英特尔HD Graphics4000的性能和扩展性概述
When talking about graphics cards most people immediately think of AMD or Nvidia - in the end, the most popular and fastest models on the market come from these two companies. What many people do not know, however, is that when judging by volume alone, integrated graphics solutions are the majority, and thus chip giant Intel is at the top of the statistics.
The most modern and efficient IGP by the manufacturer is the HD Graphics 4000, which is included in most processors of the Ivy Bridge generation. Even though in the graphics sector, Intel is still quite a bit behind the APUs of AMD, the HD 4000 is a big step forward, as was already shown in our benchmark article.
In this review, a general overview of the many different HD 4000 offshoots rather than the competition is taken into account. Different clock rates, cache sizes and memory expansions have considerable influence on the performance - this review will show how much influence they have.
在谈到大多数人马上会想到AMD或Nvidia的显卡 - 到底,市场上最流行的和最快的车型来自这两家公司。然而,许多人不知道,当单独的体积来看,集成图形解决方案是大多数,因此,芯片巨头英特尔在顶部的统计。
最现代和最高效IGP制造商的HD4000显卡,它包含在大多数的Ivy Bridge处理器的新一代。即使在图形领域,英特尔仍是相当多的AMD APU的背后,HD 4000是前进了一大步,已经在我们的基准一篇文章。
在这次审查中,考虑到许多不同的HD 4000的分支,而不是竞争的一般概述。不同的时钟频率,缓存大小和内存扩展上的表现有相当大的影响力 - 这的审查会显示他们有多大的影响。
Every HD 4000 has 16 so-called Execution Units (EUs), of which the clock rate is either 350 (ULV) or 650 MHz. In 3D applications, the GPU can kick off an additional turbo boost, which raises the frequency by several hundred MHz. Though this turbo is determined by the chip temperature and the power consumption, it is usually almost constant - if under a particularly high load, the CPU turbo is limited, if necessary. With the models currently available, the maximum GPU turbo is between 1000 (Core i3-3110M) and 1350 MHz (Core i7-3940XM).
Though Intel has provided the graphics unit with its own L3 cache (256 KB), the HD 4000 can also use the big L3 cache of the CPU. It would be correct to call this one a "Last Level Cache" (LLC); however, in the following paragraph, the more common name will be used. It is either 3 or 4 MB with the dual core models and 6 or 8 MB with the quad core models and serves in reducing the rather slow access to the main memory.
The storage connection has always been one of the biggest bottlenecks of any built-in graphics card. While dedicated high end GPUs normally have a fast GDDR5-VRAM in an interface of a width of at least 256 Bit, the HD 4000 only has the significantly slower main memory. In plain language, this means a maximum of two 64-Bit-channels with 800 MHz clock rate (DDR3-1600), which are shared between the GPU and the processor. Furthermore, some notebooks only have one memory module and/or slower modules, which further decreases the bandwidth.
每HD 4000有16个所谓的执行单位(EUS),其中的时钟速率为350(ULV)或650兆赫。在3D应用中,GPU可以踢一个额外的涡轮增压,这引起了几百MHz的频率。虽然这种涡轮增压是由芯片的温度和功率消耗,它通常是几乎恒定的 - 如果一个特别高负载下,CPU turbo的是有限的,如果必要的话。最大的GPU涡轮增压机型,目前市面上,1000(酷睿i3-3110M)和1350兆赫(酷睿i7-3940XM)之间。
虽然英特尔有自己的L3高速缓存(256 KB),提供了图形单元的HD 4000也可以使用大的L3高速缓存的CPU。这将是正确的调用这一个“最后一级缓存(LLC),然而,在下面的段落中,比较常见的名字将被使用。这是3或4 MB的双核机型和6或8 MB的四核心型号,供应在减少,而上网速度慢的主内存。
一直存储连接的任何内置的图形卡的最大瓶颈之一。虽然致力于高端HD 4000 GPU(图形处理器)通常有一个快速的接口宽度至少为256位GDDR5的显存,不仅具有显着较慢的主内存。用通俗易懂的语言,这意味着最大的两个64位通道800 MHz的时钟速率(DDR3-1600),这是GPU和处理器之间共享。此外,一些笔记本只有一个存储器模块和/或更慢的模块,这进一步降低了带宽。
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The Test System
For our assessments, the same test system was used as in our latest CPU article. The test device was the One M73-2N (MSI MS-1762 Barebone), which thanks to an efficient cooling system allows full leverage of the turbo boost range.
In order not to distort measurements with reload freezing, a fast Samsung SSD with 128 GB memory as well as 8 GB DDR3-RAM was used. Only the bandwidth test was partly carried out with 4 GB, although in this case it had no adverse affects on the performance.
在我们的评估中,相同的测试系统作为我们最新的CPU的文章。测试设备是一个M73-2N(MSI MS-1762准系统),这要归功于一个高效的散热系统可以充分利用的涡轮增压范围内。
为了不变形测量重载冷冻,快速的三星SSD128 GB的内存,以及8 GB DDR3-RAM。只有带宽测试部分进行带4 GB,虽然在这种情况下,它没有任何不利影响的性能。
Test configuration:
- Intel Ivy-Bridge CPUs
- HD Graphics 4000 (
- Intel HM77 chipset
- 2x 4 GB Samsung DDR3-1600 (CL11)
- 1x 4 GB Kingston DDR3-1333 (CL9)
- Samsung PM830 SSD (128 GB)
- 180 watts power supply unit
- Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit
Name | Cores/Threads | CPU clock rate | L3 cache | TDP | GPU clock rate |
Core i7-3940XM | 4/8 | 3.0 - 3.9 GHz | 8 MB | 55 W | 650-1350 MHz |
Core i7-3840QM | 4/8 | 2.8 - 3.8 GHz | 8 MB | 45 W | 650-1300 MHz |
Core i7-3740QM | 4/8 | 2.7 - 3.7 GHz | 6 MB | 45 W | 650-1300 MHz |
Core i7-3630QM | 4/8 | 2.4 - 3.4 GHz | 6 MB | 45 W | 650-1150 MHz |
Core i7-3610QM | 4/8 | 2.3 - 3.3 GHz | 6 MB | 45 W | 650-1100 MHz |
Core i5-3210M | 2/4 | 2.5 - 3.1 GHz | 3 MB | 35 W | 650-1100 MHz |
Due to the operating principle, two undesirable factors could not be avoided in the two following benchmarks. On the one hand, the processor performance varies considerably between the CPUs. However, due to the strong GPU limitation, this should only have a secondary influence on the performance. Furthermore, different L3 clock rates could not be avoided, as they are linked to the processor clock. Nevertheless, this source of disturbance should not be very grave either.
The difference between the fastest and the slowest HD 4000 level in 3DMark Vantage (GPU score) is 28% - 5% more than with the alternate clock rate. The influence of the L3 cache size therefore is relatively small: there is a difference of about 5% between 3 and 6 MB. Another 2 MB increases the performance by only 2%.
最快和最慢的HD4000在3DMark Vantage(GPU得分)之间的差异是28% - 5%以上的备用时钟速率。的L3高速缓存大小的影响是比较小的,第3和第6 MB之间是有差别的5%左右。另外2 MB仅为2%,提高了性能。
The 3DMark 11, in contrast, is much more sensitive to the size of the cache. With just under 9% (3 vs. 6 MB) and 3% (6 vs. 8 MB) respectively, the L3 cache has a significant influence on the performance. It is also interesting that higher clock rates with the same cache size are converted to an increased performance in an almost linear way. This implies that the memory bandwidth - at least with DDR3-1600 in dual-channel mode - is hardly a limiting factor.
3DMark11,与此相反,是更加敏感的高速缓存的大小。略低于9%(3与6 MB)和3%(6和8 MB),L3高速缓存有一个显着的性能影响。有趣的是,更高的时钟速率的高速缓存大小相同的性能提高几乎是线性的方式被转换为。这意味着内存带宽 - 至少在DDR3-1600双通道模式 - 几乎是一个限制因素。
To verify the results of a 3DMark test in a real 3D game, we played the Action-RPG Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It provides very constant framerates and is therefore ideal for our benchmarks, which measure differences of only a few percent.
By and large, the results resemble those of the 3DMark 11. The step from a 3 to a 6 MB L3 cache as well as the clock rate especially influence the performance.
总的来说,结果类似的3DMark11。从3到6 MB L3缓存以及时钟速率的步骤,特别是影响性能。
All measurements up to this point were carried out with the fastest possible storage configuration - but what if the notebook comes with less ideal equipment? Cheap notebooks often have only one storage module or a slow DDR3-1333. We examined these two cases with the slowest model of our test, the Core i5-3210M.
The losses in performance caused by a lower memory bandwidth are quite drastic: while Deus Ex with DDR3-1600 in dual channel mode still runs quite smoothly at 29 fps, the framerate with DDR3-1333 in single channel mode drops to only 19 fps.
The 20% higher bandwidth of DDR3-1600 vs. DDR3-1333 (both single channel) results in a performance which is a good 11% higher. A second storage module leads to a 34% performance increase.
以最快的速度存储配置进行所有测量到这一点 - 但,如果笔记本自带的不太理想的设备吗?便宜的笔记本电脑通常只有一个存储模块或一个缓慢的DDR3-1333。我们研究这两种情况下,用最慢的模式,我们的测试中,酷睿i5-3210M。
As our short test has shown, there is no general answer to the question how fast the Intel HD Graphics 4000 is.
The storage connection has the most important influence on the performance. The maximum performance may only be achieved with a fast dual-channel connection, which is not always possible with ultrabooks that only have one DIMM slot.
Less significant but still important are the effects of the clock rate and the L3 cache. Those who operate a Core i7-3840QM or 3940XM without a dedicated graphics card - which is rather rare - enjoy a considerably higher 3D performance than with a core i3 or core i5 processor. The HD 4000 might even come close to a dedicated accelerator, even though the absolute level of performance remains very low.
We look forward to future developments, as "Kaveri" of AMD and "Haswell" of Intel promise another performance boost in the sector of integrated graphics solutions. The influence of additional caches and faster storage solutions should be even greater with these chips.
We would like to conclude by thanking the company One, which made this test available. Under this link you may configure and order the M73-2N.
当我们短暂的测试显示,有没有答案的问题是如何快速的英特尔HD Graphics4000。
的时钟速率和L3缓存的影响不显着,但仍然是重要的。操作酷睿i7-3840QM或3940XM没有一个专门的图形卡 - 这是相当罕见的 - 都享有相当高的3D性能比酷睿i3或Core i5处理器。 HD 4000可能甚至接近到一个专用的加速器,即使性能的绝对水平仍然很低。