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索尼VAIO DUO13 SVD1321M2E超级本测评

不太普通的平板电脑。 11变成13。滑块敞篷有多大成为以允许用户在舒适的工作与Windows?坚固的铰链如何?什么样的性能水平可以预期的Haswell的ULV CPU?我们已经得到了答案。
Haswell Windows Ultrabook Tablet Android
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E: Typing, browsing, working - a workhorse among convertibles?
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E: Typing, browsing, working - a workhorse among convertibles?






How we test - Case

Let go.
Let go.

二人13,可以有选择的颜色,分别是白色,黑色和 - 仅适用于网上商店的Vaio - 红色(奢侈的红色版)。我们的测试设备,虽然有白色。

机箱的两个部分是由从手绘镁。磨砂的表面是不是很凉爽的感觉,因为他们会一直与铝,但他们甚至更轻。的基本单元 - 内,所有的硬件组件是隐藏的 - 足够耐挠。不幸的是,许多地方的情况下(特别是关于基本单元的前下部)可以是弯曲的,揭示了一些间隙。车尾部分,里面主要部件及所有端口的感觉坚固。



How does the small hinge keep the display in place?
How does the small hinge keep the display in place?
The massive connection piece is made from magnesium.
The massive connection piece is made from magnesium.
Behind it the lead hinge can be found which predetermines the end position.
Behind it the lead hinge can be found which predetermines the end position.


How we test - Connectivity



Card reader SD/Memory Stick HG Duo, HDMI, 2 x USB 3.0, combined Line In/Out port, power connector, battery indicator (LED)
Card reader SD/Memory Stick HG Duo, HDMI, 2 x USB 3.0, combined Line In/Out port, power connector, battery indicator (LED)


我们不留下深刻印象的短距离(约10米)的Broadcom 802.11 A / B / G / N Wi-Fi适配器。其他笔记本电脑运动的最大射程约40米,类似的测试条件下(包括内部和外部的房子)。事实上,VAIO DUO 13是第一个试验装置,低于我们的最低稳定连接范围为15米。

即使是三米,离路由器(无障碍视线),只有四,五道杠的显示。在楼上10米之遥,这下山只是一个酒吧 - 表现逊于任何其他的笔记本电脑前。

一个快速的移动互联网连接几乎是一个必须在这个价格段。因此,索尼船舶VAIO DUO 13与华为的3G调制解调器,它配备了一个改进的定位服务(GNSS),而内部通过USB连接。沃达丰的入门包的SIM卡已经预先配置(7天免费,高达1 GB的数据量),被安装在SIM卡插槽的背面显示屏。对于40美元左右的额外费用,一个的LTE/4G变种(HSUPA,UMTS,EDGE,GPRS)就可以了。从理论上讲,这是能够增加五倍下载速度和上传速度的十倍(3G与4G:21 Mb / s的/ 5.76 MB / s和100 MB /秒/ 50 MB /秒)。



我们的测试设备随附的试用版McAfee安全。在网上开店,就可以买一个,两个或互联网安全或总保护(迈克菲)的三年期的牌照。 Adobe的Lightroom,Adobe公司创作和Microsoft Office也同样如此。








Paper. So much paper. Quick start guides, Windows 8 guides, device guides, warranty guides, 3G guides...
Paper. So much paper. Quick start guides, Windows 8 guides, device guides, warranty guides, 3G guides...
The accessories with which the Duo 13 ships.
The accessories with which the Duo 13 ships.
The power adapter (40 watts).
The power adapter (40 watts).
The VGA adapter VGP-DA15.
The VGA adapter VGP-DA15.
The wireless router VGP-WAR100.
The wireless router VGP-WAR100.
The digitizer stylus VGP-STD2.
The digitizer stylus VGP-STD2.


在所有的后置摄像头8百万像素 - 它产生寄望尖锐的,自然的图像,甚至不变焦时得到糊状。当然不坏,没有得到任何入门级数码单反相机一样好,一样可以看到最后两个图像进行比较时,在全分辨率。但它是远远优于相比,前置摄像头(2百万像素)时:Mushiness这里的清晰度需要的地方。

不幸的是,即使是两个相机模块没有真正的工作以及时尝试采取视频。尽管它的图像稳定器,记录感到摇晃。它并没有帮助,相机转移焦点不断 - 这甚至发生在手动模式(该软件根本就没有提供任何的清晰度和聚焦控制按钮)。

8 megapixels (rear camera)
8 megapixels (rear camera)
2 megapixels (front camera)
2 megapixels (front camera)
8 MP: 1280x720
8 MP: 1280x720
8 MP: 1920x1080
8 MP: 1920x1080
8 MP: 2592x1944
8 MP: 2592x1944
8 MP: 3264x2448
8 MP: 3264x2448
Reference Canon EOS 1100D
Reference Canon EOS 1100D

Input Devices

How we test - Input Devices




微小的触摸板 - 更换指点杆的双核11内置键盘 - 措施8.0×2.5厘米,体育对角线仅为8.3厘米。



全高清显示屏没有显示出滞后和不要求任何进一步的校准。我们很惊讶,如何精确注册我们的手指。尽管高显示分辨率,即使是很小的按钮和菜单项可以打。由于铰链连接到在屏幕的中心部分,显示没有放弃在即使按强烈。缺点:这是不可能改变显示角度,其他敞篷车或带触摸功能的小型笔记本电脑提供的东西。坚固,固定笔记本电脑的模式是VAIO DUO 11的Vaio Duo 13的一个独特的功能。



Tiny clickpad
Tiny clickpad
Digitizer pen in its retainer
Digitizer pen in its retainer
Notch ...
Notch ...
...for the stylus holder ...
...for the stylus holder ... tablet mode. tablet mode.


How we test - Display


Distribution of brightness
Panasonic MEI96A2 tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
Maximum: 399 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 362.6 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 84 %
Center on Battery: 371 cd/m²
Contrast: 1151:1 (Black: 0.325 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 3.85 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.89
ΔE Greyscale 2.69 | 0.5-98 Ø5.1
64% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 1.6.3 3D)
63.4% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
87% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
64% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
Gamma: 2.58

对比度为1151:1和黑色0.32坎德拉/平方米水平是巨大的。所谓的OptiContrast屏幕产生鲜艳的色彩,把相片,游戏,电影,甚至文件到一个令人瞠目的经验。 TRILUMINOS显示器还附带了一个高约362坎德拉/平方米,平均亮度(高达399坎德拉/平方米)。在我们的测试,我们已停用的环境亮度传感器,以保持它的影响我们的测量。虽然,这通常使显示的亮度与周围环境的平衡。

Vaio Duo 13 vs. sRGB
Vaio Duo 13 vs. sRGB
Vaio Duo 13 vs. AdobeRGB
Vaio Duo 13 vs. AdobeRGB
Vaio Duo 13 vs. Vaio Duo 11 FHD IPS
Vaio Duo 13 vs. Vaio Duo 11 FHD IPS


卡尔曼软件和相片光谱仪(校准前,在其交付条件),以测试如何关闭面板得到履行的图形艺术家的需求。灰度再现与一个的DeltaE值(2000)小于4,这意味着,根据彩色地图的sRGB模式,而此显示适合人眼之间不存在明显的差异是相当不错的。 VAIO护理:色温停用),校准后的DeltaE值(2000年)下降到低于2.5,非常轻微偏暖色系的白色点。



CalMAN grayscale (in its delivery condition)
CalMAN grayscale (in its delivery condition)
CalMAN color saturation (in its delivery condition)
CalMAN color saturation (in its delivery condition)
CalMAN ColorChecker (in its delivery condition)
CalMAN ColorChecker (in its delivery condition)


Outdoor usage (direct sunlight).
Outdoor usage (direct sunlight).
The ambient light sensor is deactivated.
The ambient light sensor is deactivated.
Maximum brightness (in the shade).
Maximum brightness (in the shade).


Viewing angles Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E FHD Glare IPS
Viewing angles Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E FHD Glare IPS


How we test - Performance

Both the Haswell Core i5-4200U (2 x 1.6 GHz) processor and its integrated HD Graphics 4400 GPU are top-notch and fully up to date. Unfortunately, the 128 GB SSD is a bit on the low side, with just 64 GB remaining accessible to the user. A larger 256 GB SSD increases the price to almost $2000 (SVD1321Z9EB.G4). There is only one alternative choice for the CPU, the Core i7-4500U (2 x 1.8 GHz).

System info CPUZ CPU
System info CPUZ CPU
System info CPUZ Cache
System info CPUZ Cache
System info CPUZ Motherboard
System info CPUZ Motherboard
System info CPUZ Memory
System info CPUZ Memory
System info GPUZ HD 4600
System info GPUZ HD 4600
System info HWinfo summary
System info HWinfo summary
DPC Latency Checker Idle OK
DPC Latency Checker Idle OK
DPC Latency Checker airplane mode on/off latencies
DPC Latency Checker airplane mode on/off latencies
System information Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E


CB R11.5 Multi @2.3 GHz, turbo mode active
CB R11.5 Multi @2.3 GHz, turbo mode active
CB R11.5 Single @2.3 GHz, turbo mode active
CB R11.5 Single @2.3 GHz, turbo mode active

新的低电压酷睿i5-4200U(1.6 GHz)的票价相比,它的竞争情况如何?所有敞篷车和Windows平板电脑(除了那些运行在英特尔Atom处理器)与相应运动的低电压CPU具有低TDP为17(如的Ivy Bridge酷睿i5-3317U),或者甚至13瓦(如Ivy Bridge的酷睿i3-3229Y)较低的时钟速度高达2 GHz的情况下,酷睿i7-3667U加涡轮转速。我们的Haswell的CPU运行15瓦,时钟速度为1.6 GHz

没有太大的改变的的Cinebench R11.5结果的方面进行比较时,Haswell的CPU Ivy Bridge的弟兄(5%以上,比3317U双11)。强大的酷睿i7-3517U(1.9 GHz)的太极21中所使用的带头,但只有14%。由于他们缺乏的涡轮模式(2117U)的奔腾或酷睿i3(3229Y)的基础上,系统都远远落后(-60%)。

本图显示了一些酷睿i5的设备(,三星Ativ的智能PC Pro的XE700T1C,MSI S20-i541)的Iconia W700与异常疲软的结果。所有这些都是由于一个矮小的冷却系统,导致节流是不利的问题,即使在简单的CPU基准。

来自AMD的竞争不会有机会在这方面(双13+59%),但话又说回来,我们只关注表现不佳的A6-1450(4核心运行在1.0 - 1.4 GHz)的。新奥迪A8-5M四核CPU应该得到更好的结果。

电池运行时,我们的Cinebench R11.5成绩(包括OpenGL的测试,HD4400停用省电模式)下降非常轻微,其余基本持平,与我们事先测量(2.41,而不是2.47多的标杆,而不是16.19 17.01在OpenGL测试)。徘徊在2.3 GHz的时钟速度在多单的基准,在OpenGL测试GPU的时钟速度为950到1000 MHz。

Cinebench R10 Rendering Single 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Shading 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
5001 Points
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
9937 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading 64Bit
6196 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Single 64Bit
1.15 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 64Bit
2.47 Points
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit
17.01 fps
Cinebench R11.5 - CPU Multi 64Bit (sort by value)
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung SSD PM841 MZMTD128HAGN mSATA
2.47 Points
Asus Taichi 21-CW001H
HD Graphics 4000, 3517U, SanDisk SD5SE2256G1002E
2.82 Points +14%
Dell XPS 12
HD Graphics 4000, 3667U, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZMPC256HBGJ-00000
2.55 Points +3%
Sony VAIO Pro 11 (SVP11215PXB)
HD Graphics 4400, 4500U
2.46 Points 0%
Toshiba Satellite U920t-100
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Samsung MZMPC128HBFU
2.39 Points -3%
Lenovo ThinkPad Helix
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC180A3L
2.38 Points -4%
Asus Taichi 31-CX003H
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, SanDisk SD5SE2256G1002E
2.37 Points -4%
Lenovo ThinkPad Twist S230u-33474HU
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Hitachi Travelstar Z7K500 HTS725050A7E630
2.38 Points -4%
Sony Vaio Duo 11 SV-D1121X9EB
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
2.35 Points -5%
Acer W700-53334G12as
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
2.18 Points -12%
MSI S20-i541 UltraSlider
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, SanDisk U100 128 GB
1.82 Points -26%
Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro XE700T1C A02
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Samsung MZMPC128HBFU
1.19 Points -52%
Acer Aspire P3-171-3322Y2G06as
HD Graphics 4000, 3229Y, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC060B3A
1.04 Points -58%
Gigabyte U2142-2117U
HD Graphics (Ivy Bridge), 2117U, Toshiba MQ01ABD050
1.02 Points -59%
Acer Aspire V5-122P-61454G50NSS
Radeon HD 8250, A6-1450, Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD5000LPVX
1.02 Points -59%

System Performance

PCMark 7 scores
PCMark 7 scores
PCMark Vantage scores
PCMark Vantage scores

系统基准的PCMark 7 PCMark Vantage的双13没有无法解决的问题。强大的CPU,这主要是,到三星SSD PM841(类型MZMTD128HAGN)的感谢。 11朵来到一个:东芝THNSNS128GMCP(+7%),几乎与三星SSD相提并论,但略微落后于华硕TAICHI21(酷睿i7,没有节流的问题)与SanDisk的SD5SE2256G1002E(+2%)。

当然,基于硬盘的系统(宏碁Aspire V5-122P,技嘉U2142-2117U)票价差远了。更有趣的是很多的事实,一个纯粹的Windows8平板与键盘底座,如宏碁Iconia W700产生几乎相同的PCMark7得分赞成双13(+7%),尽管其节流问题。这主要是由于SSD(+7%),弥补这一劣势。

一般来说,Ivy Bridge的酷睿i5系统(如华硕太极31),能够产生类似的结果作为新基于哈斯韦尔的系统,如果他们都配备了一个快速的SSD,而没有遇到任何节流问题。那些对他们来说是至关重要的一个强大的CPU性能,Ivy Bridge的机型一样快乐,因为他们很可能成为现在便宜。当然,这只有拥有真正的双核竞争与Haswell的只有13艘。巨大的额外的费用200元左右的酷睿i7-4500U版本并没有什么太大的意义,在我们看来。我们将不得不等待,看看这款CPU票价在节流的分析,虽

Windows 8 Experience Index
Calculations per second
Memory (RAM)
Memory operations per second
Desktop performance for Windows Aero
Gaming graphics
3D business and gaming graphics
Primary hard disk
Disk data transfer rate
PCMark Vantage Result
10151 points
PCMark 7 Score
4594 points
PCMark 7 - Score (sort by value)
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung SSD PM841 MZMTD128HAGN mSATA
4594 Points
Asus Taichi 21-CW001H
HD Graphics 4000, 3517U, SanDisk SD5SE2256G1002E
5097 Points +11%
Sony Vaio Duo 11 SV-D1121X9EB
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
4803 Points +5%
Sony Vaio Duo 11 SV-D1121X9EB
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
4803 Points +5%
Dell XPS 12
HD Graphics 4000, 3667U, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZMPC256HBGJ-00000
4751 Points +3%
Lenovo ThinkPad Helix
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC180A3L
4669 Points +2%
Asus Taichi 31-CX003H
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, SanDisk SD5SE2256G1002E
4665 Points +2%
Toshiba Satellite U920t-100
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Samsung MZMPC128HBFU
4443 Points -3%
Acer W700-53334G12as
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
4311 Points -6%
Sony Vaio Pro 11 SVP121M2EB.G4
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung MZNTD128HAGM
4182 Points -9%
MSI S20-i541 UltraSlider
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, SanDisk U100 128 GB
3873 Points -16%
Lenovo ThinkPad Twist S230u-33474HU
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Hitachi Travelstar Z7K500 HTS725050A7E630
3071 Points -33%
Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro XE700T1C A02
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Samsung MZMPC128HBFU
2832 Points -38%
Acer Aspire P3-171-3322Y2G06as
HD Graphics 4000, 3229Y, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC060B3A
2437 Points -47%
Gigabyte U2142-2117U
HD Graphics (Ivy Bridge), 2117U, Toshiba MQ01ABD050
1644 Points -64%
Acer Aspire V5-122P-61454G50NSS
Radeon HD 8250, A6-1450, Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD5000LPVX
1232 Points -73%
Asus VivoTab TF810C-1B026W
SGX545, Z2760, 64 GB SSD
1240 Points -73%
PCMark 7 - System Storage (sort by value)
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
5016 Points
Acer W700-53334G12as
5350 Points +7%
Sony Vaio Duo 11 SV-D1121X9EB
5384 Points +7%
Sony Vaio Duo 11 SV-D1121X9EB
5384 Points +7%
Sony Vaio Pro 11 SVP121M2EB.G4
5151 Points +3%
Dell XPS 12
5156 Points +3%
Toshiba Satellite U920t-100
5184 Points +3%
Lenovo ThinkPad Helix
5167 Points +3%
Asus Taichi 21-CW001H
5138 Points +2%
Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro XE700T1C A02
5007 Points 0%
MSI S20-i541 UltraSlider
4001 Points -20%
Acer Aspire P3-171-3322Y2G06as
3867 Points -23%
Gigabyte U2142-2117U
1479 Points -71%
Acer Aspire V5-122P-61454G50NSS
1440 Points -71%
Asus VivoTab TF810C-1B026W
2375 Points -53%

Storage Devices

三星SSD PM841的mSATA模块是一个最好的驱动器中读取4K性能方面 - 这是理所当然的。只有SanDisk的SSD华硕TAICHI31提供超过21 MB/秒。尽管如此,相比溢价三星SSD840专业版(256GB)在DevilTech消防DT14显示,即使是可能的:38 MB /秒(在4K读取测试和534 MB/ s的(+13%+79%) )在连续读取测试。再次,廉价不总是意味着低的速度,作为宏基P3-171示出了与英特尔SSD525(-9%在读4K测试)。苗条M.2的mSATA SSD使用的Vaio PRO11是45%,最有可能是由于6 GB / s的连接速度更快。

HD Tune 308 MB/s Seq. Read
HD Tune 308 MB/s Seq. Read
HD Tune 474 MB/s Seq. Read
HD Tune 474 MB/s Seq. Read
HD Tune 471 MB/s Seq. Read
HD Tune 471 MB/s Seq. Read
Transfer Rate Minimum: 226.3 MB/s
Transfer Rate Maximum: 342.4 MB/s
Transfer Rate Average: 308.2 MB/s
Access Time: 0.2 ms
Burst Rate: 125.5 MB/s
CPU Usage: 7.8 %
CrystalDiskMark 3.0 - Read 4k (sort by value)
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung SSD PM841 MZMTD128HAGN mSATA
21.21 MB/s
Deviltech Fire DT14
GeForce GTX 760M, 4702MQ, Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256GB MZ7PD256HAFV-0Z000
38.01 MB/s +79%
Sony Vaio Pro 11 SVP121M2EB.G4
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung MZNTD128HAGM
30.84 MB/s +45%
Asus Taichi 31-CX003H
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, SanDisk SD5SE2256G1002E
25.96 MB/s +22%
Sony Vaio Duo 11 SV-D1121X9EB
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
19.64 MB/s -7%
Acer Aspire P3-171-3322Y2G06as
HD Graphics 4000, 3229Y, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC060B3A
19.21 MB/s -9%
Lenovo ThinkPad Helix
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC180A3L
18.54 MB/s -13%
Dell XPS 12
HD Graphics 4000, 3667U, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZMPC256HBGJ-00000
17.7 MB/s -17%
Acer W700-53334G12as
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
10.09 MB/s -52%

Graphics Card

这是第一次,我们现正检讨与英特尔高清显卡4400的设备(同时在的索尼Vaio临11)。 HD4400在200到1000 MHz的时钟,体育20个统一着色器,四级以上的HD4000。

在较老的3DMark06的基准测试中,HD4400采用20%更好的性能比HD4000时,在索尼VAIO DUO11(酷睿i5双通道RAM)第一名。较慢的时钟HD 4000和/或单通道RAM落后得多(ATIV智能PC Pro的-43%)的设备。那么关于CPU密集型基准?

3DMark 11的Haswell的(+38%,螺旋,XPS12)显示出明显的优势。云门得分(2013年)的3DMark基准率先由至少20%(太极31日)。大多数竞争对手落后了-30%至-50%,由于单通道内存和CPU节流有时(三星Ativ的智能电脑专业版)。

影响不大的司机是一个纯粹的着色基准的Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL测试。在这里,索尼VAIO DUO11(酷睿i5-3317U)落后7%。在是太一21(i7-3517U的)的情况下,不同的是-5%。

3DMark 2001SE Standard
20486 points
3DMark 03 Standard
13482 points
3DMark 05 Standard
9783 points
3DMark 06 Standard Score
6095 points
3DMark Vantage P Result
4198 points
3DMark 11 Performance
967 points
3DMark Ice Storm Standard Score
37709 points
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score
4389 points
3DMark Fire Strike Score
665 points
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung SSD PM841 MZMTD128HAGN mSATA
Lenovo ThinkPad Helix
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC180A3L
Asus Taichi 31-CX003H
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, SanDisk SD5SE2256G1002E
Acer W700-53334G12as
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
3DMark 06
1280x1024 Standard Score AA:0x AF:0x
3DMark 11
1280x720 Performance
1280x720 Cloud Gate Standard Score
Cinebench R11.5
OpenGL 64Bit
Total Average (Program / Settings)
-32% / -32%
-25% / -25%
-36% / -36%
3DMark - 1280x720 Cloud Gate Standard Score (sort by value)
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung SSD PM841 MZMTD128HAGN mSATA
4389 Points
Asus Taichi 31-CX003H
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, SanDisk SD5SE2256G1002E
3501 Points -20%
Sony Vaio Pro 11 SVP121M2EB.G4
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung MZNTD128HAGM
2897 Points -34%
Lenovo ThinkPad Helix
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC180A3L
2697 Points -39%
MSI S20-i541 UltraSlider
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, SanDisk U100 128 GB
2903 Points -34%
Acer W700-53334G12as
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
2845 Points -35%
Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro XE700T1C A02
HD Graphics 4000, 3317U, Samsung MZMPC128HBFU
2255 Points -49%
Acer Aspire P3-171-3322Y2G06as
HD Graphics 4000, 3229Y, Intel SSD 525 Series SSDMCEAC060B3A
1770 Points -60%
Gigabyte U2142-2117U
HD Graphics (Ivy Bridge), 2117U, Toshiba MQ01ABD050
1623 Points -63%
Acer Aspire V5-122P-61454G50NSS
Radeon HD 8250, A6-1450, Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD5000LPVX
1560 Points -64%

Gaming Performance

如何做好老年人和更近的游戏VAIO DUO13上运行吗?令人惊讶的是,许多游戏提供了坚实的帧速率超过每秒30帧甚至在中等细节,虽然部分是由于双通道RAM。 HD4400的优势尤其明显太极31日纪元2070(-37%)和“暗黑破坏神III(戴尔XPS12-32%)。在FIFA13的情况下,这种差别实际上70%的增长。是Haswell的玩家一个可行的替代方案?


Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010) 54 41 26
Metro 2033 (2010) 36 22.6
Mafia 2 (2010) 46 30 23 12
Dirt 3 (2011) 79 44.6 24.4 12.8
Deus Ex Human Revolution (2011) 64 31.7 13.8
CoD: Modern Warfare 3 (2011) 94 53
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011) 36 17.9 10.6
Anno 2070 (2011) 68 32 19 56
Alan Wake (2012) 17 11.7 5
Mass Effect 3 (2012) 41 29
Diablo III (2012) 40 32
Darksiders II (2012) 26 14
Sleeping Dogs (2012) 30.4 24 10
Counter-Strike: GO (2012) 90 56 41
Borderlands 2 (2012) 49 25 15
Fifa 13 (2012) 148 97 67 44
Dishonored (2012) 40 28 27
Medal of Honor: Warfighter (2012) 32 21 16.6 6
Hitman: Absolution (2012) 19.8 13.6
Dead Space 3 (2013) 66 32 24 14
Tomb Raider (2013) 55.6 27.5 17.6
SimCity (2013) 46 17
BioShock Infinite (2013) 39 20.6 17.7 4.8
Company of Heroes 2 (2013) 14.3 11
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
HD Graphics 4400, 4200U, Samsung SSD PM841 MZMTD128HAGN mSATA
Asus F75VC-TY088H
GeForce GT 720M, 2370M, Hitachi Travelstar Z5K500 HTS545050A7E380
Acer W700-53334G12as
HD Graphics 4000, 3337U, Toshiba THNSNS128GMCP
Asus Taichi 21-CW001H
HD Graphics 4000, 3517U, SanDisk SD5SE2256G1002E
Acer Aspire V5-122P-61454G50NSS
Radeon HD 8250, A6-1450, Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD5000LPVX
Anno 2070
1366x768 Medium Preset AA:on
Diablo III
1366x768 Medium / low
Fifa 13
1366x768 High AA:2xMS
Total Average (Program / Settings)
61% / 61%
-27% / -27%
-54% / -54%
-56% / -56%


How we test - Emissions

System Noise

Fan vent
Fan vent


在我们的压力测试,我们正在努力寻找的冷却系统是否强大到足以处理最大负荷,长时间没有任何限制或冷却的问题。后者是不是这样的,但风扇没有得到一点点响亮。尽管如此,达到不超过33分贝(A),不管我们的压力测试,3DMark06测试Cinebench多中运行。这远远低于我们的阈值约40分贝(A),风扇从而从来没有烦人 - 一个令人印象深刻的壮举给予的超薄和性能强劲的双核13。

Noise Level

29.6 / 29.6 / 29.6 dB(A)
33.4 / 33.4 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Voltcraft sl-320 (15 cm distance)



在我们的压力测试中,双核13几个小时保持在1.6千兆赫。因此,没有节流的发生,但涡轮增压得到一段时间后停用。然而,HD4400保持在涡轮增压模式下,即使长时间的时间内,在900至950 MHz主频,以及在其射程为200至1100 MHz的上端。两个单元的温度达到平台在大约68℃(位于同一芯片内的CPU和GPU)。

因此,没有实际发生节流。上述纯CPU基准测试的结果都相当不错。在这里,CPU能够使用大部分涡轮速度,主频为2.3 GHz的。大多数用户将能够利用的涡轮功能正常负载下(如图像处理,复制文件等)。很少会完全关闭Turbo模式作为唯一的电力用户将相应的征税系统。

 27.1 °C27.1 °C26 °C 
 26.3 °C26.3 °C25.6 °C 
 26.1 °C25.3 °C25.6 °C 
Maximum: 27.1 °C
Average: 26.2 °C
25.8 °C28.2 °C29.2 °C
25.7 °C26.7 °C26.7 °C
25.4 °C26.3 °C26.5 °C
Maximum: 29.2 °C
Average: 26.7 °C
Power Supply (max.)  36 °C | Room Temperature 24.2 °C | Voltcraft IR-360
(+) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 28.3 °C / 83 F, compared to the average of 30.3 °C / 87 F for the devices in the class Convertible.
(+) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 31 °C / 88 F, compared to the average of 35.3 °C / 96 F, ranging from 19.6 to 60 °C for the class Convertible.
(-) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 45.6 °C / 114 F, compared to the average of 36.8 °C / 98 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 26.2 °C / 79 F, compared to the device average of 30.3 °C / 87 F.
(+) The palmrests and touchpad are cooler than skin temperature with a maximum of 27.5 °C / 81.5 F and are therefore cool to the touch.
(±) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 28 °C / 82.4 F (+0.5 °C / 0.9 F).


The speakers are located at the front, below the palm rest. They get rather loud considering that this is a 13-inch device and keep the same audio quality when used in tablet mode (as they aren't covered by the display). Still, this is nothing to write home about. Mids are fine, but bass is virtually non-existent. At least no clanking or scratching sounds develop when the volume is turned up.

Energy Management

How we test - Battery Life

Power Consumption


在我们的压力测试中,双核13几个小时保持在1.6千兆赫。因此,没有节流的发生,但涡轮增压得到一段时间后停用。然而,HD4400保持在涡轮增压模式下,即使长时间的时间内,在900至950 MHz主频,以及在其射程为200至1100 MHz的上端。两个单元的温度达到平台在大约68℃(位于同一芯片内的CPU和GPU)。

因此,没有实际发生节流。上述纯CPU基准测试的结果都相当不错。在这里,CPU能够使用大部分涡轮速度,主频为2.3 GHz的。大多数用户将能够利用的涡轮功能正常负载下(如图像处理,复制文件等)。很少会完全关闭Turbo模式作为唯一的电力用户将相应的征税系统。

Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.1 / 0.4 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 3.3 / 5.6 / 6.6 Watt
Load midlight 30.1 / 31.3 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 960

Battery Life


无论是双核11(7:20小时,而闲置,3:47小时的Wi-Fi测试期间)和太极31日(5:44/4:13小时)票价在这方面差,甚至是ThinkPad的螺旋( 9时19小时/七时18小时)的Iconia W700(11时09小时/6时33小时)勉强保持看齐双13。

当看着的重量和运行之间的比率,其1.33公斤和47瓦时电池的双核13是唯一的胜利者。尽管小电池(其整体的重量,这是很好的),它是最长的运行时相比,其竞争对手:31(1.55公斤,53瓦),太极ThinkPad的螺旋(1.67公斤,70瓦)的Iconia W7000.95公斤,55瓦,平板)。他们没有在电池续航方面,设法击败铎13。然而,我们期待着我们的审阅,基于Haswell的13.3英寸的三星ATIV Q敞篷。

Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
23h 49min
WiFi Surfing
6h 51min
Load (maximum brightness)
2h 20min


Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E

索尼已经选择了正确的方向,建设一台13英寸的同级11英寸的双11。 Ultrabook的硬件是一流的:一个快速SSD,经济又好又快哈斯韦尔的代CPU与集成GPU甚至更适合的休闲游戏。高分辨率的全高清IPS面板提供了极大的亮度等级,鲜艳的色彩和精湛的视角(虽然不足以覆盖sRGB空间)。

建设质量是好的,也与一个坚固的,可靠的铰链(希望)。尽管如此,用户$ 1400机(或更多,是根据不同)打开和关闭所述的移动设备时,可能要采取一些护理。一个HDMI端口,旁边有两个USB端口位于太接近对方。二人13艘带有3G调制解调器()和4G/LTE的变种以及出色的800万像素摄像头。 VGA和以太网只能被用于通过一个转换器加密狗分别与无线路由器。

电池寿命是一流的。 24小时,闲着也是ultrabooks的新纪录。即使我们得到了7小时的电池在我们的标准化的Wi-Fi测试是一个伟大的结果,考虑到我们都在谈论一台13英寸的设备,它的重量只有1.33公斤。不幸的是,户外使用是有点问题的,由于反射眩光型面板。

三星ATIV Q敞篷车,一台13英寸的设备令人印象深刻的规格,运行两个操作系统(Windows和Android的)和运动一个的QHD面板(3200x1800像素)采取了类似的方法。三星的键盘是优越的,但由于一个更稳固的压力点多,旅游。此外,还有始终显示倾斜90度向后(为了用它看电影或演示),或使用它在水平的“表”模式的可能性。

那些谁可能在实际的平板电脑的青睐,同时保留使用键盘的可能性,而决定可能要看看宏碁Iconia W700,具有强大的电池寿命和一个伟大的全高清面板的蓝牙键盘配一个强大的主力成的情况下,与该平板一般。

Sony Vaio Duo 13: With such a bright display, working in the sun is a lot more fun.
Sony Vaio Duo 13: With such a bright display, working in the sun is a lot more fun.
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In Review: Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E, provided by Sony Germany
In Review: Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E, provided by Sony Germany


Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E
Intel Core i5-4200U 2 x 1.6 - 2.6 GHz, Haswell
Graphics adapter
Intel HD Graphics 4400, Core: 1000 MHz, RAM: 800 MHz
4 GB 
, 最大4 GB双通道,2×2048 MB,板载
13.30 inch 16:9, 1920 x 1080 pixel, 10 finger multitouch, Panasonic MEI96A2, IPS , Sony Triluminos-Display, glossy: yes
Intel HM86 (Lynx Point)
Samsung SSD PM841 MZMTD128HAGN mSATA, 128 GB 
, SATA 6 Gb/s, 64 GB free
HD Audio
2 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 1 VGA, 1 HDMI, Audio Connections: Line In/Out, Card Reader: SD, Memory Stick HG-Duo, Sensors: Orientation sensor, VGA转HDMI适配器VGP-DA15,NFC(近场通信)
10/100 MBit Lan Adapter (10/100MBit/s), Broadcom 802.11a/b/g/n (a/b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/), Bluetooth 4.0, 华为GNSS传感器+移动宽带模块(通过内部USB)
height x width x depth (in mm): 21 x 330 x 210
47 Wh Lithium-Polymer, VGP-BPS36 , Battery runtime (according to manufacturer): 16 h
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 8 64 Bit
Webcam: 2.0 Megapixel (vorne), 8.0 Megapixel 3280x2464 (hinten) Exmor RS for PC
Additional features
Speakers: 2x Stereo, Keyboard: Island-style, Keyboard Light: yes, 手写笔VGP-STD2的无线路由器VGP-WAR100的10/100兆比特/秒RJ45, VAIO电影创作者,专辑由索尼,索尼的音乐,试用版的VAIO Care,门,消息中心,PlayMemories首页,迈克菲网络安全,迈克菲家长控制,英特尔防盗服务, 12 Months Warranty
1.334 kg, Power Supply: 290 g
1399 Euro


After the success of the Vaio Duo 11 ...
After the success of the Vaio Duo 11 ... 11.6-inch convertible ... 11.6-inch convertible ...
...Sony builds a similar 13-inch Windows 8 tablet.
...Sony builds a similar 13-inch Windows 8 tablet.
The slider mechanism is retained, but reduced in size.
The slider mechanism is retained, but reduced in size.
One just needs to pull at the rear part of the display ...
One just needs to pull at the rear part of the display ...
...and the tablet moves almost magically into position.
...and the tablet moves almost magically into position.
Little metal hooks lock the lid in place.
Little metal hooks lock the lid in place.
The hinge looks fragile ...
The hinge looks fragile ...
...but it certainly feels like it keeps the 13.3-inch display rather firmly in place.
...but it certainly feels like it keeps the 13.3-inch display rather firmly in place.
Those parts in need of cooling are located behind the display.
Those parts in need of cooling are located behind the display.
Users don't have to be afraid of the keyboard area becoming too warm.
Users don't have to be afraid of the keyboard area becoming too warm.
All ports are located at the rear.
All ports are located at the rear.
Of course, no Sony device would be complete without a Sony Memory Stick HG-Duo slot.
Of course, no Sony device would be complete without a Sony Memory Stick HG-Duo slot.
The notch for one of the metal hooks.
The notch for one of the metal hooks.
The SIM card slot is found on the rear of the display.
The SIM card slot is found on the rear of the display.
The main feature of the Duo 13:
The main feature of the Duo 13:
Its comfortable, amply-sized keyboard. Unfortunately, the weak key travel takes some getting used to.
Its comfortable, amply-sized keyboard. Unfortunately, the weak key travel takes some getting used to.
Accessibility? Not so fast! This leads nowhere.
Accessibility? Not so fast! This leads nowhere.
The high-quality plastic case comes with a little flaw:
The high-quality plastic case comes with a little flaw:
Once in notebook mode, the rear panel of the base unit wobbles a bit.
Once in notebook mode, the rear panel of the base unit wobbles a bit.
No "table mode" as with some of the competitors.
No "table mode" as with some of the competitors.
The panel can thus not be placed horizontally above the base unit.
The panel can thus not be placed horizontally above the base unit.
How well does the hinge keep the display in position? This way, it's not a problem.
How well does the hinge keep the display in position? This way, it's not a problem.
Same here. At least as long as we don't shake the device.
Same here. At least as long as we don't shake the device.
Now, the hooks detach from the notches, but the display remains in position.
Now, the hooks detach from the notches, but the display remains in position.
The trackpoint of the Vaio Duo 11 is gone ...
The trackpoint of the Vaio Duo 11 is gone ...
...being replaced by a small clickpad.
...being replaced by a small clickpad.
The button is hidden beneath the clickpad area. Depending on the position of the user's finger, right and left mouse clicks are recognized, too.
The button is hidden beneath the clickpad area. Depending on the position of the user's finger, right and left mouse clicks are recognized, too.
The power button.
The power button.
Unfortunately, the Duo 13 is not too well suited for outdoor usage ...
Unfortunately, the Duo 13 is not too well suited for outdoor usage ... its glare type panel comes with strong reflections. Even the high maximum brightness isn't enough to counteract this effect. its glare type panel comes with strong reflections. Even the high maximum brightness isn't enough to counteract this effect.
Sony actually offers an optional anti-glare protective foil for the Duo 13.
Sony actually offers an optional anti-glare protective foil for the Duo 13.
We are quite happy about the general concept of the device.
We are quite happy about the general concept of the device.
The economical ultrabook hardware (Intel Haswell) leads to great battery life ...
The economical ultrabook hardware (Intel Haswell) leads to great battery life ...
...while still offering enough power to reach laptop-like performance levels.
...while still offering enough power to reach laptop-like performance levels.
The keyboard mode and the positions of the ports at the rear ...
The keyboard mode and the positions of the ports at the rear ...
...allow for the same kind of productivity as with every other subnotebook.
...allow for the same kind of productivity as with every other subnotebook.
Windows 8 in a combination with a vibrant Full HD display ...
Windows 8 in a combination with a vibrant Full HD display ...
...and nice features such as NFC ...
...and nice features such as NFC ... well with this elaborate, unconventional laptop design. well with this elaborate, unconventional laptop design.
Astonished looks guaranteed!
Astonished looks guaranteed!
Small details such as these tiny feet beneath the front side ...
Small details such as these tiny feet beneath the front side ...
...or the volume buttons close to the speakers ...
...or the volume buttons close to the speakers ...
...add to the positive overall impression.
...add to the positive overall impression.
Next to the keyboard and the touchscreen, input via stylus remains a third possibility.
Next to the keyboard and the touchscreen, input via stylus remains a third possibility.
The Duo 13 ships with an active pen (comes with a battery) which enables handwritten notes and drawings.
The Duo 13 ships with an active pen (comes with a battery) which enables handwritten notes and drawings.
Due to the high screen resolution, precise input might actually be easiest using the stylus.
Due to the high screen resolution, precise input might actually be easiest using the stylus.
An interesting idea: The wireless router which comes with the device.
An interesting idea: The wireless router which comes with the device.
It is connected to the power adapter, being supplied with power by the latter.
It is connected to the power adapter, being supplied with power by the latter.
The router with an Ethernet port allows creating a network.
The router with an Ethernet port allows creating a network.
This works well up to a distance of approximately 15 meters (with one wall in between).
This works well up to a distance of approximately 15 meters (with one wall in between).
The router can even be used for ...
The router can even be used for ... hoc connections without inputting an SSID or a password by a press of a button. hoc connections without inputting an SSID or a password by a press of a button.
Not enough space: Why do the two USB ports have to be located so close to each other?
Not enough space: Why do the two USB ports have to be located so close to each other?
Great in a dark environment: The keyboard is backlit (one step).
Great in a dark environment: The keyboard is backlit (one step).
Display bleeding: A black background easily reveals ...
Display bleeding: A black background easily reveals ...
...the two background LEDs when it is dark.
...the two background LEDs when it is dark.
Next to the borders, this even becomes evident during actual usage.
Next to the borders, this even becomes evident during actual usage.
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E: Great contrast ratio, bright display, vivid colors. Sony's Triluminos panel makes a good impression.
Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E: Great contrast ratio, bright display, vivid colors. Sony's Triluminos panel makes a good impression.

Similar Devices

Devices from a different Manufacturer and/or with a different CPU

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HD Graphics 4400, Core i3 4030U
戴尔 Inspiron 13 7347 变形本简短评测
HD Graphics 4400, Core i5 4210U
联想 Yoga 2 13 变形本简短评测
HD Graphics 4400, Core i3 4010U

Devices with the same GPU and/or Screen Size

东芝 Satellite Click 2 Pro P30W-B-104 变形本简短评测
HD Graphics 4400, Core i5 4210U, 1.982 kg

Devices with the same GPU

联想 Horizon 2s-F0AT0003US 一体机简短评测
HD Graphics 4400, Core i5 4210U, 19.50", 2.478 kg


Price Check


+ 在平板模式下不是太笨重
+ 良好的建设质量
+ 位于后方的端口
+ 类似的小型笔记本电脑的连通性
+ 强劲的性能,配备了一个SSD
+ 高对比度,大视角
+ 高色彩保真度,覆盖93%的sRGB色彩空间
+ 不降低亮度的同时,电池上运行
+ 精湛的后置摄像头
+ 无电池片选项
+ 奇妙的电池寿命


- 不满意的键盘和触摸板反馈
- USB端口位于太接近对方
- 短的Wi-Fi覆盖范围


What we like

The Duo 13 is a great jack of all trades for all those looking for a fast Windows convertible suited for productivity tasks. The small selection of ports is alleviated by a number of accessories ranging from a VGA dongle to a wireless router with an RJ45 connector.

What we'd like to see

Swapping the battery? Cleaning the fans? Upgrading the RAM or putting in a larger SSD? Impossible except for experienced tinkerers. The keyboard is no optional accessory, but essential to the operation of the device. More travel would have made a noticeable difference.

What surprises us

Placing these few ports so close to each other could and should have been avoided.

The competition

Asus Taichi 31; Sony Vaio Duo 11 SV-D11; Acer Aspire P3-171; Lenovo ThinkPad Helix; Dell XPS 12; Acer Iconia W700.


Sony Vaio Duo 13 SVD1321M2E - 03/20/2014 v4 (old)
Sebastian Jentsch

79 / 98 → 81%
Pointing Device
75 / 80 → 94%
71 / 35-78 → 84%
Games Performance
65 / 68 → 96%
Application Performance
80 / 87 → 92%
40 / 91 → 44%
77 / 85 → 91%
Convertible - Weighted Average
> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 索尼VAIO DUO13 SVD1321M2E超级本测评
Sebastian Jentsch, 2013-07-25 (Update: 2024-08-15)