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联想ThinkPad T430u 超级本测评

Business Windows Ivy Bridge Ultrabook

Editor's Note (January 3, 2013): The following review has not yet been edited for grammatical errors. A final draft of the review will be released soon.

For the original German review, see here.

Sometimes, less is simply more – at least Lenovo seems to think so and offers a particularly slim version of the business classic T430 dubbed ThinkPad T430s. But that is not enough and the manufacturer now also enters the ultrabook range with the new, ultra-thin T430u. This ThinkPad is to be the perfect companion for on the move.

For a price of approximately EUR 900, Lenovo's ThinkPad T430u represents an affordable alternative to the elegant X1 Carbon. Our midrange configuration (N3F3GGE, from EUR 950) integrates an energy-efficient Core i5 3317U, 4 GB of RAM and a 128 GB SSD. As a special highlight, this model can also score with Nvidia's GeForce GT 620M, which promises a noticeable performance boost in contrast to the integrated Intel graphics.

Not only business laptops, such as Dell's Latitude E6430s, belong to the T430u's rivals. Other, sooner consumer oriented ultrabooks, such as Fujitsu's LifeBook U772 or Acer's Aspire TimelineU M5-481TG, count to these. We now want to examine whether Lenovo can prevail against them in proven ThinkPad manner.






有时候,少即是简单 - 至少联想似乎也是这么认为的,并提供了一个被称为的ThinkPad T430s的商务经典T430的轻薄版。但是,这是不够的,制造商现在也进入了Ultrabook的新范围,超薄T430u。这款ThinkPad是要在移动的完美伴侣。


联想的ThinkPad T430u的价格约EUR 900,优雅的X1碳负担得起的替代。我们的中端的配置(N3F3GGE,从950欧元)集成了高效节能的酷睿i53317U,4 GB的RAM和128 GB SSD。作为一个特殊的亮点,这种模式也可以取得与Nvidia的GeForce GT620M,承诺一个显着的性能提升集成英特尔图形对比。


不仅是企业的笔记本电脑,如戴尔的Latitude E6430s,属于T430u的对手。 ,迟早以消费者为导向的ultrabooks,如富士通的LifeBook U772和宏碁的Aspire TimelineU M5-481TG,数一数这些。我们现在要检查是否联想在成熟的ThinkPad的方式战胜他们。



Genuine ThinkPad quality: metal hinges
Genuine ThinkPad quality: metal hinges

Ultrabook or not, the T430U does not differ much from its bigger siblings in regard to shape or design. Its restrained looks do not exactly convey the elegance of a unibody MacBook. It sooner applies the motto "form follows function". Ergonomic, matte black surfaces underpin Lenovo's claim to have consistently designed a laptop made for professional use. The buyer merely has to waive on a protecting clamshell frame and the additional display latch found in other T400 models.

Compared with the usual ultrabook standards, the T430u is truly not a lightweight. It is even slightly heavier than the T430s with a weight of 1.87 kilograms and very remote from some other contenders. Fujitsu's LifeBook U772 not only weighs 500 grams less, but is also over 5 mm thinner than the 2.1 centimeter high ThinkPad. Nevertheless, the T430u is a very portable device that should at least clearly be preferred over the T430(s) for regular transportation.

Although Lenovo relies on a fairly thick case and materials like glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP), the stability does not completely convince. The chassis defies selective pressure without problems, but proves to be a bit susceptible for our warping attempts. This also applies to the display that the manufacturer states has been additionally reinforced with aluminum. Some other laptops, such as Asus' UX31A, presented a slightly better performance here. We admit that we are complaining on an exceptionally high level and do not want to forget that the ThinkPad can also score with a few advantages, for example the very precise metal hinges.

This successful presentation is finished off with a meticulous workmanship that only exhibits minor weaknesses when looking closer. Considering its price range, the T430U has absolutely fulfilled our expectations.



与通常ultrabook的标准相比,T430u是真正没有一个轻量级的。它甚至稍重的T430s的重量为1.87公斤,非常远离一些其他的竞争者。富士通的LifeBook U772不仅重500克以内,但也超过5毫米厚度小于2.1厘米高的ThinkPad。尽管如此,T430u是一个非常便携的移动设备,至少应该清楚地在T430(),优选定期运输。






The casing's diet also affected the connectivity. Instead of four (T430) or three (T430s) ports, the T430u only sports two, which however support the USB 3.0 standard. Nevertheless, we deem this as a bit too tight for a professional device because the user may be forced to use an additional USB hub under certain conditions. Moreover, the formerly, compulsory VGA-out has been now replaced by HDMI. This, alongside the mini DisplayPort and internal screen, enables using up to three monitors at the same time.

Most of the interfaces, including GBit LAN and one audio jack, are concentrated on the casing's right. This unfortunately could occasionally result in a confusing cable mess in the mouse's action scope for right-handed users. The positioning of the display-ports at the back and the card reader (SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC) at the left front appealed to us more.

外壳的饮食习惯也影响连通性。而不是四(T430)或3个(T430s)端口,T430u只有两个,但支持USB 3.0标准。不过,我们认为这是一个专业的设备太紧张了一下,因为用户在某些情况下,可能会被迫使用一个额外的USB集线器。此外,以前,强制VGA输出目前所取代HDMI。这,旁边的Mini DisplayPort和内部屏幕,可同时使用三个显示器。



Front: No interfaces
Front: No interfaces
Left: Kensington lock, card reader
Left: Kensington lock, card reader
Rear: Mini DisplayPort, SIM slot (UMTS optional), HDMI
Rear: Mini DisplayPort, SIM slot (UMTS optional), HDMI
Right: Headset jack, 2x USB 3.0, GBit LAN, power socket
Right: Headset jack, 2x USB 3.0, GBit LAN, power socket


The ThinkPad T430u connects to wireless networks in IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standard via a Wi-Fi adapter from Intel. Regrettably the Centrino Wireless-N 2230 only supports the 2.4 GHz but not the less used 5 GHz band. The latter would particularly be beneficial when many WLANs are active in the direct vicinity because far more independent transmission channels are available. However, we want to emphasize the good range and fast transmission speeds (maximum 300 Mbit/s gross), which is due to the use of two antennas including multi-stream technology (2x2).

Besides Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 also belongs to the standard configuration. UMTS is only offered optionally for specific models and was not available in our test device.

The integrated webcam's quality is a bit disappointing. Despite a 720p resolution, minute details are either only poorly depicted or completely swallowed from the intense image noise. The clear and natural-sounding array microphone provides better results and virtually makes using a headset redundant.


Basic security features, such as a Kensington lock or fingerprint scanner, is to protect the ThinkPad against unwanted access or theft. Moreover, the laptop is ready for Intel's Anti-Theft technology. Should the device be stolen, it can be remote locked thus efficiently protecting sensitive data. This service has to be enabled in advance and costs approximately EUR 30 for three years.


Lenovo does not include any extras and virtually delivers the ThinkPad naked. Besides the laptop, the simple packaging only contains a slim 65 watt PSU and a quick start guide.

The T430u belongs to the first scions of the ThinkPad range which are powered by the new Windows 8. Fortunately, useless demo versions will hardly distract the user with periodical activation popups. The manufacturer instead preinstalls handy tools like Lenovo Solution Center, which facilitates creating backups and provides warranty information among other things.



而ThinkPad T430u连接到无线网络中的IEEE 802.11 b/ g / n的标准,通过Wi-Fi适配器英特尔。令人遗憾的是,迅驰无线-N2230只支持主频为2.4GHz,但较少使用5 GHz频段。后者将特别有益的,当许多无线局域网是活跃在附近,因为非常独立的传输通道。不过,我们要强调良好的范围和快速的传输速度(最大300 Mbit / s的毛),这是由于使用两个天线,包括多数据流技术(2×2)。


除了无线网络连接,蓝牙4.0也属于标准配置。 UMTS只提供可选的具体型号,并没有在我们的测试设备。












T430u属于第一接穗的ThinkPad系列,均采用了新的Windows 8。幸运的是,无用的演示版本将难以分散的用户定期激活弹出窗口。像联想这样的解决方案中心,这有利于创建备份,并提供保修信息,其中包括制造商,而不是预装了方便的工具。


Lenovo provides detailed disassembly instructions
Lenovo provides detailed disassembly instructions

Compared with ultrabook standards, the ThinkPad is quite easy to upgrade. The base plate can be removed without a screwdriver and allows the user to access the hard disk, battery and CPU fan.

A bit more effort is needed to access the working memory, mSATA/mini PCIe slot or Wi-Fi module. The keyboard also has to be removed for this, which Lenovo describes in detailed step-by-step instructions. We did not do this and only want to refer to the corresponding document here.


Some manufacturers can take Lenovo as an example in terms of warranty policy. The buyer receives a 36 month on-site service ex-factory. However, you have to dig deep in your pocket for longer periods. A 4 year upgrade costs EUR 120 and at least EUR 180 is demanded for a total of 5 years.






一些制造商可以采取一个例子,联想的保修政策。买家收到36个月的现场服务出厂价。但是,你必须在你的口袋里深挖更长的时间。 A 4年的升级费用120欧元和180欧元以上的总要求为5年。

Input Devices


As in all newer ThinkPads, Lenovo also installs a spill-proof chiclet keyboard into the T430u which will certainly not appeal to every regular customer right away. We can however reassure you that the keyboard has not sacrificed any of its qualities with this modification. Nevertheless, users changing from other manufacturers first have to get used to the somewhat different layout, where for example the FN and CRTL key are swapped.

When this short familiarization period is overcome, the keyboard presents itself from its best side. The 15 x 15 millimeter, slightly concave keys are hardly missed even when typing faster and provide accurate feedback. The pressure point is comparatively firm and agreeably crisp and slightly resembles a high-end, mechanical desktop keyboard. This impression is underlined by its muffled noise that pleasantly stands out from the cheap clattering produced by some contenders. By the way, the user does not lose the overview at night due to the convenient ThinkLight. Unfortunately, the laptop does not feature a dedicated keyboard backlight.

Touchpad and TrackPoint

Many ThinkPad fans will prefer the traditional TrackPoint to the touchpad. Is this justified? Well, it is partly a matter of taste. In any case, Lenovo has again done an excellent job with the technical implementation. Regardless of the applied force, the cursor's speed can be controlled very precisely with the small, red joystick. The corresponding, fairly soft clicking mouse keys are located below the space bar as usual.

Naturally, the aforementioned touchpad is also available as an alternative. It features an adequate size of 9.3 x 6.5 centimeters. The surface now exhibits a finer texture than in former models, but it still compels with excellent precision. Rather than using dedicated mouse buttons, clicks are performed via pressing the corresponding corner on the touchpad, which is also known as ClickPad design. We would appreciate a slightly firmer pressure point and a shorter key drop. Nevertheless, the pad is a noticeable improvement to the T430/T430s.






当这短暂的熟悉期克服,键盘提出了自​​己最好的一面。 15×15毫米,微微下凹的按键几乎没有错过,甚至在打字的时候速度更快,并提供准确的信息反馈。是比较坚定和愉快清脆的压力点和略微的相似一个高端,机械的台式机键盘。这种印象是强调了其低沉的噪音,愉快地从一些竞争者便宜作响。顺便说一下,用户不失去在夜间,由于方便的ThinkLight的概述。不幸的是,笔记本电脑没有配备专用的键盘背光。










Like in Dell's and Fujitsu's contenders, the T430u's screen also only has a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. This is doubtlessly a low rate in a time when even some smartphones achieve a similar resolution. However, it is still standard in laptops in this price range. Alongside the 14.0 inch screen, it results in a pixel density of 112 dpi.

The ThinkPad also only achieves medial screen brightness rates. The LED backlight shines with an average of 173 cd/m² and our test device consequently fails the manufacturer's specification of 200 cd/m². The brightness even drops to low 145 cd/m² in the lower left, which is not noticed subjectively. The screen is at least bright enough for indoor use.

在戴尔和富士通的竞争者一样,T430u的屏幕也只有1366×768像素的分辨率。这无疑是一个低利率的时候,甚至一些智能手机实现了类似的决议。然而,它仍然是在这个价格范围内,笔记本电脑的标准配置。除了14.0英寸的屏幕,它导致的像素密度为112 dpi的分辨率。


ThinkPad也只达到内侧屏幕亮度。 LED背光闪耀平均的173坎德拉/平方米,因此我们的测试设备制造商的规格为200 ​​cd /m²的失败。的亮度下降到145坎德拉/平方米,在左下角,这是没有注意到主观。屏幕至少是足够明亮的室内使用。

Distribution of brightness
AUO B140XTN02 tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
Maximum: 191 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 173 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 76 %
Center on Battery: 188 cd/m²
Contrast: 227:1 (Black: 0.83 cd/m²)39.87% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
57.6% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
38.82% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)

As expected, Lenovo installs a low-cost TN screen, model B140XTN02 from AUO. The ascertained black value of 0.83 cd/m² and contrast ratio of 227:1 are thus only in the lower midfield and results in a fairly pale reproduction. However, we see a similar performance from the direct contenders. Nevertheless, it would be appreciated if Lenovo would offer a higher resolution and contrast richer screen for a surcharge - preferably an IPS screen.

If you are considering using the T430u for professional purposes, you should fall back on an external monitor. The integrated screen only covers 57 percent of the sRGB standard, which is usually too little for graphic designers. The color spectrum and accuracy is however absolutely sufficient for occasionally looking at vacation pictures, watching movies or playing a game.

正如预期的那样,联想安装了一个低成本的TN屏,模型B140XTN02从友达。因此,只有在较低的中场和在一个相当浅的再现结果所确定的黑色值0.83坎德拉/平方米,对比度为227:1。但是,我们看到了类似的表现的直接竞争者。然而,我们将不胜感激,如果联想将提供更高的分辨率和对比度,更丰富的屏幕附加费 - 最好的IPS屏幕。



T430u vs. AdobeRGB (t)
T430u vs. AdobeRGB (t)
T430u vs. sRGB (t)
T430u vs. sRGB (t)
T430u vs. E6430s (t)
T430u vs. E6430s (t)
T430u vs. T430s (t)
T430u vs. T430s (t)
T430u vs. UX32VD (t)
T430u vs. UX32VD (t)

The compact size predestines the T430u for mobile use. One of the most important requirements is however that the content can be read outdoors without restrictions. This is unfortunately only possible in the shade with our test device. Although, the surface is AR-coated, the brightness is not high enough to outshine direct sunlight.


Viewing angles: Lenovo ThinkPad T430u
Viewing angles: Lenovo ThinkPad T430u

The screen exhibits more shortcomings in the viewing angle assessment, which we know to the same extent from other TN screens. The image quality wanes especially when looking from above or below and results in distorted colors and a decreasing contrast ratio. The lateral margin is a bit wider, but cannot compete with a high-end IPS or VA screen.



2.6 GHz maximum Turbo clock
2.6 GHz maximum Turbo clock

The ThinkPad T430u is the first, and until now, only model from the T400 series that does not sport a conventional 35 watt CPU, but an energy-efficient ULV processor with a TDP of merely 17 watts. Although this has a positive effect on power consumption and temperature development, it also results in a performance loss. Our configuration is powered by a midrange Core i5 3317U that features two computing cores with a default clock of 1.7 GHz each. Depending on the load, the Ivy Bridge CPU can ignite a maximum Turbo Boost of 2.6 GHz and also make use of Hyper Threading technology. As usual, further details can be found in our CPU database.

While most business laptops rely only on integrated graphic solutions, Lenovo additionally equips a few T430u models with a GeForce GT 620M. Nvidia's Optimus dynamically switches between the dedicated and integrated CPU so that the GeForce GT 620M is only active when it is really needed. Thus, only the efficient HD Graphics 4000 is enabled for video acceleration or undemanding tasks.

The T430u is not exactly generously equipped with a 4 GB working memory (1x 4 GB DDR3-1600 from Hynix), but it is enough. In return, the 128 GB SSD is particularly noteworthy since it promises short booting times and a very responsive system.


而ThinkPad T430u是第一位的,到现在为止,只有模型的T400系列,这并不运动传统的35瓦特的CPU,而是一个高效节能的ULV处理器的TDP仅仅17瓦特。虽然这对功耗和温度的发展有着积极的作用,这也导致性能损失。我们的配置是由一个中端的Core i5 3317U配备了两个计算核心与默认频率为1.7 GHz的。的Ivy Bridge CPU可以根据负载,点燃了最大睿频加速为2.6 GHz,还可以使用超线程技术。像往常一样,进一步的细节可以发现,在我们的CPU数据库中。 


虽然大多数的商用笔记本电脑,仅仅依靠集成图形解决方案,联想还配备了几个T430u型号的GeForce GT 620M。 NVIDIA的Optimus之间动态切换专用和集成的CPU,这样的GeForce GT 620M时,真正需要的是唯一的活动。因此,仅有效的HD图形4000被启动,视频加速或要求不高任务的。 


T430u是不完全慷慨地配备了一个4 GB的工作内存​​(1个4 GB DDR3-1600来自Hynix),但已经足够了。作为回报,128 GB SSD特别值得一提的,因为它承诺短的启动时间和一个非常敏感的系统。


System info CPUZ CPU
System info CPUZ Cache
System info CPUZ Mainboard
System info CPUZ RAM
System info CPUZ RAM SPD
System info GPUZ
System info HWInfo
DPC Latency
System information: Lenovo ThinkPad T430u


The cooling is not always designed for ensuring the maximum Turbo speed during longer CPU full load, particularly in compact ultrabooks. Here, we have to compliment Lenovo. The Core i5 3317U in the T430u stably maintains its maximum clock of 2.4 (2 cores) and 2.6 GHz (1 core) even in extreme situations.

This is reflected in good benchmark scores. The ThinkPad achieved 2.39 points in Cinebench R11.5 (64bit), which is only roughly 20 percent less than with the 35 watt Core i5 3210M model. The much more expensive Core i7 3517U can even only surpass this by good 15 percent. The differences in Cinebench R10 (64bit) single thread test are equally slim. Our test device achieved 4508 points here. In our opinion, the i5 3317U is the perfect compromise of price, performance and power consumption.



设计并不总是在更长的CPU满负荷,特别是在紧凑的ultrabooks,以确保最高睿频加速冷却。在这里,我们不得不称赞联想。酷睿i53317U在T430u稳定地保持其最大时钟2.4(2芯)和2.6 GHz(1芯),即使在极端的情况下。


这体现在良好的测试分数。而ThinkPad取得了2.39点在CINEBENCH R11.5(64位),这是大约只有20%不到的35瓦的酷睿i53210M模型。更昂贵的酷睿i73517U甚至可以超越这个良好的15%。在CINEBENCH R10的差异(64位)单个线程的测试也同样渺茫。我们的测试设备达到了4508点。在我们看来,酷睿i53317U的价格,性能和功耗的完美结合。

Cinebench R11.5 - CPU Multi 64Bit (sort by value)
Lenovo ThinkPad T430u
GeForce GT 620M, 3317U, Toshiba THNSNF128GCSS
2.39 Points
Fujitsu LifeBook U772
HD Graphics 4000, 3427U, Micron RealSSD C400 MTFDDAK128MAM
2.38 Points 0%
Lenovo ThinkPad T430s
NVS 5200M, 3320M, Hitachi Travelstar Z7K500 HTS725050A7E630
3.08 Points +29%
Dell Latitude E6430s
HD Graphics 4000, 3360M, Samsung SSD PM830 7mm 128GB
3.29 Points +38%
Lenovo ThinkPad Edge S430
GeForce GT 620M, 3210M, Hitachi Travelstar Z7K500 HTS725050A7E630
2.87 Points +20%
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Shading 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
4508 Points
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
9188 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading 64Bit
5465 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Single 64Bit
1.06 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 64Bit
2.39 Points
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit
14.21 fps

Storage Devices

AS-SSD benchmark
AS-SSD benchmark

A fast storage device that makes loading programs and booting times is more important than the processor's performance in many situations. In line with that, Lenovo equips the ThinkPad with a swift SSD that comes from Toshiba and is dubbed THNSNF128GCSS. A 2.5 inch drive with a height of 7 millimeters is found. It is connected via SATA III and features a total flash memory capacity of 128 GB (19 nanometer MLC-NAND).

The controller designed by Toshiba excels with extremely high transfer rates. The SSD can compete with the best models on the market due to a sequential transfer speed of 506 MB/s (read) and 455 MB/s (write). Although, for example, Samsung's SSD 830 processes small 4K files a bit faster, Toshiba's drive counters with superior performances in parallel read/write access (4K-64Thrd).

一个快速的存储设备,使得加载程序和启动时间比处理器的性能在许多情况下,更重要的是。在与联想配备的ThinkPad迅速SSD来自东芝和是被称为THNSNF128GCSS的。 A 2.5英寸硬盘,7毫米的高度被发现。这是通过SATA III连接,并设有一个总容量为128 GB(19纳米MLC-NAND)快闪记忆体。


由东芝所设计的控制器擅长具有非常高的传输速率。 SSD能与之抗衡的最好的车型在市场上由于连续的传输速度为506 MB/秒(读取)和455 MB/秒(写入)。虽然,例如,三星的SSD830处理小的4K文件快一点,东芝的驱动器计数器优异的并行读/写访问(4K-64Thrd)。

Transfer Rate Minimum: 180.8 MB/s
Transfer Rate Maximum: 207.2 MB/s
Transfer Rate Average: 192.9 MB/s
Access Time: 0.2 ms
Burst Rate: 87.9 MB/s
CPU Usage: 4.4 %

System Performance

The combination of a Core i5 processor and swift SSD lets the ThinkPad achieve an excellent system performance. With 4208 points in PCMark 7, the T430u is just behind Dell's Latitude E6430s (5896 points) and Fujitsu's Lifebook U772 (5039 points). However, this difference will hardly be noticed in practical use. The PCMark range only has a limited validity since it is a pure synthetic benchmark anyway. Therefore, we would like to briefly report about our subjective practical experience.

We could hardly complain about not having enough power during our tests. The ULV processor easily coped with all routine applications and offered enough reserves to even occasionally deal with demanding tasks such as video transcoding. The fewest users will likely yearn for an even faster quad-core CPU. More impressive was the speed of the storage device. Windows 8 was ready to go in 10 seconds after a cold start and many programs started within fractions of a second - SSD power makes it possible.



酷睿i5处理器和迅速SSD的组合,让ThinkPad的实现出色的系统性能。在PCMark7日的4208点,T430u是仅次于戴尔Latitude E6430s(5896点)和富士通的LifeBook U772(5039点)。然而,这种差异将难以在实际使用中被注意到。在PCMark范围仅具有有限的有效期,因为它是一个纯粹的合成基准反正。因此,我们想简要地汇报一下我们的主观的实践经验。


我们很难抱怨没有足够的力量在我们的测试中。 ULV处理器,轻松应对所有的常规应用,并提供足够的储备,即使偶尔处理视频转码等要求苛刻的任务。最少的用户将有可能以更快的四核CPU的向往。更令人印象深刻的是存储装置的速度。 Windows 8的准备在10秒冷启动后,许多程序开始在几分之一秒内 - SSD的功耗使得它可能。

PCMark 7 - Score (sort by value)
Lenovo ThinkPad T430u
GeForce GT 620M, 3317U, Toshiba THNSNF128GCSS
4202 Points
Fujitsu LifeBook U772
HD Graphics 4000, 3427U, Micron RealSSD C400 MTFDDAK128MAM
5039 Points +20%
Dell Latitude E6430s
HD Graphics 4000, 3360M, Samsung SSD PM830 7mm 128GB
5896 Points +40%
PCMark 7 Score
4202 points
Windows 8 Experience Index
Calculations per second
Memory (RAM)
Memory operations per second
Desktop performance for Windows Aero
Gaming graphics
3D business and gaming graphics
Primary hard disk
Disk data transfer rate

Graphics Card

Although Intel's graphics solution has continuously improved over the past years, the current HD Graphics 4000 cannot yet compete with dedicated midrange GPUs from AMD or Nvidia. The ThinkPad T430u sports an additional GeForce GT 620M in order to deal with 3D applications and games anyway. It is based on the GF117 chip built in a 28 nanometer process, which integrates 96 Shader units (Fermi architecture). Regrettably, Lenovo seems to have disabled the optional Turbo Boost in the GT 620M so that the core's clock rate is low 625 MHz. The frequency of the 1 GB DDR3 VRAM (900 MHz, 64 bit) remains unaffected from that.

The GeForce GT 620M outperformed the HD 4000 by good 50 percent in most benchmarks and achieved 1011 points in 3DMark 11 (performance preset). This roughly corresponds to AMD's Radeon HD 7650M.



虽然英特尔的图形解决方案,在过去几年不断完善,目前的高清显卡4000尚未竞争与专门的中端AMD或Nvidia的GPU(图形处理器)。而ThinkPad T430u体育以处理3D应用程序和游戏,反正一个额外的GeForce®(精视™)GT620M。它是基于GF117芯片内置的28纳米制程,集成了96 Shader单元(Fermi架构)。遗憾的是,联想似乎已经禁用了可选的Turbo Boost的GT620M核心的时钟频率低,使625 MHz的。 1 GB DDR3 VRAM频率(900 MHz,64位)的频率,从该保持不受影响。


的GeForce GT620M的表现优于HD 4000好50%,在大多数基准测试和性能的3DMark11(预设值)达到了1011点。这大致相当于AMD的Radeon HD7650M。

3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance (sort by value)
Lenovo ThinkPad T430u
GeForce GT 620M, 3317U, Toshiba THNSNF128GCSS
1011 Points
Lenovo ThinkPad T430s
HD Graphics 4000, 3520M, Intel SSD 520 Series SSDSC2BW180A3L
646 Points -36%
Acer Aspire TimelineUltra M5-481TG-73514G25Mass
GeForce GT 640M LE, 3517U, Lite-On LMT-256M3M
1519 Points +50%
3DMark 06 Standard Score
6892 points
3DMark Vantage P Result
3976 points
3DMark 11 Performance
1011 points

Gaming Performance

Diablo 3
Diablo 3

The gaming performance of a business laptop like the T430u is certainly a more secondary issue. However, the ThinkPad is quite suitable to render most up-to-date tracks smoothly, providing the user makes compromises in resolution and details.

The ultrabook even provided playable frame rates in the screen's native resolution and high settings with Diablo 3 and Dishonored. Even anti-aliasing can be enabled on a low level to enhance the image quality. Anno 2070 and particularly Battlefield 3 have much higher requirements on the GT 620M and consequently, only 1024 x 768 pixels and low or medium details should be selected. In contrast to contenders featuring an integrated graphics, it is a clear progress.




low med. high ultra
Battlefield 3 (2011) 30.5 21 16.3
Anno 2070 (2011) 76.6 31.9 19.7
Diablo III (2012) 82.3 56.1 48.1
Dishonored (2012) 54.5 43.6 38.4


System Noise

Lenovo has created an extremely quiet ultrabook with the ThinkPad T430u in almost every operating state. Although the fan is never completely disabled even in idle, the low noise level of 30.9 to 31.1 dB (A) is extremely quiet. The device is virtually silent in most surroundings. The fan stably maintains its low speed in routine use with Office programs, Internet browsing and similar applications.

The noise first increases during longer CPU or graphics-heavy software. We ascertained a rate of 32.9 dB (A) in 3DMark 06 here. Some laptops already achieve higher rates in idle operation. The fan's low-pitched frequency and steady noise contributes to this and ensures that the ThinkPad remains in the background acoustically. The T430u takes a top position in comparison with the contenders.



联想与ThinkPad T430u几乎在每一个运行状态,创造了一个非常安静的ultrabook的。虽然风扇从来没有被完全禁用,即使在​​闲置,为30.9至31.1分贝(A)的低噪音水平是非常安静的。在大多数环境中的设备几乎是无声的。风扇稳定地保持其在日常使用Office程序,上网浏览和类似用途的低速。


在更长的CPU或图形重软件的噪声增加。我们确定的比率为32.9分贝(A)在3DMark06在这里。一些笔记本电脑已经实现在怠速运转率较高。低调的频率和风扇的稳态噪声为此做出了贡献,并确保的ThinkPad一直在后台运行声。 T430u采用了领先地位,在与竞争者相比较。

Noise Level

30.9 / 30.9 / 31.1 dB(A)
32.9 / 35.9 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Voltcraft SL 320 (15 cm distance)


Stress test
Stress test

Now if you fear that the low noise level involves high temperature development, the laptop's cooling system not only works quietly but also very efficiently.

The casing only heats up insignificantly during load and hardly exceeds 30 degrees Celsius. Thus, using the device on the lap is no problem. The rates climbed to approximately 40°C when the hardware was stressed. However, the heat was mostly concentrated in the rear area. In return, the wrist rest remained a bit cooler so that the user can continue to work comfortably.

We simulate the nightmare of every laptop using our stress test. Prime95 and FurMark demand everything from our test devices for at least one hour. Although this is hardly ever the case in real life, neither the processor nor the graphics card should overheat or throttle in this situation. Neither case applies to the T430u. 87°C on the Core i5 and 68°C on the GT620M are absolutely uncritical, especially since they both stably maintained their maximum clock.





我们的每一个笔记本电脑使用我们的压力测试模拟的噩梦。 Prime95和FurMark进行至少一个小时,从我们的测试设备需求。虽然这是很少出现这种情况在现实生活中,无论是处理器,也不是显卡过热,或油门在这种情况下。这两种情况都不适用的T430u。 87°C的Core i5和68°C的GT620M是绝对不加批判的,尤其是因为它们都保持稳定的最大时钟。

Max. Load
 44.5 °C45 °C37.4 °C 
 39 °C39.9 °C37.2 °C 
 30.5 °C29.6 °C29.7 °C 
Maximum: 45 °C
Average: 37 °C
41.2 °C44.7 °C41.3 °C
40 °C40.6 °C39.7 °C
35.8 °C36.6 °C35.2 °C
Maximum: 44.7 °C
Average: 39.5 °C
Power Supply (max.)  52.2 °C | Room Temperature 21.7 °C | Voltcraft IR-360
(±) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 37 °C / 99 F, compared to the average of 30.8 °C / 87 F for the devices in the class Subnotebook.
(±) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 45 °C / 113 F, compared to the average of 36.1 °C / 97 F, ranging from 21.4 to 281 °C for the class Subnotebook.
(±) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 44.7 °C / 112 F, compared to the average of 39.4 °C / 103 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 30 °C / 86 F, compared to the device average of 30.8 °C / 87 F.
(+) The palmrests and touchpad are cooler than skin temperature with a maximum of 30.5 °C / 86.9 F and are therefore cool to the touch.
(-) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 28.3 °C / 82.9 F (-2.2 °C / -4 F).


Unfortunately, it is almost traditional for ThinkPads to have weak speakers and the T430u is no exception. The playback makes a very treble-heavy impression while low pitches are almost completely absent. The only plus point is the acceptable maximum volume, which even allows medium sized rooms to be filled with sound. In view of quality, it is definitely recommendable to connect external speakers, which is possible via the digital DisplayPort or HDMI, as well as over the analog audio jack.




Energy Management

Power Consumption

The T430U's power consumption ranges on the level of comparably configured laptops. With 7.2 to 10.9 watts in idle, the ThinkPad is even on a par with laptops that do not feature a dedicated graphics card, which is particularly due to Nvidia's Optimus.

Interestingly, the power consumption during load and enabled GeForce GPU remained modest. We merely measured just below 37 watts in 3DMark 06 - so 3 to 4 watts more than with the noticeably weaker HD Graphics 4000. The GT 620M obviously benefits from its low clock rate and the 28 nanometer processing, and is thus especially efficient. The included 65 watt PSU is more than sufficiently sized and also easily coped with our stress test (42.4 watts).



T430U的的功耗范围上的水平,同等配置的笔记本电脑。 ThinkPad是7.2到10.9瓦,闲置,即使是在没有配备独立显卡,这是由于NVIDIA的Optimus的笔记本电脑媲美。


有趣的是,在负载的功耗和功能的GeForce®(精视™)GPU(图形处理器)仍然温和。我们只是测量低于37瓦在3DMark06 - 3〜4瓦以上明显较弱的高清显卡4000。对GT620M显然得益于其时钟速率和低的28纳米处理,因而是特别有效的。包括PSU是65瓦特以上有足够的资源,也容易应对我们的压力测试(42.4瓦)。

Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.4 / 0.6 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 7.2 / 10.1 / 10.9 Watt
Load midlight 36.8 / 42.4 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 940
Currently we use the Metrahit Energy, a professional single phase power quality and energy measurement digital multimeter, for our measurements. Find out more about it here. All of our test methods can be found here.

Battery Runtime

Like in most ultrabooks, the T430u's battery is not removable. Unlike the T430 and T430s, it cannot be expanded due to the lack of an UltraBay slot. The lithium polymer battery features a capacity of 47 Wh, which is to achieve a maximum runtime of 6.6 hours according to Lenovo.

We recorded 6 hours and 16 minutes via BatteryEater's Reader's test (energy saving mode, wireless modules and GPU off, minimum brightness) in our assessments and can thus confirm the manufacturer's specifications.

The user can count with approximately 3 to 4 hours in practical use. Exactly 3 hours and 25 minutes in our standardized Wi-Fi test (energy saving mode, GPU disabled, 150 cd/m²) is not a bad time. However, it is at best average for this device category (LifeBook U772: 5 hours 17 minutes).

BatteryEater's Classic test (high-performance, wireless module and GPU enabled, maximum brightness) reduced the battery runtime to almost two hours. The full performance is demanded from the processor and graphics card here and they are not artificially throttled. The user can thus rely on the full speed away from the mains.



像最ultrabooks,T430u的电池是不可拆卸的。 T430和T430s不同,它可以不被扩展由于缺乏一个的UltraBay插槽。锂聚合物电池提供47瓦,这是实现一个最大运行时间6.6小时,根据联想的能力。




用户可以计数在实际使用中,约3〜4小时。整整3小时25分钟,我们的标准化的Wi-Fi测试(节能模式下,GPU残疾人,150坎德拉/平方米)是个不错的时间。然而,在此设备类别中最佳的平均(通LifeBook U772:5小时17分钟)。



Maximum battery life (Reader's Test)
Reader´s Test
Minimum runtime (Classic Test)
Classic Test
Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
6h 16min
WiFi Surfing
3h 25min
Load (maximum brightness)
1h 56min


Lenovo ThinkPad T430u
Lenovo ThinkPad T430u

This much is certain: The tried ThinkPad recipe also works perfectly in ultrabook size. Although the T430u has room for improvement, it fuses many of the strengths that have been valued by regular customers for now 20 years.

Among them, a solid and well-processed casing that does not feature the elegance of a unibody chassis, but excels with very useful qualities, such as matte surfaces or long-lasting metal hinges. Especially noteworthy are the high-quality input devices that Lenovo also continuously improves. Our past complaints have been heard and a bigger touchpad is now finally implemented. The traditional TrackPoint is naturally also still incorporated.

However, where there is light, there is also shadow and this can literally be transferred to the screen in this case. Much worse than the TN screen's unsatisfactory quality is the weak backlight, which restricts outdoor suitability. The battery runtimes also lag behind the top rates in this device category.

The ThinkPad can score again in performance. Virtually every ultrabook offers a Core i5 processor and a swift SSD, but only few contenders can serve with an additional GeForce GPU. It ensures that the T430u can replace a full-blown laptop in games and 3D applications. Lenovo also keeps absolute control over the emissions; hardly a comparable device stays this cool and quiet.

In a nutshell, we can say that the T430u is an attractive laptop for business and private customers alike if the buyer can relinquish the last ounce of mobility. The price of currently EUR 950 is throughout fair considering the given offerings.

有一点是肯定的:试图ThinkPad的配方也完美的工作在Ultrabook的大小。 T430u虽然有改进的余地,它融合了许多的优势,一直重视通过定期的客户现在20年。









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In Review:  Lenovo ThinkPad T430u
In Review: Lenovo ThinkPad T430u, courtesy of:


Lenovo ThinkPad T430u
Intel Core i5-3317U 2 x 1.7 - 2.6 GHz, Ivy Bridge
Graphics adapter
NVIDIA GeForce GT 620M - 1024 MB VRAM, Core: 625 MHz, Memory: 900 MHz, DDR3-VRAM, ForceWare 305.46, Optimus
4 GB 
, 1x 4096 MB Hynix DDR3-1600, 2 slots
14.00 inch 16:9, 1366 x 768 pixel, AUO B140XTN02, TN screen, LED backlight, glossy: no
Intel UM77 Express
Toshiba THNSNF128GCSS, 128 GB 
, 2.5", 7mm, Toshiba controller
Intel Panther Point PCH - High Definition Audio Controller
2 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 1 HDMI, 1 DisplayPort, 1 Kensington Lock, Audio Connections: headset jack (3.5 millimeter), Card Reader: 4-in-1 (MMC, SD, SDHC, SDXC), 1 Fingerprint Reader
Realtek RTL8168/8111 Gigabit-LAN (10/100/1000MBit/s), Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2230 (b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/), Bluetooth 4.0
height x width x depth (in mm): 21 x 340 x 236
47 Wh Lithium-Polymer, 3 cell
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 64 Bit
Webcam: 720p
Additional features
Speakers: 2x 2 watt, Keyboard: chiclet, Keyboard Light: no, 65 watt PSU, quick start guide, 微软Office 2010入门版,联想解决方案中心, 36 Months Warranty
1.9 kg, Power Supply: 200 g
950 Euro


A new ThinkPad is born!
A new ThinkPad is born!
One of the laptop's biggest assets is
One of the laptop's biggest assets is
the high-quality input devices.
the high-quality input devices.
Both the keyboard and the TrackPoint,
Both the keyboard and the TrackPoint,
as well as the touchpad belong to the best of their kind.
as well as the touchpad belong to the best of their kind.
The T430u is powered by an i5 3317U and GT 620M
The T430u is powered by an i5 3317U and GT 620M
that are cooled very quietly even during load.
that are cooled very quietly even during load.
A look at the bottom:
A look at the bottom:
It can be opened to a wide extent without tools.
It can be opened to a wide extent without tools.
The hard disk can be replaced in a few steps
The hard disk can be replaced in a few steps
and the fan can be cleaned.
and the fan can be cleaned.
The battery is incorporated in the casing, but only with screws.
The battery is incorporated in the casing, but only with screws.
A 720p webcam allows taking pictures and videos.
A 720p webcam allows taking pictures and videos.
A fingerprint scanner is to take care of security.
A fingerprint scanner is to take care of security.
At first glance,
At first glance,
there are not many novelties to be discovered.
there are not many novelties to be discovered.
The T430u adopts the design of its sister models
The T430u adopts the design of its sister models
and relies on matte black surfaces as well as retro looks.
and relies on matte black surfaces as well as retro looks.
The thickness of 2.1 centimeters clearly undercuts that of the T430 and T430s.
The thickness of 2.1 centimeters clearly undercuts that of the T430 and T430s.
Solid metal hinges are tradition among ThinkPads,
Solid metal hinges are tradition among ThinkPads,
and have a firm grip on the screen even on shaky surfaces.
and have a firm grip on the screen even on shaky surfaces.
The maximum opening angle is over 180 degrees.
The maximum opening angle is over 180 degrees.
Regrettably, cutbacks have been made in connectivity.
Regrettably, cutbacks have been made in connectivity.
Now there are only two USB ports and no docking station.
Now there are only two USB ports and no docking station.
The card reader supports SD and MMC models.
The card reader supports SD and MMC models.
A 65 watt PSU takes care of power supply.
A 65 watt PSU takes care of power supply.

Similar Laptops

Devices with Same Screen Size and/or Weight

联想 Yoga Pro 7 14 G9 评测--配备 AMD Zen 5 和 120Hz OLED 的强大多媒体笔记本电脑
Radeon 880M, Strix Point (Zen 5/5c, Ryzen AI 3/5/7/9) Ryzen AI 9 365, 14.50", 1.539 kg
联想 Yoga Slim 7x 14 G9 评测--配备骁龙 X Elite 和出色的 3K OLED 显示屏的多媒体笔记本电脑
Adreno X1-85 3.8 TFLOPS, Snapdragon X SD X Elite X1E-78-100, 14.50", 1.286 kg
联想 ThinkPad X13 Gen 4 AMD 笔记本电脑评测:性能平平的紧凑型 Ryzen 机器
Radeon 780M, Phoenix (Zen 4, Ryzen 7040) R7 PRO 7840U, 13.30", 1.25 kg
联想 IdeaPad Pro 5 14AHP9 笔记本电脑评测--配备 Ryzen 8000 和 120-Hz OLED 的强大超便携产品
Radeon 780M, Hawk Point (Zen 4/4c, Ryzen 8040) R7 8845HS, 14.00", 1.489 kg


  • Manufacturer's information

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+ 良好的制造质量
+ 出色的键盘
+ 低噪声发展
+ 高应用程序性能
+ 快速的SSD
+ 游戏适合
+ USB 3.0和DisplayPort
+ 3年保修


- 稍厚,比其他ultrabooks重
- 弱扬声器
- 暗屏
- 平均电池寿命


What we like

If you can live without the additional interfaces and expandability of the T430(s), the ThinkPad T430u could be an interesting alternative. The excellent inputs and the familiar high-quality workmanship are a matter of course even in this slim scion of the T400 range.

What we'd like to see

A few of the most important ultrabook qualities - weight, battery life and screen brightness - regrettably come a bit short in the T430u. If you are looking for a laptop uncompromisingly designed for mobility, you will be better off with the competition.

What surprises us

The additional GeForce graphics card is quite unusual in a business device. It also makes the ThinkPad interesting for casual gamers.

The competition

The T430u competes with both other ultrabooks as well as premium Office laptops. Dell's Latitude E6430s, Fujitsu's Lifebook U772, Acer's Aspire M5-481TG, Samsung's 535U4C or Asus' UX32VD are possible alternatives.







有几个最重要的ultrabook的素质 - 重量,电池寿命和屏幕的亮度 - 在T430u很遗憾来得短。如果您正在寻找一台笔记本电脑不折不扣的移动性而设计的,你会好起来的同业竞争。








T430u竞争既其他ultrabooks以及优质写字楼的笔记本电脑。戴尔Latitude E6430s,富士通的LifeBook U772,宏碁的Aspire M5-481TG,三星的535U4C或华硕的UX32VD的的可能的选择。


Lenovo ThinkPad T430u - 12/21/2012 v3 (old)
Till Schönborn

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 联想ThinkPad T430u 超级本测评
Till Schönborn, 2013-01- 4 (Update: 2018-05-15)