Oukitel WP200 Pro 智能手机评测--功能强大、存储容量超大的户外手机
Oukitel 有一些不同寻常的想法:WP200 Pro 的后部显示屏可变为 TWS 耳机或智能手表。此外,它还拥有 1 TByte 的大容量存储空间和超大容量电池。这是疯狂还是天才?Florian Schmitt, 👁 Florian Schmitt (translated by DeepL / Ninh Duy) Published 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 ...
对 Oukitel WP200 Pro 的评价
Oukitel WP200 Pro 确实与众不同:其他手机已经集成了副显示屏,可以从背面操作手机。但这款手机的新颖之处在于它还可以作为耳机或智能手表使用。这是一个好主意,尤其是智能手表模式的功能之多令人惊讶。但缺点之一是,当智能手机永久用作智能手表时,其背面的空心部分仍然是空的,看起来并不美观。
它的 SoC 处理速度很快,电池续航能力出色,扬声器的音量也相当大。我们希望它的 AMOLED 屏幕能有更高的亮度,尤其是对于户外手机而言。此外,您还必须忍受轻微的偏蓝和 PWM 闪烁。
如果你准备花 600 多美元购买坚固耐用的手机,那么 Oukitel WP200 Pro 将是一款可靠、稳定和时尚的伴侣,不会很快给你带来存储问题。至于是否使用集成的第二块显示屏,它还可以用作耳机和智能手表,这取决于你自己。这绝对是一项独特的功能,非常吸引眼球。
您可以直接从制造商处购买 Oukitel WP200 Pro,价格为 699.99 美元。.
保护壳和连接性 - 保护壳采用铝制边框
WP200 Pro 采用铝制边框,拉丝外观,手感光滑。它的屏幕由大猩猩 5 号玻璃保护,背面由塑料制成,带有时尚的菱形图案。它的设计总体上比较低调,因此这款坚固耐用的手机不仅在户外很好看,在比较正式的场合也很适合。有蓝色、绿色和黑色可供选择。
手机外壳的稳定性非常好,做工也非常精良。不过,311 克的重量明显高于传统智能手机。手机外壳的防水和防尘性能符合 IP69K 标准。
制造商安装了巨大的 24 GB 内存和 1 TB UFS 4.0 大容量存储空间。因此,如果您需要大量的数据空间,并希望同时使用多个应用程序,这款手机将是您的不二之选。它不能使用 microSD 卡扩展存储空间,也不支持 eSIM 卡。
支持 NFC 无线支付。
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通信和操作 - 独特的第二显示屏
Oukitel WP200 Pro 配备了 WiFi 6,但不能使用 6 GHz 频段,目前该频段的使用率还不高,因此有望获得更高的速度。不过,在我们使用华硕 ROG Rapture AXE11000 进行的 Wi-Fi 测试中,这款手机的下载速度达到了 994 MBit/s。
该手机支持多种 LTE 和 5G 网络,因此可以在全球许多手机网络上使用。
Networking | |
iperf3 transmit AXE11000 | |
Average 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax (305 - 1757, n=133) | |
Oukitel WP200 Pro | |
Average of class Tablet (10.5 - 1463, n=83, last 2 years) | |
CAT S75 | |
Doogee Fire 6 | |
Nokia XR21 | |
iperf3 receive AXE11000 | |
Oukitel WP200 Pro | |
Average 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax (234 - 1696, n=131) | |
Average of class Tablet (20.1 - 1705, n=83, last 2 years) | |
Nokia XR21 | |
CAT S75 | |
Doogee Fire 6 | |
iperf3 transmit AXE11000 6GHz | |
Average of class Tablet (565 - 1888, n=17, last 2 years) | |
Average 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax (614 - 1902, n=20) | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | |
iperf3 receive AXE11000 6GHz | |
Average of class Tablet (666 - 1842, n=19, last 2 years) | |
Average 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax (666 - 1816, n=22) | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 |
Android 设备上预装了 15 个应用程序。该系统非常接近 ,没有预装任何赞助应用。Android
在测试时,最新的安全更新是从 2024 年 12 月开始的,因此已经过时。制造商尚未透露手机更新的频率和时间。
该设备被塑料薄膜包裹在一个大包装内,目前还没有关于所用材料或 WP200 Pro 的二氧化碳排放量的数据。制造商也没有采取任何其他明显的措施来实现更大的可持续发展。
摄像头 - 合适的主摄像头
Image Comparison
Choose a scene and navigate within the first image. One click changes the position on touchscreens. One click on the zoomed-in image opens the original in a new window. The first image shows the scaled photograph of the test device.
Main camera plantMain camera surroundingsMain camera low light

显示屏 - AMOLED 屏幕不太明亮
Brightness Distribution: 98 %
Center on Battery: 512 cd/m²
Contrast: ∞:1 (Black: 0 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 5.01 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.88
ΔE Greyscale 3.5 | 0.5-98 Ø5.1
147.8% sRGB (Calman 2D)
Gamma: 2.241
Oukitel WP200 Pro AMOLED, 2412x1080, 6.7" | Doogee Fire 6 IPS, 1612x720, 6.6" | Motorola ThinkPhone 25 p-OLED, 2670x1220, 6.4" | Nokia XR21 TFT-LCD, 2400x1080, 6.5" | CAT S75 IPS LCD, 2408x1080, 6.6" | |
Screen | -38% | 63% | 15% | -11% | |
Brightness middle | 512 | 435 -15% | 1125 120% | 503 -2% | 566 11% |
Brightness | 511 | 429 -16% | 1109 117% | 487 -5% | 529 4% |
Brightness Distribution | 98 | 93 -5% | 97 -1% | 94 -4% | 83 -15% |
Black Level * | 0.52 | 0.45 | 0.47 | ||
Colorchecker dE 2000 * | 5.01 | 7 -40% | 1.95 61% | 2.4 52% | 5.02 -0% |
Colorchecker dE 2000 max. * | 6.93 | 12.1 -75% | 3.37 51% | 6.6 5% | 9.6 -39% |
Greyscale dE 2000 * | 3.5 | 6.2 -77% | 2.4 31% | 1.9 46% | 4.4 -26% |
Gamma | 2.241 98% | 2.86 77% | 2.099 105% | 2.22 99% | 2.248 98% |
CCT | 7137 91% | 7407 88% | 6336 103% | 6602 98% | 7173 91% |
Contrast | 837 | 1118 | 1204 |
* ... smaller is better
Screen Flickering / PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation)
Screen flickering / PWM detected | 121 Hz Amplitude: 16 % | ||
The display backlight flickers at 121 Hz (worst case, e.g., utilizing PWM) . The frequency of 121 Hz is very low, so the flickering may cause eyestrain and headaches after extended use. In comparison: 53 % of all tested devices do not use PWM to dim the display. If PWM was detected, an average of 8529 (minimum: 5 - maximum: 343500) Hz was measured. |
Display Response Times
↔ Response Time Black to White | ||
1.4 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined | ↗ 0.6 ms rise | |
↘ 0.8 ms fall | ||
The screen shows very fast response rates in our tests and should be very well suited for fast-paced gaming. In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.1 (minimum) to 240 (maximum) ms. » 5 % of all devices are better. This means that the measured response time is better than the average of all tested devices (20.8 ms). | ||
↔ Response Time 50% Grey to 80% Grey | ||
1.6 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined | ↗ 0.7 ms rise | |
↘ 0.9 ms fall | ||
The screen shows very fast response rates in our tests and should be very well suited for fast-paced gaming. In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.165 (minimum) to 636 (maximum) ms. » 5 % of all devices are better. This means that the measured response time is better than the average of all tested devices (32.5 ms). |
性能、排放和电池寿命 - 动力强劲
Oukitel WP200 Pro 配备了 联发科 Dimensity 8200在我们的测试中,它的性能表现不俗。它可以同时运行多个应用程序或更复杂的应用程序。
制造商采用了 UFS 4.0 存储系统,但我们测得的连续数据传输率相当低。
电池容量为 8800 毫安时。在我们的 Wi-Fi 测试中,该设备的续航时间为 25:44 小时,这意味着正常使用时只需每隔几天充电一次,在远离电源插座的较长时间旅行中也能正常使用。充满电大约需要 4:30 小时。
PCMark for Android - Work 3.0 | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | |
Oukitel WP200 Pro | |
Average MediaTek Dimensity 8200 (n=1) | |
Average of class Tablet (3195 - 20841, n=73, last 2 years) | |
Nokia XR21 | |
Doogee Fire 6 |
Octane V2 - Total Score | |
Oukitel WP200 Pro | |
Average MediaTek Dimensity 8200 (n=1) | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | |
Average of class Tablet (763 - 105178, n=88, last 2 years) | |
Nokia XR21 | |
CAT S75 | |
Doogee Fire 6 |
Geekbench AI | |
Single Precision TensorFlow NNAPI 1.2 | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | |
Average of class Tablet (85 - 1140, n=8, last 2 years) | |
Doogee Fire 6 | |
Half Precision TensorFlow NNAPI 1.2 | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | |
Average of class Tablet (84 - 4545, n=8, last 2 years) | |
Doogee Fire 6 | |
Quantized TensorFlow NNAPI 1.2 | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | |
Average of class Tablet (130 - 4532, n=8, last 2 years) | |
Doogee Fire 6 |
Oukitel WP200 Pro | Doogee Fire 6 | Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | Nokia XR21 | CAT S75 | Average 1 TB UFS 4.0 Flash | Average of class Tablet | |
AndroBench 3-5 | -24% | -18% | -54% | -25% | 127% | -26% | |
Sequential Read 256KB | 997.7 | 976.73 -2% | 975.43 -2% | 509.76 -49% | 991.21 -1% | 3397 ? 240% | 1156 ? 16% |
Sequential Write 256KB | 936.4 | 883.37 -6% | 856.48 -9% | 465.31 -50% | 878.23 -6% | 3200 ? 242% | 799 ? -15% |
Random Read 4KB | 368.5 | 203.11 -45% | 287.4 -22% | 187.51 -49% | 221.56 -40% | 400 ? 9% | 198.8 ? -46% |
Random Write 4KB | 494.1 | 286.2 -42% | 308.11 -38% | 167.51 -66% | 233.91 -53% | 569 ? 15% | 201 ? -59% |
(-) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 48.5 °C / 119 F, compared to the average of 33.7 °C / 93 F, ranging from 20.7 to 53.2 °C for the class Tablet.
(-) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 49.7 °C / 121 F, compared to the average of 33.2 °C / 92 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 22.6 °C / 73 F, compared to the device average of 30 °C / 86 F.
3DMark Steel Nomad stress test
3DMark | |
Wild Life Stress Test Stability | |
Nokia XR21 | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | |
Doogee Fire 6 | |
Oukitel WP200 Pro | |
Wild Life Extreme Stress Test | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 | |
Nokia XR21 | |
Oukitel WP200 Pro | |
Steel Nomad Light Stress Test Stability | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 |
Oukitel WP200 Pro audio analysis
(+) | speakers can play relatively loud (89.4 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(-) | nearly no bass - on average 28.5% lower than median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (11.6% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(±) | higher mids - on average 5% higher than median
(+) | mids are linear (6.3% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(±) | higher highs - on average 6.3% higher than median
(±) | linearity of highs is average (11.2% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(±) | linearity of overall sound is average (22.2% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 64% of all tested devices in this class were better, 5% similar, 31% worse
» The best had a delta of 7%, average was 22%, worst was 129%
Compared to all devices tested
» 62% of all tested devices were better, 6% similar, 32% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%
CAT S75 audio analysis
(+) | speakers can play relatively loud (84.5 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(-) | nearly no bass - on average 24.8% lower than median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (11% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(±) | higher mids - on average 5.6% higher than median
(+) | mids are linear (6.8% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 3.5% away from median
(+) | highs are linear (5.2% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(±) | linearity of overall sound is average (20% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 29% of all tested devices in this class were better, 9% similar, 62% worse
» The best had a delta of 12%, average was 36%, worst was 134%
Compared to all devices tested
» 48% of all tested devices were better, 8% similar, 43% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%
Oukitel WP200 Pro 8800 mAh | Doogee Fire 6 10400 mAh | Motorola ThinkPhone 25 4310 mAh | Nokia XR21 4800 mAh | CAT S75 5000 mAh | |
Battery Runtime | 29% | -44% | -43% | -42% | |
WiFi v1.3 | 1544 | 1993 29% | 859 -44% | 875 -43% | 896 -42% |
Reader / Idle | 1711 | 2344 | |||
H.264 | 1604 | 1085 | |||
Load | 204 | 400 |
Notebookcheck 总评分

Oukitel WP200 Pro 是一款与众不同的智能手机,配备了非常灵活的副显示屏。
Oukitel WP200 Pro
- 03/25/2025 v8
Florian Schmitt
Possible alternatives compared
Image | Model / Review | Price | Weight | Drive | Display |
Oukitel WP200 Pro MediaTek Dimensity 8200 ⎘ ARM Mali-G610 MP6 ⎘ 24 GB Memory, 1024 GB | Amazon: 1. $8.99 Shantime 2 Pack Tempered Gla... 2. $6.95 MAOUICI Tempered Glass for O... 3. $4.67 MAOUICI Tempered Glass for O... List Price: 645€ | 311 g | 1 TB UFS 4.0 Flash | 6.70" 2412x1080 394 PPI AMOLED | |
Doogee Fire 6 Unisoc T7200 (T606) ⎘ ARM Mali-G57 MP1 ⎘ 6 GB Memory, 256 GB UFS 2.1 | Amazon: 1. $7.95 Mr.Shield Screen Protector c... 2. $11.76 NEOYUKL Tempered Glass for D... 3. $7.35 for Doogee Fire 6 Power (6.5... List Price: 400€ | 348 g | 256 GB UFS 2.2 Flash | 6.56" 1612x720 269 PPI IPS | |
Motorola ThinkPhone 25 MediaTek Dimensity 7300 ⎘ ARM Mali-G615 MP2 ⎘ 8 GB Memory, 256 GB | Amazon: 1. $7.82 Pusiikeer 2 Pack for Motorol... 2. $9.29 Zeking [2+2 Pack for Motorol... 3. $6.95 Mr.Shield Screen Protector c... List Price: 499€ | 171 g | 256 GB UFS 3.1 Flash | 6.36" 2670x1220 462 PPI p-OLED | |
Nokia XR21 Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 5G ⎘ Qualcomm Adreno 619 ⎘ 6 GB Memory, 128 GB UFS 2.1 | Amazon: 1. $6.99 Supershieldz (2 Pack) Design... 2. $7.99 Supershieldz (3 Pack) Design... 3. $9.98 5FT USB-C Wall Charger Charg... List Price: 599€ | 231 g | 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash | 6.49" 2400x1080 406 PPI TFT-LCD | |
CAT S75 MediaTek Dimensity 930 ⎘ IMG BXM-8-256 ⎘ 6 GB Memory, 128 GB UFS 2.1 | Amazon: 1. $11.99 LIAUBN Cell Phone Charger Ca... 2. $7.99 Supershieldz (3 Pack) Design... 3. $6.99 Supershieldz (2 Pack) Design... List Price: 599€ | 268 g | 128 GB UFS 2.2 Flash | 6.58" 2408x1080 401 PPI IPS LCD |
The selection of devices to be reviewed is made by our editorial team. The test sample was given to the author by the manufacturer free of charge for the purposes of review. There was no third-party influence on this review, nor did the manufacturer receive a copy of this review before publication. There was no obligation to publish this review. We never accept compensation or payment in return for our reviews. As an independent media company, Notebookcheck is not subjected to the authority of manufacturers, retailers or publishers.
This is how Notebookcheck is testing
Every year, Notebookcheck independently reviews hundreds of laptops and smartphones using standardized procedures to ensure that all results are comparable. We have continuously developed our test methods for around 20 years and set industry standards in the process. In our test labs, high-quality measuring equipment is utilized by experienced technicians and editors. These tests involve a multi-stage validation process. Our complex rating system is based on hundreds of well-founded measurements and benchmarks, which maintains objectivity. Further information on our test methods can be found here.