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中兴通讯大X PRO智能手机测评

一个电话,一个X - 会成功?中国制造商中兴通讯扩展到国外市场。 4.5英寸,中等价位的大X PRO智能手机是为了帮助实现这一目标。我们检查是否它可能只是一个本垒打。
Android Smartphone
In Review: ZTE Grand X Pro. Courtesy of Cyberport.
In Review: ZTE Grand X Pro. Courtesy of Cyberport.


我们回顾几个月前,中兴的Grand X IN。虽然它只是有几个显着的特点,与英特尔的Atom处理器的智能手机使我们确信。现在,中兴通讯的大X PRO是在我们的测试实验室。这一次,它提供的SoC来自联发科,稍微大一点的,4.5英寸的屏幕,更高的屏幕分辨率和4 GB的存储空间。大X IN相比,已经改善,但其价格几乎是不变的。这款手机是推荐价格为269欧元(约$354)。

几十个厂家,从远东预算厂家的品牌,同时发现他们的方式,在经济实惠的中档类别。因此,有许多设备,可与中兴通讯的大X PRO,如宏碁的Liquid E1睿,Yarvik的INGENIA X1,阿尔卡特单键超997D,夏新N821,LG的Optimus L7 II,索尼的Xperia L或诺基亚的Lumia620拥有的Windows Phone8操作系统。的最新不败的性价比冠军谷歌Nexus4还提供了100欧元(约$131)。


Housing is stable, but somewhat sensitive to pressure
Housing is stable, but somewhat sensitive to pressure

中兴通讯的大X PRO都在寻找高品质的外壳没有惊险刺激。它的背面是暗灰色的塑料,前方设有一个黑色的显示框,铬色的挡板是对双方之间。三星的手机一样,可以去除背部是相当防滑。其唯一的键是待机按钮在右侧的顶部和音量键。制造商甚至省略了常用的物理按键,在屏幕下方。它们都被简单地移动到屏幕上,这自然减轻相关的表面积。



像其他大多数智能手机上的micro-USB端口的底部和顶部的3.5毫米音频插孔的位置。此外,该设备只能带动一个SIM卡插槽和micro SD卡读卡器位于后盖下方。

Left: No interfaces
Left: No interfaces
Top: 3.5 mm combo audio port, standby button
Top: 3.5 mm combo audio port, standby button
Right: Volume rocker
Right: Volume rocker
Bottom: Micro-USB port
Bottom: Micro-USB port


谷歌流行的Android操作系统已安装。然而,它是一个有些过时的版本。 Android 4.0的冰淇淋三明治,是倒数第三个版本的操作系统。是否有更新将提供的是,甚至询问时,还不知道。



No GPS signal found even in an open field.
No GPS signal found even in an open field.


支持各种频率和快速的无线网络连接是必须在一个现代的智能手机。中兴通讯的大X PRO拥有GSM三频和UMTS双频,以及HSPA的支持。即使是蓝牙4.0板。 Wi-Fi模块支持符合802.11 B / G/ n标准的无线网络。

然而,Wi-Fi模块不具有射程远。有时只有三四个信号条显示,即使在路由器的直接附近。 10米,两墙之间的路由器和手机的距离缩短到只有两间酒吧,使一半的实力。这也影响上网速度。网站加载慢得多。另一个两米,一个额外的壁手机和路由器之间的信号强度下降到只有一间酒吧。





一个800万像素的摄像头被安装在后面,这对应于3264x2448像素。只适合用于视频通话的前置摄像头,由于分辨率为640×480。中兴通讯已经离开相机应用程序不变,全景功能和录像。相机的静态图片是相当不错,高细节。色噪声保持在一定限度内,即使在​​困难的,所以比较暗的情况。大X Pro可以争夺高端智能手机的摄像头。特别注意到,明快的色彩和良好的显示细节也毫不逊色。然而,相机无法望其项背的光度和水平的单反相机的详细。

影片,但仅记录在640×480像素。画面质量提供低得多的细节和更多的噪音。录音记录也迅速催。我们的手机播放视频没有任何问题。中兴通讯的大X PRO甚至全高清视频呈现顺利。然而,我们发现恼人的控制循环褪色的图片在全屏模式下,因为没有专用的触摸屏幕下方的按钮,这使得不可能没有控制播放。

Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixels): Plant
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixels): Plant
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixels): Scene
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixels): Scene
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixels): Surroundings
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixels): Surroundings
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixels): Plant
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixels): Plant
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixels): Scene
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixels): Scene
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixels): Surroundings
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixels): Surroundings
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixels): Plant
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixels): Plant
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixels): Scene
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixels): Scene
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixel): Surroundings
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixel): Surroundings
Sony A57 (16 megapixels): Plant
Sony A57 (16 megapixels): Plant
Sony A57 (16 megapixels): Scene
Sony A57 (16 megapixels): Scene
Sony A57 (16 megapixels): Surroundings
Sony A57 (16 megapixels): Surroundings
ZTE Grand X Pro (8 megapixels): Plant
ZTE Grand X Pro (8 megapixels): Plant
ZTE Grand X Pro (8 megapixels): Scene
ZTE Grand X Pro (8 megapixels): Scene
ZTE Grand X Pro (8 megapixels): Surroundings
ZTE Grand X Pro (8 megapixels): Surroundings




Input Devices & Controls





中兴通讯的大X PRO具有领先于所有竞争者,分辨率为1280x720像素。用于比较的所有设备具有较低的分辨率。然而,我们的审查样本类平均亮度。像索尼的Xperia L或诺基亚的Lumia620设备管理一个更好的速度。我们的审查样本的86%是照明也相当温和。

Distribution of brightness
tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
Maximum: 363 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 344.6 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 86 %
Center on Battery: 363 cd/m²
Contrast: 741:1 (Black: 0.49 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 8.8 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.89
ΔE Greyscale 10.6 | 0.5-98 Ø5.1
Gamma: 2.17




CalMAN Color Management
CalMAN Color Management
CalMAN color accuracy
CalMAN color accuracy
CalMan Grayscale
CalMan Grayscale
CalMAN saturation
CalMAN saturation
Skin tones look unnatural due to the high green saturation.
Skin tones look unnatural due to the high green saturation.

中兴通讯的大X PRO是户外使用,由于其体面的亮度。然而,眼睛经常紧张,因为屏幕的反光在明亮的阳光下。使用手机在树荫下或在明亮的房间时,没有出现问题。

Viewing angles
Viewing angles

有人注意到,在优秀的TFT屏幕,HTC的,TFT技术在过去几年取得了很大进展。中兴通讯的大X PRO还具有这样的TFT屏幕,从而提供了一个同样出色的IPS或AMOLED屏幕的可视角度稳定性。图片可以从非常锐角不失对比。


联发科的MT6577是一种流行的SoC和安装在四台设备,除了中兴通讯的大X Pro在我们的比较范围。 SoC中的序列号在我们的设备中设有一个“T”表示稍高为1.2GHz(联发科M6577配置:1 GHz)的处理器时钟速率。是PowerVR SGX531图形单元是相同的。除此之外,该系统具有1 GB的RAM和4 GB的存储空间

处理器的上升率只有小的优势,在第一。我们的审查样本一般是在基准测试整个系统的设备相比相提并论。然而,处理器测试的Linpack录得10%的优势,特别是在多核心的情况相比,设备,搭载了联发科的M6577 SOC(夏新N821,宏碁Liquid E1铎)。

Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Total Score (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
1080 Points
Amoi N821
875 Points -19%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
862 Points -20%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
549 Points -49%
Sony Xperia L
1082 Points 0%
Google Nexus 4
2054 Points +90%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
811 Points -25%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
933 Points -14%
AnTuTu v3 - Total Score (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
6452 Points
Amoi N821
6745 Points +5%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
6212 Points -4%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
6342 Points -2%
Sony Xperia L
10351 Points +60%
Google Nexus 4
17555 Points +172%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
5911 Points -8%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
6146 Points -5%
Quadrant Standard Edition 2.0 - --- (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
2568 points
Amoi N821
2823 points +10%
Sony Xperia L
4202 points +64%
Google Nexus 4
4552 points +77%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
2952 points +15%
Linpack Android / IOS
Single Thread (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
38.19 MFLOPS
Amoi N821
39.92 MFLOPS +5%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
40.38 MFLOPS +6%
Sony Xperia L
37.71 MFLOPS -1%
Google Nexus 4
76.8 MFLOPS +101%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
37.9 MFLOPS -1%
Multi Thread (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
Amoi N821
59.4 MFLOPS -10%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
66.4 MFLOPS +1%
Sony Xperia L
205.7 MFLOPS +212%
Google Nexus 4
221.6 MFLOPS +236%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
58.5 MFLOPS -11%
PassMark PerformanceTest Mobile V1 - System (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
1258 Points
Sony Xperia L
1778 Points +41%
Google Nexus 4
2638 Points +110%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
1440 Points +14%


ZTE Grand X Pro MediaTek MT6577, PowerVR SGX531, 4 GB Flash
Amoi N821 MediaTek MT6577, PowerVR SGX531, 2 GB NAND Flash
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D MediaTek MT6577, PowerVR SGX531, 4 GB Flash
LG P710 Optimus L7 II Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Play MSM8225, Qualcomm Adreno 203, 4 GB Flash
Sony Xperia L Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus MSM8230, Qualcomm Adreno 305, 4 GB Flash
Nokia Lumia 620 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus MSM8227, Qualcomm Adreno 305, 8 GB SSD
Google Nexus 4 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064A, Qualcomm Adreno 320, 16 GB SSD
Acer Liquid E1 Duo MediaTek MT6577, PowerVR SGX531, 4 GB Flash
Yarvik Ingenia X1 MediaTek MT6577, PowerVR SGX531, 4 GB Flash

宏碁的Liquid E1睿的审查中,我们观察到的3DMark显卡不能很好地工作。的Basemark X也中止对中兴通讯的大X PRO每次运行。

它很快变得明显,索尼的Xperia L和谷歌的Nexus4是3D权力方面明显优于其他合成基准。其他设备相比,实际上具有相同的图形单元作为中兴通讯的大X PRO有铅平均为20%,我们的审查样本。

AnTuTu 3DRating
--- (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
1474 Points
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
2103 Points +43%
Sony Xperia L
4146 Points +181%
Google Nexus 4
5731 Points +289%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
1979 Points +34%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
1704 Points +16%
1024x2048 Off-screen (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
909 Points
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
1282 Points +41%
Sony Xperia L
1674 Points +84%
Google Nexus 4
1702 Points +87%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
852 Points -6%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
748 Points -18%
GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7
1920x1080 T-Rex Offscreen (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
0.5 fps
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
1.5 fps +200%
Sony Xperia L
5 fps +900%
Google Nexus 4
13 fps +2500%
T-Rex Onscreen (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
1 fps
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
3.8 fps +280%
Sony Xperia L
12 fps +1100%
Google Nexus 4
20 fps +1900%
Epic Citadel
High Quality (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
21.7 fps
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
23.3 fps +7%
Sony Xperia L
51 fps +135%
Google Nexus 4
54.3 fps +150%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
30.4 fps +40%
High Performance (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
25.5 fps
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
29 fps +14%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
23.7 fps -7%
Sony Xperia L
52.6 fps +106%
Google Nexus 4
54.9 fps +115%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
38.2 fps +50%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
38.2 fps +50%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
26.5 fps +4%
GLBenchmark 2.5 - Egypt HD Fixed Time (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
19.27 fps
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
7.4 fps -62%
Google Nexus 4
35 fps +82%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
2.8 fps -85%
NenaMark2 - --- (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
18.6 fps
Amoi N821
24.1 fps +30%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
23.8 fps +28%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
33.6 fps +81%
Sony Xperia L
54.3 fps +192%
Google Nexus 4
59 fps +217%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
24.8 fps +33%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
24.1 fps +30%

我们的审查样本也经常落后实际上稍微比较弱的设备与联发科的MT6577的其他浏览器基准。注意到,在打开页面需要稍长的时间。浏览似乎并不光滑如其他一些设备上。 Wi-Fi模块的接收性能弱(见上文),也有助于这种平庸的印象。

Peacekeeper - --- (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
470 Points
Amoi N821
502 Points +7%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
465 Points -1%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
302 Points -36%
Sony Xperia L
321 Points -32%
Nokia Lumia 620
214 Points -54%
Google Nexus 4
236 Points -50%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
504 Points +7%
Google V8 Ver. 7 - Google V8 Ver. 7 Score (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
984 Points
Amoi N821
1290 Points +31%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
1055 Points +7%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
755 Points -23%
Sony Xperia L
839 Points -15%
Nokia Lumia 620
460 Points -53%
Google Nexus 4
1381 Points +40%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
1333 Points +35%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
1333 Points +35%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
1333 Points +35%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
1118 Points +14%
Octane V1 - Total Score (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
1013 Points
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
672 Points -34%
Sony Xperia L
863 Points -15%
Google Nexus 4
1248 Points +23%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
1328 Points +31%
Vellamo Mobile Benchmark 2.0
Metal (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
373 Points
Amoi N821
363 Points -3%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
361 Points -3%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
321 Points -14%
Sony Xperia L
462 Points +24%
Google Nexus 4
625 Points +68%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
365 Points -2%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
370 Points -1%
HTML5 (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
1054 Points
Amoi N821
1365 Points +30%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
1108 Points +5%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
1407 Points +33%
Sony Xperia L
1817 Points +72%
Google Nexus 4
1339 Points +27%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
1368 Points +30%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
1108 Points +5%

The storage device access time is average. For example, while the Amoi N821 reads data much slower, the Yarvik Ingenia X1 has the clear lead. Even the Xperia L is often defeated in this exercise.

AndroBench 3-5
Sequential Read 256KB (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
30.6 MB/s
Amoi N821
30.46 MB/s 0%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
26.62 MB/s -13%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
32.51 MB/s +6%
Sony Xperia L
33.39 MB/s +9%
Google Nexus 4
49.7 MB/s +62%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
31.38 MB/s +3%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
30.36 MB/s -1%
Sequential Write 256KB (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
5.84 MB/s
Amoi N821
5.69 MB/s -3%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
5.18 MB/s -11%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
3.98 MB/s -32%
Sony Xperia L
4.47 MB/s -23%
Google Nexus 4
13.97 MB/s +139%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
5.85 MB/s 0%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
15.83 MB/s +171%
Random Read 4KB (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
9.74 MB/s
Amoi N821
8.44 MB/s -13%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
9.54 MB/s -2%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
7.63 MB/s -22%
Sony Xperia L
7.02 MB/s -28%
Google Nexus 4
12.14 MB/s +25%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
8.59 MB/s -12%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
10.9 MB/s +12%
Random Write 4KB (sort by value)
ZTE Grand X Pro
0.83 MB/s
Amoi N821
0.26 MB/s -69%
Alcatel OneTouch Ultra 997D
0.27 MB/s -67%
LG P710 Optimus L7 II
0.2 MB/s -76%
Sony Xperia L
0.23 MB/s -72%
Google Nexus 4
1.07 MB/s +29%
Acer Liquid E1 Duo
0.54 MB/s -35%
Yarvik Ingenia X1
0.95 MB/s +14%


Minor stutters: Real Racing 3
Minor stutters: Real Racing 3

中兴通讯大X PRO只取得分数较低在图形合成基准计算。在游戏中证实了这一点。轻微口吃,为了这一天,在快速的赛车游戏真实赛车3。也没有动作游戏Zombiewood的完美流畅运行。此外,一些游戏,像钢铁侠3绝对拒绝在智能手机上运行。然而,通过触摸屏导航和位置传感器工作得非常准确。

这基本上是一个低于平均水平的表现,中兴通讯的大X PRO在性能交付。更高主频的处理器只能提供轻微的速度优势;3D和浏览器的功率都低于平均水平。虽然它仍然可以正常使用这款手机,用户们想要的速度将寻找其他的替代品,在这个价格范围内,例如索尼的Xperia L。



中兴通讯不能满足大X PRO的外壳温度。高达46.3°C,满载时是一个清晰的感觉到的温度是稍微愉快。这是特别引人注目的热量几乎不感到所述壳体的相对侧上。一个更好的热管理可能是更有利的分布式余热。


Max. Load
 44.5 °C33.3 °C28.9 °C 
 46.3 °C32.7 °C29 °C 
 41.5 °C33 °C28.4 °C 
Maximum: 46.3 °C
Average: 35.3 °C
28.4 °C33 °C43.7 °C
27 °C32.5 °C41.6 °C
27 °C32.6 °C42.7 °C
Maximum: 43.7 °C
Average: 34.3 °C
Power Supply (max.)  34 °C | Room Temperature 22.2 °C | Voltcraft IR-350
(±) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 35.3 °C / 96 F, compared to the average of 32.8 °C / 91 F for the devices in the class Smartphone.
(-) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 46.3 °C / 115 F, compared to the average of 35.1 °C / 95 F, ranging from 21.9 to 63.7 °C for the class Smartphone.
(±) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 43.7 °C / 111 F, compared to the average of 33.9 °C / 93 F
(±) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 32.4 °C / 90 F, compared to the device average of 32.8 °C / 91 F.




Energy Management


我们的的审查样本是相当模范功耗。中兴通讯的大X PRO部分消耗更多的功率比宏碁的Liquid E1双核,但也经常低于许多其他同类器件与微跌的SoC。


Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.01 / 0.1 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 0.9 / 1.3 / 1.6 Watt
Load midlight 2.9 / 3.8 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 940

Battery Runtime

对应的消耗,电池的运行时间都不错。智能手机持续超过16小时时,只有微创加载,例如阅读电子书时。 9个多小时的Wi-Fi冲浪也是一个很好的速度。相当大的,8.2瓦小时的电池在这一个部分。例如,阿尔卡特单键超或夏新N821必须依赖于更小的电池。

Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
16h 18min
WiFi Surfing
9h 02min
Load (maximum brightness)
3h 50min


中兴通讯的大X PRO的买家将得到绝对是国家的最先进的设备在目前的中档智能手机。相机即使在目前的溢价类别相提并论,虽然诺基亚和公司设立了新标准的那一刻。良好的电池运行时间,屏幕的高分辨率和低功耗也讲的设备。


我们只能选择中兴通讯的大X PRO之前建议仔细一看,在中档。有设备,提供相当多的功率(索尼的Xperia L),或更长的电池运行时间(Yarvik INGENIA X1)以同样的价格。然而,屏幕的分辨率和相机的高品质仍然引人注目,中兴通讯的大X PRO是一个体面的智能手机有几个缺点。

In Review: ZTE Grand X Pro
In Review: ZTE Grand X Pro
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In Review: ZTE Grand X Pro. Review sample courtesy of:
In Review: ZTE Grand X Pro. Review sample courtesy of:


ZTE Grand X Pro (Grand X Series)
MediaTek MT6577 2 x 1.2 GHz, Cortex-A9
Graphics adapter
PowerVR SGX531
1024 MB 
4.50 inch 16:9, 1280 x 720 pixel, capacitive touchscreen, up to 5 fingers simultaneously, TFT, glossy: yes
4 GB Flash, 4 GB 
, 2.5 GB free
1 USB 2.0, Audio Connections: 3.5 mm combo audio jack, Card Reader: micro-SD card reader max. 32 GB, Sensors: proximity sensor, light sensor, position sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer
802.11 b/g/n (b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/), Bluetooth 4.0, HSPA, 3GPP R6 full compliant, GSM:900/1800/1900, UMTS:900/2100(BAND 8/1)
height x width x depth (in mm): 9.4 x 133 x 66.1
8 Wh Lithium-Ion, 2.000 mAh, non-removable
Operating System
Android 4.0
Webcam: Rück: 8 Megapixel (3.264 × 2.448 Pixel), Front: 0,3 Megapixel (640 x480 Pixel)
Additional features
Speakers: mono speaker, Keyboard: virtual keyboard, headset, quick start guide, eBuddy, eBuddy XMS, Facetones, Mi EasyAccess, Kingsoft Office, 24 Months Warranty
143 g, Power Supply: 58 g
269 Euro


We have ZTE's Grand X Pro in our test lab.
We have ZTE's Grand X Pro in our test lab.
The camera's resolution of 8 megapixels...
The camera's resolution of 8 megapixels...
...good outline of details and brilliant colors convinced us right away.
...good outline of details and brilliant colors convinced us right away.
The camera app was not modified.
The camera app was not modified.
The screen's resolution of 1280x720 is also worth a look.
The screen's resolution of 1280x720 is also worth a look.
The viewing angles are very good.
The viewing angles are very good.
The contrast and black value are category average, but the color reproduction could be better.
The contrast and black value are category average, but the color reproduction could be better.
Android 4.0 is installed as the operating system.
Android 4.0 is installed as the operating system.
That is an outdated edition of the operating system.
That is an outdated edition of the operating system.
The control bar is placed on the screen.
The control bar is placed on the screen.
Like in Samsung's phones, the back cover can be removed.
Like in Samsung's phones, the back cover can be removed.
This allows accessing the SIM slot and micro-SD slot. The battery cannot be removed.
This allows accessing the SIM slot and micro-SD slot. The battery cannot be removed.
The rear-facing camera and LED flash are then also uncovered.
The rear-facing camera and LED flash are then also uncovered.
The small speaker is quite decent.
The small speaker is quite decent.
The sides look slim...
The sides look slim...
...and quite stylish due to the chrome-color.
...and quite stylish due to the chrome-color.
However, the screen is fairly pressure sensitive just like the back.
However, the screen is fairly pressure sensitive just like the back.
There are barely any complaints regarding the build.
There are barely any complaints regarding the build.
The size and weight are category standard.
The size and weight are category standard.
ZTE has left the phone app and most parts of the operating system untouched.
ZTE has left the phone app and most parts of the operating system untouched.
The info and quick access menu are unmodified.
The info and quick access menu are unmodified.
The keyboard is dubbed "TouchPal" and offers many additional functions.
The keyboard is dubbed "TouchPal" and offers many additional functions.
Unfortunately, the 3D power is below-average.
Unfortunately, the 3D power is below-average.
A smartphone that corresponds to the mid-range standards.
A smartphone that corresponds to the mid-range standards.
Its highlights are the camera and the high resolution screen.
Its highlights are the camera and the high resolution screen.
However, a few drawbacks have to be accepted.
However, a few drawbacks have to be accepted.

Similar Devices

Devices with Same Screen Size and/or Weight

中兴 Blade V8 智能手机简短评测
Adreno 505, Snapdragon 435, 5.20", 0.142 kg
中兴 Blade A510 智能手机简短评测
Mali-T720, Mediatek MT6735P, 5.00", 0.13 kg
中兴 Axon 7 Mini 智能手机简短评测
Adreno 405, Snapdragon 617 MSM8952, 5.20", 0.153 kg
中兴 Axon 7 智能手机简短评测
Adreno 530, Snapdragon 820 MSM8996, 5.50", 0.175 kg


Compare Prices


+ 屏幕分辨率高
+ 宽视角
+ 好相机
+ 很长的运行时间
+ 非滑回


- 压敏外壳
- 过时的操作系统
- 差的Wi-Fi接收
- GPS模块不工作
- 弱的3D性能
- 高温


What we like

The great camera and the screen's high resolution.

What we'd like to see

A better conceived control concept. The buttons on the screen are not ideal.

What surprises us

That low performance and high temperatures go hand in hand here.

The competition

Acer Liquid E1 Duo, Yarvik Ingenia X1, Alcatel One Touch Ultra, Amoi N821, LG Optimus L7 II, Sony Xperia L, Nokia Lumia 620, Google Nexus 4.


ZTE Grand X Pro - 08/05/2013 v3 (old)
Florian Wimmer

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 中兴通讯大X PRO智能手机测评
Florian Wimmer, 2013-07-26 (Update: 2018-05-15)