Gigabit Ethernet, a 2-in-1 card reader (SD, MMC) and the obligatory audio sockets - we did not find any particular highlights like a DisplayPort. The user even has to make do without an analog VGA port.
HP has squeezed all connectors near the rear on both sides of the chassis. In some instances, the spacing between them can be a bit too tight, for example, a thick USB stick might block neighboring ports. We also don't particularly like the poor accessibility of the card reader or that of the microphone and headphone jacks, which we would have preferred to have seen nearer to the front.
一个Ultrabook是主要的旅行伴侣,既不是设计,也没有能力,更换DTR笔记本电脑。这反映在有限的范围内连接器,我们的考生也不例外。至少,我们找到了3个USB接口,其中两个支持快速超标准,也就是USB 3.0。此外,单一的USB 2.0端口提供智能手机或MP3播放器充电,而笔记本本身被关闭的可能性。
其余的端口上的Envy6标准收费:HDMI,千兆以太网卡,2合1卡读卡器(SD,MMC)和强制性的音频插座 - 我们没有发现任何特别的亮点,像一个DisplayPort。用户甚至有没有一个模拟VGA端口。
HP has opted for a WLAN card in mini PCIe format made by Broadcom, the 4313GN (1x1) to be precise. This low-end model only transmits in the 2.4 Ghz band, and supports 802.11 b/g/n standards. Neither the range nor the maximum transfer rate (72 MBit/s BRUTTO) left a particularly good impression during our test, and could become a problem when connecting to more distant Wi-Fi hot spots. At least the adapter also supports Bluetooth, but only the older 3.0 + HS (high speed extension) variant. HP does not offer a UMTS (3G) option.
The "TrueVision-HD-Webcam" is integrated in the display frame, and capable of 1.3 Megapixel resolution. Image quality is at best average; neither sharpness nor noise level are particularly convincing. On the upside, the sensor delivers a fluent video stream, even at maximum resolution. The built-in microphone delivers slightly tinny and hollow sounds, only really usable for applications like Skype.
The HP Envy 6-1000sg comes shipped with a battery, 65 Watt power adapter, a few brochures and warranty papers included in a slim box. The manufacturer does not provide any additional extras, like recovery or driver media. The preinstalled Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit operating system is mostly free of annoying tool bars or trial versions, but all the useful standard programs like Adobe's Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Office 2010 (starter edition) are on board. In addition, there are a couple of more or less useful manufacturer tools. The HP Security Assistant lets the user manage passwords or create backups; the Connection Manager provides an overview of network connections.
The lack of a service cover makes user serviceability rather cumbersome: A total of nine screws have to be removed from the underside before the case can be carefully jimmied open. After you've cleared this first hurdle, however, most components of the Envy 6 can be replaced with relative ease.
While the 2.5-inch bay and the mSATA slot are already occupied, there's nothing to prevent you from upgrading the RAM. The Wi-Fi module could also be exchanged by the user, although the single antenna means that faster adapters will have limited use.
According to a sticker on the bottom, HP offers a two-year manufacturer's warranty. This time span can be extended to a total of three years with an optional upgrade called "Care Pack", for a price of about 120 Euros (~$155), depending on the seller.
惠普已经选择了一个MINI PCIE格式由博通(Broadcom),4313GN(1×1)要准确的WLAN卡。这种低端机型仅在2.4 GHz频段进行传输,并支持802.11 B / G / N标准。无论是范围,也不是最高传输速率(72兆比特/秒BRUTTO)留下了印象特别好,在我们的测试,并可能成为一个问题,当连接到更遥远的Wi-Fi热点。至少适配器还支持蓝牙,但只有3.0 + HS(高速扩展名)的变体。 HP不提供UMTS(3G)选项。
惠普Envy 6 1000sg都附带的电池,65瓦电源适配器,几个说明书和保修文件包括在一个小机箱。制造商不提供任何额外的附加功能,恢复或驱动程序介质等。烦人的工具条或试用版本,预装Windows 7家庭高级版64位操作系统大多是免费的,但机上所有的有用的标准程序,如Adobe的Acrobat Reader或Microsoft Office 2010(精简版)。此外,有一对夫妇或多或少有用的制造商工具。 HP国家安全事务助理,用户可以管理密码,或创建备份的网络连接的连接管理器提供了一个概述。
的服务覆盖不足,使用户可维修性相当麻烦:一共有九颗螺丝从底部之前被删除的情况下可以被仔细jimmied的开放。然而,你这第一道障碍已经清除后,大部分部件的Envy 6可以更换相对容易。
根据底部的贴纸上,HP提供了一个为期两年的制造商的保修服务。此时间跨度,可以延长三年总与一个可选的升级,被称为“金牌”,以优惠的价格约为120欧元(约$ 155),根据卖方。
Input Devices
HP has equipped the Envy 6 with a generous full-size chiclet-style keyboard, but sadly there is no numbers block. On the upside, the user can take comfort in the 15 x 15 mm (0.6 x 0.6 in.) keys, which facilitate the transition from an ordinary PC keyboard. Neither the manufacturing quality nor the stability leave much to criticize, only a slight flexibility in the middle part tempers the overall convincing picture.
Apart from the fact that the space key got stuck on our test sample, the positive impression carries over to the typing comfort. Key presses require very little effort, with a relatively short key travel followed by a precise and well-defined pressure point. The tactile feedback would be even better with more structured key surfaces and slightly larger spacings between the letters, for which there would be enough room, as the 35 millimeters (1.38 inches) of free space on either side of the keyboard show. Particularly fast typing results in a slight rattling noise of the keys, but that did not really bother us.
Like the keyboard, the touchpad is also inset in the aluminum cover of the base unit by several millimeters, which helps to clearly mark the input surface from the surrounding palm rest. Unfortunately, the slightly glossy finish of the Synaptic pad only works well with perfectly dry hands - sweaty fingers will cause considerable resistance. Multi-touch gestures like pinch-zoom are no problem, thanks to the impressive 11 x 7 centimeter (4.33 x 2.76 inch) dimensions, and can be configured according to user preferences in the driver panel.
The mouse keys are integrated directly into the underside of the touchpad, and require a firm press. Even after a click is registered, the keys can be impressed a further 1 to 2 millimeters (0.04 to 0.08 inches), which does not inspire the highest degree of confidence in the mechanics. This behavior is commonly found on models from other manufacturers as well, that are of a similar design.
HP配备了羡慕与慷慨的全尺寸希克莱式键盘,但遗憾的是没有数字块。从正面看,用户可以采取舒适在15 x 15毫米(0.6 x 0.6英寸),推动过渡到普通PC键盘的键。无论是制造质量也不稳定留下太多的批评,只有轻微的灵活性,在中间部分的脾气整体有说服力的图片。
像键盘,触摸板也嵌入在基座单元由几个毫米,这有助于清楚地标明从周围的掌托的输入表面的铝盖。不幸的是,稍有光泽的表面的突触垫完全干燥的手 - 满身是汗的手指会造成相当大的阻力。多点触摸手势,如捏变焦是没有问题的,令人印象深刻的11×7厘米(4.33 x2.76英寸)尺寸的感谢,并可以根据用户的喜好在驱动器面板配置。
For several years now, a resolution of 1366x768 pixels has been the norm for entry-level and mid-range notebooks in 15.6-inch format. If you want more than the resultant 100 dpi pixel density, you'll often have to dig much deeper into your pockets.
Even more disappointing than the low resolution, however, is the weak background illumination, which only manages a maximum screen brightness of 158 cd/m². For comparison, some other Ultrabooks like the Asus Zenbook UX31A are more than twice as bright. While this may not be necessary for indoor use, it does come in very handy outdoors - but more on that later.
几年来,分辨率为1366×768像素的入门级和中档笔记本电脑的15.6英寸格式的规范。如果你想多得到的100 dpi的像素密度,你会经常到你的口袋里挖多深。
更让人失望的,然而,这是比分辨率低的弱背景照明,只管理一屏最高亮度为158 cd /m²的。相比之下,其他一些Ultrabooks的华硕ZENBOOK UX31A等是亮度的两倍以上。虽然这可能没有必要在室内使用,它都非常方便户外 - 但更多的后来。
Brightness Distribution: 86 %
Center on Battery: 164 cd/m²
Contrast: 195:1 (Black: 0.84 cd/m²)44.54% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
62.7% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
42.88% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
Our disappointment extends to the other measurements as well. The contrast of 195:1 is just as pale as we've grown used to from many other TN panels. Much of the blame falls on the too high black level of 0.84 cd/m², which can be felt particularly in high contrast movies or games. Dark screen areas appear as if overcast by a gray veil, something our test candidate has in common with most of its competitors.
While not relevant for the majority of potential buyers, we'll also take a look at the display's color range. Unsurprisingly, it neither covers the sRGB nor the AdobeRGB color spaces, which limits the notebook's usability for specialized graphics applications or professional photo editing.
我们的失望以及延伸到其它测量。 195:1的对比度,同样是苍白的,因为我们已经习惯了从许多其他的TN面板。大部分的责任落在0.84 cd /m²的,特别是在高对比度的电影或游戏,可以感受到过高的黑电平。黑暗的的屏幕区域出现,如果阴的灰色面纱,是我们的考生有共同的大多数竞争对手。
When a notebook is as mobile as the Envy 6, unlimited outdoor readability is of the essence. Unfortunately, HP falls short on two fronts: In combination with the much too low display brightness, the glossy finish makes images hard to see even outside of direct sunlight. The manufacturer really needs to get its act together here.
Our final discipline, the measurement of viewing angles, is no strong suit of the display either. Typical of TN panels, even a slight variation of seating position results in a noticeable decrease of image quality. The vertical is particularly hard hit, but even in the horizontal, the Envy 6 cannot compete with the (admittedly much more expensive) Zenbook UX32VD.
我们最终的纪律,测量的可视角度,是没有显示的强项。典型的TN面板的座椅位置的图像质量明显减少,即使是轻微的变化。纵是特别沉重的打击,但即使在水平,羡慕6(诚然贵得多)ZENBOOK UX32VD无法与之抗衡。
A thin laptop requires a ULV processor in order to officially qualify as an Ultrabook, according to the specifications of Intel, "inventor" of the category. HP has opted for the midrange model Core i5-3317U , a 1.7 GHz dual-core CPU of the current Ivy Bridge generation. Like all Core i5 (and Core i7) processors, the 3317U features Intel's Turbo Boost 2.0 technology, which enables the clock speed to increase in steps of 100 Mhz, up to a maximum of 2.6 Ghz (2.4 Ghz in dual-core mode). Multithreaded software can benefit from Hyperthreading, where each core executes two threads in parallel. In terms of power consumption, the 22nm CPU is quite moderate: like all ULV models, the TDP is specified at only 17 Watts.
While most Ultrabooks have to make do with the HD Graphics 4000 option integrated into the chipset, the Envy 6 comes equipped with an additional dedicated graphics card. After most of the models we've had for review recently featured NVIDIA’s Kepler series, we are surprised to see the choice of the slightly older Radeon HD 7670M. AMD's card also enables dynamic graphics switching (which the manufacturer calls "Dynamic Switchable Graphics" or "Enduro") comparable to Optimus, so that no power goes to waste in idle mode.
The RAM is specified at a minimal 4 GB (1 module of DDR3-1600 made by Hynix), and the 320 GB hard disk is also a common choice for entry level notebooks. At least, HP also provides a 32 GB SSD cache, which should increase responsiveness.
薄的笔记本电脑需要ULV处理器,根据英特尔的规格,以正式有资格作为Ultrabook的“发明家”之类的。惠普已经选择了中端型号酷睿i5-3317U,目前的Ivy Bridge的新一代1.7 GHz的双核CPU。像所有核心酷睿i5(和酷睿i7)处理器,该3317U功能,英特尔的睿频加速2.0技术,这使的时钟速度,以增加在100 MHz的步骤,最多最多2.6千兆赫(2.4 GHz的双核模式)。可以受益于超线程技术,每个核心执行两个线程并行多线程软件。在功耗方面,22nm的CPU是相当温和的,像所有的ULV机型中,只有17瓦的TDP指定。
虽然大多数Ultrabooks必须做的HD4000图形选项集成到芯片组,羡慕配备一个额外的专用图形卡。我们有审查后,大部分的车型特色的NVIDIA的开普勒一系列的,我们惊喜地看到年龄稍大的Radeon HD7670M的选择。 AMD的卡还实现了动态显卡切换(制造商要求的“动态显卡切换”或“耐力赛”)相比,擎天柱,所以没有动力去浪费在空闲模式下。
指定的RAM最小的4 GB(1个模块由海力士DDR3-1600),和320 GB硬盘的入门级笔记本电脑的共同选择。至少,HP还提供了一个32 GB的SSD高速缓存,这应该提高响应能力。
Since we already know the Core i5-3317U from a number of other Ultrabooks, the CPU performance of the model under review is easy to evaluate. The deciding factor now becomes whether the CPU can make full use of the turbo frequencies - and that's the case on the Envy 6, both plugged in and on battery power. The Cinebench R11.5 score of 2.39 points is just as good as the results of the single-thread mode of the Cinebench R10, which come in at 4267 points (all in 64-bit mode). You will find many more benchmark results in the corresponding page of our CPU database.
Compared to ordinary 35 Watt models like the Core i5-3210M, the ULV CPU trails by only 20%, hardly noticeable in practice. For most applications and games that's more than enough power, only the most demanding software like HD video editing and advanced graphics processing will on occasion make you wish for a quad-core chip. Needless to say that such a level of performance would be hard to combine with the portability and stamina of a lightweight Ultrabook.
既然我们已经知道了酷睿i5-3317U从一些其他Ultrabooks,CPU性能下的模型是很容易评估。现在的决定因素是否可以充分利用CPU的涡轮频率 - 是这种情况的Envy6,插上电源和电池电量。 CINEBENCH R11.5得分为2.39分,是的Cinebench R10的单线程模式,在4267点(在64位模式下)的结果一样好。你会发现很多的基准测试结果的对应页面中的CPU数据库。
相比普通35瓦的模型,如酷睿i5-3210M,的ULV CPU路径只有20%,“在实践中难以察觉。对于大多数应用程序和游戏,更重要的是足够的能力,只有最苛刻的高清视频编辑和先进的图形处理软件,如,有时让你希望的四核芯片。不用说,这样的性能水平,将是很难结合的便携性和耐力,一个轻量级的Ultrabook。
More and more manufacturers go for a combination of a classic HD and a fast SSD cache - not surprisingly, since it offers a well-balanced compromise of capacity and performance at an attractive price point.
From the point of view of the user, this RAID configuration works completely seamlessly. The most frequently used data is automatically stored on the SSD, and in an ideal case, the much larger access time of the hard disk never becomes an issue.
Inside the Envy 6, we find a Hitachi HDD (HTS545032A7E380, 320 GB), as well as an mSATA drive made by Samsung (PM 830, 32 GB). While the hard disk isn't a particularly fast one, with 8 GB of cache and spinning at 5400 RPM, the performance of Samsung's current SSD generation had already impressed us in several previous tests.
At least according to our benchmarks, HD Tune and CrystalDiskMark, however, the combination does not seem to work together that well. The average sequential transfer rate of about 55 MB/s is even lower than what the HDD should be capable of on its own. For small 4K files, we were able to witness much better results, in line with our expectations for flash memory.
越来越多的厂商相结合的一个经典的HD和一个快速的SSD缓存 - 这并不奇怪,因为它提供了一个良好的平衡妥协的容量和性能在一个有吸引力的价格点。
内的Envy6,我们找到了日立硬盘(HTS545032A7E380,320 GB),以及一个迷你SATA驱动器由三星(PM830,32 GB)。虽然硬盘是不是特别快,8 GB的高速缓存,转速为5400 RPM,目前三星的SSD代的性能已经给我们留下了深刻的印象在以前的几篇测试。
至少根据我们的基准测试中,HD Tune和CrystalDiskMark的,但是组合起来的似乎没有工作在一起的。平均顺序约55 MB / s的传输速率比硬盘驱动器应该能够在其自己的甚至更低。对于小的4K文件,我们能够亲眼目睹了更好的结果,符合我们的预期快闪记忆体。
System Performance
The fact that the SSD cache is still worthwhile becomes apparent in the system performance benchmarks of the PCMark series. Here, scores of 7436 points in PCMark Vantage and 3528 points in PCMark 7 place the Envy 6 right in between notebooks with only mechanical hard disks, and those with full SSD drives.
Several days of real-life tests have left us with a similar impression. At just 25 seconds, the startup process is completed noticeably quicker than on comparable notebooks that don't benefit from the additional cache. Frequently used programs like the web browser start almost instantly. Naturally, larger data sets that don't fit inside the SSD do not show any signs of improvement.
事实上,SSD缓存仍然是值得的,明显的PCMark系列的系统性能基准测试。在这里,在PCMark Vantage的7436分和3528分的成绩在PCMark7处的Envy权利之间,只有机械硬盘的笔记本电脑,以及完整的SSD驱动器。
PCMark Vantage Result | 7436 points | |
PCMark 7 Score | 3529 points | |
Help |
Graphics Card
Contrary to the cards of the 7700M, 7800M and 7900M series, the Radeon HD 7670M is still manufactured in the old 40nm process, and is based on the 5D shader architecture of the HD-5000 series, to the detriment of energy efficiency.
As specified by AMD, HP runs the 480 shader units at 600 Mhz, and connects 2 GB of DDR3 VRAM (900 Mhz) via the 128-bit memory interface. Overall, the HD 7670M reaches about the same level of performance as an NVIDIA GeForce GT 620M/630M, which ranks in the lower midrange. In the performance preset of 3DMark 11, the final score was 1172 points - similar to the Zenbook UX32VD, but with its speedy GeForce GT 640M, the Timeline Ultra M3-581TG leads by more than 50 percent.
On battery power, the GPU throttles its frequency to 400 Mhz, which significantly limits 3D performance (3DMark 11: 700 points). While that's still a bit faster than the integrated Intel HD Graphics 4000, HP clearly sacrifices some graphics performance in favor of a longer battery life.
相反,7700M,7800M和7900M系列卡的Radeon HD7670M仍然在旧的40nm工艺制程制造,并5D着色器架构的HD-5000系列,不利于能源效率的基础上。
指定的AMD,HP在600 MHz运行的480着色单元,以及2 GB DDR3 VRAM(900 MHz)的连接,通过128位的内存接口。总体来看,HD7670M达到相同的性能水平的NVIDIA GeForce GT620M/630M,排在较低的中频。在预设的3DMark11性能,最终的比分是1172点 - 类似ZENBOOK UX32VD的,但其快速的GeForce GT640M,超过50%的“时间线”超M3-581TG线索。
GPU节流电池供电,其频率为400 MHz,这大大限制了3D性能(3DMark 11的700点)。虽然这仍然是一个有点快于集成Intel HD Graphics4000,HP清楚地牺牲了一些图形性能支持更长的电池寿命。
3DMark 05 Standard | 12573 points | |
3DMark 06 Standard Score | 7539 points | |
3DMark Vantage P Result | 4774 points | |
3DMark 11 Performance | 1172 points | |
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Gaming Performance
The Radeon HD 7670M, as well as the identical HD 6650M have made it to our test bench several times - you will find the corresponding bench marks in our GPU database.
In line with expectations from the synthetic 3DMark test, in games, too, the graphics card performs pretty much on par with the GeForce GT 620M, which makes it see eye to eye with the Aspire V5-571G: Many current games, like Deus Ex: Human Revolution or Anno 2070 are playable at the display's native resolution of 1366x768 pixels and medium detail settings. Particularly demanding titles, such as Alan Wake, may require somewhat reduced settings, while older or less complex games like FIFA 12 leave some performance reserves, that can be used for additional features such as anti-aliasing or anisotropic filters.
Compared to the HD Graphics 4000, the 7670M has a comfortable advantage of between 50 and 100% that also comes through in practice.
ATI的Radeon HD7670M,以及相同的HD 6650M我们的试验台几次 - 你会发现在我们的GPU中相应的基准点。
与预期由人工合成的3DMark测试,在游戏中,也显卡进行相当多看齐,与GeForce GT620M,这使得它亲眼看见的Aspire V5-571G:目前,很多游戏,像杀出重围:人类革命或纪元2070年,在显示器的原始分辨率为1366×768像素和中等详细设置播放。要求特别严格的称谓,如艾伦唤醒,可能需要设置有所减少,而旧的或不太复杂的游戏,如FIFA 12留下一些储备,可以用于作为抗锯齿和各向异性过滤器等附加功能。
7670M HD图形4000相比,具有在50和100%之间,通过在实践中还配备一个舒适的优势。
low | med. | high | ultra | |
Deus Ex Human Revolution (2011) | 92.6 | 37.2 | ||
Fifa 12 (2011) | 172.3 | 112 | 83.2 | 49.2 |
Anno 2070 (2011) | 83.4 | 35.6 | 22.6 | |
Alan Wake (2012) | 32.5 | 19.7 |
System Noise
The warm summer weather of recent weeks has lasted throughout our test, so the HP Envy 6 had to undergo the following measurements under outside temperatures of 25 to 26 degrees centigrade. As a result, the fan was already spinning relentlessly at idle, but keeping fairly quiet at about 33 dB(A)
Under load, the fan spins up much higher, and reaches up to 40.4 dB(A). Thanks to its constant speed and a sound frequency that's subjectively not too bothersome, this level of noise seems acceptable and in line with expectations given the slim construction and the decent performance. Comparable notebooks like the Gigabyte U2442N or the Acer Aspire M3-581TG got sometimes considerably louder during our stress test.
负载下,风扇转速高得多,达至40.4分贝(A)。由于其恒定的速度和声音的频率,主观上没有太多麻烦,这个级别的噪音似乎是可以接受的,苗条的建设和不俗的性能表现与预期一致。有时比较笔记本,像技嘉U2442N或宏碁Aspire M3-581TG了相当的声音
Noise Level
Idle |
| 33 / 33 / 33.1 dB(A) |
| 33.1 dB(A) |
Load |
| 40.4 / 40.4 dB(A) |
![]() | ||
30 dB silent 40 dB(A) audible 50 dB(A) loud |
min: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
HP makes use of the aluminum surfaces to channel part of the heat generated by the CPU and graphics card out of the case. While this helps to keep the hardware cool, the effect this has on the user are less fortunate: Even at idle, the case warms up to an average of 34 degrees centigrade. After prolonged periods of full load, temperatures in excess of 40 degrees were reached, even though that sounds more dramatic than it feels in practice. Firstly, extreme temperatures of 45 degrees were only recorded near the air vent, which is located on the back and out of reach of the user's hands. Secondly, temperatures reached during the stress test represent a theoretical maximum, and will rarely be encountered in real life. On the contrary, the Envy 6 can usually be placed on your lap without problems.
The efficiency of the cooling system is reflected in our temperature measurements from inside the case: After about 60 minutes of running Prime95, the Core i5 settles on about 77 degrees centigrade, while the Radeon GPU heats up to no more than 65 degrees centigrade during the FurMark test. With these low values, it's surprising that HP severely restricts the processor's Turbo Boost function: After just a few minutes, the CPU throttles down to its base rate of 1.7 Ghz. In our opinion, the cooling design would be well capable of dealing with higher clock speeds.
反映在冷却系统的效率,从内部的情况下,我们的温度测量:运行Prime95的约60分钟后,在约摄氏77度的Core i5平息的Radeon GPU(图形处理器),同时加热到不超过65℃的过程中的FurMark测试。这些值低,令人惊讶的是HP严重限制了处理器的Turbo Boost功能后,短短几分钟内,其基准利率为1.7 GHz的CPU节流。在我们看来,对散热设计将能够处理更高的时钟速度。
(-) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 49.6 °C / 121 F, compared to the average of 36.9 °C / 98 F, ranging from 21.1 to 71 °C for the class Multimedia.
(-) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 54 °C / 129 F, compared to the average of 39.2 °C / 103 F
(±) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 34 °C / 93 F, compared to the device average of 31.3 °C / 88 F.
(+) The palmrests and touchpad are reaching skin temperature as a maximum (34 °C / 93.2 F) and are therefore not hot.
(-) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 28.8 °C / 83.8 F (-5.2 °C / -9.4 F).

A large "Beats Audio" sticker is prominently displayed on the box, suggesting exceptional sound quality. Two stereo speakers located above the keyboard and a small subwoofer hidden within the case are tasked with keeping that promise.
In practice, our high expectations were only partly fulfilled. The audio presets configured by the manufacturer are all biased towards the high end, but lack mid tones and bass. With a few adjustments, however, a pretty well balanced soundscape can be reached, with the exception of basses that remain disappointing. Still, the speakers are adequate for playing the occasional movie or music and deliver a volume adequate for filling a medium sized room if required. Hi-Fi aficionados will be able to connect their home cinema system via the HDMI adapter, while headphones can be connected to the 3.5 millimeter audio jack.
一个大型的“Beats Audio的”标签贴在包装盒上突出显示,建议出色的音质。两个立体声扬声器位于键盘上方的和隐藏在一个小低音炮的情况下的任务是保持这一承诺。
在实践中,只有部分满足我们的期望很高。配置的音频预置制造商都偏向高端,但缺乏中间色调和低音。然而,随着一些调整,一个非常均衡的音景达,除低音仍然令人失望。不过,发言者有足够偶尔打的电影或音乐,并提供足够的填充一个中等大小的房间,如果需要的量。 Hi-Fi音响爱好者将可以通过HDMI适配器连接家庭影院系统,同时可以连接到耳机的3.5毫米音频插孔。
Battery Life
Power Consumption
Unlike most Ultrabooks, which are optimized to consume as little power as possible, HP tries to strike a balance between performance and energy efficiency with the Envy 6. Thanks to the dynamic graphics switching, the approach works very well at idle: only 6 to 8.4 Watts are the hallmarks of a perfectly configured system, and match the values of most competitors that don't include a dedicated GPU.
Due to the fact that the Radeon HD 7670M is manufactured in the 40 nanometer process, we expected a relatively high power uptake during games. But far from it: In 3DMark 06, the laptop contends itself with only 37.6 Watts, and the 42.4 Watts during the stress test represent a remarkably low value, too. To be fair, these figures are largely resulting from the inactive CPU Turbo Boost - during the first few seconds when the CPU runs at 2.4 Ghz, the power consumption slightly exceeds the 50 Watts mark. Nevertheless, the Envy 6 does a remarkable job in this area, on par with the Acer Aspire V5-571G, which features a 28 nanometer GPU.
The power supply is rated at 65 Watts, which is adequate for this laptop.
的40纳米工艺制造的Radeon HD7670M的事实,由于在比赛中,我们预期相对较高的功率吸收。但远非如此:在3DMark 06测试中,笔记本电脑的争辩本身只有37.6瓦和42.4瓦在压力测试一个非常低的值时,也。为了公平起见,这些数字主要是从非CPU Turbo Boost的 - 在几秒钟时,CPU运行频率为2.4 GHz,功率消耗略微超过50瓦大关。不过,羡慕6在这方面做了出色的工作,等同于宏碁Aspire V5-571G,采用了28纳米的GPU。
Off / Standby | ![]() ![]() |
Idle | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Load |
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Battery Life
The inclusion of a large 60 Wh battery is intended to provide good battery life - up to 8 hours are promised by the manufacturer.
Our tests show that HP really has not been overly optimistic with that statement. Under optimum conditions (energy saving settings, minimum display brightness, wireless modules disabled), we managed more than 9 hours during the Battery Eater Reader’s Test, which put the Envy 6 among the best of the competition.
Even in the more realistic WLAN test (energy saving settings, display brightness 150 cd/m²), the user can browse the web for almost six hours before the notebook needs to be plugged in again. In terms of battery life, the HP Envy 6 outperforms both the Aspire V5-571G as well as the Zenbook UX32VD, both of which are equipped with smaller batteries.
Under maximum load, simulated using the Battery Eater Classic Test, the notebook benefits from the reduced GPU speed and manages a run time of a full two 2 hours. The required charge takes about 15 minutes more, depending on whether or not the laptop is in use while charging.
纳入一个大的60瓦时电池的目的是提供良好的电池寿命 - 长达8小时的制造商所承诺的。
即使在更现实的WLAN测试(节能设置,显示亮度为150坎德拉/平方米),用户可以浏览网页几乎6小时笔记本计算机之前需要再次插入。在电池续航方面,惠普Envy6性能的Aspire V5-571G以及ZENBOOK UX32VD,这两者都配备了更小的电池。
Ultrabooks are coming of age: Thanks to its dedicated graphics card, the HP Envy 6-1000sg can be transformed from an enduring travel companion into a gaming-capable all-rounder if required.
Even though the Radeon HD 7670M may no longer represent the cutting edge of technology, it is still capable of running most current games fluently, and also wins our favor with a surprisingly good power efficiency. At idle, the Envy 6 works just as economically as most of its competitors, and reaches a superb battery life that exceeds even the manufacturer's claims.
Unfortunately, the inferior screen disqualifies the notebook for outdoor use. Both the sub-average brightness and the glossy finish keep the user locked indoors - a double blow, considering that the Ultrabook has been designed for portability. The poor Wi-Fi reception just adds to the poor performance here.
We're left with a slightly ambivalent feeling: For about 750 Euros (~$969), you get a well-made multimedia notebook, but judged by the key criteria of an Ultrabook, it falls short. In the same price region, there are both more powerful and more mobile alternatives - HP has tried to make a compromise between the two. As a result, the Envy 6 is perhaps most directly comparable to models such as the Aspire V5-571G or the Aspire TimelineU M5-581TG, both manufactured by Acer. We weren't able to establish a clear front runner, so the buyer is left with the choice depending on personal preferences, and has to balance price, performance and features.
即使是Radeon HD7670M不再能代表最尖端的技术,它仍然是能够流利地运行最新的游戏,一个出乎意料的好电源效率,也赢得了我们的青睐。在怠速时,羡慕6经济,因为其大多数竞争对手一样,达到了出色的电池寿命,甚至超过了制造商的要求。
不幸的是,下屏幕不合格的笔记本电脑在户外使用。子平均亮度和光泽的表面,让用户锁在室内 - 双重打击下,考虑到了Ultrabook已被设计为可携性。这个可怜的Wi-Fi接收,只是在这里表现不佳。
我们留下了一个稍微暧昧的感觉:约750欧元(约$969),你会得到一个制作精良的多媒体笔记本电脑,但判断的重要标准的Ultrabook的不足之处。在同一价格区域,都更加强大和更加移动的替代品 - 惠普曾试图使两者之间的一种妥协。因此,羡慕也许是最直接可比的Aspire V5-571G的Aspire TimelineU的M5-581TG,制造的宏碁等车型。我们无法建立一个清晰的领跑者,所以买家留下的选择取决于个人的喜好,并具有平衡价格,性能和功能。