三星Galaxy Xcover2 GT-S7710智能手机测评

Editor's Note (April 24, 2013): The following review has not yet been edited for grammatical errors. A final draft of the review will be released soon.
For the original German review, see here.
Samsung fired a starting signal into the modern outdoor smartphone market with the release of their Galaxy Xcover. And the Koreans enjoyed rightfully deserved success. Many buyers seeking rugged electronic companions, whether for sports or adventures, found what they were looking for in the Xcover -- despite some flaws, like the poor resolution and somewhat meager memory. Now Samsung wants to nullify the critique with their Xcover 2 GT-S7710. To that end the manufacturer outfitted the phone with a dual-core CPU with a clock frequency of 1000 MHz and a not yet specified graphics unit. The working memory was doubled to 1 GB, and there are 4 GB of internal memory.
The display received the most attention in the overhaul process. Step one, it grew from 3.65 inches to 4 inches. Step two, the weak resolution, which was the main point of criticism, was increased to accommodate customers' demands -- though 480 x 800 pixels still aren't that many. The cameras now have resolutions of 0.3 (front) and 5 megapixels (back). All in all, these are essentially the measurements of a classic mid-class smartphone. But the features that make the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 into an outdoor device rescue the phone from floundering among the masses. More on that subject in the next section, "Case".
三星发射了信号转换成现代的户外智能手机市场开始释放他们的Galaxy Xcover。韩国享有理所当然的成功实至名归。不少购房者寻求坚固耐用的电子同伴,无论运动或冒险,发现他们在寻找什么Xcover - 尽管有一些缺陷,像可怜的分辨率和内存有点微薄。现在三星要废掉Xcover2 GT-S7710的批判。为此配备了手机制造商与双核CPU的时钟频率为1000 MHz和一个尚未指定的图形单元。工作内存加倍到1 GB和4 GB的内部记忆体。
显示接收到的在大修过程中最为关注的。步骤一,它的增长从3.65英寸到4英寸。第二步,弱的分辨率,这是主要的批评点,增加,以适应客户的需求 - 虽然仍然是480×800像素不是很多。该相机现在有0.3(前)和5百万像素(背面)的决议。总而言之,这些本质上是一个经典的中档智能手机的测量。但是的功能,使三星Galaxy Xcover2的变成了一个户外设备救援电话,在群众中挣扎。关于这一主题的更多信息,在下一节中,“案例”。
At first glance the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 looks like any other mid-class smartphone. Only the physical Android keys beneath the 4-inch display catch your eye. At closer look, you also notice that the ports and connections are hidden underneath a protective cover. Then if you take the device in your hand, you feel the roughened plastic back, and it becomes obvious that the Xcover 2 isn't one of the lightest and thinnest phones of its kind. At a weight of 150 grams and a depth, length and width of 12.1 x 131 x 68 millimeters it's certainly a bit bulky, but considering its aspiration to be a device for outdoor use, that's no real disadvantage.
Definitely not a disadvantage: Samsung took several measures to protect the inner life of the phone from water and dirt. The case belongs to the protection class IP67, which means it should keep dirt from penetrating through to the components, and a temporary water bath should do it no harm. So that it could be tested immediately, the manufacturer put together a special edition for the press called "Extreme Experience". In the very large box, alongside the smartphone we found a Tupperware with three plastic fish, a bag of sand and a blow-up bat. Of course we couldn't pass up the opportunity to put the device through this special test course -- after we finished all our own tests. The rugged smartphone made it through that obstacle course unharmed. Even an accidental run through the washing machine shouldn't pose much of a threat to the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2. The case is also impossible to twist and pressure resistant.
乍一看,三星Galaxy Xcover2看起来像任何其他的中档智能手机。只有物理的Android按键下方的4英寸显示屏吸引您的眼球。仔细看看,你也注意到一个保护盖下方隐藏的端口和连接。然后,如果你的设备在你的手,你觉得粗糙的塑料背部,它变得明显Xcover2的同类最轻,最薄的手机之一。的重量为150克和12.1所述131×68毫米的深度,长度和宽度,它肯定有点笨重,但考虑其是适合室外使用的移动设备的愿望,这是没有真正的缺点。
绝对不是一个缺点:三星采取了几项措施,保护内部的水和污垢的手机生活。情况属于防护等级为IP67,这意味着它应防止污物穿透组件,和一个临时水浴应该这样做没有坏处。因此,它可以立即进行测试放在一起,制造商特别版的媒体称为“极端体验”。在非常大的方块,旁边的智能手机中,我们发现了一个特百惠塑料鱼,一袋沙子和一击蝙蝠。我们当然不能错过机会把设备通过这个特殊的测试场 - 后,我们完成了所有我们自己的测试。坚固耐用的智能手机,它通过这个障碍当然无恙。即使一个偶然的贯穿洗衣机应该不会构成太大的威胁到三星Galaxy Xcover2。抗扭曲和压力的情况下也不可能。
The manufacturer makes no mention of the specific hardware components they built into the Xcover 2, and even the familar CPU identification tools fail to read the SoC type (system on a chip). But there is a CPU with very similar specifications that was used in the Galaxy S3 Mini, which was just released a few months ago: The ST Ericsson NovaThor U8500, whose two cores work at a frequency of up to 1000 MHz. We assume the same chip is at work in the Xcover 2, but should we err in this deduction, we will of course promptly correct/update this paragraph. An ARM Mali-400 MP graphics card is integrated in the SoC, in this case only equipped with one core. The working memory amounts to 1 GB -- much more isn't to be expected in this price class. The internal memory is a different story: 4 GB is not very much. The fact that only 800 MB of that remain open after the initial startup is even less agreeable to us. The memory can be expanded to up to 32 GB using a microSD card. Anyone purchasing a Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 should go ahead and buy the extra memory along with it.
There are few ports on the outdoor cell phone from Korea. Two, to be exact. The 3.5 mm headphone jack is located on the upper rim, the combined USB-charger connection on the lower rim. The control buttons flank the left and ride sides.
制造商并没有提及他们建成Xcover2的具体硬件组件,甚至CPU的功夫识别工具无法阅读的SoC(片上系统)类型。但是有一个非常相似规格的CPU使用,这是几个月前刚刚发布的Galaxy S3迷你:意法爱立信的NovaThor U8500,其两个核心工作频率高达1000 MHz的。我们假设在同一个芯片Xcover2在工作,但我们应该宁可在此演绎,我们当然会及时纠正/更新此段落。 ARM的Mali-400 MP图形卡集成在SoC中,在这种情况下,只配备了一个核心。工作记忆量为1 GB - 更是不能预计这个价格类中。内部存储器是一个不同的故事:4 GB不是非常多。在初始启动后,只有800 MB,保持开放的事实是,即使我们不太同意。内存可扩充至32 GB,使用microSD卡。任何购买三星Galaxy Xcover2应该继续前进,与它一起购买额外的内存。
有来自韩国的手机在户外的几个港口。二,要准确。 3.5毫米的耳机插孔位于上缘下缘上,合并后的USB充电器连接。的控制按钮后刀面的左侧和乘坐两侧。
The Android 4.1.2 operating system comes with a fairly new (though not the newest) version of Google's Jelly Bean. Samsung superimposes the already familiar Touchwiz interface over the OS, which changes numerous icons, integrates Samsung's own apps and brings along an edited version of the standard Android keyboard, among other things. But Samsung was conservative in their meddling with the Android system, so it's easy to adjust to the new interface.
Communication & GPS
The Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 communicates wirelessly via WLAN, of course. To that end the Koreans installed a single band module that transmits over 2.4 GHz bands and supports the standards 802.11b/g/n. With the 4.0 version of Bluetooth, the connection is up to date. Older versions clearly suffer when it comes to energy management. The mobile radio module is based on UMTS with HSPA. With that module a downlink of 14.4 MBit/s and uplink of 5.76 MBit/s should be theoretically possible. We were impressed with the outdoor smartphone's GPS receiver that also supports the GLONASS system. Even inside the office the initial satellite fix was completed within seconds, and the accuracy was very good, often tracking us within less than 5 meters of our exact position. Outdoors the sensor works its magic even better. The Xcover 2 proves to be an excellent navigator, even off-road.
三星Galaxy Xcover2的通过WLAN无线通信,当然。为此韩国安装了一个单频模块,发送超过2.4 GHz频段,并支持标准的802.11b/g/n。随着4.0版本的蓝牙,连接是最新的。旧版本显然受到当它涉及到能源管理。的移动无线电模块是基于UMTS的HSPA(高速分组接入)。该模块与14.4 MBit / s的上行链路和下行链路的5.76兆比特/秒应该在理论上是可能的。我们留下了深刻的印象与室外智能手机的GPS接收器,也支持GLONASS系统。即使在办公室内,在几秒钟内完成最初的卫星定位,精度非常好,经常跟踪我们不到5米,我们的确切位置。户外传感器的工作原理它的魔力,甚至更好。 Xcover被证明是一个出色的航海家,甚至越野。
The telephone app had no surprises in store -- which is good. To the left, next to the handset symbol, is an icon for video calls, which are transmitted over UMTS. Unlike Skype and Apple's Facetime, this is a kind of open protocol. But these video calls aren't supported by every provider.
有没有惊喜的电话应用程序商店 - 这是很好的。左,下到手机符号,是一个用于视频通话的图标,这是在UMTS传输。 ,不像Skype和苹果的Facetime,这是一种开放的协议。但是,每一个供应商不支持视频通话。
Cameras & Multimedia
Two cameras -- that's pretty much standard for smartphones at this point. Unfortunately, poor quality CMOS sensors seem to be standard as well. The Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2's front camera has a resolution of 0.3 megapixels. That number means photos are bound to be of an inferior quality, and programs like Skype won't be much fun either. On the backside the Korean company built in a 5 megapixel sensor. That doesn't just sound better on paper -- it also produces a distinctly higher quality image. As long as the light environment is bright enough, the pictures capture accurate colors with a satisfactory degree of sharpness. But when pictures are taken in enclosed spaces image noise quickly creeps in, which indicates that the lens doesn't pick up light well.
The main camera records videos in normal HD resolution (1280 x 720 pixels), which means the video quality is similar to that of the static photos. There is a slight lag when the camera moves from capturing brighter to darker images. The camera function can be accessed through an app or by clicking the hardware button on the right side of the device. This button also functions as the shutter release.
双摄像头 - 这是非常标准的智能手机在这一点上。不幸的是,质量差的CMOS传感器似乎是标准。三星Galaxy Xcover2的前置摄像头,拥有0.3万像素的分辨率。这个数字意味着照片必然是质量低劣,如Skype的计划不会有太大的乐趣。这家韩国公司在背面内置一枚500万像素的传感器。这不只是声音更好地在纸面上 - 它也产生明显较高质量的图像。只要光环境是足够明亮,抓拍到一个令人满意的程度,准确的颜色,清晰度。但是,拍摄图片时,在密闭的空间图像噪声迅速爬行,表示该镜头不拿起轻井。
The very large "Extreme Experience" edition is only available as a loan demo for the press, so the everyday customer can't look forward to the aforementioned Tupperware, sand and bat. Instead of that banquet of accessories Samsung offers quite the poor man's meal. It starts and ends with a few paper documents, a combined USB-charger cable and a power supply. To use the FM reception you'll need to acquire your own headset.
Samsung grants a 24 month warranty.
Input Devices & Operation
The capacitive touchscreen measures 4 inches on the diagonal, which is about average for current smartphones. That's big enough for most applications, but due to the poor resolution only small parts of images can be displayed, which affects web surfing particularly. When it comes to the function of the touchscreen however, there's nothing to complain about. It translates input into action almost instantaneously and functions with precision even along the rim of the display. The glass plate isn't quite as smooth a surface for fingers as we would like. The automatic display rotation is a little delayed, but it executes at a completely reasonable speed.
Samsung "installed" their own virtual keyboard. This keyboard integrates both a "www." key and a key for accessing keyboard settings into the main menu; it also includes three submenus for numbers and special characters. It deviates visually from the Android standard keyboard as well. The additional keys smoosh the space bar into a palpably smaller area; otherwise the variation between Samsung's keyboard and the Android standard is just a matter of taste. There are plenty of alternatives in the Play Store.
Samsung has also given inadequate information concerning the phone's display technology. The only thing we've heard is that it's TFT. No questions remain unanswered when it comes to the size and resolution, however: The screen measures 4 inches diagonally and displays the WVGA resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. The resultant pixel density is 233 PPI, exactly on par with the Galaxy S Duos. The screen displays even small text clearly; individual pixels can hardly be distinguished with the naked eye.
In terms of brightness too, the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2's display plays in the same league as the Galaxy S Duos. The Xcover 2's maximum brightness is 347 cd/m2. In principle that's a good number, but we would expect more from a smartphone built for specifically for outdoor use. But really that's just us complaining that Samsung didn't meet our exceedingly high standards, seeing as both the black value (0.31 cd/m2) and contrast (1077:1) leave no room for criticism. At 86 percent the illumination level is respectable, as the differences in brightness aren't discernible.
三星也给予了足够的信息,关于手机的显示技术。我们听说过的唯一的事情是,它是TFT。没有当它涉及到的大小和分辨率,但是,问题仍然悬而未决:屏幕尺寸为4英寸,显示分辨率为480×800像素的WVGA。由此产生的像素密度为233 PPI,完全看齐的Galaxy S二重奏。即使是很小的屏幕上显示的文字清楚,可以用肉眼难以分辨单个像素。
太在亮度方面,三星Galaxy Xcover2显示了同一联赛的Galaxy S二重奏。 Xcover2的最大亮度为347流明。原则上,这是一个不错的数字,但我们希望从内置的智能手机专为户外使用。不过说真的,这只是我们抱怨,三星并没有满足我们的过高标准,看到黑色值(0.31 cd/m2的)和对比度(1077:1)批评留下任何余地。在86%照明水平是可敬的,因为亮度的差异是不可辨。
Brightness Distribution: 86 %
Center on Battery: 334 cd/m²
Contrast: 1077:1 (Black: 0.31 cd/m²)
Subjectively, the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2's image display makes a good impression. The high contrast is immediately apparent. In addition, the colors glow brightly and are represented realistically. We confirmed the accuracy of that judgement with the Colorimeter X-Rite i1Pro 2, which we use to objectively measure color and grayscale representation. The display's measured deviations from true grayscale values were average. Measurements for medium and very light tones had DeltaE values all the way up to 8. Sensitive eyes can recognize minor color faults at that level. The spectral colors, however -- besides the somewhat dominant blue -- had values distinctly closer to the ideal.
主观上,三星Galaxy Xcover2的图像显示给人留下好印象。高对比度是显而易见的。另外,发光的颜色,并真实地表示。我们证实了这一判断的准确性与爱色丽色度计的i1Pro2,我们用它来客观地衡量彩色和灰度表示。显示器的测量偏离真实灰度值分别为平均。测量中,很轻的色调的DeltaE值一路上扬至8。敏感的眼睛可以识别颜色轻微故障在这一水平。光谱颜色,但是 - 除了有点优势的蓝色 - 明显更接近理想值。
Of course the subject we're discussing is especially important for outdoor cellphones. And of course the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 is fighting against the same handicap as every other smartphone: a reflective screen. There's only one proven tool to combat that problem if you don't want to resort to special protective films, which have their own disadvantages in certain circumstances. And that tool is: brightness intensity. The Xcover 2's brightness -- as we have already established -- is respectable, but not exceptional. The brightness is good enough for outdoor use, but if you're involved in outdoor activities out under the radiant sun, it will be hard to recognize much of anything on the display.
当然我们讨论的主题是特别重要的户外手机。 ,当然三星Galaxy Xcover2的是对抗所有其他智能手机相同的障碍:反射屏幕。这里只有一个行之有效的工具来对付这个问题,如果你不想采取特殊的保护膜,其中有自己的缺点,在某些情况下。该工具是:亮度强度。 Xcover2的亮度 - 我们已经建立 - 是可敬的,但也不例外。亮度是不够好,适合户外使用,但如果你参与下光芒四射的太阳在户外活动,这将是很难认识到很多的东西,在显示屏上。
Viewing angles? Good! It's as quick and easy as that. There are simply no faults to speak of with the unspecified TFT display's angles of visibility. The colors stay completely stable at all vertical and horizontal angles, down to the very flattest. The loss of contrast is also minimal. Inconsistent brightening and even inversions are wholly absent.
We already described the hardware components in the section titled "Connectivity". The processor is a dual core Cortex A9 with a clock frequency of 1 GHz, with 1 GB of working memory for a sidekick. Such equipment is typical for mid-class smartphones. The outdoor smartphone confirmed its average standing in our system benchmarks GeekBench 2 and AnTuTu v 3. The Xcover 2 achieved results almost identical to those of the Galaxy S3 Mini, which is a further indication that they're close relatives. However, the Xcover 2 can't keep up with the rest of the competition, all of which possesses stronger equipment (at least nominally speaking).
我们已经描述了题为“连接”一节中的硬件组件。处理器是双核Cortex A9的时钟频率为1 GHz,1 GB的工作记忆的一个陪衬。这种设备是典型的中档智能手机。室外智能手机证实其平均站在我们的系统基准测试软件Geekbench2和V 3 AnTuTu的。 Xcover取得结果几乎是相同的银河S3迷你,这是进一步表明他们是近亲。然而,Xcover2不能跟上剩下的比赛中,所有这些都具有较强的设备(至少从名义上来说)。
Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Total Score (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 |
AnTuTu v3 | |
Total Score (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 | |
RAM (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 |
Due to its weak GPU, the same verdict goes for the Samsung Xcover 2 as was true of the Galaxy S3 Mini: There's not much there.
GLBenchmark 2.5 | |
1920x1080 Egypt HD Offscreen Fixed Time (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 | |
Egypt HD Fixed Time (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 |
AnTuTu 3DRating | |
--- (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
1024x2048 Off-screen (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV |
The distinction between the Xcover 2 and the stronger competition is less clear when it comes to internet performance. The Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 does come in behind models like the Google Nexus 7 or the Huawei Ascend G615, but all in all its results are respectable. Only the 1933 milliseconds it took in the Javascript SunSpider 0.9.1 test were somewhat mediocre.
之间的区别Xcover2和更强的竞争还不太清楚,当涉及到网络的性能。不来三星Galaxy Xcover2的在背后像谷歌Nexus 7或华为Ascend G615的型号,但在其所有的结果都是可敬的。仅花了1933毫秒的Javascript根据SunSpider0.9.1测试略显平庸。
Sunspider - 0.9.1 Total Score (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 |
Mozilla Kraken 1.0 - Total (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV |
Browsermark - --- (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 |
* ... smaller is better
Last but not least, we took a look at the internal memory with the help of AndroBench 3. And we were in for a pleasant surprise: Both in sequential reading and writing as well as in random 4K mode the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 achieved remarkable results, leaving the competition out in the cold. It's just a shame that the internal memory is so small and the majority of apps and data will end up on a microSD card.
最后但并非最不重要的是,我们了解了在内部存储器的帮助的AndroBench3。我们一个惊喜:无论是在顺序读写以及在三星Galaxy Xcover2取得了显着的成绩,离开比赛在寒冷的随机4K模式。这只是一个耻辱的内部存储器是如此之小,大多数的应用程序和数据最终将microSD卡上。
AndroBench 3-5 | |
Random Read 4KB (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 | |
Random Write 4KB (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 | |
Sequential Read 256KB (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 | |
Sequential Write 256KB (sort by value) | |
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 GT-S7710 | |
Samsung S3 Mini GT-I8190 | |
Huawei Ascend G615 | |
HTC One SV | |
Google Nexus 7 |
In this section as well the same goes for the Samsung Xcover 2 as the Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini. Less demanding games present no challenge to our review device. Current 3D games are only playable at a low level of detail, however. The integrated position sensor is highly reactive and precise, ensuring an enjoyable gaming experience.
Voice Quality
Want to say a quick "love you" to your sweetheart before that parachute jump? Then the phone's voice quality ought to be fit for the task. In this arena the Samsung Xcover 2 leaves no room for criticism. Voices are clear and easy to understand on both sides, though they do sound a little synthetic. The speaker on the backside of the device does its job well too, and it can even serve as a replacement for a speaker phone if necessary.
In normal use the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2's temperatures are far from worrisome. On the contrary: Nowhere does the temperature exceed the 30 degrees Celsius mark. The outdoor cellphone feels as cool as the temperatures suggest. Even after a long period under full load the device only warms up to about the temperature of your hand. The power supply behaves similarly, consistently remaining within a safe temperature range.
在正常使用中,三星Galaxy Xcover2的温度是远远令人担忧。与此相反:无处的温度超过30摄氏度大关。户外手机的感觉的温度一样酷。即使经过长时间满负荷情况下,设备只温暖你的手的温度。电源供应器的行为类似,始终保持一个安全的温度范围内。
(+) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 37.5 °C / 100 F, compared to the average of 35.1 °C / 95 F, ranging from 21.9 to 63.7 °C for the class Smartphone.
(+) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 36.4 °C / 98 F, compared to the average of 33.9 °C / 93 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 26.6 °C / 80 F, compared to the device average of 32.8 °C / 91 F.
Samsung built a speaker into the backside of the Galaxy Xcover 2. It's located in the same area as the camera module and has a good sound. Mid and high tones emerge quite clearly up to about the middle volume setting. Such a miniature speaker doesn't produce any bass tones. At higher volumes the little speaker overexerts itself and starts to crackle. It always crackles some while playing videos and games.
三星的Galaxy Xcover2的背面内置扬声器。它的相机模块位于同一地区,具有良好的隔音。中和高音的出现很清楚地高达约中间的音量设置。这样一个微型扬声器不产生任何低音。在更高的产量的小喇叭overexerts本身并开始裂纹。它总是爆裂声一些,同时播放视频和游戏。
Energy Management
With 6.46 Wh and 1700 mAh, the capacity of the lithium ion battery is average, but what's critical for battery life is the amount of power a device consumes. We measured the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2's power consumption under various levels of stress. In idle mode, the outdoor cellphone proved to conduct its business frugally. It never drew more than 1.3 watts, even at maximum brightness. Under full load, which we simulated with the Stability Test app, the Xcover 2 consumed 2 to 3 watts. At that rate the device is still very easily satisfied, meaning good battery run times can be expected from the smartphone in all circumstances.
6.46瓦和1700毫安的锂离子电池,其容量是平均的,但什么是电池寿命的关键设备消耗的发电量。测量三星Galaxy Xcover2的的各级压力下的功耗。在空闲模式下,室外的手机证明节衣缩食开展业务。它从来没有吸引了超过1.3瓦,即使在最大亮度。在满载情况下,这是我们与稳定性测试应用程序模拟,Xcover2消耗2至3瓦。率设备仍然很容易满足,这意味着智能手机在所有情况下,良好的电池运行时间可以预期。
Off / Standby | ![]() ![]() |
Idle | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Load |
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
min: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Battery Life
Looking at the data sheet, it appears that Samsung skimped on the Xcover 2's battery capacity and gave away valuable points in the process. But on closer examination we have to conclude otherwise. In comparison to the Galaxy S Duos the Xcover 2 is more frugal, particularly in idle mode. We see that reflected in the Xcover 2's very long maximum battery run time at minimum brightness. In that test the outdoor phone held out an entire 15:34 hours. More practically relevant is our WLAN surf test, which we perform with the device set to a brightness of 150 cd/m2. Automatically loading websites per script, the Samsung Xcover 2 ran for a remarkable 10:48 hours. Only when we examined the minimum battery run time under full load did the Xcover 2 come in behind the Galaxy S Duos: The Xcover 2 simply consumes a little more power in that circumstance. But four whole hours should suffice for even the longest gaming sessions away from a power outlet.
寻找在数据表中,似乎三星克扣上的Xcover2的电池容量,并在这个过程中放弃了宝贵的意见。但仔细检查,否则,我们不得不得出结论。 Galaxy S的二重奏相比Xcover是更加节俭,特别是在空闲模式。我们看到,反映在Xcover2的电池运行时间很长的最大亮度最低。在测试室外机伸出了整个15:34小时。更切实相关的是我们的WLAN冲浪测试,这是我们执行与设备设置的亮度为150 cd/m2。自动加载每个脚本的网站,,三星Xcover2跑了一个了不起的10:48小时。只有当我们审查的最低满负荷情况下的电池运行时间也Xcover2在后面的Galaxy S二重奏:的Xcover2的只是在那种情况下的功率消耗多一点。但四个整小时应该足够了,即使是最长的游戏会远离电源插座。
The Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 is intended to be a rugged companion for fast-paced activity, especially outdoor sports. The manufacturer prepared the device very well for that use. Its protection meets the IP67 standard, and it withstood all the outside stresses we subjected it to during our tests. A short dunk in the bathtub, a little playtime with the author's daughter in the sandbox -- none of it was a problem. In this area we therefore give the Samsung device a "thumbs up".
But besides its ruggedness, the smartphone must also prove its merit as a smartphone. Here too it does its job well in many areas, starting with its flawless manufacturing and stability. Samsung chose materials appropriate for the phone's price class. The inner components are also acceptable choices for a mid-class smartphone, and it lacks no important features, though the internal memory is rather limited.
At 4 inches the display size is merely average, which is also true of the WVGA resolution. But for outdoor use the resolution is sufficient, since the screen content is displayed a little larger than it would be at very high resolutions. The display's brightness is also adequate, though it could be higher, given that the phone is characterized as an outdoor device. But the bottom line is that the display is effective at its job; the color representation is appropriate for its price class as well.
As is true of most smartphones, the cameras can't be characterized as more than a compromise. But in good lighting situations the main camera's photos are usable -- both moving and still shots.
The Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2's performance is consistent with that of Samsung's S3 Mini and likely possesses the same hardware. For a mid-class smartphone the performance is satisfactory; games that don't demand too much of the hardware run well enough to be fun too. The internal memory is particularly deserving of praise, though unfortunately it is very small.
All in all, we can certify that the Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 completed our tests with good results -- considered as if it were a normal smartphone. The fact that it's suited for outdoor use is something like a big bonus. We definitely recommend the Xcover 2 to anyone who wants to have their smartphone with them "at work and at play", sports included. The recommended retail price is rather high, but the street price -- as usual with Samsung products -- is much lower.
三星Galaxy Xcover 2的目的是崎岖的同伴是一个快节奏的活动,尤其是户外运动。设备制造商准备非常好,使用。它的保护符合IP67标准,它经受住了所有外面强调,它在我们的测试。一个简短的扣篮在浴缸里,笔者的女儿在沙箱中 - 它没有一点点的游戏时间是一个问题。因此,在这方面,我们给三星设备的“大拇指”。
由于是真正的大多数智能手机,相机不能被定性为超过一个妥协。但在照明良好的情况下可以使用主摄像头的照片 - 无论是动态和静态拍摄。
三星Galaxy Xcover 2的性能是一致的与三星S3迷你可能具有相同的硬件。对于中档智能手机的表现是令人满意的,运行游戏,不要求太多的硬件不够好,也很有趣。内部存储器特别值得赞美,但不幸的是,它是非常小的。
所有的一切,我们可以证明三星Galaxy Xcover 2的完成我们的测试结果具有良好的 - 认为,如果它是一个普通的智能手机。适合户外使用的事实,它是像一个巨大的奖赏。我们肯定会推荐Xcover任何人都想拥有自己的智能手机与他们在工作和娱乐“,包括体育。建议零售价格是相当高的,但在街上像往常一样与三星的产品 - 价格 - 低得多。