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三星Galaxy Tab8.0 SM-T310平板测评

选项卡上,第三.三星拥有的东西每个人都在其平板组合的Galaxy Tab8.0是针对用户,谁正在寻找一个中等大小的平板电脑,并可以不用笔输入。自信,三星希望299欧元的钱 - 一个适当的值?
Android Tablet
In review: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0. Courtesy of Cyberport.


作为其智能手机的三星平板电脑的选择是不太大。 ATIV Tab键,用户可以选择其中的Windows RT,Windows 8中,与Android或银河注意,这是更加着眼于企业客户。然后我们还有的Galaxy Tab系列,这是为私人客户的Android平板电脑。

后者刚刚进入它的第三代 - 我们的测试单元,8英寸的版本,也是它的一部分。此外,还包括更常见的尺寸为7英寸和10.1英寸。整个模型范围在白面漆,黑色版本尚不可用。银河标签38.0299欧元到其他设备相同的大小相比具有相对高的价格。许多制造商提供他们的8英寸平板电脑,不到200欧元。

因此,我们将比较Galaxy Tab的3 8.0一对夫妇这一类的代表,才能看到的额外费用,如果是有道理的:宏碁Iconia A1-810,Captiva的垫8 Pro和EASYPIX的SmartPad的EP800超为例,均具有降低价格。联想IdeaTab A2109A是在9英寸甚至更大,还是便宜。从谷歌的Nexus7和亚马逊(Kindle Fire的HD7)“大”的对手都较小,但也明显便宜。然后,我们有iPad的迷你,这是329欧元。最后,我们把Galaxy Note的8.0为了看如何药片内部竞争。


每个人都合适的设备?然后我们会做出一个标准的设计:它的便宜,并具有良好的品牌知名度的效果。这是或多或少银河系列的韩国制造商背后的思维过程。银河S4,银河娱乐,银河注意,现在Galaxy Tab的3在设计方面都非常相似。票据和表3可以真正从正面加以区分,只能通过听筒注。

Galaxy Tab的3,其余的设备从目前的银河一代细微的圆点图案,白回来。做工和表面手感非常好,就像银河S4和银河娱乐。当然,所使用的唯一材料是塑料的。 iPad的迷你,它的成本只有30欧元以上,远远好与它的铝合金一体成型机身。


比Galaxy Note的8.0稍微更紧凑的尺寸是:它是1毫米较短,1厘米窄,约半厘米的轻薄。 iPad的迷你稍薄,但在8英寸级的设备通常具有更大的尺寸:Captiva的焊盘8 Pro是几乎两倍厚的Galaxy Tab8.0。


Galaxy Tab的3不具有像在银河注8.0笔输入。我们的测试样机还没有移动互联网的能力,但它可以在大约100欧元的附加费。接口也是标准的,只有红外端口脱颖而出。三星已经包含它,以使其能够使用平板电脑作为遥控器等娱乐设备。与智能手机不同的是,既然你不能取下后盖的Galaxy Tab8.0,读卡器,还集成了侧面的平板。

top: 3.5 mm audio combo port
top: 3.5 mm audio combo port
bottom: speaker, micro USB port
bottom: speaker, micro USB port
left: microSD card slot
left: microSD card slot
right: IR port, volume rocker, standby button
right: IR port, volume rocker, standby button


Galaxy Tab的使用历时3 8.0版本的Android4.2.2。三星不使用一个纯粹的谷歌操作系统,但还安装了的的TouchWiz:一个是基于Android系统的软件,但它在许多领域取代并扩大它。这方面的例子是设置菜单,快速访问工具栏,语音控制和主屏幕上的小部件。你可以阅读更多对个人定制的三星Galaxy S4在我们的审查。

银河大型并未有任何,现在庆祝相当恼人的复出 - 广泛的英国媒体报道,如广告软件,与三星迎接客户。否则,该软件包是相当不错的,并设有一个办公套件,绘图应用程序和一对夫妇的其他有趣的应用程序。仍然相当不必要的是需要建立一个三星账户,除了谷歌的Android功能使用的,为了能够使用不同的应用程序商店三星应用程序

The GPS module functions reliably.
The GPS module functions reliably.
The position is roughly determined even indoors.
The position is roughly determined even indoors.


WLAN模块不支持最新的802.11标准的交流,而是可以使用两种带宽(2.4 GHz和5 GHz)。它接收的信号从我们的路由器,即使在​​10米的距离,并通过三面墙用3/4的全功率。平板电脑并没有配备NFC,而是三星已经实现了支持DLNA和自己的的的KIES技术,这有助于在连接到PC。





Main camera (5 megapixel, autofocus)
Main camera (5 megapixel, autofocus)
Front camera (1.3 megapixel)
Front camera (1.3 megapixel)
Reference: Canon EOS 450D (12 megapixel)
Reference: Canon EOS 450D (12 megapixel)


没有配备AC适配器,USB线,快速入门指南 - 三星Galaxy Tab的3 8.0用了很多的东西。但是,其余的在这个价格范围内的设备通常不来​​与更多的配件。三星历来创建特殊配件的银河标签,如“日记袋”,这是可用的Galaxy Tab2。还有没有这样的配件制造商的网站上的最新一代。

三星提供的片,用24个月的保修。此保修在任何一个国家可以成为有效的Galaxy Tab8.0,其中被出售,如果调用三星热线或授权的服务合作伙伴。

Input Devices & Controls

The keyboard can be detached and moved freely.
The keyboard can be detached and moved freely.
Input via handwriting is also possible.
Input via handwriting is also possible.




的Galaxy Tab3.0 8不支持数字笔,不同的是Galaxy Note的8.0,但它提供了几乎所有其他输入法的TouchWiz支持 - 扩展手势控制,面部识别,激活屏幕,身体有缺陷的人的全面援助。你可以阅读更多的Galaxy S4在我们的审查了TouchWiz的控制选项。


三星Galaxy Tab3.0 8的心脏是TFT显示屏具有16:9的宽高比。 1280 x 800像素的分辨率高于最便宜的竞争对手,甚至iPad的迷你。

三星有一个带显示屏的声誉,因此不吝啬的亮度 - 431坎德拉/平方米,平均是在任何情况下,榜首的位置不够。照明是非常,甚至在92%以上,所以几乎没有任何可见的亮度差异大面积。

Distribution of brightness
tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
Maximum: 431 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 413 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 92 %
Center on Battery: 428 cd/m²
Contrast: 764:1 (Black: 0.56 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 4.2 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.9
ΔE Greyscale 3.2 | 0.5-98 Ø5.2
Gamma: 2.46

虽然三星已经选择了SAMOLED的的显示时间,但仍是相当可观的面板:色彩清晰,形象非常好。 0.56坎德拉/平方米的黑色电平明显高于大多数其他器件,和764:1的对比度仅是平均的。

与Galaxy S4和银河娱乐,Galaxy Tab的38.0还具有多种屏幕模式,自动选择,或者可以由用户设置。我们的主观印象是“动态拥有最强的,但也有点不自然的颜色。 “视频”具有自然的色彩,但有点苍白。 “标准”介于两者之间。

所有这三个有一个强大的蓝色色调,测量卡尔曼软件和色度计。在这里,可以确认,“视频”最接近的sRGB和Adobe RGB色彩空间。这适用于灰阶,以及色彩精确度和饱和度。

“动态”是从所有可能的设置的理想最远。在色彩准确性方面,它的DeltaE值,这意味着从标准的偏差,增加了近50%,比“视频”模式的。你最喜欢什么模式最终是一个品味的问题。总体而言,显示有相当准确的色彩。灰度是足够好,即使在比较的Adobe RGB。

Color reproduction "Dynamic"
Color reproduction "Dynamic"
Color reproduction "Standard"
Color reproduction "Standard"
Color reproduction "Video"
Color reproduction "Video"
Color accuracy "Video" (Adobe RGB)
Color accuracy "Video" (Adobe RGB)
Color accuracy "Dynamic"
Color accuracy "Dynamic"
Color accuracy "Standard"
Color accuracy "Standard"
Color accuracy "Video"
Color accuracy "Video"
Grayscale "Video" (Adobe RGB)
Grayscale "Video" (Adobe RGB)
Grayscale "Dynamic"
Grayscale "Dynamic"
Grayscale "Standard"
Grayscale "Standard"
Grayscale "Video"
Grayscale "Video"
Saturation "Dynamic"
Saturation "Dynamic"
Saturation "Standard"
Saturation "Standard"
Saturation "Video"
Saturation "Video"
Outdoor use
Outdoor use


Viewing angles
Viewing angles



银河注8.0特色四核处理器,配备了三星的Galaxy Tab3 8.0与“公正”双核心。是由三星制造的Exynos4212,工作在1.5 GHz。我们的初步印象是,你不能告诉所有应用场景中同样主频的双核和四核处理器之间的区别。但四核心有一个显着的优势,在多任务运行时,正确编程的应用程序。我们将检查的合成基准的帮助。其余的硬件设备的Galaxy Tab8.0是整齐漂亮的四核图形芯片,1.5 GB RAM和16 GB的闪存存储。

我们可以简要地概括是这样的:Galaxy Tab的3 8.0系统和CPU性能比Kindle Fire的HD7,明显慢于谷歌Nexus 7快。 Galaxy Note的8.0是我们的测试设备也明显领先,这要感谢它的另外两个核心。总体而言,Galaxy Tab的8.0个名额在中间,甚至可以运行多个应用程序的同时,在日常使用。在视频播放过程中通过了TouchWiz界面,导航也是不成问题的。只有在更加苛刻的情况下,可以发现性能上的差异,如谷歌Nexus 7设备。

Linpack Android / IOS
Single Thread (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
66.9 MFLOPS +19%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
50 MFLOPS -11%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
103.9 MFLOPS +84%
Acer Iconia A1-810
34.22 MFLOPS -39%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
56.3 MFLOPS 0%
Google Nexus 7
47.15 MFLOPS -16%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
44.38 MFLOPS -21%
Apple iPad mini
85.4 MFLOPS +51%
Multi Thread (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
181.8 MFLOPS +90%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
70.9 MFLOPS -26%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
181.8 MFLOPS +90%
Acer Iconia A1-810
95.1 MFLOPS -1%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
69.8 MFLOPS -27%
Google Nexus 7
69.3 MFLOPS -28%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
73.8 MFLOPS -23%
Apple iPad mini
124.4 MFLOPS +30%
AnTuTu v3 - Total Score (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
10391 Points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
16783 Points +62%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
10083 Points -3%
Acer Iconia A1-810
12452 Points +20%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
14699 Points +41%
Google Nexus 7
12703 Points +22%
Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Total Score (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
1231 Points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
2146 Points +74%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
754 Points -39%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
1473 Points +20%
Acer Iconia A1-810
1322 Points +7%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
1945 Points +58%
Google Nexus 7
1599 Points +30%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
1137 Points -8%
Apple iPad mini
750 Points -39%
PassMark PerformanceTest Mobile V1 - System (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
2217 Points
Acer Iconia A1-810
2264 Points +2%
Smartbench 2012 - Productivity Index (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
3153 points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
5883 points +87%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
3124 points -1%
Acer Iconia A1-810
3455 points +10%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
3961 points +26%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
3961 points +26%
Google Nexus 7
3840 points +22%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
2418 points -23%


Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310 Samsung Exynos 4212 1.5 GHz, ARM Mali-400 MP4, 16 GB iNAND Flash
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Samsung Exynos 4412 Quad, ARM Mali-400 MP4, 16 GB iNAND Flash
Captiva PAD 8 Pro Rockchip RK3066 1.5 GHz, ARM Mali-400 MP, 8 GB SSD
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus APQ8060A, Qualcomm Adreno 225, 16 GB SSD
Acer Iconia A1-810 Mediatek MT6589, PowerVR SGX544, 16 GB iNAND Flash
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra Samsung Exynos 4412 Quad, ARM Mali-400 MP4, 8 GB SSD
Google Nexus 7 NVIDIA Tegra 3, NVIDIA GeForce ULP (Tegra 3), 8 GB SSD
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch Texas Instruments OMAP 4460, PowerVR SGX540, 16 GB SSD
Apple iPad mini Apple A5, PowerVR SGX543MP2, 16 GB SSD

在3D性能方面,没有设备可以真正在这里带头,结果是相当接近对方。了ARM Mali400 MP4在我们的测试设备是足够甚至非常苛刻的3D游戏的Android平板电脑。正如你可以看到下面,我们在实践中检查。

GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7
T-Rex Onscreen (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
6.2 fps
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
6 fps -3%
Acer Iconia A1-810
5.3 fps -15%
Google Nexus 7
5.3 fps -15%
1920x1080 T-Rex Offscreen (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
3.9 fps
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
4.5 fps +15%
Acer Iconia A1-810
2.6 fps -33%
Google Nexus 7
3.2 fps -18%
Epic Citadel
High Quality (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
54.6 fps
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
39.2 fps -28%
Acer Iconia A1-810
57 fps +4%
High Performance (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
55.5 fps
Acer Iconia A1-810
58.6 fps +6%
Google Nexus 7
53.6 fps -3%
AnTuTu 3DRating
1024x2048 Off-screen (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
2233 Points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
2169 Points -3%
Apple iPad mini
1174 Points -47%
--- (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
3097 Points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
3383 Points +9%
Acer Iconia A1-810
3134 Points +1%
Apple iPad mini
5819 Points +88%
NenaMark2 - --- (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
58.4 fps
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
58 fps -1%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
55.6 fps -5%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
58.8 fps +1%
Acer Iconia A1-810
51 fps -13%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
56 fps -4%
Google Nexus 7
55.6 fps -5%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
27.8 fps -52%
3DMark - 1280x720 Ice Storm Standard Score (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
3098 Points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
3326 Points +7%
Acer Iconia A1-810
3148 Points +2%
Google Nexus 7
3523 Points +14%

正如我们已经注意到我们审查Xtreamer JoyZ的,三星的Exynos SoC的真快,当它涉及到互联网浏览,复杂的HMTL5动画或视频。否则平庸的测试设备遗留在这个测试中的所有对手。同样是真实的Galaxy Tab8.0 - 没有竞争对手能跟上。那些人大多使用自己的平板电脑上网冲浪,这是有力的论据。

Google V8 Ver. 7 - Google V8 Ver. 7 Score (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
2154 Points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
2425 Points +13%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
1282 Points -40%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
1321 Points -39%
Acer Iconia A1-810
1205 Points -44%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
1562 Points -27%
Google Nexus 7
1236 Points -43%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
1383 Points -36%
Apple iPad mini
852 Points -60%
Octane V1 - Total Score (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
1873 Points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
2145 Points +15%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
1232 Points -34%
Acer Iconia A1-810
1247 Points -33%
Google Nexus 7
1313 Points -30%
Sunspider - 1.0 Total Score (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
1257 ms *
Acer Iconia A1-810
1498 ms * -19%
Peacekeeper - --- (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
712 Points
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
706 Points -1%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
436 Points -39%
Acer Iconia A1-810
572 Points -20%
Google Nexus 7
468 Points -34%
Mozilla Kraken 1.0 - Total (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
18228 ms *
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
22014 ms * -21%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
30169 ms * -66%
Acer Iconia A1-810
18593 ms * -2%

* ... smaller is better

三星并没有保存在存储内存。 16 GB快闪记忆体的速度实在令人印象深刻。竞争的其余部分的比较,证实了这一点。在实践中,我们也同样打动了快速的加载时间。

AndroBench 3-5
Random Write 4KB (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
1.88 MB/s
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
1.47 MB/s -22%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
0.13 MB/s -93%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
0.54 MB/s -71%
Acer Iconia A1-810
0.63 MB/s -66%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
0.23 MB/s -88%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
0.23 MB/s -88%
Google Nexus 7
0.28 MB/s -85%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
0.59 MB/s -69%
Random Read 4KB (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
10.94 MB/s
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
11.13 MB/s +2%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
8.46 MB/s -23%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
8.15 MB/s -26%
Acer Iconia A1-810
12.29 MB/s +12%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
7.24 MB/s -34%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
7.24 MB/s -34%
Google Nexus 7
4.76 MB/s -56%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
12.11 MB/s +11%
Sequential Write 256KB (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
20.07 MB/s
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
17.04 MB/s -15%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
24.61 MB/s +23%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
11.01 MB/s -45%
Acer Iconia A1-810
10.41 MB/s -48%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
5.25 MB/s -74%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
5.25 MB/s -74%
Google Nexus 7
5.22 MB/s -74%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
12.3 MB/s -39%
Sequential Read 256KB (sort by value)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310
45.86 MB/s
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
38.99 MB/s -15%
Captiva PAD 8 Pro
8.77 MB/s -81%
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110A
33.61 MB/s -27%
Acer Iconia A1-810
46.43 MB/s +1%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
24.8 MB/s -46%
Easypix SmartPad EP800 Ultra
24.8 MB/s -46%
Google Nexus 7
16.87 MB/s -63%
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 inch
42.73 MB/s -7%


Even demanding 3D games like "Iron Man 3" run smoothly.
Even demanding 3D games like "Iron Man 3" run smoothly.

正如我们已经提到的,非常适合在SoC的Android平板电脑上运行最新的3D游戏。我们测试的平板电脑,如“真实赛车3”和“钢铁侠3”的标题。两人跑没有问题 - 无口吃,短的加载时间和流畅的游戏体验。显然要求不高的游戏,如“愤怒的小鸟:星球大战”也并非是一个挑战。

总体的Galaxy Tab8.0的表现令人印象深刻:尽管其较弱的处理器谷歌Nexus7和Galaxy Note的8.0相比,我们的平板电脑通常是在竞争中领先,至少在同样高的水平。在实践中,图形输入板的工作在任何情况下,迅速且无滞后。



性能优势还体现在负载下的温度:最高气温42.6摄氏度,平板绝不是热的,但仍是明显的温暖。亚马逊Kindle Fire HD 7稍有回暖,以及Galaxy Note的8.0。其余的比赛在头管理方面已经做了更好的工作,并实现较低的平均温度。在空闲的使用,我们的测试设备保持其头凉,最高达到34℃时在该地区的前置摄像头。

Max. Load
 31 °C32.2 °C34 °C 
 32.4 °C33.5 °C39.2 °C 
 34.3 °C42.6 °C37.7 °C 
Maximum: 42.6 °C
Average: 35.2 °C
32.9 °C34 °C31.2 °C
36.6 °C34.8 °C31.4 °C
36 °C41.5 °C34.2 °C
Maximum: 41.5 °C
Average: 34.7 °C
Power Supply (max.)  48.3 °C | Room Temperature 23 °C | Voltcraft IR-350
(±) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 35.2 °C / 95 F, compared to the average of 30 °C / 86 F for the devices in the class Tablet.
(±) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 42.6 °C / 109 F, compared to the average of 33.7 °C / 93 F, ranging from 20.7 to 53.2 °C for the class Tablet.
(±) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 41.5 °C / 107 F, compared to the average of 33.2 °C / 92 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 29.1 °C / 84 F, compared to the device average of 30 °C / 86 F.



声音真的很好片剂 - 平衡,响亮,但不会太大。定义的高音和中音,低音当然勉强有。总体而言,扬声器留下美好的印象,即使立体声效果不是那么突出,由于这样的事实,这两个扬声器的太接近对方。

Energy Management


考虑到以上,平板提供不俗的表现,它的能源消耗是非常低的。在空闲的最大3 W几乎是宏碁Iconia A1-810与苹果的iPad迷你消耗的一半。即使在负载下,我们的测试单位消耗极少的功率17.8瓦时电池结合的最大值为5.8 W,平板电脑应该有正确良好的运行时间,对不对?

Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.01 / 0.1 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 1.3 / 2.6 / 3 Watt
Load midlight 5.4 / 5.8 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 940

Battery Life

答案显然是肯定的,但是......“。锂离子电池提供的Galaxy Tab8.0运行时很轻,使用超过10个小时,7:43小时的冲浪通过WLAN和3点36小时满负荷下工作。这些都是很普通的时间。谷歌Nexus 7可以清楚地超过在WLAN测试。而iPad Mini和Kindle Fire的HD7有显着更长的电池寿命,哪个地方的Galaxy Tab8.0,只是在上部中间的列表。

Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
10h 14min
WiFi Surfing
7h 43min
Load (maximum brightness)
3h 36min


甚至比其竞争对手稍贵些,但还稍微好一点:谷歌Nexus7和亚马逊Kindle Fire HD 7,两个很大的竞争对手,不能真正挑战的Galaxy Tab8.0。但是,这可能很快就会改变,因为下一代谷歌的价格性能命中是它的方式。

但在此之前,三星已经生产片剂,唯一可以威胁iPad的迷你或Galaxy Note的8.0。的Galaxy Tab8.0也遭受了一些批评的情况下是塑料制成的,这可能是顺眼一些,别人会无动于衷。但随后会有一些人会说,一个高品质的铝平板更具吸引力。亲爱的三星队,英国媒体报道的也并不好。而对于那些只在纯粹的性能看,我们应该注意到,购房者会得到一个稍微不那么强大的处理器。

的表现是一流的,在浏览网页或玩游戏。显示效果也令人印象深刻的,只有当它不是蓝色的色调。 TouchWiz界面非常深思熟虑,并扩大了Android与众多整齐的特点,三星甚至已经包含了许多功能,以帮助残疾人士。良好的电池寿命,几十输入选项,增加有用的软件和良好的扬声器做一个全面的软件包,这更加证明了小的额外费用。

In review: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0.
In review: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0.
Test device courtesy of ...
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In Review: Galaxy Tab 3 8.0.
In Review: Galaxy Tab 3 8.0. Test device courtesy of:


Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310 (Galaxy Tab 3 Series)
Samsung Exynos 4212 1.5 GHz 2 x 1.5 GHz, Cortex A9
Graphics adapter
ARM Mali-400 MP4
1536 MB 
8.00 inch 16:9, 1280 x 800 pixel, capacititive touchscreen, mutli-touch with up to ten fingers, TFT, glossy: yes
16 GB iNAND Flash, 16 GB 
, 11.75 GB free
1 USB 2.0, 1 Infrared, Audio Connections: 3.5 mm audio combined port, Card Reader: MicroSD (up to 64 GB), Sensors: Accelerometer, gyroscope, face recognition, DLNA, KIES
802.11a/b/g/n (a/b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/), Bluetooth 4.0
height x width x depth (in mm): 7.4 x 209 x 123
18 Wh Lithium-Ion, Battery runtime (according to manufacturer): 5760 h
Operating System
Android 4.2
Webcam: Rückseite: 5 Megapixel (2.560 × 1.920 Pixel) mit Autofokus, Front: 1,3 Megapixel (1.280 × 960 Pixel)
Additional features
Speakers: Stereo speakers, Keyboard: virtual keyboard, Samsung TouchWiz, S Planner, S Voice, Story-Album, Samsung Link, Flipboard, Paper Artist, 24 Months Warranty
314 g, Power Supply: 49 g
299 Euro


With the Galaxy Tab 3 8.0, Samsung launches the popular tablet in its third generation.
With the Galaxy Tab 3 8.0, Samsung launches the popular tablet in its third generation.
Bright display, dual-core, fast memory – the tablet is very impressive.
Bright display, dual-core, fast memory – the tablet is very impressive.
There are some minor drawbacks, such as the blue tint of the display.
There are some minor drawbacks, such as the blue tint of the display.
But otherwise the Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 is really well made.
But otherwise the Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 is really well made.
The tablet even has an infrared port, so that you can use it a remote control.
The tablet even has an infrared port, so that you can use it a remote control.
The case is slim and stable. However, it can be bent using medium force.
The case is slim and stable. However, it can be bent using medium force.
The used plastic makes the tablet light.
The used plastic makes the tablet light.
The design features are typical for the Galaxy family.
The design features are typical for the Galaxy family.
For example, the back is white with a very light dot pattern.
For example, the back is white with a very light dot pattern.
The fast memory can be expanded with a microSD card.
The fast memory can be expanded with a microSD card.
The main 5 megapixel camera is good.
The main 5 megapixel camera is good.
Even the front camera can be used for photographs if necessary.
Even the front camera can be used for photographs if necessary.
The used interface is Android with Samsung's TouchWiz.
The used interface is Android with Samsung's TouchWiz.
There is a lot of good software, but also a couple of advertisement apps.
There is a lot of good software, but also a couple of advertisement apps.
An example of the good side of the software package:
An example of the good side of the software package:
The video player can be detached...
The video player can be detached...
... and then freely moved around the screen.
... and then freely moved around the screen.
The keyboard can also be placed at the different spots on the screen.
The keyboard can also be placed at the different spots on the screen.
TouchWiz allows two applications to be run in split-screen mode.
TouchWiz allows two applications to be run in split-screen mode.
You can place a clock or a personal message on the home screen.
You can place a clock or a personal message on the home screen.
You can also have shortcuts to numerous apps.
You can also have shortcuts to numerous apps.
Overall, the tablet has a good performance.
Overall, the tablet has a good performance.
The small extra charge is well worth it.
The small extra charge is well worth it.

Similar Devices

Devices with Same Screen Size and/or Weight

三星Galaxy Tab S10 Ultra 评测--最大的Android 平板电脑现在依赖联发科技术
Immortalis-G720 MP12, Dimensity 9000 Dimensity 9300+, 14.60", 0.718 kg
人工智能平板电脑的显示屏有问题--三星Galaxy Tab S10 Plus 评测
Immortalis-G720 MP12, Dimensity 9000 Dimensity 9300+, 12.40", 0.571 kg


  • Manufacturer's information

Price Comparison


+ 3D性能高
+ 互联网浏览性能好
+ 快速记忆
+ 良好的色彩再现
+ 明亮的显示器
+ 广泛的软件包
+ 众多的输入选项
+ 良好的电池寿命
+ 适当的扬声器


- 蓝色色调的显示
- 平庸的处理器性能
- 塑料外壳
- 外壳温度有点高
- 价格相对较高
- 的Bloatware


What we liked

The tablet is ahead in every aspect. Samsung has also lowered the price compared to the last generation.

What we'd like to see

An operating system without bloatware.

What surprises us

Samsung know very well how to optimize its SoC for browsing performance.

The competition

Acer Iconia A1-810, Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0, Google Nexus 7, Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7, Captiva Pad 8 Pro, EasyPix Smart Pad EP800 Ultra, Lenovo IdeaTab A2109A, Apple iPad Mini


Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310 - 08/05/2013 v3 (old)
Florian Wimmer

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 三星Galaxy Tab8.0 SM-T310平板测评
Florian Wimmer, 2013-08- 1 (Update: 2018-05-15)