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联想 Thinkpad Edge E535 笔记本测评

Trinity-ThinkPad. 扩大联想ThinkPad Edge系列与AMD在里面的另一种模式。内的ThinkPad Edge E535的情况下,从目前AMD的三一新一代的APU。我们测试的设备是什么好。

Lenovo introduced the Thinkpad Edge E535 as the successor to the E525. Both devices are based on AMD's Fusion-platform. The E535 comes with an APU based on the new Trinity Architecture, while the older E525 was based on Llano architecture. The Edge E535 is available with different component configurations. Our test model is powered by an AMD A8-4500M-APU (quad core CPU, Radeon HD 7640G). The APU comes with 4 GB of memory and a 750 GB hard drive on the side. There is also a DVD-burner onboard.

The competition is mainly found in the same family. The already mentioned predecessor Thinkpad Edge E525 (AMD A8-3500M) is a good example of the competition. The Thinkpad Edge E530 would also have to join the group as the Intel-counterpart to the Edge E535. A comparison with the Thinkpad Edge 530 that we already tested wouldn't be fair, because it has a middle-class dedicated graphics card (Nvidia GeForce GT 630M). The competition of the Thinkpad Edge 535 would have to be the Thinkpad Edge 530-variant, which only has integrated graphics.









The case is made completely of matte-black plastic and the screen is surrounded by a silver plastic frame. The overall stability of the case is acceptable. The hand rests for typing hold secure with pressure. The keyboard only gives in a little. In the number block area of the keyboard, which is positioned over the optical drive, there is a bit more strength.  The stiffness could be better. If you were to take the open notebook and hold it by two opposite corners, it would turn slightly. The build quality is also not 100% well made. When you close the top of the netbook it doesn't sit flush with the bottom side. At this point one would have the impression that one of the internal hooks was missing or broken. Interestingly, the almost identical Thinkpad E530 left a far better feeling at this stage.

The reverse side of the lid is equipped with a layer of rubber (soft-touch surface), just like the other Thinkpad Edge models. Our test model sports a black ('Midnight Black') rubber layer. The Thinkpad Edge is also available in red ('Heatwave Red') and blue ('Arctic Blue'). The lid makes a decent impression, despite the fact you are able to twist it. The metal-finish lid hinges hold the display firmly in position with minimal movement. One problem we had with the Thinkpad Edge E525 was the loosely secured optical drive, and we find the same problem with the E535. The E535 has also seemed to have inherited the rattling battery.

情况下,完全是由磨砂黑色塑料,屏幕周围的银色塑料框。整体稳定的情况下是可以接受的。手休息键入时按住安全的压力。键盘只给一点。在数块的键盘的区域,它被定位在光学驱动器,是一个比较的强度。的的刚度可能是更好的。如果你是采取开放的笔记本电脑和它的两个对角,它会变成略有下降。建设质量是不是100%,制作精良的。当您关闭上网本的顶部,不坐的底部齐平。在这一点上,有一个内部的钩丢失或损坏的印象。有趣的是,几乎相同的Thinkpad E530留下了在此阶段的感觉好得多。


配备一层橡胶(柔软触感的表面),就像其他的Thinkpad Edge模型的相反侧的盖子。我们的测试模型运动的黑色橡胶层(午夜黑)。的ThinkPad Edge还提供红色(“热浪红'的)和蓝色(”北极蓝“的)。盖使一个体面的印象,但事实上,你是扭曲的。金属饰面盖板铰链保持显示牢牢的位置与最小的运动。一个问题,我们的ThinkPad Edge E525是松散的安全光盘驱动器,我们发现了同样的问题与E535。 E535似乎也继承


In terms of connectivity Lenovo has changed a considerable amount from the Thinkpad Edge E525. On the left side of the device there are three USB 3.0 ports. The Thinkpad Edge E525 only uses USB 2.0 ports. You will also find VGA-output and an HDMI port. The eSATA/USB combo port from the E525 has not been used again. This is fine due to the USB 3.0 Ports. Optimally Lenovo could have turned one of the three USB 3.0 ports into a combined eSATA/USB 3.0 port.

The right side of the device sports a Gigabit-Ethernet plug and a fourth USB port, although this one is a standard 2.0.  The optical drive and an audio-combo socket have also found their places on the right hand side. The Express Card slot of the Thinkpad Edge E525 has been done away with for the Thinkpad Edge E535. This is a shame as now the possibility of certain expansions has gone.  A memory-card reader is found at the front of the notebook, which works with the usual types (SD, MMC, MS, MS Pro, xD).

在的连通联想方面已经改变了相当数量的ThinkPad Edge E525。在左侧的设备有3个USB 3.0端口。的ThinkPad Edge E525仅使用USB2.0连接埠。您还可以找到VGA输出和一个HDMI端口。从E525的eSATA / USB组合端口没有被再次使用。这是由于USB 3.0端口。合理地联想,很可能演变成一个综合的eSATA/ USB 3.0端口,3个USB 3.0端口,1。


该设备的右侧运动的千兆以太网插头和第四个USB端口,虽然这是一个标准的2.0。光盘驱动器和音响组合插座,也发现了他们的右手边的地方。 Express Card插槽的ThinkPad Edge E525已经被废除的ThinkPad Edge E535。这是一种耻辱了一定的扩展的可能性。一个记忆卡读卡机被发现在前面的笔记本电脑,与常用的类型(SD,MMC,MS,MS PRO,XD)。

Left side: VGA, HDMI, 3x USB 3.0
Left side: VGA, HDMI, 3x USB 3.0
Right side: Audio combo, 1x USB 2.0, Gigabit-Ethernet, power plug and the DVD-Burner.
Right side: Audio combo, 1x USB 2.0, Gigabit-Ethernet, power plug and the DVD-Burner.
The back is free from any ports.
The back is free from any ports.
The memory card reader is the only thing on the front.
The memory card reader is the only thing on the front.


Our test model comes with all the expected features of a communications device. There is a WLAN-module from the company Broadcom onboard the notebook which uses the standard 802.11 b/g/n. The module from Broadcom also includes a Bluetooth chip. For wired network connections the device uses a Gigabit-Ethernet chip. Lenovo uses a chip from the well-known Realtek RTL8168/8111 family. Lenovo has also given a webcam to the notebook. This is located on the screen frame, surrounded by two microphones.


The range of security features is quite weak for a business-notebook. Lenovo offers this device with a fingerprint reader, but not every variant of the device will come with one. The fingerprint reader can be utilized via the already installed software Authentic TrueSuite. This makes it possible to secure not only access to Windows with a fingerprint lock, but also access to internet services. The obligatory port for a Kensington-lock is also present, but otherwise that's all in terms of security. Neither the Thinkpad Edge E535 nor the Thinkpad Edge E525 offer TPM or a Smartcard reader.


The section on accessories is over and done with quite quickly. Apart from the power supply and a battery, the only thing you'll find in the box is a poster with a quick-start guide and guarantee information.

The device comes with an already installed 'Windows 7 - Home Premium' operating system. There is no Windows 7 DVD with the product, as reinstalling the system is done with help from a Recovery-Partition.  

The amount of additional software is manageable. Aside from many Lenovo-tools, the Google Chrome browser and Authentec TruSuite, the other pre-installed programs include Corel WinDVD SE, Corel Burn.Now and DVD MovieFactory. This begs the question, why are there these kinds of programs already loaded onto a business notebook? What's more is that Windows already has functions itself to do the tasks that these other three programs do.

Furthermore, a 30 day test version of Norton Internet Security has found its way onto the hard drive. Also Microsoft Office 2010 Starter and the Windows Live Essentials are already installed. An alternative UI is offered by Lenovo through its Simple Tap feature. This is highly reminiscent of the look of a tablet-PC. Whether or not this feature should really be on a business notebook is also questionable. SimpleTap turns out to not only be quite useless, but also very annoying.


The Thinkpad Edge E535 offers great and comfortable maintenance possibilities. Compared to the Thinkpad Edge E525 there is noticeable improvement. On the underside are two compartments. Through the smallest door you will find the BIOS battery and the WLAN module. Under the larger door is where the RAM, hard drive, CPU and cooling system are all hiding. The notebook has two slots for RAM, and one is unused. This means a very simple and cheap upgrade to 8 GB would be possible. The Thinkpad Edge E535 supports up to 16 GB of RAM. The hard drive can be quickly removed and replaced with another model. Also the optical drive is swappable. All you need to do for this is undo the screw and then pull the optical drive out of its slot.

The big improvement over the Thinkpad Edge 525 is that it provides full access to the cooling system. The user can remove the fan for easy cleaning.  You could even take the APU out and replace it with another model. We have to praise Lenovo here.


Lenovo equips the device with a 12 month Bring-In Warranty. The customer sends the notebook directly to Lenovo in the case of a defect. This time frame is customary nowadays. However, when it comes to a business device you would expect a warranty of at least 24 months. Lenovo offers the possibility to extend the warranty to 2 or 3 years, the cost of which is about 50 Euros and 70-90 Euros respectively. A three year on-site warranty would set you back 120 Euros.



我们的测试模型的所有预期功能的通信设备。有一个WLAN模块从公司博通船上的笔记本电脑,它使用标准的802.11 B / G / N。该模块还包括来自Broadcom的蓝牙芯片。对于有线网络连接,该设备采用了千兆以太网芯片。联想采用的芯片瑞昱RTL8168/8111著名的家庭。联想也给予了摄像头的笔记本。这是位于屏幕边框,四周环绕着两个麦克风。




范围内的安全功能是相当薄弱的商务笔记本。联想提供了指纹识别器,此设备,但不是每一个变种的设备将配备一个。可以利用指纹识别器,通过已安装的软件正宗的TrueSuite。这使得可以确保不仅访问到Windows指纹锁,但还可以访问互联网服务。一个Kensington锁是强制性的端口也存在,但除此之外,这一切都在安全方面。本的ThinkPad Edge E535也没有的ThinkPad Edge E525提供TPM或智能卡读取器。






该装置带有一个已经安装的Windows 7 - 家庭高级版操作系统。有没有Windows 7 DVD的产品,重新安装系统的帮助下从恢复分区。


额外的软件的数量是可控的。除了许多联想的工具,谷歌Chrome浏览器和AuthenTec TruSuite,预装的程序包括Corel WinDVD的SE,Corel公司的Burn.Now和DVD录录烧。这就引出了一个问题,为什么会有这些方案已装上一款商务笔记本吗?更重要的是,Windows已经具有自己做的任务,这些其他三个方案做。


此外,在30天的测试版的Norton Internet Security(诺顿网络安全特警)已经找到了自己的硬盘驱动器上。微软Office 2010 Starter和Windows Live软件包已经安装。另一种UI是由联想提供的,通过简单的点选功能。这是非常让人联想到一个平板电脑的外观。此功能是否真的是一款商务笔记本也值得商榷。 SimpleTap原来不仅是相当无用的,但也很烦人。




的ThinkPad Edge E535提供大和舒适的维修的可能性。相比于ThinkPad Edge E525有明显的改善。的底面的两个隔室。通过最小的门,你会发现你的BIOS电池和WLAN模块。在较大的门,RAM,硬盘,CPU和冷却系统都隐藏。笔记本电脑有两个插槽,RAM,一个是未使用的。这意味着将有可能一个非常简单和低价的升级到8 GB。的ThinkPad Edge E535支持高达16 GB的RAM。另一种模式,可以快速拆卸和更换硬盘驱动器。此外,光盘驱动器是热插拔。所有你需要做的,这是松开螺钉,然后将光盘驱动器的插槽中。


以上的ThinkPad Edge 525是很大的改进,它提供的冷却系统的完全访问权限。用户可以卸下风扇,便于清洗。你甚至可以采取的APU出来,取而代之的是另一种模式。我们不得不赞叹联想在这里。




Input Devices


Lenovo provides a usually good chiclet keyboard (Lenovo name: Accu-type). The pressure point is easy to see and the stroke of the keys is good. The keyboard is similar to the keyboard of the Thinkpad Edge E525. The arrow keys and the scroll buttons have been enlarged. This is a positive improvement, as on the Thinkpad Edge E525 we thought those keys were a bit small. The fact that the keyboard is made out of shiny plastic means that hard to remove fingerprints are going to accumulate on the keys after time. According to Lenovo the keyboard is protected from water splashes. There is no backlight for the keyboard

Touchpad and Trackpoint

Lenovo provides a Clickpad with the measurements of 9.2 cm x 6.5 cm on the Thinkpad Edge 535. A Clickpad is a Touchpad without separate mouse buttons, with the whole Clickpad being essentially one big key. If you are to click on the bottom of the Clickpad, it will interpret the click (based on your finger position) as either a left or right mouse click. The surface of the Clickpad is covered in tiny bumps, but your finger can glide easily over it despite the roughness. The touch pad is also enabled for multi-touch gestures, such as the two finger zoom. The Clickpad features a firm and easy to identify point of pressure.

As an alternative to the touch pad, the Thinkpad Edge 535 offers a Trackpoint to control the mouse pointer. This allows for fast and precise movement of the pointer. The corresponding mouse buttons are located directly above the touch pad.



联想提供了一个通常是良好的独立式Chiclet键盘(联想名称:ACCU-型)。的压力点是容易看到和键的冲程是好的。键盘是键盘的ThinkPad Edge E525。箭头键和滚动按钮都进行了扩建。这是一个积极的改进的ThinkPad Edge E525,我们认为这些键有点小。事实上,在键盘做出来的有光泽的塑料意味着难以消除指纹键后,时间上的积累。据联想键盘保护水溅。有没有背光的键盘




联想提供了一个ClickPad的为9.2厘米×6.5厘米的ThinkPad Edge535的测量。一个ClickPad的是一个没有单独的鼠标按钮的触摸板,整个的ClickPad本质上是一大关键。如果你点击底部的ClickPad的,它会解释为左或右点击鼠标的单击(根据你的手指的位置)。的ClickPad的表面覆盖着微小的颠簸,但你的手指可以很容易超过它,尽管下滑的粗糙度。触摸板还启用了多点触摸手势,如两个手指的缩放。的ClickPad提供一个坚固,易于识别点的压力。


作为一种替代的触摸板,一台ThinkPad Edge535提供了指点杆来控制鼠标指针。这允许快速和精确的运动的指针。相应的鼠标按键位于正上方的触摸板。

Top view.
Top view.
The keyboard does not have a backlight.
The keyboard does not have a backlight.
Lenovo uses a Clickpad.
Lenovo uses a Clickpad.
There is also a Trackstick included.
There is also a Trackstick included.


Our test model is armed with a 15.6-inch matte display. The resolution of these LED-lit displays is 1366x768 pixels. In regards to brightness, the Thinkpad Edge 535 has had a strong improvement since the Thinkpad Edge 525. With an average of 259 cd/m² (Thinkpad Edge 525: 210.3 cd/m²) the display has a sufficient brightness level. The brightness distribution has also had a clear improvement, now up to 89% (Thinkpad Edge 525: 67%).

According to the Lenovo website, the Thinkpad Edge 535 is also available with other displays; so there should be displays with glazed surfaces and/or higher resolutions (1600x1900 pixels). At the time of this test we were not able to find any alternative models with other display setups. Normally a display with 1600x1900 pixels would be very interesting for a business notebook. We've already had this same panel on our Intel-variant Thnkpad E530 test.

我们的测试模型配备有一个15.6英寸的雾面显示屏。这些LED背光显示器的分辨率为1366×768像素。在亮度方面的ThinkPad Edge以来的ThinkPad Edge525,535有大幅改善。平均259坎德拉/平方米(525的ThinkPad Edge:210.3 cd /m²的),显示有足够的亮度水平。的亮度分布也有明显的改进,现在最多的ThinkPad Edge525(89%:67%)。


的ThinkPad Edge535是根据联想网站,也可以与其他显示器,所以应该是显示器的玻璃表面和/或更高的分辨率(1600x1900像素)。在本次测试的时候,我们无法找到任何可供选择的模式与其它显示设置。通常情况下,1600x1900像素的显示屏,将是非常有趣的一款商务笔记本。我们已经收到了英特尔变Thnkpad E530测试此相同的面板上。

Distribution of brightness
LTN156AT24401 tested with Gossen Mavo-Monitor
Maximum: 278 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 259 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 89 %
Center on Battery: 275 cd/m²
Contrast: 123:1 (Black: 2.24 cd/m²)52% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
71.6% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
50.3% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
Thinkpad Edge E535 vs. sRGB
Thinkpad Edge E535 vs. sRGB
Thinkpad Edge E535 vs. AdobeRGB
Thinkpad Edge E535 vs. AdobeRGB

The improvement on brightness and illumination since the Thinkpad Edge 525 display has made Lenovo produce almost catastrophic results in the tests of black level and contrast. The Thinkpad Edge 525 was sitting on an already poor black level score of 1.59 cd/m². With the Thinkpad Edge 535 Lenovo now has a score of 2.24 cd/m², making it look like they are having a laugh. The corresponding low carries on to the contrast with a score of 123.1 (Thinkpad Edge 525: 142:1). Black contents in pictures disintegrate in to a gray mush on the display, and generally the whole picture looks pale.  The programs sRGB and AdobeRGB cannot map the display, but this doesn't really matter for your average user, as these programs are only important in professional graphics work.

以来的ThinkPad Edge525显示亮度和照度的改善已使联想在测试中的黑位和对比度几乎产生灾难性的后果。的ThinkPad Edge525上已经贫穷的黑人水平得分为1.59 cd /m²的。随着联想的ThinkPad Edge535的得分为2.24 cd /m²的,使它看起来像他们有笑。相应的低123.1分的成绩(的ThinkPad Edge525:142:1)进行的对比。照片中的黑色内容瓦解中显示为灰色糊状,一般整个画面看起来很憔悴。计划的sRGB和AdobeRGB不能显示映射,但是这并不能真正普通用户的问题,因为这些程序是唯一重要的专业图形工作。

The Thinkpad Edge E535 outdoors.
The Thinkpad Edge E535 outdoors.

The brightness of the display is good enough for outdoor use. With the matte surface you are kept free from annoying reflection. The only thing that makes using the computer outside a problem is the poor contrast level. Direct sunlight should be avoided.


Viewing angles of the Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE
Viewing angles of the Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE

By changing the vertical angle of the screen the picture is broken down quickly. By changing the horizontal angle the picture remains far more stable. Even if you turn the notebook a full 90 degrees you can still recognize what's on the screen. The display only darkens slightly.



Lenovo advertises the Thinkpad Edge E535 as "a strong performing notebook for small and medium businesses". The components are therefore accordingly chosen.  You are not going to get multimedia or a gaming notebook here. As mentioned before, there are different component variations of the Thinkpad Edge 525. The differences are in the installed APU, the memory size and the hard drive. Furthermore, there are variants that contain a dedicated GPU (AMD Radeon HD 7670M) next to the APU integrated GPU.  These variants of the Thinkpad Edge 535 will also master the latest computer games. In terms of other multimedia features, the Intel-version Edge E530 is also worth a look, where, for example, you would get a middle class GT 630M GPU.

联想的ThinkPad Edge E535宣传“一个强大的中小型企业进行笔记本”。因此,将各组分相应选择。你是不是要在这里多媒体或游戏笔记本。正如前面提到的,也有不同的成分变化的ThinkPad Edge525。不同之处在于安装的APU,内存大小和硬盘驱动器。此外,还有一些变种,其中包含一个专用的GPU的APU集成的GPU(AMD Radeon HD7670M的)下一个。这些变种的ThinkPad Edge535也将掌握最新的电脑游戏。在其他多媒体功能方面,英特尔版本的边缘E530也值得一试,例如,你会得到一个中产阶级GT 630M GPU(图形处理器)。

Systeminfo CPUZ CPU
Systeminfo CPUZ Cache
Systeminfo CPUZ Mainboard
Systeminfo CPUZ RAM
Systeminfo CPUZ RAM SPD
Systeminfo CPUZ
Systeminfo GPUZ
Systeminfo HWInfo
System information of the Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE


Lenovo designed the Thinkpad Edge E535 with an APU (Accelerated Processing Unit; a combination of a CPU and a GPU) from the company AMD. This carries the name AMD A8-4500M. The CPU part of the APU is made of quad-core processor which works at a base speed of 1.9 GHz. The speed can be increased to 2.8 GHz (AMD Turbo Core).

Unfortunately, we could never actually register a speed of 2.8 GHz. Despite this, the Thinkpad Edge 535 still made good use of the turbo function. During Idle mode and while doing office work all four cores were running at a permanent 2.3 GHz. It also looked the same during the Cinebench tests, with all four cores running at a permanent 2.3 GHz again. Occasionally the speed of individual cores would sink to around 1.8-1.9 GHz. The Cinebench tests are somewhat disappointing because they are on the level - or sometimes under – those of the AMD A6-3410MX-APU (e.g. in the Samsung Series 3 305V5A-S01DE) from the previous generation (Llano). If the full turbo speed was utilized, we could expect far better test results. It was only in the GPU intense GL tests that that the A8-4500M-APU was able to prove anything to us, similar when compared to the Thinkpad Edge 525. In the Single thread- and GL-tests the Thinkpad Edge 535 performed a lot better. The Multithread-tests showed more favor for the Thinkpad Edge 525.

Going against the Thinkpad Edge E530 (i5-2450M/GT630M) the Thinkpad Edge 535 has no chance. The CPU and the GPU of the E530 are playing in a different performance ball park. The competition in the Intel camp lies in the current Pentium processors. The single thread test results of the A8-4500M are under those of the Intel Pentium B960. In the Multithread tests the AMD APU and the Pentium B960 are on par with each other.

During our full stress tests (Prime95 and Furmark running parallel) while on mains power, the speed of the CPU fluctuated greatly. The speed leveled off around 1.4 GHz, with small up and down variations by individual cores (between 405 MHz and 2.3 GHz). The speed of the GPU moved between 500 and 655 MHz. While on battery power all four cores ran with a constant speed of 1.9 GHz. On the other hand the GPU has been throttled at 335MHz.

联想公司AMD设计的ThinkPad Edge E535 APU(加速处理单元CPU和GPU的组合)。 AMD A8-4500M的名字命名。 APU的CPU部分的工作的基础速度为1.9 GHz的四核处理器。速度可以提高到2.8 GHz(AMD核心)涡轮。


不幸的是,我们从来没有真正注册的速度为2.8 GHz。尽管这样,一台ThinkPad Edge 535的加速功能仍然取得了良好的使用。在空闲模式下做办公室工作时,所有四个核心都运行在一个永久的2.3GHz。它也希望在CINEBENCH的测试,所有四个内核,运行在一个永久的2.3GHz。偶尔个别核心的速度下沉约1.8〜1.9千兆赫。 CINEBENCH的测试是有点令人失望,因为他们的水平 - 有时下 - 的AMD A6-3410MX APU(例如,在三星系列3 305V5A-S01DE)从上一代(拉诺)。如果充分利用涡轮转速,我们可以期待更好的测试结果。这是只有在的GPU激烈GL测试,A8-4500M APU能够证明什么,对我们来说,比较类似的,当一台ThinkPad Edge 525。在单线程和GL-测试的ThinkPad Edge 535的表现好了很多。多线程的测试结果表明,赞成的ThinkPad Edge 525。


“反对的ThinkPad Edge E530(i5-2450M/GT630M)的ThinkPad Edge 535,一直没有机会。 CPU和GPU的E530在不同性能的球公园玩。英特尔阵营的竞争在于目前的奔腾处理器。单个线程测试结果的A8-4500M的英特尔奔腾B960。在多线程测试AMD APU与奔腾B960相互看齐。


在我们完整的压力测试(Prime95和FURMARK平行),而在主电源,CPU速度波动较大。约1.4千兆赫的速度也趋于平缓,与小和个别核心的变化(在405兆赫和2.3千兆赫)。动议的GPU的速度,在500和655兆赫之间。电池供电时,所有以恒定的速率为1.9 GHz四核跑。另一方面GPU已经在335MHz节流。


Cinebench R10 Rendering Single 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Shading 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
2404 Points
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
6827 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading 64Bit
4660 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 64Bit
1.76 Points
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit
16.82 fps

System Performance

According to the Windows 7 performance index, the graphics chip is the weakest component of the system in reference to desktop performance. In everyday use the hard drive is found to be a negative aspect.  Launching applications, install routes and finding files should all be running a lot smoother. The results from the PC Mark tests are on the same level as the APUs (AMD A6-3410MXSamsung Series 3 305V5A-S01DE) from the last generation (Llano). Better results would have been possible. Also, at this point the lack of full turbo speed becomes noticeable, as during the PCMark tests the CPU never worked above a speed of 2.3 GHz. The Thinkpad Edge 525 could be beaten. In terms of system performance, the Thinkpad Edge 535 can't win against the Thinkpad Edge 530. The combination of a Core i5 processor, Nvidia GPU and a somewhat faster hard drive bring in far better results in the PCMark tests (+30% PCMark 7).

根据Windows 7的性能指标,图形芯片的系统组件在台式机的性能是最弱的。在日常使用中的硬盘驱动器是一种消极的方面。启动应用程序,安装路由和查找文件都必须运行顺畅了很多。从的PC马可测试的结果是在同一水平上作为辅助动力装置(AMD A6-3410MX,三星系列3305V5A-S01DE)从最后一代(Llano的)。更好的结果将是可能的。此外,在这一点上缺乏充分的涡轮转速变得显着,期间的PCMark测试2.3 GHz的速度以上的CPU从未工作。可以被击败的ThinkPad Edge525。在系统性能方面的ThinkPad Edge535不能战胜的ThinkPad Edge530。酷睿i5处理器,NVIDIA GPU和更快的硬盘驱动器的组合,带来更好的效果,在PCMark测试(+30%的PCMark 7)。

Windows 7 Experience Index
Calculations per second
Memory (RAM)
Memory operations per second
Desktop performance for Windows Aero
Gaming graphics
3D business and gaming graphics
Primary hard disk
Disk data transfer rate
PCMark Vantage Result
4743 points
PCMark 7 Score
1667 points

Storage Devices

HD Tune
HD Tune

Lenovo has included a hard drive from the Scorpio Blue series from Western Digital in the Thinkpad Edge E535. The hard drive boasts a capacity of 750 GB and runs at a speed of 5400 RPM. The average access speed of 66.2 MB/s is in the middle and the access time of 19.3 ms is a bit too high. The execution of program applications is a bit delayed. Lenovo provides hard drive protection with their own Active Protection System. A sensor perceives vibrations and, in the case of a drop (e.g. if the notebook falls off the table), puts the read/write head into the 'park position'. Therefore, damage to the hard drive and to the data that is on it can be minimized.

The hard drive seems to be a bit oversized for a business notebook. This is where Lenovo should have been putting the focus on speed. A hard drive with a 7200 RPM speed is what should be expected, or even a small solid state drive as well.

联想的ThinkPad Edge E535西数的硬盘驱动器的天蝎座蓝系列。硬盘驱动器拥有一个容量为750 GB,5400 RPM的速度运行。 66.2 MB/ s的平均访问速度是在中间,19.3毫秒的存取时间是有点太高了。执行程序的应用程序是一个有点延迟。联想硬盘保护自己的主动防护系统。的传感器感知的振动,并在下降的情况下(例如,如果笔记本脱落表),将读/写头到停放位置'。因此,损坏的硬盘驱动器的数据,它是可以最小化。


硬盘驱动器似乎是有点过大的一款商务笔记本。这是联想应该已经把着眼点速度。 7200 RPM转速的硬盘驱动器是应该可以预期,即使是很小的固态驱动器,以及。

WDC Scorpio Blue WD7500BPVT-08HXZT3
Transfer Rate Minimum: 37 MB/s
Transfer Rate Maximum: 78.9 MB/s
Transfer Rate Average: 66.2 MB/s
Access Time: 19.3 ms
Burst Rate: 59 MB/s

Graphics card

The GPU part of the AMD A8-4500M-APU is called the AMD Radeon HD7640G and is the graphics chip from the beginner class. It supports DirectX 11 and Shader Model 5.0. The chip operates at a regular speed between 500 and 655 MHz. The speed can also be reduced under this range, such as when the GPU runs at 200 MHz in idle mode. The results of the 3D Mark tests are on the level of beginner chips from other manufacturers – e.g. Intel HD Graphics 4000. The predecessor Thinkpad Edge E525 is beaten in every test.

During our full stress, while using mains power, the GPU was running mostly at the full speed of 655 MHz. Every now and then the speed was temporarily reduced down to 500 MHz. When running on battery power the speed was permanently reduced to 335 MHZ.

The decoder handles these tasks very well. We played a test video (Full HD resolution, H.264) and observed the CPU load. This turned out to be under 25%. With YouTube video playback of the same quality, the load was increased up to 40%.

3DMark 03 Standard
12550 points
3DMark 05 Standard
7907 points
3DMark 06 Standard Score
4208 points
3DMark Vantage P Result
2592 points
3DMark 11 Performance
728 points

Gaming Performance

The notebooks from the Thinkpad series are primarily designed as work devices. The Gaming performance comes in second here and the test results are reflective of this. The games that we tested could only be played smoothly with low resolution and low detail settings.  With a higher resolution and/or detail setting the games begin to lag. In comparison to the Thinkpad Edge 525, the frame rates of the games we tested had been greatly improved. Whoever wants to play computer games every now and then should probably take a closer look at the Thinkpad Edge E535 variant with a dedicated graphics chip.

StarCraft 2 (2010) 109.1 23.04 14.97
Deus Ex Human Revolution (2011) 47.5 21.08
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011) 28.36 16.66 11.59


With the Thinkpad Edge E535, Lenovo is - as we have already seen with the Thinkpad Edge E525- providing a notebook that will work over the entire spectrum while staying quiet.  In idle mode we measured a volume just under 32 dB, then under full stress that number rose to 33.5 dB. Only the DVD burner was able to achieve a higher volume with 35.8 dB. Since the optical drive is hardly ever used, the number is somewhat irrelevant.

Noise Level

31.7 / 31.8 / 32 dB(A)
32.7 dB(A)
35.8 / dB(A)
32.1 / 33.5 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Voltcraft sl-320 (15 cm distance)


The Thinkpad Edge E535 in the stress test.
The Thinkpad Edge E535 in the stress test.

During idle mode the temperature lies consistently in the green zone. The notebook generates a temperature between 29 and 36.5 °C on both the top and bottom sides. This temperature range allows for comfortable working and you can easily rest the device on your legs while using it.  Under full stress the temperature rose moderately to between 33 and 40 °C, depending on the measuring point. At the measuring points above and below the dissipater we found readings over 40 °C. The temperature of the wrist rests was holding at a constant 30 °C while under full stress. Therefore, comfortable work is possible under all stress conditions. 

The operating speed of the CPU fluctuated a lot during our full stress test. The speed leveled off around 1.4 GHz - with big jumps both up and down. The temperature had leveled off at 65-67 °C after an hour of full stress.

Max. Load
 46.1 °C37 °C33.3 °C 
 46.3 °C38.6 °C33.5 °C 
 37.6 °C35.5 °C33.6 °C 
Maximum: 46.3 °C
Average: 37.9 °C
36.8 °C35 °C40.2 °C
32.6 °C37.2 °C43 °C
32 °C37.4 °C38.7 °C
Maximum: 43 °C
Average: 37 °C
Power Supply (max.)  53.9 °C | Room Temperature 26 °C | Voltcraft IR-360
(±) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 37.9 °C / 100 F, compared to the average of 29.5 °C / 85 F for the devices in the class Office.
(-) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 46.3 °C / 115 F, compared to the average of 34.3 °C / 94 F, ranging from 21.2 to 62.5 °C for the class Office.
(±) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 43 °C / 109 F, compared to the average of 36.8 °C / 98 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 30.8 °C / 87 F, compared to the device average of 29.5 °C / 85 F.
(±) The palmrests and touchpad can get very hot to the touch with a maximum of 37.6 °C / 99.7 F.
(-) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 27.6 °C / 81.7 F (-10 °C / -18 F).


Although the Thinkpad Edge 535 is designed for office and business use, the speakers do not sound bad at all. We have heard far worse speakers in the past. In comparison with Thinkpad Edge 525 there has been an improvement. Unlike with the Thinkpad Edge 525, there is no tinny sound. Overall, the sound is now far fuller and voluminous. However, you aren't going to get any bass from the Thinkpad Edge E535.

Energy Consumption

The consumption of the Thinkpad Edge 525 in idle model can keep up with the E535. But under average stress the Thinkpad Edge 535 is going to use 8 Watts more that the Thinkpad Edge 525. Under full stress this is reduced to just a 2 Watt difference. Generally speaking, the performance increases of the Thinkpad Edge 535 create a subsequent energy use increase. The included 65 Watt adapter never reaches its output limits.  The comparison with the Thinkpad Edge E530 also looks good for the Thinkpad E535.  In idle mode the energy consumption is level (E530 with Intel HD 3000 by Nvidia Optimus). Once the notebooks are running at full performance, the Thinkpad Edge 530 needs more power, and this is no surprise. After all, there is a dedicated GPU (Nvidia GeForce GT 630M) inside the E530.

Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.1 / 0.4 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 8.1 / 11.4 / 11.6 Watt
Load midlight 40.6 / 49.8 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 940

Battery Life

Lenovo promises a battery life up to 8 hours for the Thinkpad Edge E535. Lenovo keeps this promise. In Idle mode the device lasted 8:26 h. The Thinkpad Edge E525 and the Thinkpad Edge E530 have respective battery lives of 6:24 h and 6:41 h. We test the idle mode with the Battery Eater Reader test.  In the test the display uses minimal brightness, the energy saving profile is activated and the communications modules are disabled (WLAN, Bluetooth).

Under stress the Thinkpad Edge E525 and the Thinkpad Edge E535 have an identical battery life of 1:31 h. The Thinkpad Edge 530 brings a time of just 1:05 h here. In the stress test the notebook passed the Battery Eater Classic test. In that test the display is set to a high brightness, high detail settings are used and communications modules are turned on.

A single battery charge kept the WLAN test going for 4:48 h. The running time of the Thinkpad Edge 525 lies only 9 minutes under. The Thinkpad Edge 530 ended up with a run time of 4:03 h. With this test websites are contacted automatically by scripts at 40 second intervals. During the test the energy saving profile is activated and the display brightness is set at roughly 150 cd/m².

The Thinkpad Edge 535 scores a battery life time of 3:46 h in the DVD test. This is enough to watch two feature films. The Thinkpad Edge 525 and the Thinkpad Edge 530 scored battery times of 3:34 h and 3:11 h respectively. For the DVD test the wireless modules are switched off and the display is set to the maximum brightness. It is the energy saving profile being used, or a higher profile (in the case the movie does not play smoothly). 

Overall, the Thinkpad Edge 535 has a better battery run time than both its predecessor and its brother. You can get even better run time from the device when you use a battery with a greater capacity. Lenovo offers a battery that fits that description (0A36311). The battery utilizes a capacity of 63 Wh. The run time with this battery should increase roughly 25%. This battery currently costs 80-100 Euros. 

Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
8h 26min
WiFi Surfing
4h 48min
3h 46min
Load (maximum brightness)
1h 31min


The Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE.
The Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE.

The Thinkpad Edge 535 has left us with a mixed impression - which relates it back to its predecessor, the Thinkpad Edge E525. Lenovo provides us with a work device in a robust case. The application performance is more than sufficient for office tasks. While doing the work the device is always quiet. The display uses a matte black surface and provides a quite high brightness level. In terms of maintenance the device shows us great results. The input devices are also good quality. Whoever finds that these qualities tick off everything that is important to them will be happy with the Thinkpad Edge 535.

The device does however have negative qualities. Lenovo has built a very bright but poor contrast display. Should you choose to watch films or TV series regularly, you will find the screen doesn't make this fun at all. The build quality is not always as good as it could be (battery rattle).  The Thinkpad brand name is associated with higher quality.  The maximum CPU speed was not available.  They have also installed a hard drive with lots of storage but only an average access speed. You really don’t need such a hard drive in a business notebook. This is when the hard drive speed should be the priority. A more carefully considered approach to choosing the hard drive and the display would have left this notebook in a far better position.

For those who can't find the right device for them with the Thinkpad Edge 535 devices can also take a look back at the Thinkpad Edge 530, with an Intel CPU and (without dedicated graphics) a similar price tag. Alternatively, many notebook manufacturers offer competition from similar devices, which are on the same price level as the Thinkpad Edge 535 (Samsung 300E5ADell Vostro 3555).

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In Review: Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE
In Review: Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE, provided by:


Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE
AMD A8-4500M 4 x 1.9 - 2.8 GHz, Trinity
Graphics adapter
AMD Radeon HD 7640G, Core: 655 MHz, RAM: 800 MHz
4 GB 
, DDR3
15.60 inch 16:9, 1366 x 768 pixel, LTN156AT24401, glossy: yes
WDC Scorpio Blue WD7500BPVT-08HXZT3, 750 GB 
, 5400 rpm
AMD Hudson-2 High Definition Audio Controller
1 USB 2.0, 3 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 1 VGA, 1 HDMI, 1 Kensington Lock, Audio Connections: Audio-Combo, Card Reader: SD, MMC, MS, MS Pro, xD, 1 Fingerprint Reader, Sensors: Shock Sensor
Realtek RTL8168/8111 Gigabit-LAN (10/100/1000MBit/s), Broadcom 802.11n (a/b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/), Bluetooth 4.0
Optical drive
height x width x depth (in mm): 31 x 377 x 245
48 Wh Lithium-Ion
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit
Webcam: Ja
Additional features
Speakers: Stereo, Keyboard: Chiclet (battery type), Keyboard Light: no, Chrome, Authentec TruSuite, Corel WinDVD SE, Corel Burn.Now, DVD MovieFactory, orton Internet Security (30 day test version), Microsoft Office 2010 Starter, Windows Live Essentials, 12 Months Warranty
2.4 kg


The DVD burner reads and writes every kind of DVD and CD.
The DVD burner reads and writes every kind of DVD and CD.
It has a capacity of 48 Wh.
It has a capacity of 48 Wh.
The battery weighs 296 grams.
The battery weighs 296 grams.
...and has a maximum output of 65 Watts.
...and has a maximum output of 65 Watts.
The power cord has measurements of 10,3 cm x 4,2 cm x 2,7 cm...
The power cord has measurements of 10,3 cm x 4,2 cm x 2,7 cm...
Great: The cooling system is easy to clean.
Great: The cooling system is easy to clean.
Remove two screws and you can take out the hard drive.
Remove two screws and you can take out the hard drive.
Two slots for RAM are available.
Two slots for RAM are available.
The Thinkpad Edge 535 is great for maintenance and for upgrade options.
The Thinkpad Edge 535 is great for maintenance and for upgrade options.
The small panel covers the BIOS battery and the WLAN module.
The small panel covers the BIOS battery and the WLAN module.
The webcam is surrounded by two microphones.
The webcam is surrounded by two microphones.
Accessing the system can be protected by a fingerprint lock.
Accessing the system can be protected by a fingerprint lock.
The keys have a good feel while typing.
The keys have a good feel while typing.
It is possible to simply take out the screw and swap the drive.
It is possible to simply take out the screw and swap the drive.
Small processing problems are noticable.
Small processing problems are noticable.

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  • Manufacturer's information on the device

Price Comparison


+ 3个USB 3.0端口
+ 良好的键盘
+ 总是安静
+ 良好的电池寿命


- 坏显示器
- 这个功能强大的CPU没有完全利用
- CPU节流时,根据满应力


What we liked

The good input devices and the three USB 3.0 ports.

What we want to see

A display with far better contrast.

What suprised us

That Lenovo did not let the CPU part of the APU run at full turbo speed. 

The competition

Competition for this device includes its own predecessor (Thinkpad Edge E525) and - to a limited extent - its brother with Intel on the inside (Thinkpad Edge E530). Other office device manufacturers: Topliste Office.


Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E535-NZR5BGE - 08/17/2012 v3 (old)
Sascha Mölck

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 联想 Thinkpad Edge E535 笔记本测评
Sascha Mölck, 2012-12-28 (Update: 2014-06-13)