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联想 IdeaPad G580 笔记本测评

能源效率低下. 联想提供了一个简单的办公笔记本采用了奔腾双核处理器为339欧元(约425美元)。操作系统必须选择有没有。我们的测试将显示,是否联想提供了一个廉价的办公笔记本电脑或弱的低价笔记本电脑的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE。

Lenovo offers a range of notebooks in different performance classes with the IdeaPad G580 being one of the budget editions. The Chinese manufacturer titles the G580 machines as multimedia notebooks. This is not true for the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE version tested by us because this is a mere office machine. Other versions equipped with Intel Core processors and Nvidia GeForce GT 630M-GPUs do a better job at proving their multimedia capabilities and proving the name to be right.

Our test model is equipped with an Intel Pentium B960 processor (dual-core CPU). An Intel HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge) GPU is responsible for the graphics processing. The system may use up to 4 GB of memory. Data is saved onto a 320 GB hard drive. A DVD burner is included as well. Possible competitors are the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W (Intel Pentium B960, Intel HD Graphics from Sandy Bridge) and the Lenovo G585 (AMD E2-1800, AMD Radeon HD 7340). We have recently tested the very similar Lenovo IdeaPad Z580 which is also oriented towards multimedia.  

Note: The review sample provided to us came with a keyboard layout which did not support German. Furthermore, wrong labels were stuck on the machine which said that the laptop featured a Core i5 and the Nvidia GeForce GT 650M. This is to avoid any confusion regarding the images of the laptop in this article.

联想提供了一系列不同性能级别的笔记本电脑的IdeaPad G580之一的预算版本。中国制造商冠军的G580机,多媒体笔记本电脑。的IdeaPad的G580-MBBG3GE版本的测试,我们这是不正确的,因为这是一个单纯的办公设备。配备英特尔酷睿处理器和Nvidia GeForce GT 630M GPU(图形处理器)的其他版本做一份更好的工作证明是正确的,证明自己的多媒体功能和名称。


我们的测试机型配备了英特尔奔腾B960处理器(双核心CPU)。的英特尔HD Graphics的Sandy Bridge GPU负责图形处理的。系统最多可以使用4 GB的内存。数据被保存到一个320 GB的硬盘驱动器。一个DVD刻录机也包括在内。可能的竞争对手是索尼的Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/ W(英特尔奔腾B960,从Sandy Bridge的英特尔HD Graphics)和联想G585(AMD E2-1800,AMD的Radeon HD7340)。我们最近测试了联想IdeaPad Z580非常相似,这是面向多媒体。


注:提供给我们的评测样机附带的键盘布局不支持德国。此外,贴上错误的标签被卡在机器上说,精选了酷睿i5的笔记本电脑的NVIDIA GeForce GT650M。这是关于图像的笔记本电脑在这篇文章中,以避免任何混淆。


Transverse view
The lid shows fingerprints quite easily.
There is a large service hatch at the bottom.

Regarding the shape of the casing and positioning of the connectors, the Lenovo G585 and the IdeaPad G580 are identical. The colors and applied materials are different however. The Lenovo G585 predominantly consists of shiny black plastics. Only the bottom is made of matte plastics. The IdeaPad G580 mostly consists of matte plastics. Reflections are thus avoided and it just looks better. The case is painted dark brown but you have to take a very close look to see if it is brown.

The back of the cover is made of matte plastics with metallic accentsIt looks like brushed metal. The top of the base unit consists of real brushed metal and gives the notebook a high quality appearance. We cannot understand why Lenovo does not mention this at all in the product description. Unfortunately, the lid and top of the base unit show fingerprints easily. The keyboard enclosure is also made of matte plastic material that is a good choice on this laptop. But even the IdeaPad G580 is not completely free of glossy surfaces. The display bezel and the display are extremely reflective.

The case makes a good impression. It does not warp under pressure. The frame above the optical drive is quite sturdy. If the opened notebook is lifted using its corners, it twists slightly. The hinges hold the screen static. The lid wobbles when it is suddenly released. All in all, one can say the buyer gets a solid and visually appealing case. This is not always the case at a price of 339 Euro (~$425). 

关于连接器的壳体和定位的形状是相同的,联想IdeaPad G585和G580。不同的颜色和应用材料。联想G585主要是由有光泽的黑色塑料。仅底部采用磨砂塑料。的IdeaPad G580为主的磨砂塑料。思考是可以避免的马尔萨斯,它只是看起来更好。的情况下,被涂成深褐色,但你必须要非常仔细地看,看它是否是棕色的。


盖的背面采用磨砂塑料与金属口音。它看起来像金属拉丝工艺。基本单元的顶部由真正的金属拉丝工艺,为笔记本电脑提供的高品质外观。我们不明白为什么联想没有提到这一点在所有的产品说明。不幸的是,在盖和基座单元的顶部显示指纹很容易。键盘外壳采用磨砂塑料材质,使这种笔记本电脑是一个不错的选择。但是,即使在IdeaPad G580是不是完全免费的,有光泽的表面。显示的挡板和显示器是非常反射。




The connections and their positioning are identical to the Lenovo G585. There are two USB 3.0 ports on the left-hand side of the notebook. Those, who want to use it as DVD player for their flat-screen TV at home will be delighted with the HDMI connection. On the left, we also find a VGA output, one Ethernet port and a slot for a Kensington Lock. There is a third USB connection on the right-hand side. This one only supports the USB 2.0 standard. In addition, there is a combo connection for the headphone and microphone. The memory card reader is located at the front. This notebook supports the use of SD and MMC cards.


In terms of communication options provided, the Ideapad G580-MBBG3GE and the Lenovo G585-M8325GE are identical. The WLAN module AR9285 is provided by Atheros. The module supports the 802.11 b/g/n standards. The computer connects with wired networks via the Ethernet port. Unfortunately, Lenovo only uses a Fast-Ethernet chip for the Ideapad G580-MBBG3GE too. This one is by Atheros as well. A Gigabit-Ethernet chip should be standard nowadays - even with notebooks from the lowest price-range. The buyer also gets a Bluetooth Module (AR3011). It is by Atheros and supports the Bluetooth standard 3.0.


Besides battery and power supply, we find brief instructions and warranty information in the box. There are no other accessories.


The IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE comes with FreeDos. We tested the latest operating systems available by installing it ourselves. Windows 8 (Release Preview, 64bit version) works absolutely fine. Most hardware components (like the WLAN, LAN, Webcam and Bluetooth) were ready to be used directly after installation. The operating system did not come with a driver for the memory card reader. Windows 7 drivers on the Lenovo website helped us a lot with this. After the Windows update, we found another two components in the device manager without any drivers. This should change with the release of Windows 8.

Windows 7 can, of course, be used on the Lenovo IdeaPad G580 without any problems. The notebook has been designed for this operating system and the Lenovo website offers all necessary drivers. Windows 7 Home Premium can currently be purchased for 60 to 80 Euros (~$75 - $100). We installed Windows Vista to check the laptop performance. After installing the two service packs, the system worked without any difficulties, Windows Vista, however, hardly offers any drivers for the hardware built-in. We ran Windows update to download the newest updates and drivers. After installing the updates, Windows Vista was booted but the screen remained black. The starting melody told us Windows Vista was starting. We did not see any progress past the initial screen.

For an inexpensive operating system, we recommend users to have a look at Ubuntu Linux 12.04 (64bit-Version). It can be downloaded for free. Ubuntu Linux works fine on the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE. All components (WLAN module, webcam, memory card reader, Bluetooth) were recognized during installation and were set up automatically.

联想G585的连接和自己的定位是相同的。有两个USB 3.0端口的笔记本上的左手侧。会很高兴,谁不想在家里为他们的平面电视,DVD播放机使用HDMI连接。在左边,所以我们找到一个VGA输出,一个以太网端口和一个Kensington锁槽。有三分之一的右手侧上的USB连接。这其中只支持USB 2.0标准。此外,有一个耳机和麦克风的组合连接。到存储卡读卡器位于在前面。这款笔记本支持SD卡和MMC卡的使用。




在提供的通信选项,的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE和联想G585-M8325GE的是相同的。由Atheros AR9285 WLAN模块提供。该模块支持802.11 b / g / n标准。计算机连接有线网络通过以太网端口不幸的是,联想只采用了快速以太网芯片,为的的IdeaPad G580 MBBG3GE的。这是由Atheros为好。一个千兆以太网芯片应该是标准的现在 - 甚至与笔记本电脑,最低的价格范围。因此,买方得到一个蓝牙模块(AR3011)。它是由Atheros,并支持蓝牙3.0标准。








的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE在FreeDOS。我们测试了最新的操作系统,可以通过安装它自己。 Windows 8的预览版,(64位版本)的作品绝对罚款。大多数硬件组件(如无线网络连接,LAN,网络摄像头和蓝牙)后直接安装就可以使用。操作系统没有附带存储卡读卡器的驱动程序。联想网站上的Windows 7驱动程序帮助了我们很多与此。 Windows更新后,我们找到了另外两个组成部分,在设备管理器,无需任何驱动程序。这应该改变的Windows 8的发布


当然,Windows 7可以使用上,联想IdeaPad G580没有任何问题。这个操作系统被设计为笔记本和联想的网站提供了所有必需的驱动程序。 Windows 7家庭高级版目前可以购买60到80欧元(约$ 75 - $ 100)。我们安装了Windows Vista检查笔记本电脑的性能。 Windows Vista中,安装了两个服务包后,系统没有任何困难的工作,但是,几乎没有提供任何内置的硬件驱动程序。我们运行了Windows Update下载最新的更新和驱动程序。安装更新后,Windows Vista的启动,但屏幕保持黑色的。开始的旋律告诉我们,Windows Vista的开始。过去的初始画面,我们没有看到任何进展。


对于一个廉价的操作系统,我们建议用户去看看的Ubuntu Linux 12.04(64位)。它可以免费下载。 Ubuntu Linux操作系统上正常工作的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE。所有的组件(WLAN模块,摄像头,读卡器,蓝牙),确认在安装过程中自动设置。

We tested the release preview of Windows 8.
We tested the release preview of Windows 8.
Almost all components were recognised.
Almost all components were recognised.
Ubuntu Linux 12.04 works fine.
Ubuntu Linux 12.04 works fine.


Like the Lenovo G585, maintenance of the IdeaPad G580 is very easy. There is a big service hatch at the bottom of the notebook providing access to most of the components. The notebook has two memory banks, one of which is occupied. Therefore, it would be easy to upgrade to 8 GB with little money. This would be the maximum as the notebook supports a maximum of 8 GB memory. The CPU could support up to 16 GB.

The built-in hard drive could be replaced by another one with little effort. Just loosen the two screws, take the hard drive, screw the hard drive cage onto the new hard drive, and insert the hard drive back into the notebook. That's all there is to it. There is access to the WLAN module as well. Access to the fan is limited however. 


Lenovo provides a 12-month carry-in warranty. In case of damage, the customer will need to send the notebook directly to Lenovo. Like with the Lenovo G585, the documents of the notebook have a surprise for you: a warranty extension. Lenovo extends the warranty on our test model to 24 months. Kudos to Lenovo for this point. Even significantly more expensive notebooks are often delivered with a one-year warranty like the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W. We cannot tell whether this warranty extension is added to every Lenovo IdeaPad G580. It may be possible that the extension is reserved to certain dealers only. The warranty extension does not include the battery which is covered by the usual one-year warranty. 

In case there is no warranty extension added or the warranty period is to be further extended, Lenovo offers certain package deals. They offer an extension of the warranty period to 24 or 36 months for a price of about 30 and 80 Euro (~$40 and $110) respectively.  In the Lenovo-Online-Shop, the available warranty extension can be enquired when entering the serial number. These do not need to be bought in the Lenovo online shop but can be purchased at an independent dealer.



如联想G585,维护的IdeaPad G580是很容易的。孵化提供的大部分组件的笔记本的底部有一个大的服务。笔记型电脑有两个记忆库,其中一个已被占用。因此,它会很容易升级到8 GB的一点钱。这将是最大的笔记本电脑最多可支持8 GB的内存。 CPU最多可支持16 GB。





联想提供了一个12年进行保修。损坏的情况下,客户将需要发送的笔记本电脑,直接向联想集团。与联想G585一样,有一个惊喜给你的笔记本电脑的文件:延长保修。联想的保修期延长至24个月我们的测试模型。这一点荣誉联想。甚至更昂贵的笔记本电脑经常交付为期一年的保修期,如索尼VAIO VPC-EH3C0E/ W。我们不能说这是否延长保修将被添加到每一个联想IdeaPad G580。它可能只保留给某些经销商的扩展。不包括保修期延长的电池组包括由通常的1年保修。


有没有延长保修或保修期是要进一步扩展,联想提供了一定的一揽子交易。他们分别提供的保修期延长至24个月或36个月的价格约30至80欧元(〜$40和$ 110)。在联想在线商店,可以提供延长保修询问时,输入的序列号。 ,这些Tellows需要在联想在线商店购买,但可以在一个独立的经销商购买。

Input Devices


We have seen the keyboard of the notebook before. The strong similarity to the Lenovo G585 cannot be denied at this point. The IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE has a Chiclet keyboard (called the "AccuType" keyboard) and includes a numeric pad too. The keys make typing very comfortable. The keys have sufficient travel and provided a good stroke. As with the Lenovo G585, the "enter", "backspace" and right "shift" key are a bit smaller than usual, so it is easy to miss them. It takes a bit to get used to it. All in all, one can say the keyboard is good enough for people writing a lot. 


The Ideapad G580 touchpad is very different from the Lenovo G585. In terms of appearances, Lenovo managed to design a masterpiece. The touchpad has a thin, silver metal frame surrounding it, which gives it a nice touch. The size of the touchpad is 5 cm x 10 cm. The surface is slightly dimpled and the dimples are smaller than those of the Lenovo G585. The fingers can easily slide over the surface. The scrolling area is highlighted with colors which is something nice to have. The mouse buttons are below the touchpad. Both have a clear pressure point. The touchpad comes from Synaptics and offers multi-touch gestures. Therefore, functions such as zooming-in with two fingers are possible.



我们已经看到了笔记本电脑的键盘。很强的相似性,联想G585不能否认这一点。的IdeaPad G580具有希克莱的键盘MBBG3GE(称为“AccuType”键盘),并包括一个数字键盘太。键打字很舒服。该键有足够的旅游,并提供了一个很好的行程。与联想G585,“输入”,“退格”和右边的“Shift”键是比平常有点小,所以很容易错过。这需要一些习惯。这一切的一切,可以说键盘是不够好,写了很多的人。




从联想G585的IdeaPad G580触控板是非常不同的。在出场方面,联想设计的杰作。触控板薄,银色的金属边框围绕着它,给它一个很好的接触。触控板的尺寸为5厘米×10厘米。表面稍微酒窝和凹坑小于联想G585。手指可以很容易地在表面上滑动。滚动区域用不同的颜色突出显示,这是很不错的。鼠标的按键是触控板下方。有一个明确的压力点。来自Synaptics触摸板,并提供多点触控手势。因此,搜索功能,并用两个手指放大。

The notebook is equipped with the Lenovo-typical Accu-Type keyboard.
The notebook is equipped with the typical AccuType keyboard.
The thin metal frame gives it a very posh appearance.
The thin metal frame gives it a very attractive look.


Wie wir testen - Display

Lenovo equips the notebook with a 15.6-inch display with a 1366x768 pixel resolutionThe screen has a glossy surfaceLEDs illuminate the display. Other displays are not available for the IdeaPad G580. Both the Lenovo G585 and IdeaPad G580 display have the same make, the LP156WH4-TLN1. Nevertheless the test results are different. The average display brightness of the IdeaPad G580 is rather modest at 196.6 cd/m². The Lenovo G585 offers much more with an average of 236 cd/m². The illumination of the Lenovo G585 (86 percent) is a bit better than the IdeaPad G580 (82 percent). The test results of the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W are more or less on a level with the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE.

联想笔记本采用了15.6英寸的显示屏,1366×768像素分辨率的装备。屏幕有一个光滑的表面。 LED灯照亮显示器。不适用于其它显示的IdeaPad G580。联想IdeaPad G585和G580显示器具有相同的牌子,LP156WH4-TLN1。然而,测试结果是不同的。平均显示的IdeaPad G580是相当温和,为196.6 cd /m²的亮度。联想G585提供了更多,平均为236坎德拉/平方米。联想G585(86%)的照明是好一点的IdeaPad G580(82%)。索尼VAIO VPC-EH3C0E/ W的测试结果都或多或少的在水平的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE。

Distribution of brightness
LG Philips LP156WH4-TLN1 tested with Gossen Mavo-Monitor
Maximum: 222 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 196.6 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 82 %
Center on Battery: 192 cd/m²
Contrast: 161:1 (Black: 1.19 cd/m²)45.27% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
52.4% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
46.48% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE vs. sRGB
IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE vs. sRGB
IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE vs. AdobeRGB
IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE vs. AdobeRGB

Things are different regarding contrast and black levels. Here, with a black level of 1.19 cd/m² and contrast of 161:1, the IdeaPad G580 performs a bit better than the Lenovo G585 (1.61 cd/m² and 145:1) and the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W (1.54 cd/m² and 144:1). In absolute terms however, the results of the IdeaPad G580 are bad. It should be mentioned that the subjective impression of the display is much better in daily office use than the test results may suggest. The display can neither show the sRGB nor the AdobeRGB color space. This should not be a problem as these color spaces are only required in professional image editing and graphics design.

事情是不同的对比度和黑色层次。在这里,的IdeaPad G580的黑电平1.19坎德拉/平方米,对比度161:1,表现好一点比联想G585(1.61坎德拉/平方米,145:1)和索尼VAIO VPC-EH3C0E/ W1.54(坎德拉/平方米,144:1)。然而,从绝对数字来看的IdeaPad G580的结果是不好的。应当提到的是它显示的主观印象,测试结果可能表明在日常办公使用比好得多。显示器可以显示的sRGB既不是,也不是AdobeRGB色彩空间。这不应该是一个问题,因为这些颜色空间的情况只需要在专业图像编辑和图形设计。

The IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE used outdoors.
The IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE used outdoors.

The low brightness and reflective surface of the display make outdoor usage rather difficult. Very bright environments and direct sunlight are to be avoided.


Viewing angle Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE
Viewing angles of the Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE

In terms of viewing angle stability, one gets exactly what one would expect from a computer in this price range. A small change in the vertical viewing angle results in the inversion of the image. Things are different with the horizontal viewing angles. Here, the image remains stable for larger angles.



The IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE is mainly an office device. It is supposed to manage daily tasks like chatting, surfing the Internet, playing YouTube videos, DVDs and word processing. It is also good as a video player in the living room because it works quietly and has a HDMI port.

Lenovo offers other far more powerful models in the IdeaPad G580 series. Our tested model is also available with a Core i3 processor, a larger hard drive and Windows 7 which would cost around 500 Euro (~$625). Models with Core i5 and Core i7 processors and Nvidia GeForce GT 630M GPU are available as well. These versions would be interesting to gamers too. Prices are between 600 and 700 Euro (~$750 to $875).


IdeaPad G580 MBBG3GE的是主要的办公设备。它应该是管理的日常工作,如聊天,上网冲浪,播放YouTube视频,DVD和文字处理。它是如此的好,因为它作为一个视频播放器在客厅里悄悄地和一个HDMI端口


在IdeaPad G580系列,联想还提供了其他更为强大的车型。我们的测试模型还提供了酷睿i3处理器,更大的硬盘驱动器和Windows 7将花费大约500欧元(〜$625)。与Core i5和Core i7处理器和Nvidia GeForce GT 630M GPU(图形处理器)的模式可用。这些版本将是有趣的游戏玩家。价格是600至700欧元(约$750至$875)。


Systeminfo CPUZ CPU
Systeminfo CPUZ Cache
Systeminfo CPUZ Mainboard
Systeminfo CPUZ RAM
Systeminfo CPUZ RAM SPD
Systeminfo GPUZ
Systeminfo HWInfo
System information Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE


Our review sample uses an Intel Pentium B960 processor. The CPU has two cores and comes from the Sandy Bridge processor generation. The processor operates at a speed of 2.2 GHz. The CPU has no Turbo Boost. Maximum performance was always available during our stress test and we did not notice any throttling. In the battery mode, the CPU operated at 2.2 GHz as well. The same was observed for the GPU.

The CPU passed the Cinebench tests with the CPU at full load as well. The test results are as expected. The Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W is always a bit ahead of the IdeaPad G580 in the CPU test. The Sony notebook, however, clearly wins the GL tests of Cinebench 10. The IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE is the clear winner of Cinebench 11 GL test. We cannot explain the strikingly different results in the GL tests as the GPU of the Ideapad G580 was running at maximum performance (1100 MHz) during the GL tests. The Lenovo G585 was beaten in the CPU tests which was an expected result. In the GL tests, however, it was able to compete with the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE.

我们的评测样机采用了英特尔奔腾B960处理器。 CPU有两个核心的Sandy Bridge处理器生成。该处理器在2.2 GHz的速度操作。 CPU没有涡轮增压。最大的表现总是可以在我们的压力测试,我们没有注意到任何限制。在电池模式下,CPU的操作,以及在2.2 GHz。同样的方法观察为GPU。


CINEBENCH CPU通过测试的CPU在满负荷。测试结果是否如预期。索尼的Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/ W是早一点的IdeaPad G580的CPU测试中。索尼笔记本电脑,但是,显然赢得了GL的测试CINEBENCH10日的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE是明显的赢家,11 GL测试Cinebench里。我们无法解释在GL的IdeaPad G580的GPU测试是运行在最高性能(1100兆赫)在GL的测试迥然不同的结果。联想G585的CPU测试,预计将导致被打。在GL的测试,但是,它是能竞争的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE。

Cinebench R10 Rendering Single 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Shading 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
3333 Points
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
6083 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading 64Bit
2546 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 64Bit
1.45 Points
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit
7.05 fps

System Performance

One look at the list of components already reveals that the notebook is not the fastest. Nonetheless, the system works smoothly and does not get stuck. In the PC Mark tests, the computer achieves similar results to those obtained from other notebooks with this entry-level CPU. The Acer TravelMate 5744Z-P624G50Mikk (Intel Pentium P6200, Intel GMA HD Graphics) or Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E525-NZ62KGE (AMD A8-3500M, AMD Radeon HD 6620G) all perform similarly. The notebook is slightly ahead of the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W and clearly beats the Lenovo G585.

一看已经在组件列表中显示的笔记本电脑是不是最快的。然而,系统运作顺畅,并不会停留。在PCMark测试中,获得从笔记本电脑这款入门级的CPU的计算机实现了类似的结果。宏基TravelMate5744Z-P624G50Mikk(英特尔奔腾P6200,英特尔HD Graphics)或联想ThinkPad Edge E525-NZ62KGE(AMD A8-3500M的AMD Radeon HD6620G)同样执行。笔记本电脑是稍微领先的索尼VAIO VPC-EH3C0E/ W,显然比联想G585。

Windows 7 Experience Index
Calculations per second
Memory (RAM)
Memory operations per second
Desktop performance for Windows Aero
Gaming graphics
3D business and gaming graphics
Primary hard disk
Disk data transfer rate
PCMark Vantage Result
4217 points
PCMark 7 Score
1670 points

Storage Devices

Lenovo equips the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE with a Toshiba hard drive (MK3265GSX). The hard drive has a capacity of 320 GB and operates at a speed of 5400 rpm. The average access rate is about 68.5 MB/s. The access time was about 17.2 ms. We could get more performance out of the machine. For doing so, the hard drive should be replaced by a model that operates at 7200 rpm. A Solid State Disk could be used as an alternative.

联想与东芝硬盘(MK3265GSX)装备的IdeaPad G580 MBBG3GE的。硬盘驱动器的容量为320 GB,平均约68.5 MB/ s的接入速率,工作在5400转的速度存取时间为17.2毫秒。我们可以得到更多的表现出来的机器。这样做时,应及时更换硬盘驱动器的一个模型,它在7200转的固态磁盘可以被用来作为一种替代。

Toshiba MK3265GSX
Transfer Rate Minimum: 23.5 MB/s
Transfer Rate Maximum: 89.5 MB/s
Transfer Rate Average: 68.5 MB/s
Access Time: 17.2 ms
Burst Rate: 140.3 MB/s

Graphics card

The Intel Pentium B960 also provides the graphics chip for the notebook: the Intel HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge) chip. Intel hasn't given the DirectX 10.1 GPU any separate label. It is based upon the Intel HD Graphics 2000 chip and represents the weakest performing GPU Intel currently offers. Functions such as Intel Quick Sync (supporting playing of HD videos) are left out. HD videos can be played on this machine. The processor takes over most of the work. We tested it with a video in Full HD resolution (1920x1080 pixels) and H.264 encoding. The CPU usage peaked at about 80 percent. The video was played smoothly with no skipped frames.

The results in the different 3D Mark tests are on the level expected because the GPU works at peak peformance even under full load. The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE is always slightly ahead of the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W (Intel HD Graphics from Sandy Bridge) and a bit behind the Lenovo G585 (AMD Radeon HD 7340). The Lenovo G585 gets the best results in the 3D Mark 11 benchmark because the Intel-GPU does not support DirectX 11 functions and thus could not perform this benchmark.

因此,英特尔奔腾B960提供了图形芯片的笔记本电脑:英特尔高清显卡的Sandy Bridge芯片。英特尔的DirectX10.1 GPU并没有给任何单独的标签。它是基于英特尔HD Graphics2000芯片和代表表现最弱的GPU英特尔目前提供。英特尔快速同步(支持播放高清视频)的功能测试。可以在本机上播放高清视频。该处理器采用了大部分的工作。我们测试用的全高清分辨率(1920×1080像素)和H.264编码的视频。约80%的CPU使用率达到顶峰。视频流畅播放,没有跳帧。


在不同的3D标记的测试结果是因为GPU的作品,即使在​​满负荷高峰peformance预期的水平。联想IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE总是稍稍领先于索尼的Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/ W(从Sandy Bridge的英特尔HD Graphics),有点落后了,联想G585(的Radeon HD7340)。联想G585在3D Mark11的基准得到最好的结果,因为Intel GPU不支持DirectX 11功能并的马尔萨斯

3DMark 03 Standard
6404 points
3DMark 05 Standard
4807 points
3DMark 06 Standard Score
2495 points
3DMark Vantage P Result
933 points

Gaming Performance

The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE is not a notebook for gamers. The frame rates in the games tested are too low to be considered. The maximum would be trying out a game at low resolution and low quality. For passionate gamers, Lenovo offers versions of the IdeaPad G580 which come with the Nvidia Geforce GT 630M GPU.

联想IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE是不是笔记本为游戏玩家。在游戏测试的帧速率太低,要考虑的。最大的可能会试图在低分辨率和低质量的游戏。为热情的玩家,联想提供的IdeaPad G580配备的NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M GPU(图形处理器)的版本。

low med. high ultra
Deus Ex Human Revolution (2011) 24.28
Fifa 12 (2011) 76.4 43.41 11.08
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011) 15.37 7.83



Like the Lenovo G585, the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE remained quiet all the time while idle. We measured 30 to 32.6 dB. The fan was running all the time but it could only be heard in a quiet environment. Even under full load (Prime95 and Furmark working simultaneously) the noise was still acceptable at 37.7 dB. The Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W showed the same good test results.



如联想G585,G580-MBBG3GE的IdeaPad所有的时间在空闲时保持安静。我们测量30分贝至32.6。风扇运行所有的时间,但它只能听到一个安静的环境。即使在满载情况下(Prime95和Furmark的同时工作)是可以接受的安静37.7分贝的噪音。索尼的Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/ W表现出同样的良好的测试结果。

Noise Level

30 / 30 / 32.6 dB(A)
30.4 dB(A)
34.8 / dB(A)
33.3 / 37.7 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Voltcraft sl-320 (15 cm distance)


The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE during our stress test.
The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE during our stress test.

Temperatures were fine while in idle mode. At the top as well as at the bottom, the notebook reached temperatures between 27 and 34 °C. These temperatures ensure that working with the notebook is pleasant and allow its placement on one's lap. Under full load (Prime 95 and Furmark operating simultaneously), the temperatures reached between 31 and 47.1°C. The high temperature of 47.1°C was measured on the left side of the palm rest. Such a temperature makes working with the notebook unpleasant. The temperatures of the Lenovo G585 are clearly below those of the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE. This does not surprise because the AMD-APU (AMD E2-1800) built into the Lenovo G585 consumes way less energy than the Intel Pentium B960. Sony, however, deals better with the heat generation. The temperatures of the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W are clearly below those of the  IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE.

Both CPU and GPU were operating at full speed at all times during our stress test (Prime 95 and Furmark operating simultaneously for at least one hour). There was no throttling. The CPU temperatures kept hovering around the 73-74°C mark.


在空闲模式下的温度都很好。笔记本的顶部以及底部,达到温度介乎27至34°C。这些温度,确保与笔记本电脑的工作是愉快的,并允许其放置在一个人的腿上。在满负荷(Prime95和Furmark的同步运行),温度达到31和47.1°C。高温度为47.1℃下测定的左侧的掌托。在这样的温度下,使得与笔记本电脑不愉快的工作。联想G585的温度是清楚以下的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE。这并不令人吃惊,因为AMD APU(AMD E2-1800)内置的联想G585的方式消耗较少的能量比英特尔奔腾B960。索尼然而,优惠更好的与发热体。索尼VAIO VPC-EH3C0E/ W的温度明显低于那些的IdeaPad G580 MBBG3GE的。


CPU和GPU全速运转,在任何时候都在我们的压力测试(Prime95和Furmark的同步运行至少一个小时)。有没有限制。 CPU温度一直徘徊在73-74°C标记。


Max. Load
 43.8 °C37.6 °C32.2 °C 
 45.6 °C40.7 °C31.5 °C 
 47.1 °C41.1 °C31.6 °C 
Maximum: 47.1 °C
Average: 39 °C
31.1 °C34.6 °C42.8 °C
31.6 °C41 °C38.7 °C
31 °C39.7 °C37.5 °C
Maximum: 42.8 °C
Average: 36.4 °C
Power Supply (max.)  56.5 °C | Room Temperature 25.2 °C | Voltcraft IR-360
(-) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 39 °C / 102 F, compared to the average of 29.5 °C / 85 F for the devices in the class Office.
(-) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 47.1 °C / 117 F, compared to the average of 34.3 °C / 94 F, ranging from 21.2 to 62.5 °C for the class Office.
(±) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 42.8 °C / 109 F, compared to the average of 36.8 °C / 98 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 30.7 °C / 87 F, compared to the device average of 29.5 °C / 85 F.
(-) The palmrests and touchpad can get very hot to the touch with a maximum of 47.1 °C / 116.8 F.
(-) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 27.7 °C / 81.9 F (-19.4 °C / -34.9 F).


The IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE, as well as the Lenovo G585, has its speakers at the bottom. The speakers provide pleasant sound. One can understand speech quite well. We have heard way worse speakers from review units. The speakers are more than sufficient for an office device and if you don't like the sound, you can always connect it to external speakers or use headphones whenever you want to.

IdeaPad G580 MBBG3GE,以及联想G585,其扬声器在底部。发言者很抱歉悦耳的声音。人们能够理解讲话相当不错的。我们已经听到逊色的扬声器审查单位。发言者是足够的办公设备,如果你不喜欢的声音,你可以随时将它连接到外部扬声器或使用耳机,只要你想要的。

Battery Life

Power Consumption

In terms of energy intake, the Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE does not convince. While being idle, we only measured energy consumption from 11.8 to 16.2 W. The Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W is considerably below this with measurements of 8.6 to 12 W. Under full load (Prime 95 and Furmark operating simultaneously), the energy consumption was identical with that of the Sony (49.3 W) measuring 51.1 W. The same was observed for conditions during the running of a benchmark (3D Mark 06). In this case, the Sony measured 37.5 W while the G580 recorded 37.1 W. The energy consumption of the Lenovo G585 is clearly below the one of the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE and the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W in every load range. This does not surprise us as the AMD APU consumes considerably less energy than the Intel Pentium B960. It should be mentioned, however, that the CPU part of the AMD APU performance is considerably lower than the CPU part of the Intel Pentium B960.



在能量摄入方面,联想IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE不信服。当处于空闲状态时,我们只测量能源消耗从11.8到16.2 W.索尼VAIO VPC-EH3C0E/ W与测量值的8.6至12 W(Prime95和Furmark的同步运行),在满负荷的能源消耗大大低于运行过程中的一个标杆(3D MARK06)索尼(49.3 W)测量51.1 W.同样的观察条件是相同的。在这种情况下,测量的索尼37.5瓦的,而记录的G58037.1 W.联想G585的能耗明显低于1的IdeaPad G580 MBBG3GE和索尼Vaio的VPC-EH3C0E/ W在每个负载范围内。这并不令我们惊讶的AMD APU消耗较少的能量比英特尔奔腾B960。然而,应当提及,AMD APU性能的CPU部分是大大低于英特尔奔腾B960的CPU部分。

Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.3 / 0.4 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 11.8 / 15.2 / 16.2 Watt
Load midlight 37.1 / 51.1 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 940
Currently we use the Metrahit Energy, a professional single phase power quality and energy measurement digital multimeter, for our measurements. Find out more about it here. All of our test methods can be found here.

Battery Runtime

When idle, the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE has a runtime of 5 hours 18 minutes (Sony: 6 hours 12 minutes, G585: 8 hours 40 minutes). We tested the idle mode runtime with the Battery Eater Reader Test. This means that the display is working at minimum brightness, the energy-saver mode is activated and all wireless modules (WLAN, Bluetooth) are deactivated. When completing demanding tasks, the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE records a runtime of about 1 hour 9 minutes (Sony: 1 hour 26 minutes, G585: 2 hours 2 minutes). Under load, the notebook completed the Battery Eater Classic Test with the screen at full brightness, the high-performance profile activated and the wireless modules switched on.

The WLAN-Test ran for about 3 hours 36 minutes (Sony: 4 hours 5 minutes, G585: 5 hours). During this test, websites are automatically opened every 40 seconds via a script. The energy-saver profile is activated and the display brightness is set to about 150 cd/m².

The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE has a runtime of 3 hours 19 minutes (Sony 3 hours 11 minutes, G585: 4 hours 1 minute) in the DVD test. That's enough to watch two feature length movies. For the DVD test, the wireless modules are deactivated and the display is at maximum brightness. In case the DVD does not play smoothly, the energy-saver profile is deactivated and a higher performance profile is used. 

All in all, the IdeaPad does not offer particularly good battery runtimes. Lenovo seems to be aware of this and promises a 5 hour runtime for the notebook. They kept their promise. Sony manages to get more runtime out of the same platform with the same battery capacities. The measurements of consumption are reflected in the test results. In idle mode, the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE needs much more energy than the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W. The Sony notebook runs longer in idle mode accordingly. Both notebooks cannot reach the runtimes of the Lenovo G585.


空闲时,的IdeaPad G580 MBBG3GE的(索尼:6小时12分钟,G585:8小时40分钟的运行时间为5小时18分钟)。我们测试的空闲模式下运行时,电池的食阅读器测试的。这意味着:该显示器正在工作在最小亮度,节能模式下被激活,并停用所有无线模块(WLAN,蓝牙)。当完成艰巨的任务,的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE记录的运行时间约1小时9分钟(索尼:1小时26分钟,G585:2小时2分钟)。在负载下,笔记本电池完成食经典测试与屏幕在全亮度,高性能的激活和切换无线模块的配置文件。




联想IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE有DVD测试的运行时间为3小时19分钟(索尼3小时11分钟,G585:4小时1分钟)。这足以看两个特征长度的电影。对于DVD测试,无线模块被停用,并显示是在最大亮度。情况下,DVD播放不流畅,能源,保护个人资料被停用,使用一个更高的性能。


这一切的一切,不提供的IdeaPad特别是良好的电池运行时间。联想似乎是意识到了这一点,并承诺5个小时的笔记本运行。他们保持自己的诺言。索尼管理,以获得更多的运行在同一平台上使用同样的电池容量。消耗的测量在测试结果中反映出来。在空闲模式下的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE需要更多的能量比Sony VAIO VPC-EH3C0E/ W。索尼笔记本电脑在空闲模式下的运行时间。这两款笔记本电脑无法达到的联想G585的运行时间。


Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
5h 18min
WiFi Surfing
3h 36min
3h 19min
Load (maximum brightness)
1h 9min


The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE.
The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE.

Lenovo offers an entry-level computer for a low price with the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE. Those who are looking for a laptop for typing and that handles all types of Internet communication and can play most video formats will be on the safe side with the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE. An alert consumer will have noticed that this conclusion is very similar to the one about the Lenovo G585.

If a consumer is interested in the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE, one should consider the Lenovo G585 as well and base his/her decision on the differences between the two. For long battery life and low energy consumption, choose the Lenovo G585. For more CPU performance and a matte case which gives it a good appearance, buy the IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE.

联想与的G580-MBBG3GE的IdeaPad以低廉的价格提供了一个入门级的电脑。谁正在寻找一台笔记本电脑打字和处理所有类型的互联网通信,并可以播放大多数视频格式将是在安全方面的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE。警报的消费者会注意到,这个结论是非常相似的一个关于联想G585。


如果一个消费者感兴趣的IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE的,应该考虑联想的G585,以及基于他/她的决定两者之间的差异。电池寿命长,能耗低,选择联想G585。更多的CPU性能,从而形成一种良好的外观和磨砂表壳,买的IdeaPad G580 MBBG3GE的。

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In Review: The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE, provided by:
In Review: The Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE, provided by:


Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE
Intel Pentium B960 2 x 2.2 GHz, Sandy Bridge
Graphics adapter
Intel HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge), Core: 650 MHz,
4 GB 
, DDR3
15.60 inch 16:9, 1366 x 768 pixel, LG Philips LP156WH4-TLN1, glossy: yes
Intel HM76 (Panther Point)
Toshiba MK3265GSX, 320 GB 
, 5400 rpm
Intel Panther Point PCH - High Definition Audio Controller
1 USB 2.0, 2 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 1 VGA, 1 HDMI, 1 Kensington Lock, Audio Connections: Audiocombo, Card Reader: SD, MMC
Atheros AR8162/8166/8168 PCI-E Fast Ethernet (10/100MBit/s), Atheros AR9285 802.11b/g WiFi Adapter (b/g/), Bluetooth 3.0
Optical drive
height x width x depth (in mm): 34.3 x 376 x 245
48 Wh Lithium-Ion
Operating System
Webcam: Ja
Additional features
Speakers: Stereo, Keyboard: Chiclet, Keyboard Light: no, 24 Months Warranty
2.6 kg
339 Euro


The DVD burner reads and writes all sorts of DVD and CD.
The DVD burner reads and writes all types of DVD and CD.
The dimensions of the battery are 20,8 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm...
The dimensions of the battery are 20.8 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm...
The speakers are at the bottom of the notebook.
The speakers are at the bottom of the notebook.
... the DVD drive can be taken out.
... the DVD drive can be taken out.
If this screw is removed...
If this screw is removed...
There is only limited access to the fan.
There is only limited access to the fan.
It is very easy to take out the hard drive.
It is very easy to take out the hard drive.
The computer has two memory banks.
The computer has two memory banks.
The service hatch is only held by two screws.
The service hatch is held by only two screws. has a capacity of 48 Wh. has a capacity of 48 Wh.

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Test library

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Comparing prices


+ 良好的接口
+ 安静
+ USB 3.0
+ 24个月的保修期


- 光面显示屏
- 快速以太网只
- 温和的电池寿命


What we like

The notebook has two USB 3.0 ports and good input devices. In addition, the notebook works very quietly most of the time. We also like the 24-month warranty. 

What we miss

Better battery life. The Sony notebook proves that better runtimes are possible.

What astonishes us

Lenovo uses metallic accents on such a cheap notebook.


The competitors are the Sony Vaio VPC-EH3C0E/W and the Lenovo G585.


Lenovo IdeaPad G580-MBBG3GE - 08/24/2012 v3 (old)
Sascha Mölck

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 联想 IdeaPad G580 笔记本测评
Sascha Mölck, 2013-01- 6 (Update: 2014-06-13)