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联想的IdeaPad Y510p笔记本测评

该实验将继续. 联想的IdeaPad Y500时,介绍了前一段时间相当轰动:15英寸多用途系统提供了第二块NVIDIA GPU作为一个选项。新的IdeaPad Y510p已经更新了硬件和现在代替了GeForce GT650M SLI功能的GeForce GT750M SLI。双DirectX 11的笔记本威胁既定的高端竞争?
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网上商店notebooksbilliger.de的 - 谁给我们提供了我们的审阅笔记本免费 - 提供三种不同版本的IdeaPad Y510p。我们的笔记本电脑(型号59367400)的售价为1100欧元(〜$1450),并配备非常齐全。像最近发布的游戏笔记本电脑的IdeaPad Y510p搭载四核处理器从英特尔的Haswell的阵容。核心i7-4700MQ的功能对于大多数应用程序从2.4-3.4 GHz的时钟速度 - 足够的电力。

同样是真正的内存:8 GB DDR3 RAM(使用一个插槽,一个插槽打开)不应该是未来几年的一个限制因素。还拥有充足的硬盘大小:联想包括一个24 GB SSD和1000 GB标准硬盘。如前所述,15英寸的笔记本采用了两片GeForce GT750M的GPU的图形引擎。

大:不像其他的笔记本电脑,如K56-3F,这些中产阶级显卡访问GDDR5,而不是DDR3 VRAM。联想采用了无眩光显示屏,支持全高清分辨率 - 1920×1080像素。就操作系统而言,没有惊喜:笔记本,现在64位的Windows 8是一个事实上的标准。

更昂贵的笔记本(1200欧元/$1600)59367287版本不值得在我们的书,因为 - 根据 - 唯一的区别是预装的RAM(16 GB和8 GB)。应考虑潜在的买家,谁不需要一个双GPU配置,但宁愿有一个光盘驱动器的笔记本电脑,型号为59367273,附带蓝光驱动器,并应更有趣的电影之夜。

Model Y510p 59367400 Y510p 59367287 Y510p 59367273
Processor Core i7-4700MQ Core i7-4700MQ Core i7-4700MQ
GPU GeForce GT 750M SLI GeForce GT 750M SLI GeForce GT 750M
Hard drive 24 GB SSD + 1.000 GB HDD 24 GB SSD + 1.000 GB HDD 24 GB SSD + 1.000 GB HDD
Optical drive not included not included Blu-ray RW-drive
Display Full HD matte Full HD matte Full HD matte
OS Windows 8 64 Bit Windows 8 64 Bit Windows 8 64 Bit
Price 1100 Euro 1200 Euro 1100 Euro


Subpar stability
Subpar stability

即使机箱设计的IdeaPad Y500也不是没有它的缺陷,联想决定不更新它 - 我们没有发现任何变化,除了无眩光显示屏。由于机箱是结转,新车型将继承其长处和短处。


我们很高兴忽略了相当的重量为2.9公斤(约6.4磅),因为笔记本电脑包括的UltraBay - 热插拔驱动器托架,可以配备二次GPU,风扇,硬盘,光驱。

我们的主要批评的关注点之一的联想材料使用:深色表面污垢吸引 - 尤其是极为细腻的高光泽显示屏挡板。该单位也没有非常坚固和触摸板弯曲的方式太多。关于机箱的详细信息,请阅读我们的评论的IdeaPad Y500



的端口和它们的位置是相同的Y500。的笔记本电脑前设有读卡器的右侧,有一个Kensington锁槽,1个USB 2.0端口,2个音频插孔(耳机和麦克风)。大多数端口在左侧:电源插孔,VGA端口和HDMI端口,千兆网卡,两个USB 3.0端口。由于大多数端口位于前面板,连接一个外接鼠标,可以导致一个拥挤的工作空间和不必要的碰撞。


WLAN模块标准收费:就像前任,Y500p船舶与英特尔迅驰无线-N2230适配器,支持WLAN802.11 b / g标准/ n和蓝牙4.0。尽管该模块只能处理2.4 GHz和5.0 GHz频段,支持附加功能,如无线显示技术和智能连接。范围是相当不错的。

Left side: power jack, VGA, RJ-45 Gigabit Lan, HDMI, 2x USB 3.0
Left side: power jack, VGA, RJ-45 Gigabit Lan, HDMI, 2x USB 3.0
Right side: headphone, microphone, USB 2.0, UltraBay, Kensington Lock
Right side: headphone, microphone, USB 2.0, UltraBay, Kensington Lock


对内部组件的访问没有任何比它更容易的IdeaPad Y500:去除顽固盖后底部(九颗螺丝),用户可以访问无线适配器,风扇,内存,和硬盘驱动器。无论是处理器,也不是主显卡是可插拔的。

Pre-installed software
Pre-installed software





的IdeaPad Y510p附带一个170瓦的电源适配器,重量676克(约1.5磅)和措施168×79×35毫米(6.6×3.1×1.4英寸)。无论恢复磁盘,也不是一个DVD驱动器 - 但至少驱动程序位于一个特殊的分区。这是一个有点令人失望的是,联想现在包含了一个较弱的6芯电池(62瓦,而不是72瓦)。


PowerDVD 10
PowerDVD 10
OneKey Recovery
OneKey Recovery
Energy Management
Energy Management

Input Devices

由于我们采取了深入的看看在我们审查的IdeaPad Y500的键盘和触摸板,我们不会进入细节。这足以说,虽然令人印象深刻的红色背光和不寻常的键键盘,触摸板惹恼了海绵和不准确的响应。



看来,联想听取批评:光泽和高反射率的前身,现在Y510p船舶采用了磨砂显示屏显示。面板采用了相同的分辨率为1920x1080像素,宽高比为16:9。 1600x900的像素虽然已经很多了15.6英寸的屏幕,更高的分辨率确实使多任务相当容易一点,因为它允许轻松放置两个窗口彼此相邻的。

Distribution of brightness
LG LP156WF1-TLB2 (LGD02D9) tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
Maximum: 403 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 367.7 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 83 %
Center on Battery: 395 cd/m²
Contrast: 608:1 (Black: 0.65 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 8.9 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.94
ΔE Greyscale 10.88 | 0.5-98 Ø5.2
61.5% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
88.4% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
59.9% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
Gamma: 2.55


有优异的亮度:368坎德拉/平方米远高于大多数竞争对手。听起来类似LP156WF1 TLF3 - 在辛克XMG A523 - 只管理225坎德拉/平方米,这是少约40%。对比度也令人印象深刻,而IdeaPad Y500的管理460:1,我们只是记录600:1以上的Y510p。即使显示器不刺眼,画面却颇为传神。

Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p vs. sRGB
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p vs. sRGB
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p vs. AdobeRGB
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p vs. AdobeRGB
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p vs. IdeaPad Y500
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p vs. IdeaPad Y500
CalMan: Grayscale
CalMan: Grayscale
CalMan: Saturation Sweeps
CalMan: Saturation Sweeps
CalMan: ColorChecker
CalMan: ColorChecker


笔记本电脑是非常适合在户外使用,但 - 我们的照片显示,即使是明亮的天,不会造成任何问题。

Outdoor use Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
Outdoor use Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
Outdoor use Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p

视角稳定性优于TN面板的平均。在水平面,甚至相当多的人可以享受屏幕(电影之夜)。垂直角度的IdeaPad Y510p,但仍优于大多数竞争对手是更多的限制。总体而言,面板只错过了“非常好”的微弱优势。大多数买家将很高兴与该显示。

Viewing angles Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
Viewing angles Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p




Y510p配备英特尔酷睿i7-4700MQ的。这个特定的CPU时钟速度从2.4-3.4 GHz的 - 上一代的酷睿i7-3630QM,联想在前作Y510使用的相同。此外,以相同的时钟速度,两个处理器的L3超高速缓存(6 MB)和制造过程(22纳米)的量是相同的。

其中最显着的改进英特尔的Haswell架构影响显卡:HD4600图形性能提供了相当多的比旧的高清显卡4000(Ivy Bridge的代)。太糟糕了,联想不使用显卡切换因为双GPU的配置 - NVIDIA的Optimus技术将闲置期间节省了大量的电能和运行要求不高的应用时。

CPU拥有47瓦的TDP,可以通过超线程并行处理8个线程,支持Turbo Boost技术。

Systeminfo CPUZ CPU
Systeminfo CPUZ Cache
Systeminfo CPUZ Mainboard
Systeminfo CPUZ Memory
Systeminfo CPUZ SPD
Systeminfo GPUZ
Systeminfo Nvidia
Systeminfo SLI
Systeminfo HWiNFO
Systeminfo CrystalDiskMark (HDD)
Systeminfo HDTune (HDD)
Systeminfo DPC latency
System information Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p

Turbo Boost

所以核心的运行速度比他们的基本工作频率,Turbo Boost技术可自动超频。在理想的情况下,这一增长是在1 GHz以上 - 但不幸的是,从低于完美实施的技术的IdeaPad Y510p遭受。只要只有一个核心负载下,一切都很好,接近3.3 GHz的Turbo Boost的限制上。当负责多个核心或GPU强调,下降到只有2.4 GHz的时钟速度。虽然这个技术不能被称为节流,它仍然是相当令人失望的。

一些上了年纪的蓝天准系统(例如辛克XMG A502)也有类似的问题。 Turbo Boost技术的缺乏变得明显在CPU密集型游戏和基准测试。在日常使用中,这种性能损失可能不是很明显的 - 睿i7-4700MQ的是足够强大的,即使没有涡轮增压的 - 但有些用户不会考虑在所有上述的IdeaPad Y510p

Single Core Rendering
Single Core Rendering
Multi Core Rendering
Multi Core Rendering
CPU & GPU load
CPU & GPU load

CPU Performance

CINEBENCH R10清楚地表明了缺乏涡轮增压的IdeaPad Y510p结束了19383分,比其他笔记本电脑具有相同的i7-4700MQ的CPU - 相当少一点。 K56-3N2,例如,拿下了约5000点(+26%)。与酷睿i7-3630QM的IdeaPad Y500也优于Y510p21733点 - 12%加。的单核测试的结果有很大的不同,的IdeaPad Y510p(6628点)是能够得分超过先前的IdeaPad Y500(5953点)。

Cinebench R11.5
CPU Single 64Bit (sort by value)
Core i7-4700MQ @ Y510p
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
1.51 Points
Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3F
1.51 Points 0%
Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
1.41 Points -7%
CPU Multi 64Bit (sort by value)
Core i7-4700MQ @ Y510p
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
5.29 Points
Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3F
6.96 Points +32%
Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
6.37 Points +20%
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
6628 Points
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
19383 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading 64Bit
6788 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Single 64Bit
1.51 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 64Bit
5.29 Points
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit
52.6 fps

Graphics Card

GPU Boost
GPU Boost

对于联想的IdeaPad Y510p,结合两个中产阶级的GPU,NVIDIA的GeForce 700系列。尽管这些显卡仍然是基于旧的开普勒架构,显着更高的时钟速度使的GeForce GT 750M(SLI)跑赢幅度公平的GeForce GT 650M(SLI)。

改进的DirectX 11 GPU的前身 - 790 MHz内核的时钟速度和2000 MHz内存,GT 750M达到967 MHz和2500 MHz,这是同比增长为核心的+22%和+25%的内存。使用GPU Boost技术(动态超频),显卡已经达到了1058 MHz的根据GPU-Z。

没有改变的RAM量:2048 MB GDDR5 VRAM通过一个128位的总线解决(虽然现在带宽80 GB / s的,而不是64 GB /秒)。着色单元(384)的数目也相同。下一个更强的GPU在Nvidia的阵容 - GeForce®(精视™)GTX 760M - 许多着色单元的两倍。所有开普勒GPU的使用仍然是相同的 - 到 - 28纳米制程制造。

为了确保最高的图形性能,配备联想的IdeaPad Y510p两个GT 750M GPU(图形处理器)在SLI的设置,这是连在一起的。就像直接竞争对手AMD(交火),Nvidia的双GPU的设置有一定的缺点 - 他们高得多的功耗和冷却要求。

更关键的是,在我们看来,是微口吃的发生。由于两个GPU渲染的帧,反过来,帧之间的延迟,有时可以是不规则的,这导致口吃。 SLI GPU组合不幸的临界阈值低于40 fps的 - 至少对于全高清和高的最大细节(通常是玩游戏的首选设置)。一些头衔 - 喜欢“孤岛惊魂3 - 似乎特别容易发生微口吃的。

在纸面上看起来很不错的游戏,有时,不执行时,它实际上是发挥。高性能的双GPU - GeForce®(精视™)GTX 765M SLI(辛克XMG P723) - 设置尽可能多的影响。

另一个缺点是依赖性强司机。游戏较慢或仅稍快,当起了双GT 750MS通常缺少驱动器的配置文件,这是必要的SLI设置,以达到充分发挥潜力。 Nvidia的需要来实现这样的配置文件的每场比赛。除了一些不太知名的游戏,全新的游戏,有时也未列入。我们检查了32场比赛,只发现污垢:摊牌公司受到影响英雄2 - 不坏,考虑到AMD的驱动程序支持是参差不齐。

Windows 8 Experience Index
Calculations per second
Memory (RAM)
Memory operations per second
Desktop performance for Windows Aero
Gaming graphics
3D business and gaming graphics
Primary hard disk
Disk data transfer rate

GPU Performance

随着更新的驱动程序的GeForce GT750M SLI没有懒散的IdeaPad Y510p的Unigine天堂3.0基准(1920×1080,高,镶嵌正常) - 通常情况下,只有昂贵的高端笔记本电脑都能够表现这种管理44.3 fps的。 GT750M SLI的组合结果的基础上,介于GeForce®(精视™)GTX675MX(40.9帧,辛克XMG P502)GeForce®(精视™)GTX770M(49.5帧,其中K73-3N)。

虽然GeForce®(精视™)GTX765M慢约20%(36.0帧,辛克W503),搭配DDR3显存的GeForce®(精视™)GT750M落后了50%(22.3帧,其中K56-3F)。 SLI组合不会有机会对高端的GeForce GTX780M(75.9帧,其中K56-3N2)。两个GTX765M GPU还提供50%以上的性能(每秒66.7帧,辛克XMG P723)。考虑到价格的IdeaPad Y510p,我们没有看到一个抱怨的理由:很少有笔记本电脑提供这么多的价值的钱。

火力打击试验 - 的3DMark13基准测试套件的一部分 - 的结果也是令人信服的。 GPU得分3703分),GT750M的地方提前(2638点,华硕G750JW)GeForce®(精视™)GTX765M和GeForce®(精视™)GTX675MX(2831点,辛克XMG P502)的高分。 AMD顶级的表演者,在Radeon HD7970M,分数高出27%(4694点,辛克XMG P502)。 GeForce®(精视™)GTX680M“只”提供约12%以上的性能(4146的点,IbuyPower武神CZ) - 另一个迹象,价格性能比是相当出众。

3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance GPU (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
4634 Points
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
3612 Points -22%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
7897 Points +70%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
4103 Points -11%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
5187 Points +12%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
7913 Points +71%
Unigine Heaven 2.1 - 1280x1024 high, Tesselation (normal), DirectX11 AA:off AF:1x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
56.7 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
47.6 fps -16%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
95.3 fps +68%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
49.7 fps -12%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
65.5 fps +16%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
100.5 fps +77%
3DMark 06 Standard Score
17875 points
3DMark Vantage P Result
16142 points
3DMark 11 Performance
4542 points
3DMark Ice Storm Standard Score
83684 points
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score
12684 points
3DMark Fire Strike Score
3143 points

Storage Devices

我们有小的SSD驱动器,容量为24 GB的百感交集。一方面,笔记本电脑迅速启动 - 不像大型固态硬盘系统。不幸的是,24L6G LITEONIT LSS的功能仅作为ExpressCache因此无法直接访问。由于安置1000 GB硬盘驱动器上的操作系统,整体性能与传统的硬盘驱动器看齐。

至于硬盘而言,三星的Spinpoint M8 HN-M101MBB是一个很好的,但没有一个恒星的选择。 5400 RPM的硬盘是比很多竞争对手少吵,但用户不应该指望7200 RPM的性能或混合硬盘驱动器(虽然差异不显着)。 CrystalDiskMark的显示速度为88 MB /秒,连续读取和80 MB /秒顺序写入 - 这两个值是完全可以接受的。根据HD Tune的,平均存取时间为17.1毫秒。

总体而言,硬盘的性能应满足大多数用户使用。更换硬盘驱动器是 - 正如我们之前提到的 - 不是太困难。

Samsung SpinPoint M8 HN-M101MBB
Transfer Rate Minimum: 48.4 MB/s
Transfer Rate Maximum: 181.1 MB/s
Transfer Rate Average: 82.3 MB/s
Access Time: 17.1 ms
Burst Rate: 147.3 MB/s
CPU Usage: 1.3 %

System Performance

缺乏一个全面的SSD是指不超过基准值的上层中产阶级系统的。 Y510p运行PCMark Vantage的测试中获得了11262点 - 类似于索尼VAIO VPC-Z21Q9E(酷睿i7-2620M的Radeon HD6650M)和惠普EliteBook8770瓦特的(酷睿i7-3630QM的Quadro K4000M)。许多笔记本电脑也不会来接近4776点的审查模式运行的PCMark7基准测试(IdeaPad Y500的:3505点)评分。

PCMark Vantage Result
11262 points
PCMark 7 Score
4776 points

Gaming Performance

Decent power for new games
Decent power for new games


根据我们的测量,GeForce®(精视™)GTX770M SLI的设置提供了几乎相同的性能和定位本身之间的双GTX765M SLI(+36%)和GT650M SLI(-22%),一个单一的GTX765M GPU的兄弟姐妹慢约20% - 但有些游戏玩更流畅的单GPU。

由于微薄的CPU时钟速度(缺乏涡轮增压),系统的性能落后于一些设置和某些游戏。在某些情况下,旧的IdeaPad Y500实际上结束了更快的系统(例如刺客信条III和2012年F1的设置中高)。当玩图形密集型游戏,很好的GeForce GT750M SLI比较对前型号的GeForce GTX 680M和Radeon HD7970M。

Graphics Card Overall Performance
GeForce GTX 780M +48 %
GeForce GTX 765M SLI +36 %
GeForce GTX 770M +4 %
GeForce GT 750M SLI Basis (average of over 30 games)
GeForce GTX 765M -22 %
GeForce GT 650M SLI -22 %
low med. high ultra
Battlefield 3 (2011) 79.3 67.4 33.2
CoD: Modern Warfare 3 (2011) 144.8 128.8 100.1
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011) 92.4 81.6 58.9
Anno 2070 (2011) 91.7 63.3 37.9
Alan Wake (2012) 85.2 40.3
Mass Effect 3 (2012) 59.9 59.8
Risen 2: Dark Waters (2012) 84 66.9 39.1
Diablo III (2012) 182.7 179.6 136
Dirt Showdown (2012) 101.3 67.1 23.4
Max Payne 3 (2012) 65.6 39.3 31.6
Darksiders II (2012) 149.7 90.1
Sleeping Dogs (2012) 95.6 70.5 21.1
Counter-Strike: GO (2012) 205.1 182.4 163.4
Guild Wars 2 (2012) 49.8 36.3
F1 2012 (2012) 92 87 61
Borderlands 2 (2012) 96.3 93.2 75.3
Fifa 13 (2012) 332.3 287.3 196.3
Dishonored (2012) 128.3 128.3 119.4
Medal of Honor: Warfighter (2012) 100.2 86.6 40.1
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012) 59.9 59.3 39.7
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (2012) 127.6 95.9 65.2
Hitman: Absolution (2012) 49.1 42.1 24.9
Assassin´s Creed III (2012) 56.8 52.4 25.1
Far Cry 3 (2012) 88.1 53.1 21.7
Dead Space 3 (2013) 210.9 154.4 85.2
Crysis 3 (2013) 74.6 52.5 19
Tomb Raider (2013) 142.7 105.8 45.3
SimCity (2013) 53.3 43.1 23.1
BioShock Infinite (2013) 104.1 94.2 38.9
Metro: Last Light (2013) 55.2 37.3 23.9
GRID 2 (2013) 112.4 102.3 36.6
Company of Heroes 2 (2013) 27.1 17.7 8.2


System Noise

Chassis fan
Chassis fan

虽然用两块显卡的IdeaPad Y510p配备,噪音水平是完全可以接受的。在空闲模式和执行简单的任务的同时,该系统是几乎听不见在31-32分贝(A),(15厘米/6英寸的距离) - 轻微的呼啸声,风扇呼呼的硬盘在不烦啊最少的。

考虑到笔记本电脑的性能水平,甚至3D操作是无可厚非:38-41分贝(A)肯定是明显的,噪音水平 - 略低于我们记录的IdeaPad Y500 - 仍然是不讨厌的或令人不安。大声的游戏推系统在背景噪音。辛克XMG A523 - 配备低性能的GeForce GTX765M - 达到一个非常突出的44-49分贝(A)。

Noise Level

30.6 / 31.1 / 31.7 dB(A)
38.2 / 40.8 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Voltcraft sl-320 (15 cm distance)


Stress test (Furmark & Prime)
Stress test

其中一个主要的缺点:15寸系统运行非常热 - 类似的IdeaPad Y500。我们测量了最大48°C(118.4°F /顶部)和44°C(111.2°F /底部)的FurMark和Prime95的一小时,可以得到相当不舒服,过了一段时间运行后,我们的压力测试。笔记本也大幅增加,加热时玩游戏。


一看硬件设备的温度显示系统为什么变得这么热:处理器和显卡最高的90°C(194°F / CPUID硬件监视器)在压力测试 - 核心i7-4700MQ的油门,下降到800兆赫。在我们的测试中,第二个GPU的时钟速度为135 MHz和203 MHz内存速度。我们的基准测试表明节流,但是没有证据。

Max. Load
 56.5 °C56.3 °C40.4 °C 
 56.2 °C56.6 °C41.5 °C 
 42.6 °C42.9 °C35.6 °C 
Maximum: 56.6 °C
Average: 47.6 °C
36.9 °C48.9 °C51.9 °C
37.8 °C49.1 °C53.8 °C
35.2 °C39.6 °C42.3 °C
Maximum: 53.8 °C
Average: 43.9 °C
Power Supply (max.)  54.2 °C | Room Temperature 26 °C | Voltcraft IR-550
(-) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 47.6 °C / 118 F, compared to the average of 33.9 °C / 93 F for the devices in the class Gaming.
(-) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 56.6 °C / 134 F, compared to the average of 40.5 °C / 105 F, ranging from 21.2 to 68.8 °C for the class Gaming.
(-) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 53.8 °C / 129 F, compared to the average of 43.2 °C / 110 F
(±) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 34.8 °C / 95 F, compared to the device average of 33.9 °C / 93 F.
(-) The palmrests and touchpad can get very hot to the touch with a maximum of 42.9 °C / 109.2 F.
(-) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 28.9 °C / 84 F (-14 °C / -25.2 F).


自从联想似乎已经没有变化的JBL音箱系统,请查看我们的IdeaPad Y500审查更多信息。

Energy Management

Power Consumption

IdeaPad Y510p配备了更强大的硬件组件,与Y500相比,也因此消耗更多的电量 - 我们在空闲(前身:18-25瓦之间测得的21-32瓦)。

在负载下,新的笔记本电脑也消耗更多的电力:我们的功率计显示113瓦至104瓦的Y500相比的3DMark06基准测试过程中的第一个场景 - 尽管缺乏涡轮增压。即使在重负荷下,Y500是耗电少:105比113瓦。上述压力测试期间的CPU节流之前,我们录得的最大功耗在150瓦。因此,电源适配器是足够大的处理负载。

Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.1 / 0.2 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 21 / 27.8 / 31.9 Watt
Load midlight 112.5 / 146.1 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 940
Currently we use the Metrahit Energy, a professional single phase power quality and energy measurement digital multimeter, for our measurements. Find out more about it here. All of our test methods can be found here.

Battery Life

Maximum battery life (Reader's Test)
Reader's Test
Minimum battery life (Classic Test)
Classic Test

电池寿命达不到预期:一个便携的15英寸笔记本电脑的三个多小时的路程应该是能够从任何电源插座。 IdeaPad Y500的 - 配备硬件更加节俭和更强大的电池 - 历时约30-60分钟的时间。


Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
2h 49min
WiFi Surfing
2h 18min
Load (maximum brightness)
1h 17min


Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p

IdeaPad Y510p在某些方面,包括从成功到失败的色域。其中最显着的因素是没有问题联想的UltraBay。

热插拔托架可让用户快速适应笔记本手头的任务 - 无论是看蓝光电影(插入光盘驱动器)或玩要求苛刻的游戏(更换光驱与二次GPU)。

IdeaPad Y510p的尽管微口吃的发生依赖于最新的驱动程序,但有一本畅销书的气质。其他笔记本电脑的售价为1000欧元(〜$1300),并提供系统性能的GeForce GTX680M或GTX770M显卡?这将是很难塞进更多的表现为一款15英寸的笔记本电脑 - 至少,如果没有重量和尺寸是值得关注。

在一些地区,笔记本不到完美:高光泽的塑料部件,温度高,相当短的电池寿命可能会阻止一些潜在的买家。海绵状触摸板和Turbo Boost的不足也阻碍了整体得分。

加方,该笔记本拥有一个无眩光全高清显示屏具有出色的亮度。我们也很喜欢背光键盘,可升级性,以及良好的音响系统。所有的事情考虑的IdeaPad Y510p是一个有趣的和值得推荐的多用途笔记本电脑。

Review model courtesy of ...

In Comparison

Company of Heroes 2 - 1920x1080 Maximum / Higher / High AA:High (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
8.2 fps
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
12.3 fps +50%
GRID 2 - 1920x1080 Ultra Preset AA:4xMS (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
36.6 fps
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
56.6 fps +55%
Metro: Last Light - 1920x1080 Very High (DX11) AF:16x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
23.9 fps
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
34.4 fps +44%
BioShock Infinite - 1920x1080 Ultra Preset, DX11 (DDOF) (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
38.9 fps
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
49.8 fps +28%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
23.6 fps -39%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
30.8 fps -21%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
46.6 fps +20%
SimCity - 1920x1080 Ultra / High AA:on (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
23.1 fps
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
30.3 fps +31%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
23.9 fps +3%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
29.5 fps +28%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
39.9 fps +73%
Tomb Raider - 1920x1080 Ultra Preset AA:FX AF:16x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
45.3 fps
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
65.1 fps +44%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
31.7 fps -30%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
41.9 fps -8%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
65.3 fps +44%
Crysis 3 - 1920x1080 Very High Preset AA:2xSM AF:16x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
19 fps
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
23.4 fps +23%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
14.2 fps -25%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
19.3 fps +2%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
29.3 fps +54%
Dead Space 3 - 1920x1080 Very High Preset (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
85.2 fps
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
100.8 fps +18%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
70.4 fps -17%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
93 fps +9%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
144.2 fps +69%
Far Cry 3 - 1920x1080 DX11 Ultra Preset (HDAO, Enhanced Alpha To Coverage) AA:4x MS (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
21.7 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
15.6 fps -28%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
30.6 fps +41%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
14.4 fps -34%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
20 fps -8%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
30.4 fps +40%
Assassin´s Creed III - 1920x1080 Very High (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
25.1 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
22.2 fps -12%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
37.3 fps +49%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
22.8 fps -9%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
30.5 fps +22%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
42.6 fps +70%
Hitman: Absolution - 1920x1080 Ultra Preset AA:4xMS AF:16x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
24.9 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
19.1 fps -23%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
29.3 fps +18%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
13.4 fps -46%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
21.2 fps -15%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
33.8 fps +36%
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - 1920x1080 (Extra) High / On, FXAA AA:4xMS (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
65.2 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
55.3 fps -15%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
94.9 fps +46%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
50 fps -23%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
66.1 fps +1%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
95.1 fps +46%
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - 1920x1080 High / On (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
39.7 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
17.4 fps -56%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
59.8 fps +51%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
38.3 fps -4%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
46.9 fps +18%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
59.9 fps +51%
Medal of Honor: Warfighter - 1920x1080 Ultra Preset AA:4xMS AF:16x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
40.1 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
31.2 fps -22%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
49.6 fps +24%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
24.7 fps -38%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
36 fps -10%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
54.8 fps +37%
Dishonored - 1920x1080 High / On, FOV: 75 AA:FX (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
119.4 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
95.8 fps -20%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
128.3 fps +7%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
80 fps -33%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
108.7 fps -9%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
125 fps +5%
Fifa 13 - 1920x1080 High AA:4xMS (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
196.3 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
194.4 fps -1%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
305.4 fps +56%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
237.4 fps +21%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
291.9 fps +49%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
307.7 fps +57%
Borderlands 2 - 1920x1080 (Ultra) High / On (PhysX low) AA:FX AF:8x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
75.3 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
59.9 fps -20%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
90.4 fps +20%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
47.7 fps -37%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
64.3 fps -15%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
83.3 fps +11%
F1 2012 - 1920x1080 Ultra Preset AA:4xMS (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
61 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
53 fps -13%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
99 fps +62%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
57 fps -7%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
76 fps +25%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
100 fps +64%
Guild Wars 2 - 1920x1080 All Maximum / On AA:FX (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
36.3 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
23.2 fps -36%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
42.3 fps +17%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
21.8 fps -40%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
28.6 fps -21%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
41.2 fps +13%
Counter-Strike: GO - 1920x1080 (Very) High, FXAA AA:4x MS AF:8x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
163.4 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
138.7 fps -15%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
196.5 fps +20%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
106.9 fps -35%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
150.9 fps -8%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
194 fps +19%
Sleeping Dogs - 1920x1080 Extreme Preset AA:Extreme (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
21.1 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
13.6 fps -36%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
33.8 fps +60%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
14.2 fps -33%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
19.3 fps -9%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
30.8 fps +46%
Darksiders II - 1920x1080 2/4 Shadows, No Ambient Occlusion, AA:Low (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
90.1 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
69.8 fps -23%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
116.3 fps +29%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
66.4 fps -26%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
91.3 fps +1%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
136.9 fps +52%
Max Payne 3 - 1920x1080 Very High, DX11 AA:Very High FX AF:8x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
31.6 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
26.1 fps -17%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
55.3 fps +75%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
29.6 fps -6%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
37.1 fps +17%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
54.5 fps +72%
Dirt Showdown - 1920x1080 Ultra Preset AA:4xMS (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
23.4 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
19.2 fps -18%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
34.1 fps +46%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
34.9 fps +49%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
45.2 fps +93%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
66.4 fps +184%
Diablo III - 1920x1080 High AA:on (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
136 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
106.7 fps -22%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
173.4 fps +28%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
104.3 fps -23%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
141.3 fps +4%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
188 fps +38%
Risen 2: Dark Waters - 1920x1080 Ultra / on AA:on AF:8x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
39.1 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
29.8 fps -24%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
46.4 fps +19%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
24.3 fps -38%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
35.6 fps -9%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
53.8 fps +38%
Alan Wake - 1920x1080 High Preset AA:4x AF:8x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
40.3 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
30.8 fps -24%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
44.3 fps +10%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
24.1 fps -40%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
35.2 fps -13%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
54.1 fps +34%
Anno 2070 - 1920x1080 Very High Preset AA:on AF:4x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
37.9 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
30.5 fps -20%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
64.3 fps +70%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
36.1 fps -5%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
47.2 fps +25%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
72.6 fps +92%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 1920x1080 Ultra Preset AA:8x AF:16x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
58.9 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
45.4 fps -23%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
64.7 fps +10%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
35.4 fps -40%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
49 fps -17%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
68.3 fps +16%
CoD: Modern Warfare 3 - 1920x1080 Extra, all on, Image Quality: Native AA:4x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
100.1 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
73.6 fps -26%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
121.7 fps +22%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
63.6 fps -36%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
91.4 fps -9%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
117.3 fps +17%
Battlefield 3 - 1920x1080 ultra AA:4x MS AF:16x (sort by value)
GeForce GT 750M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4700MQ
Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p
33.2 fps
GeForce GT 650M SLI (310.90) / Core i7-3630QM
Lenovo IdeaPad Y500
26.8 fps -19%
GeForce GTX 765M SLI (320.49) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker XMG P723
43 fps +30%
GeForce GTX 765M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
Schenker W503
22.1 fps -33%
GeForce GTX 770M (311.27) / Core i7-4800MQ
One K73-3N
32.6 fps -2%
GeForce GTX 780M (311.27) / Core i7-4700MQ
One K56-3N2
50 fps +51%
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In Review: Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p (Herstellerfoto)
In Review: Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p, courtesy of: Notebooksbilliger.


Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p (IdeaPad Y510 Series)
Intel Core i7-4700MQ 4 x 2.4 - 3.4 GHz, Haswell
Graphics adapter
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M SLI - 2x 2048 MB VRAM, Core: 967 MHz, Memory: 2500 MHz, GDDR5, ForceWare 320.49
8 GB 
, SO-DIMM DDR3-RAM PC3-12800 (1600 MHz), 2 slots, max. 16 GB
15.60 inch 16:9, 1920 x 1080 pixel, LG LP156WF1-TLB2 (LGD02D9), TN LED, 15.6-inch FullHD, glossy: no
Intel HM86 (Lynx Point)
Samsung SpinPoint M8 HN-M101MBB, 1000 GB 
, 5400 rpm, + LITEONIT LSS-24L6G, 24 GB SSD (ExpressCache)
Realtek ALC282 @ Intel Lynx Point PCH - High Definition Audio Controller
1 USB 2.0, 2 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 1 VGA, 1 HDMI, 1 Kensington Lock, Audio Connections: microphone, headphone (S/PDIF), Card Reader: SD,SDHC,SDXC,MMC,MS,MS Pro, UltraBay
Qualcomm Atheros AR8171/8175 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000MBit/s), Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2230 (b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/), Bluetooth 4.0
height x width x depth (in mm): 39 x 387 x 259
62 Wh Lithium-Ion, 5800mAh, 10.8V, 6 cells, 310 grams
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 8 64 Bit
Webcam: HD (720p)
Additional features
Speakers: 2.0 (JBL, Dolby Home Theater v4), Keyboard: AccuType, Keyboard Light: yes, Power adapter: 170 Watt, Setup Poster, Office 365 Trial, CyberLink PowerDVD 10, 24 Months Warranty
2.894 kg, Power Supply: 676 g
1100 Euro


At first glance, the Y510p looks very upscale...
At first glance, the Y510p looks very upscale...
...but delicate high-gloss elements hamper the overall impression.
...but delicate high-gloss elements hamper the overall impression.
The system weighs 2.9 kilogram including the battery.
The system weighs 2.9 kilogram including the battery.
The keys are rimmed in red and highly visible.
The keys are rimmed in red and highly visible.
Opening the cover on the bottom requires brute force.
Opening the cover on the bottom requires brute force.
The dark surface areas show dirt easily.
The dark surface areas show dirt easily.
The opening angle of the lid is average (~130°).
The opening angle of the lid is average (~130°).
The height in the back: about four centimeters.
The height in the back: about four centimeters.
Thumbs up: Lenovo replaced the glossy display with a non-glare version.
Thumbs up: Lenovo replaced the glossy display with a non-glare version.
The lid is textured and fairly plain.
The lid is textured and fairly plain.
The display bezel could be a bit smaller.
The display bezel could be a bit smaller.
Some components are replaceable.
Some components are replaceable.
Overall build quality is good...
Overall build quality is good...
...although some areas are not that sturdy.
...although some areas are not that sturdy.
The heat from the exhaust fan can be annoying when an external mouse is used.
The heat from the exhaust fan can be annoying when an external mouse is used.
Nine screws secure the bottom cover.
Nine screws secure the bottom cover.
The processor and (main) graphics card are not accessible.
The processor and (main) graphics card are not accessible.
The red fan is for the secondary GPU.
The red fan is for the secondary GPU.
The ExpressCache accelerates the system.
The ExpressCache accelerates the system.
One DDR3 RAM slot is free so the RAM can be expanded to 16 GByte.
One DDR3 RAM slot is free so the RAM can be expanded to 16 GByte.
Very common: a Centrino Wireless-N 2230 module.
Very common: a Centrino Wireless-N 2230 module.
Windows is installed on a traditional HDD.
Windows is installed on a traditional HDD.
The battery insert on the back.
The battery insert on the back.
Without the battery, the notebook weighs 300 grams less.
Without the battery, the notebook weighs 300 grams less.
62 Wh is a decent capacity.
62 Wh is a decent capacity.
Dual-GPU systems can lead to heated discussions.
Dual-GPU systems can lead to heated discussions.
Aside from micro-stuttering, the dependency on drivers is annoying.
Aside from micro-stuttering, the dependency on drivers is annoying.
The display bezel is a dust magnet.
The display bezel is a dust magnet.
The explanation on the bottom describing how to access the UltraBay.
The explanation on the bottom describing how to access the UltraBay.
The corresponding latches.
The corresponding latches.
The keyboard has few flaws.
The keyboard has few flaws.
The sound quality is above average.
The sound quality is above average.
We really like the layout.
We really like the layout.
JBL promises good sound.
JBL promises good sound.
The special functions are arranged logically.
The special functions are arranged logically.
The Y510p features up-to-date hardware.
The Y510p features up-to-date hardware.
This ClickPad won't satisfy most users.
This ClickPad won't satisfy most users.
The notebook supports Dolby Home Theater v4.
The notebook supports Dolby Home Theater v4.
The card reader is located on the front.
The card reader is located on the front.
On the right side: two audio jacks and a USB 2.0 port.
On the right side: two audio jacks and a USB 2.0 port.
A Kensington lock slot under the speaker.
A Kensington lock slot under the speaker.
The left key triggers a special boot menu or the recovery program.
The left key triggers a special boot menu or the recovery program.
The port selection is carried over from the Y500.
The port selection is carried over from the Y500.
Buyers have to contend with a massive power adapter.
Buyers have to contend with a massive power adapter.

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  • Manufacturer's Information

Price Comparison


+ 易于维护和升级
+ 噪音得到很好的控制
+ 突出表现
+ 磨砂全高清屏幕
+ 背光键盘
+ 轻松恢复
+ JBL音箱
+ 巧妙的UltraBay
+ ExpressCache
+ 公平价格
+ 2个USB3.0


- 无CPU加速在重负载下
- 细腻的高光泽的元素
- 端口分布很不理想
- 高临时工
- 在最大负载下节流
- 不包括的配件有很多
- 电池寿命可能会更好
- 颤抖的触摸板
- 微口吃是一个问题
- 大电源适配器









15英寸的多功能系统,如三星770Z5E或辛克XMG A523的高端地位。


Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p - 07/14/2013 v3 (old)
Florian Glaser

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 联想的IdeaPad Y510p笔记本测评
Florian Glaser, 2013-07-26 (Update: 2014-06-13)