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NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M

NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M是一个快速的在2010年提出的中档笔记本电脑的图形卡。它是基于GF108核心,这是关系到Fermi架构。因此,支持DirectX 11和OpenGL 4.0。相反的GTX 415M,该卡拥有96个着色器核心。不同的GT420M,GT425M,GT435M是唯一的核心和内存速度。 GF108架构的GF108核心的GT 425M相关的GeFore GTX 480M的GF100核心,拥有96个着色器和一个128位内存总线,DDR3的。除内存控制器基本上可以被认为是减半的GF106 GF108。因此,老GT215(例如,GeForce GTS 350M的)或GT216(例如,GeForce GT 330M独立)内核的架构是没有可比性的。与GF100较小的GF104,GF106,GF108核心不同的是,不仅缩短了,但也有相当大的修改。相反的GF100,其目的是为专业应用,这些芯片的目标消费市场。它们的特点是着色器(3X16,而不是2X16),更多的纹理单元(8而不是4)每个流式多处理器(SM)和交换网板。由于尚有经调度程序(与3个着色器组),NVIDIA目前使用超标量执行更有效的使用量较高的着色器每个SM。理论上,着色器从而可以更有效地利用每个核心的性能得到改善。然而,在最坏的情况下,性能也差于GF100(及其前身)。 ECC内存保护,这是非常重要的专业应用软件,完全忽略和FP64硬件缩短(只有1/3的着色器FP64可以胜任自己的工作,而且相关的只有1/12的FP32的表现)。由于这些削减,大小的SM仅增长25%,尽管更高的着色器的数量和较大的经调度具有超标量调度功能。由于不同的着色器架构的着色器域和更高的时钟频率,核心数量不能直接相比,AMD的Radeon 5000系列(例如HD 5650)的核心。 GF104架构的详细信息。(和与之也GF106和GF108)被发现在桌面GTX 460的文章由Anandtech的。性能,因为GeForce GT 425M采用了全新的体系结构,具有类似的核心数较老的芯片的性能是没有可比性的。 DDR3绘图记忆体的128位总线相结合,应该是GT 425M的瓶颈。在我们的测试中,宏碁Aspire 5745PG样本前之间的GeForce GT 330M和GT 335M,GT 420M上进行平均。因此,GT 425应该是比GT 335M快一点。 NVIDIA定位的Mobility Radeon HD 5650的SIM卡。 GT 425M的游戏性能是足够的中等详细设置在现代游戏一样,“战地:叛逆连队2。要求不高的游戏,应该运行在高细节的设置。选择最佳分辨率为1360X768,由于性能有限。图表上的3D性能基准测试和比较,可以发现如下。功能的新颖的GF104/106/108芯片是通过HDMI支持的码流HD音频输出(蓝光)。一样的Radeon HD 5730,GT 425M可以将Dolby True HD和DTS-HD比特流明智的一个高保真接收器,没有质量损失。 GT425M提供的PureVideo HD视频解码技术。视频处理器(VP4)支持的特征集C的GPU,因此能够完全解码MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4第2部分(MPEG-4 ASP - 例如,DivX或XviD),VC-1 / WMV9,H.264(VLD,IDCT,运动补偿,去块“)。此外,GPU能够解码两个1080p视频流,同时(如蓝光图片,图片)。通过CUDA,OpenCL的,和DirectCompute 2.1支持的GeForce GT 425M可以在一般计算的帮助。例如,流处理器能显着更快编码视频不是一个快速的CPU。此外,物理学计算可以通过GPU使用PhysX物理(如黑手党2“地铁2033”)。根据NVIDIA的新显卡,支持3D立体幻镜也是全新的。它可以使笔记本电脑的3D内容(3D游戏,3D网络流,3D照片,3D蓝光射线)发送到一个内置3D功能的屏幕或外接3D电视(仅当所支持的笔记本电脑制造商)。据传闻,功耗的GeForce GT 425M应该是约35瓦(TDP包括MXM主板和内存),因此适用于15“笔记本电脑。无负载时,芯片主频为50/100/135兆赫(芯片/ Shader /显存)分别在2D 200/400/325在3D模式以节省电源。此外,400M系列支持擎天柱从英特尔和Nvidia的GPU集成显卡之间自动切换。然而,笔记本电脑制造商需要实现它,它不能升级。

GeForce GT 400M Series

GeForce GT 445M 144 @ 0.59 GHz192 / 128 Bit @ 1250 MHz
GeForce GT 435M 96 @ 0.65 GHz128 Bit @ 800 MHz
GeForce GT 425M 96 @ 0.56 GHz128 Bit @ 800 MHz
GeForce GT 420M 96 @ 0.5 GHz128 Bit @ 800 MHz
GeForce GT 415M 48 @ 0.5 GHz128 Bit @ 800 MHz
Pipelines96 - unified
Core Speed560 MHz
Shader Speed1120 MHz
Memory Speed800 MHz
Memory Bus Width128 Bit
Memory TypeDDR3
Max. Amount of Memory1024 MB
Shared Memoryno
APIDirectX 11, Shader 5.0
technology40 nm
Optimus Support, PureVideo HD VP4, 3D Vision, Bitstream HD Audio, CUDA, DirectCompute, OpenCL, OpenGL 4.0, DirectX 11
Notebook Sizemedium sized
Date of Announcement15.08.2010
Link to Manufacturer


3DMark 11 - 3DM11 Performance Score
min: 832     avg: 837     median: 832 (1%)     max: 846 Points
3DMark 11 - 3DM11 Performance GPU
min: 747     avg: 756     median: 753 (1%)     max: 767 Points
171.8 -77%
AMD Radeon HD 8450G
678 -10%
685 -9%
700 -7%
Intel UHD Graphics 605
701 -7%
721 -5%
AMD Radeon R2 (Stoney Ridge)
731 -3%
743 -2%
753 0%
Intel HD Graphics 4400
755 0%
NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M
757 0%
777 3%
799 6%
819 8%
825 9%
841 11%
Intel HD Graphics 510
847 12%
856 13%
AMD Radeon R4 (Stoney Ridge)
861 14%
59943 7829%
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090
129772 17066%
Restrict / Search: Model: Max. age: years
3DMark Vantage
3DM Vant. Perf. total +
3DMark Vantage - 3DM Vant. Perf. total
min: 3256     avg: 3386     median: 3380.5 (1%)     max: 3518 Points
3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX +
3DMark Vantage - 3DM Vant. Perf. GPU no PhysX
min: 2699     avg: 2803     median: 2789 (2%)     max: 2993 Points
Restrict / Search: Model: Max. age: years
3DMark 2001SE - 3DMark 2001 - Standard
min: 17850     avg: 27558     median: 30484.5 (32%)     max: 31412 Points
3DMark 03 - 3DMark 03 - Standard
min: 15802     avg: 17132     median: 17344.5 (9%)     max: 17833 Points
3DMark 05 - 3DMark 05 - Standard
min: 11636     avg: 12975     median: 13104.5 (14%)     max: 13374 Points
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 500
133.4 -99%
12573 -3%
12578 -3%
12591 -3%
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650
12609 -3%
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670
12614 -3%
12640 -3%
12762 -2%
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3870
12885 -1%
12932 0%
NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M
13125 1%
NVIDIA GeForce 9700M GTS
13125 1%
13217 2%
13284 2%
13307 3%
13441 4%
NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GS
13587 5%
13620 5%
13666 5%
69623 437%
87172 572%
Restrict / Search: Model: Max. age: years
3DMark 06 3DMark 06 - Score Unknown Settings +
3DMark 06
7605 points (10%)
3DMark 06 - Standard 1366x768 +
3DMark 06
min: 6822     avg: 6968     median: 7020 (9%)     max: 7063 Points
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x1024 +
3DMark 06
min: 6564     avg: 6693     median: 6706.5 (9%)     max: 6762 Points
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x800 +
3DMark 06
7126 Points (9%)
3DMark 06 - Standard 1280x768 +
3DMark 06
7513 Points (10%)
Unigine Heaven 2.1 - Heaven 2.1 high
min: 10.9     avg: 11.1     median: 11.1 (2%)     max: 11.6 fps
0.6 -95%
10.3 -7%
10.45 -6%
10.63 -4%
AMD Radeon HD 8650G
10.7 -4%
10.8 -3%
10.8 -3%
Intel HD Graphics 4400
10.87 -2%
Intel HD Graphics (Broadwell)
10.9 -2%
11.1 0%
NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M
11.3 2%
11.4 2%
11.4 2%
11.53 4%
11.9 7%
11.9 7%
12.06 8%
12.07 8%
12.3 11%
532 4680%
Restrict / Search: Model: Max. age: years
SPECviewperf 11
specvp11 snx-01 +
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 snx-01
min: 0.88     avg: 1.4     median: 1.6 (1%)     max: 1.63 fps
specvp11 tcvis-02 +
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 tcvis-02
min: 0.61     avg: 0.8     median: 0.6 (0%)     max: 1.23 fps
specvp11 sw-02 +
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 sw-02
min: 3.74     avg: 6     median: 4.2 (3%)     max: 10.12 fps
specvp11 proe-05 +
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 proe-05
min: 0.8     avg: 3.2     median: 1.1 (1%)     max: 7.6 fps
specvp11 maya-03 +
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 maya-03
min: 1.89     avg: 7.5     median: 2.3 (2%)     max: 18.26 fps
specvp11 lightwave-01 +
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 lightwave-01
min: 5.58     avg: 8.4     median: 8.2 (9%)     max: 11.47 fps
specvp11 ensight-04 +
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 ensight-04
min: 7.04     avg: 7.6     median: 7.9 (4%)     max: 8.01 fps
specvp11 catia-03 +
SPECviewperf 11 - specvp11 catia-03
min: 2.52     avg: 3.8     median: 3 (2%)     max: 5.78 fps
Windows 7 Experience Index - Win7 Gaming graphics
min: 6.5     avg: 6.6     median: 6.6 (84%)     max: 6.6 Points
Windows 7 Experience Index - Win7 Graphics
min: 4.6     avg: 6     median: 6.5 (82%)     max: 6.6 Points
Cinebench R10 Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit) +
Cinebench R10 - Cinebench R10 Shading (32bit)
min: 3442     avg: 4115     median: 4098 (3%)     max: 4696 points
Cinebench R11.5 Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit +
Cinebench R11.5 - Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64 Bit
min: 20.57     avg: 20.8     median: 20.7 (7%)     max: 21.18 fps
- Range of benchmark values for this graphics card
red legend - Average benchmark values for this graphics card
* Smaller numbers mean a higher performance

Game Benchmarks

The following benchmarks stem from our benchmarks of review laptops. The performance depends on the used graphics memory, clock rate, processor, system settings, drivers, and operating systems. So the results don't have to be representative for all laptops with this GPU. For detailed information on the benchmark results, click on the fps number.

Fifa 11

Fifa 11

low 800x600
214.2 319.9 334 ~ 289 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
med. 1024x768
114 141.8 148.3 161.8 ~ 141 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1360x768
94.1 95.8 98 104.1 ~ 98 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
51.3 57.6 ~ 54 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings ultra.
Mafia 2

Mafia 2

low 800x600
50  fps    + Compare
med. 1024x768
29.6 33.4 39.2 ~ 34 fps    + Compare
high 1360x768
24.4 26.5 33.3 ~ 28 fps    + Compare
ultra 1920x1080
15.8 15.8 ~ 16 fps    + Compare
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings low.
low 1024x768
151 172.3 ~ 162 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
med. 1360x768
31.8 37.2 37.8 38.6 ~ 36 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1360x768
25 26.3 27 28.1 ~ 27 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
13.7 15.5 ~ 15 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With most tested laptops playable in detail settings med..
low 800x600
40.6 40.7 59.4 ~ 47 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
med. 1360x768
22 22.7 30.2 30.3 ~ 26 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1600x900
11.2 11.6 ~ 11 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
4.2 5.7 ~ 5 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings low.
low 1024x768
44.9  fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
med. 1366x768
30.6 32.8 35.9 ~ 33 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1366x768
23.2 24 25.8 ~ 24 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
12.2 12.9 ~ 13 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings low.
low 800x600
106.2  fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
med. 1024x768
31 39.2 46.3 ~ 39 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1366x768
26.3 33.6 38.4 ~ 33 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
17.9 22.2 ~ 20 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With most tested laptops playable in detail settings med..


low 800x600
63.4 65.5 75.1 77 ~ 70 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
med. 1024x768
28.2 30.1 30.8 31.5 32 33.8 ~ 31 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1366x768
17.7 21.3 21.6 22 22.2 25 ~ 22 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
12.6 13.4 14 14.9 ~ 14 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings low.
Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5

low 800x600
82.5  fps    + Compare
high 1360x768
38.8  fps    + Compare
ultra 1920x1080
21.6  fps    + Compare
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings high.
Need for Speed Shift

Need for Speed Shift

low 800x600
59.7 86.7 ~ 73 fps    + Compare
med. 1024x768
28.5 34.8 40.5 45.6 46 ~ 39 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1366x768
29.1 29.9 31.2 31.6 33 ~ 31 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
18.8 19.1 19.3 ~ 19 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With most tested laptops playable in detail settings med..
Colin McRae: DIRT 2

Colin McRae: DIRT 2

low 800x600
49.5 51.9 86.9 103 ~ 73 fps    + Compare
med. 1024x768
41.7 45.4 55.5 57.1 58 ~ 52 fps    + Compare
high 1360x768
23.2 24.9 33.9 34.3 36.5 ~ 31 fps    + Compare
ultra 1920x1080
13 19.1 27.1 ~ 20 fps    + Compare
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings med..
Anno 1404

Anno 1404

low 1024x768
60 145.5 ~ 103 fps    + Compare
ultra 1280x1024
19  fps    + Compare
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings low.
Sims 3

Sims 3

med. 1024x768
88.4  fps    + Compare
high 1280x1024
43.4  fps    + Compare
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings high.
Far Cry 2

Far Cry 2

low 640x480
96.8  fps    + Compare
high 1024x768
45.1  fps    + Compare
ultra 1920x1080
21.5  fps    + Compare
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings high.
Crysis Warhead

Crysis Warhead

low 800x600
68  fps    + Compare
ultra 1024x768
12  fps    + Compare
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings low.
Crysis - GPU Benchmark

Crysis - GPU Benchmark

low 1024x768
85.5 92.6 ~ 89 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
med. 1024x768
43.6 44.7 ~ 44 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1024x768
24.3 25 ~ 25 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
5.6 5.8 ~ 6 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings med..
Crysis - CPU Benchmark

Crysis - CPU Benchmark

low 1024x768
90.2 94.5 ~ 92 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
med. 1024x768
41 42.2 ~ 42 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1024x768
22.3 22.8 ~ 23 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
5.3 5.5 ~ 5 fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings med..
World in Conflict - Benchmark

World in Conflict - Benchmark

med. 1024x768
54  fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
high 1024x768
33  fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
ultra 1920x1080
12  fps    + Compare + 📈 Graph
» With all tested laptops playable in detail settings med..
Call of Juarez Benchmark

Call of Juarez Benchmark

high 1024x768
28.4  fps    + Compare
» The benchmarks indicate that the game is not playable in the tested settings.
Fifa 112891419854
Mafia 250342816
StarCraft 2162362715
Metro 20334726115
Battlefield: Bad Company 244.9332413
CoD Modern Warfare 2106.2393320
Resident Evil 582.538.821.6
Need for Speed Shift73393119
Colin McRae: DIRT 273523120
Anno 140410319
Sims 388.443.4
Far Cry 296.845.121.5
Crysis Warhead6812
Crysis - GPU Benchmark8944256
Crysis - CPU Benchmark9242235
World in Conflict - Benchmark543312
Call of Juarez Benchmark28.4
< 30 fps
< 60 fps
< 120 fps
≥ 120 fps


For more games that might be playable and a list of all games and graphics cards visit our Gaming List

log 16. 09:07:24

#0 ran 0s before starting gpusingle class +0s ... 0s

#1 no ids found in url (should be separated by "_") +0s ... 0s

#2 not redirecting to Ajax server +0s ... 0s

#3 did not recreate cache, as it is less than 5 days old! Created at Sun, 16 Mar 2025 06:04:34 +0100 +0.001s ... 0.001s

#4 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_1 needed +0.03s ... 0.031s

#5 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_1 needed +0s ... 0.032s

#6 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_1 needed +0s ... 0.032s

#7 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_1 needed +0s ... 0.032s

#8 composed specs +0s ... 0.032s

#9 did output specs +0s ... 0.032s

#10 start showIntegratedCPUs +0s ... 0.032s

#11 getting avg benchmarks for device 1941 +0.014s ... 0.047s

#12 got single benchmarks 1941 +0.056s ... 0.102s

#13 got avg benchmarks for devices +0s ... 0.102s

#14 min, max, avg, median took s +0.891s ... 0.993s

#15 before gaming benchmark output +0s ... 0.993s

#16 Got 148 rows for game benchmarks. +0.013s ... 1.006s

#17 composed SQL query for gamebenchmarks +0s ... 1.006s

#18 got data and put it in $dataArray +0.011s ... 1.017s

#19 benchmarks composed for output. +0.178s ... 1.195s

#20 no comparison url found in template nbc.compare_page_1 needed +0.003s ... 1.199s

#21 return log +0s ... 1.199s

No reviews found for this graphics card.

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» Comparison of GPUs
Detailed list of all laptop GPUs sorted by class and performance.

» Benchmark List
Sort and restrict laptop GPUs based on performance in synthetic benchmarks.

» Notebook Gaming List
Playable games for each graphics card and their average FPS results.

Class 1

Class 2

GeForce RTX 5060 Laptop *
M1 Max 32-Core GPU *
GeForce RTX 2070 Super Mobile
M1 Max 24-Core GPU *
Quadro RTX 5000 Max-Q
Radeon RX 8050S *
Radeon RX 5700M *
GeForce GTX 1080 Mobile
Quadro RTX 4000 (Laptop)
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU *
Radeon PRO W6600M *
GeForce RTX 2070 Super Max-Q
Quadro RTX 4000 Max-Q *
M1 Pro 14-Core GPU *
Quadro P5200
GeForce RTX 5050 Laptop *
Quadro RTX 3000 Max-Q *
Quadro P4200
Radeon RX 8040S *
Arc 140T *
Quadro P5000 Max-Q *
Arc 130T *
GeForce GTX 980 (Laptop)
Quadro P4000
Quadro P4000 Max-Q
Quadro P3200
Radeon RX 580X (Laptop) *
Radeon RX 580 (Laptop)
Radeon Pro 5300M
Radeon RX 5300M
Quadro P3000 Max-Q *
Quadro T2000 Max-Q *
Radeon Pro WX 7100 *
Radeon RX 570X (Laptop) *

Class 3

Radeon RX 570 (Laptop) *
Radeon RX 470 (Laptop) *
Quadro T1000 Max-Q *
Vega M GH
Quadro M5000M
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Mobile
Radeon 680M
Quadro P2000
Quadro P2000 Max-Q
Quadro M4000M
T500 Laptop GPU *
Radeon R9 M395X
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Max-Q *
Radeon Pro Vega 16
WX Vega M GL
Radeon R9 M485X
Quadro M3000M
FirePro W7170M
Radeon R9 M395
GeForce GTX 1050 Max-Q *
Radeon 660M
Radeon Pro WX 4150 *
Radeon RX 560X (Laptop)
Radeon RX 560 (Laptop)
Radeon RX 460 (Laptop)
Quadro P1000
Radeon R9 M390
Radeon Pro 560X
Radeon Pro 560
Radeon Pro 460
Radeon Pro WX 4130 *
GeForce GTX 960M
Quadro P620 *
Radeon RX 550X (Laptop)
Radeon Pro WX 3200 *
Radeon Pro 555X
Radeon Pro 555
Radeon Pro 455
Quadro P600
Arc Graphics 3-core (Arrow Lake) *
Quadro M2000M
Radeon RX 540X *
Radeon Pro WX 2100 *
Radeon Pro WX 3100 *
Arc Graphics 2-core (Arrow Lake) *
GeForce GTX 950M
Radeon Pro 450
Radeon 630
Radeon 540X *
Radeon R9 M385X
Quadro P520
Quadro M1000M
GeForce 945M
Quadro P500 *
Iris Plus Graphics G7 (Ice Lake 64 EU) *
Vega 10 *
Iris Pro Graphics 580
FirePro W5170M *
Radeon R9 M370X
Vega 9
FirePro W5130M
UHD Graphics Xe G4 48EUs *
UHD Graphics 32EUs
UHD Graphics Xe 32EUs (Tiger Lake-H) *
UHD Graphics 750
UHD Graphics 730
Vega 7
Radeon R7 M465
Iris Pro Graphics 6200
Vega 8
GeForce 940M
Iris Plus Graphics G4 (Ice Lake 48 EU)
Quadro M600M
FirePro W4190M
Radeon R9 M375
Radeon R7 M445
Iris Plus Graphics 650
Iris Graphics 550
Radeon 625
Vega 6 *
Iris Plus Graphics 640
Iris Graphics 540
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N) *
Radeon R7 M360
GeForce 920M
Radeon 620
Radeon R7 M340
Radeon 610
Radeon 610M *
Vega 6 *
UHD Graphics G1 (Ice Lake 32 EU)
UHD Graphics Xe 16EUs (Tiger Lake-H) *
HD Graphics 530
Radeon R5 (Bristol Ridge)
Adreno 690 *
Adreno 685 *
Adreno 680 *
Radeon R5 M330
GeForce 910M
HD Graphics 520

Class 4

Radeon R5 M320 *
Radeon R5 M315 *
Radeon R5 M420 *
Vega 2 *
UHD Graphics 617
UHD Graphics 615
HD Graphics 515
UHD Graphics 610
HD Graphics 510
UHD Graphics 605
Radeon R4 (Stoney Ridge)
Radeon R2 (Stoney Ridge)
VideoCore VII *
UHD Graphics 600
HD Graphics (Braswell)

* Approximate position of the graphics adapter