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PowerVR G6430

Imagination PowerVR G6430
来自Imagination Technologies的PowerVR G6430是一款快速的移动图形解决方案,使用于ARM的系统芯片中如苹果A7(iPhone 5S)。这款芯片发布于2013年第三季度,在当时是本类产品中最快的其中之一。 架构和性能 这款显卡基于6系列(代号Rogue),集成了4个采用统一标量着色器架构的模块,每个模块包含2个TMU。这块芯片相比使用于苹果A6的SGX543MP3芯片提供了两倍以上的性能提升,尽管使用了同样的频率。它的准确频率尚未得到确认,不过应该高于400MHz(大于100GFLOPS的浮点运算性能)。和其他的移动图形芯片的对比显示,G6430比Adreno 330仅略低,因此是发布时同类产品中性能最高的显卡。甚至是要求最高的移动平台游戏也可以流畅的运行(2013年)。另外,这款显卡还支持OpenGL 3.x/4.x,OpenGL ES 3.0和DirectX 10。 能耗 PowerVR G6430的生产商将它设计成了一款十分“宽”的芯片以同时获得高性能和高能效。因此,使用G6430的系统芯片也可以用于较小的智能手机如iPhone 5S中。不过,相对的它需要在芯片上占用更大的面积。

PowerVR Series 6 (Rogue) Series

PowerVR G6430
PowerVR G6400 @ 0.4 - 0.53 GHz
PowerVR G6200 64 @ 0.45 GHz
ArchitecturePowerVR Rogue
Shared Memoryno
APIDirectX 10, OpenGL 3.x, 4.x, OpenGL ES 3.0
technology28 nm
FeaturesOpenGL 3.x, 4.x, OpenGL ES 3.0
Date of Announcement10.09.2013
Link to Manufacturer
CPU in PowerVR G6430GPU Base SpeedGPU Boost / Turbo
Intel Atom Z35804 x 2330 MHz457 MHz533 MHz
Intel Atom Z35704 x 2000 MHz457 MHz640 MHz
Intel Atom Z35604 x 1830 MHz457 MHz533 MHz
Intel Atom Z35304 x 1330 MHz457 MHz? MHz
min. - max.457 MHz? - 640 MHz


3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited Graphics
min: 14270     avg: 17842     median: 18258 (2%)     max: 20441 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Extreme Graphics
min: 7875     avg: 10119     median: 11226 (1%)     max: 11255 Points
3DMark - 3DMark Ice Storm Graphics
0 Points (0%)
3DMark - 3DMark Sling Shot (ES 3.0)
0 Points (0%)
3DMark - 3DMark Sling Shot (ES 3.0) Graphics
0 Points (0%)
3DMark - 3DMark Sling Shot Extreme (ES 3.1)
0 Points (0%)
3DMark - 3DMark Sling Shot Extreme (ES 3.1) Graphics
0 Points (0%)
GFXBench 3.1 - GFXBench Manhattan ES 3.1 Offscreen
6.9 fps (0%)
GFXBench 3.0 - GFXBench 3.0 Manhattan Offscreen
min: 10.9     avg: 11.9     median: 11.9 (0%)     max: 13.2 fps
GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7
GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16 +
GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7 - GFXBench T-Rex HD Offscreen C24Z16
min: 22.7     avg: 27.5     median: 27.9 (0%)     max: 30.8 fps
Basemark ES 2.0 - Basemark ES 2.0
min: 50.6     avg: 54.3     median: 53.2 (88%)     max: 59.1 fps
Basemark X 1.0 - Basemark X 1.0 Off-Screen
min: 15.62     avg: 17.5     median: 15.6 (74%)     max: 21.26 fps
Basemark X 1.1 - Basemark X 1.1 High Quality
min: 5324     avg: 10962     median: 11885 (27%)     max: 14752 Points
Basemark X 1.1 - Basemark X 1.1 Medium Quality
min: 16563     avg: 19736     median: 18918 (42%)     max: 26540 Points
NenaMark2 - NenaMark2 Score
min: 59.1     avg: 59.8     median: 59.8 (89%)     max: 60.6 fps
PassMark PerformanceTest Mobile V1 - PerformanceTest Mobile V1 2D Graphics Tests
min: 250     avg: 2481     median: 3107 (1%)     max: 4274 Points
PassMark PerformanceTest Mobile V1 - PerformanceTest Mobile V1 3D Graphics Tests
min: 857     avg: 1361     median: 1184 (2%)     max: 2074 Points
Smartbench 2012 - Smartbench 2012 Gaming Index
min: 3708     avg: 4250     median: 4339 (94%)     max: 4473 points
- Range of benchmark values for this graphics card
red legend - Average benchmark values for this graphics card
* Smaller numbers mean a higher performance

For more games that might be playable and a list of all games and graphics cards visit our Gaming List

log 17. 09:18:05

#0 ran 1s before starting gpusingle class +0s ... 0s

#1 no ids found in url (should be separated by "_") +0s ... 0s

#2 not redirecting to Ajax server +0s ... 0s

#3 did not recreate cache, as it is less than 5 days old! Created at Sun, 16 Mar 2025 06:04:34 +0100 +0.001s ... 0.001s

#4 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_1 needed +0.045s ... 0.046s

#5 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_1 needed +0s ... 0.046s

#6 composed specs +0s ... 0.046s

#7 did output specs +0s ... 0.046s

#8 start showIntegratedCPUs +0s ... 0.046s

#9 getting avg benchmarks for device 5035 +0.022s ... 0.068s

#10 got single benchmarks 5035 +0.043s ... 0.111s

#11 got avg benchmarks for devices +0s ... 0.111s

#12 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0.129s ... 0.24s

#13 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0.05s ... 0.291s

#14 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0.04s ... 0.331s

#15 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0.04s ... 0.371s

#16 No cached benchmark found, getting uncached values +0.041s ... 0.412s

#17 min, max, avg, median took s +0.21s ... 0.622s

#18 before gaming benchmark output +0s ... 0.622s

#19 Got 0 rows for game benchmarks. +0.005s ... 0.627s

#20 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_1 needed +0.003s ... 0.63s

#21 return log +0s ... 0.63s

Notebook reviews with PowerVR G6430 graphics card

华硕 ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA 第一印象

华硕 ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA 第一印象

智者的平板。Zen意味着饱满丰富的生活——言之凿凿。华硕也希望他们最新的平板电脑能做到。ZenPad S 8.0设计目标为同类产品中最纤薄的一款,同时搭配高达4 GB的内存。华硕将重点放在了美、力量和奢华之上。本文是一篇简要先行评测。...
Intel Atom Z3580 | PowerVR G6430 | 8.00" | 298 g
华硕 ZenFone 2 智能手机简短评测

华硕 ZenFone 2 智能手机简短评测

4GB内存!我们都知道这是早晚的事,不过它终于出现了——第一款搭配4GB双通道DDR3内存的主流消费智能手机。不仅如此,它的售价还不到300美元。这台5.5寸大屏机能够从热门的OnePlus One等中国品牌那里夺得用户的青睐吗?...
Intel Atom Z3560 | PowerVR G6430 | 5.50" | 170 g
戴尔 Venue 8 7000 平板电脑简短评测

戴尔 Venue 8 7000 平板电脑简短评测

成功的Venue。 戴尔的Venue 8 7000安卓平板结合了超薄铝合金机身,8.4寸高分辨率OLED无边框屏幕,和最新英特尔凌动处理器,这一切都整合在了时尚“锐利”的机身之中。它也是第一款提供了英特尔RealSense Snapshot Depth Camera技术的设备。我们的深入评测将会侧重考查它是否做到了时尚...
Intel Atom Z3580 | PowerVR G6430 | 8.40" | 308 g
苹果 iPad Mini 3 平板电脑简短评测

苹果 iPad Mini 3 平板电脑简短评测

迷你更新。 新iPad Mini 3的变化非常小:只有一个新的指纹识别器。除此之外,它几乎和前代产品完全相同。我们的评测将会告诉你为何iPad Mini 3仍然是一款非常优秀的平板电脑。...
Apple A7 | PowerVR G6430 | 7.90" | 331 g
华硕 Memo Pad 7 (ME572CL) 平板电脑简短评测

华硕 Memo Pad 7 (ME572CL) 平板电脑简短评测

黑箱平板。 华硕的新平板有些神秘,因为很多基准测试软件都在无法顺利在它之上运行。我们只好通过其他方法测试它的强劲硬件是否达到了预期的水平,还有它在屏幕,声音,连接性和机身质量等方面的表现。...
Intel Atom Z3560 | PowerVR G6430 | 7.00" | 279 g

Asus Fonepad 8 FE380CG: Intel Atom Z3560, 8.00", 0.3 kg
  Review » 华硕 Fonepad 8 FE380CG 平板电脑简短评测

Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CG: Intel Atom Z3560, 7.00", 0.3 kg
  Review » 华硕 Fonepad 7 FE375CG 平板电脑简短评测

Asus Zenfone 2 ZE550ML: Intel Atom Z3560, 5.50", 0.2 kg
  External Review » Asus Zenfone 2 ZE550ML

Lenovo K80M: Intel Atom Z3560, 5.50", 0.2 kg
  External Review » Lenovo K80M

Asus ZenPad 10 Z300CNL: Intel Atom Z3560, 10.10", 0.5 kg
  External Review » Asus ZenPad 10 Z300CNL

Asus ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA-C1-BK: Intel Atom Z3580, 8.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA-C1-BK

Asus Zenfone Zoom ZX551ML: Intel Atom Z3580, 5.50", 0.2 kg
  External Review » Asus Zenfone Zoom ZX551ML

Asus ZenPad 10 Z300CL-1A012A: Intel Atom Z3560, 10.10", 0.5 kg
  External Review » Asus ZenPad 10 Z300CL-1A012A

Asus ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA-1B025A: Intel Atom Z3560, 8.00", 0.1 kg
  External Review » Asus ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA-1B025A

Asus ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA-1A027A: Intel Atom Z3560, 8.00", 0.1 kg
  External Review » Asus ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA-1A027A

Asus Zenfone 2 Deluxe ZE551ML: Intel Atom Z3580, 5.50", 0.2 kg
  External Review » Asus Zenfone 2 Deluxe ZE551ML

Asus ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA: Intel Atom Z3580, 8.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus ZenPad S 8.0 Z580CA

Dell Venue 10-7040: Intel Atom Z3580, 10.50", 1.1 kg
  External Review » Dell Venue 10-7040

Asus Fonepad 7-FE375CXG: Intel Atom Z3530, 7.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus Fonepad 7-FE375CXG

Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML: Intel Atom Z3560, 5.50", 0.2 kg
  External Review » Asus Zenfone 2 ZE551ML

Dell Venue 10-7000: Intel Atom Z3580, 10.50", 0.6 kg
  External Review » Dell Venue 10-7000

Nokia N1: Intel Atom Z3580, 7.90", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Nokia N1

Dell Venue 8-7840: Intel Atom Z3580, 8.40", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Dell Venue 8-7840

Asus FonePad 8 FE380CXG: Intel Atom Z3530, 8.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus FonePad 8 FE380CXG

Asus MeMo Pad 8 ME581CL-1B027A: Intel Atom Z3560, 8.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus MeMo Pad 8 ME581CL-1B027A

Asus Fonepad 8 FE380CG: Intel Atom Z3560, 8.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus Fonepad 8 FE380CG

Asus Foneрad 7-FE375CXG: Intel Atom Z3530, 7.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus Foneрad 7-FE375CXG

Dell Venue 8 7000: Intel Atom Z3580, 8.40", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Dell Venue 8 7000

Apple iPad Mini 3: Apple A7, 7.90", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Apple iPad Mini 3

Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CG: Intel Atom Z3560, 7.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus Fonepad 7 FE375CG

Asus MeMO Pad 7 ME572C: Intel Atom Z3560, 7.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus MeMO Pad 7 ME572C

Asus MeMO Pad 7 ME572CL: Intel Atom Z3560, 7.00", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Asus MeMO Pad 7 ME572CL

Apple iPhone 5S: Apple A7, 4.00", 0.1 kg
  External Review » Apple iPhone 5S

Apple iPad mini Retina: Apple A7, 7.90", 0.3 kg
  External Review » Apple iPad mini Retina

Apple iPad Air 1 2013: Apple A7, 9.70", 0.5 kg
  External Review » Apple iPad Air

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» Comparison of GPUs
Detailed list of all laptop GPUs sorted by class and performance.

» Benchmark List
Sort and restrict laptop GPUs based on performance in synthetic benchmarks.

» Notebook Gaming List
Playable games for each graphics card and their average FPS results.

Class 3

UHD Graphics 32EUs
UHD Graphics 750
UHD Graphics 730
A12Z Bionic GPU *
A12X Bionic GPU *
A17 Pro GPU *
A16 GPU 5-Core *
A15 GPU 5-Core *
Mali-G615 MP6 *
A15 GPU 4-Core *
A14 Bionic GPU *
Maleoon 920 *
Adreno 660 *
Mali-G78 MP24 *
Mali-G78 MP22 *
A13 Bionic GPU *
A12 Bionic GPU *
Mali-G78 MP20 *
Mali-G78 MP14 *
A11 Bionic GPU *
A10X Fusion GPU *
A9X / PowerVR GT7xxx
Tegra X1 Maxwell GPU

Class 4

A10 Fusion GPU
Mali-G77 MP11 *
Xclipse 530
Mali-G77 MP9 *
Mali-G76 MP16 *
Mali-G610 MP4 *
Adreno 810 *
Mali-G610 MP3 *
Adreno 710 *
Maleoon 910 *
Mali-G76 MP12 *
Mali-G76 MP10 *
Mali-G68 MP5 *
Mali-G57 MP6 *
Mali-G57 MP5 *
Mali-G72 MP18 *
Mali-G71 MP20 *
Mali-G72 MP12 *
Mali-G71 MP8
PowerVR GM9446
PowerVR GXA6850
GeForce ULP K1 (Tegra K1 Kepler GPU)
A9 / PowerVR GT7600
Mali-T880 MP12
Mali-G76 MP4 *
Mali-T760 MP8
Mali-G71 MP2 *
Adreno 430
Mali-G72 MP3 *
VideoCore VII *
Mali-G52 MP6 *
Mali-G68 MP2 *
Mali-G52 MP1 *
Mali-T760 MP6
Mali-T880 MP2
PowerVR GX6450
Adreno 620 *
IMG BXM-8-256
Mali-G57 MP4 *
Mali-G57 MP3 *

Class 5

Adreno 418
Adreno 619 *
Adreno 619L *
Mali-G57 MP1 *
IMG BXM-4-64 MC1
Adreno 616 *
Mali-G51 MP4 *
Adreno 612 *
Adreno 512 *
PowerVR GX6250
PowerVR G6400
Mali-T628 MP6
Mali-T760 MP4
Mali-T628 MP4
Adreno 509 *
Adreno 508 *
Adreno 506 *
GE8322 / IMG8322 *
Adreno 505 *
Adreno 504 *
Mali-T860 MP2
Mali-T830 MP3
Mali-T604 MP4
PowerVR G6200
Adreno 405 *
Mali-T830 MP2

Class 6

SGX543MP4 *
Mali-T760 MP2
PowerVR GE8300 *
PowerVR GE8100 *
Mali-T720 MP4
Mali-450 MP4
Mali-T830 MP1
SGX543MP3 *
SGX543MP2 *
SGX544MP2 *
Mali-T720 MP2
Adreno 308
Adreno 306
Adreno 305
Adreno 304
Adreno 225 *
GC4000 *
Mali-400 MP4 *
VideoCore-IV *
Adreno 220 *
Vivante GC1000+ Dual-Core
Mali-400 MP2 *
Mali-400 MP *
SGX540 *
Adreno 205 *
Adreno 203 *
GC800 *
GC Nano Ultra *
Adreno 200 *
Mali-200 *

* Approximate position of the graphics adapter