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Smartphone Android
In review: Huawei Ascend P6. Review sample courtesy of Huawei



我们相比,智能手机找出什么华为提供的这个价格的溢价范围内智能手机:谷歌的Nexus4,iPhone5,索尼的XperiaŽ和的Xperia ZL,三星的银河S4,HTC的一个和LG的擎天柱G.然而,因为价格范围越早从端的设备,如诺基亚的Lumia820,三星的Galaxy Express或索尼的XperiaŤ对应,我们也将包括他们在我们的比较。


The casing resembles Apple's design language to a certain extent.
The casing resembles Apple's design language to a certain extent.





接口,还配备了少数的特殊性。例如,USB 2.0端口,没有发现在许多情况下,在底部,但在手机的顶部。在我们看来,这在横向模式下是没有问题的,但线不会干扰在肖像模式下的底部相当。用户可能首先会看,因为它背后隐藏着一个金属瓣在左边的音频插孔。此瓣也方便使用的micro-SIM卡,并在右侧的micro-SD卡退出工具。

Bottom: No interfaces
Bottom: No interfaces
Top: USB 2.0 port
Top: USB 2.0 port
Left: 3.5 mm combo audio jack incl. flap and eject tool
Left: 3.5 mm combo audio jack incl. flap and eject tool
Right: Standby button, volume rocker, micro SD-slot, micro-SIM slot
Right: Standby button, volume rocker, micro SD-slot, micro-SIM slot
Many things can be customized in the Emotion UI.
Many things can be customized in the Emotion UI.


华为凭借独有的用户界面的Emotion UI1.6安装Android4.2的​​。用户界面的颜色外壳的颜色相匹配。这是一个浅色的背景和金棕色的标志,我们的白光器件。通过应用程序的设计”,长相如何,都可以迅速改变,甚至可以自定义,虽然元素总是绑到已安装的模板。

的Emotion UI1.6提供部件和徽标在屏幕上,否则平常的Android的组合。该中心是一个大的部件在主屏幕上可以集成快速拨号,音频playQer或幻灯片接触。分类应用程序的文件夹可以创建和许多功能可以被禁用,并通过快速访问工具栏启用。应用程序始终都位于左或右的屏幕之一,有没有“显示所有的应用程序功能。方便:新的应用程序图标上的一面旗帜标记。

的Emotion UI通常包括一些图形,以及一些实质性的变化,改变Android的利用率。该系统可以非常直观的使用。华为包括免费游戏激流大奖赛这是一个很像任天堂64“波赛”。此外,宝来办公室4.0,视频编辑应用程序和一些小有用的程序都安装,这加起来就是一个整体像样的软件捆绑。

Outdoors: Many satellites, but insufficient signal strength
Outdoors: Many satellites, but insufficient signal strength
Indoors: Still many satellites, but too low reception
Indoors: Still many satellites, but too low reception


一件事第一:华为登高P6的,目前不是一个选择谁正在寻找一个手机,它具有支持LTE的用户。智能手机支持四种不同的无线电频段在GSM范围和五个不同的UMTS无线电频段但HSPA是最快的无线标准的。 D1网络,我们有一个很好的接待,同时在3G和2G网络。

一个Wi-Fi模块,发送和接收的802.11 B / G/ N标准也被安装。模块显示的一个很好的信号强度与三四个酒吧十几米的距离从路由器,并通过三个壁。蓝牙版本3.0是可用的,虽然存在更多的电流标准,特别是在安全问题是优于。此外,支持DLNA标准,如NFC等无线接口也没有安装。


手机应用程序的设计相当强烈,不同标准的Android应用程序。然而,其明亮的绿色拨号按钮并不真正适合风格内敛的Emotion UI。作为回报,应用程序是很容易使用,并允许之间的联系人,拨号列表和拨号盘迅速切换。



华为特别强调安装的摄像头。它特别想得分与500万像素的前置摄像头。事实上,没有其他智能手机拥有如此高的分辨率的前置摄像头,因为它通常只用于视频通话。然而,华为的承诺,它使“自画像”的可能。 800万像素的后置摄像头是目前大多数高端手机相提并论。索尼的Xperia Z和ZL模型提供了13万像素,诺基亚最新推出的Lumia1020配备了一个41万像素的摄像头。


Huawei P6 (8 megapixel): Plant
Huawei P6 (8 megapixel): Plant
Huawei P6 (8 megapixel): Scene
Huawei P6 (8 megapixel): Scene
Huawei P6 (8 megapixel): Surroundings
Huawei P6 (8 megapixel): Surroundings
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixel): Plant
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixel): Plant
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixel): Scene
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixel): Scene
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixel): Surroundings
Apple iPhone 5 (8 megapixel): Surroundings
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixel): Plant
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixel): Plant
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixel): Scene
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixel): Scene
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixel): Surroundings
Google Nexus 4 (8 megapixel): Surroundings
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixel): Plant
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixel): Plant
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixel): Scene
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixel): Scene
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixel): Surroundings
Nokia Lumia 920 (8.7 megapixel): Surroundings
Reference Sony A57 (16 megapixel): Plant
Reference Sony A57 (16 megapixel): Plant
Reference Sony A57 (16 megapixel): Scene
Reference Sony A57 (16 megapixel): Scene
Reference Sony A57 (16 megapixel): Surroundings
Reference Sony A57 (16 megapixel): Surroundings




Input Devices & Controls

The keyboard...
The keyboard...
changes depending on the input field.
changes depending on the input field.




整体采用了华为的P6是很不错的。然而,谁喜欢多样化的输入选项的用户会失望的。相比之下,三星的Galaxy S4提供了一个真正的洪流中选择。


IPS +技术的基础上,具有相当低的resolutionof1280 x 720像素,4.7英寸的屏幕在华为的升P6。当然一些其他的优质设备,如谷歌的Nexus4或苹果的iPhone5,也没有配备更高的分辨率要么,但稍微跟上时代的手机,如索尼的XperiaŽ,HTC的一个或三星的银河S4,清楚地表明,全高清屏幕现在是一个必须在这一领域。当然,这么高的分辨率在相对较小的屏幕的感觉是值得怀疑的。华为ASCEND P6看看锋利的单个像素的图像是不可见的。

华为不失蹄的最大亮度达到了平均486.8坎德拉/平方米,这也正是在与iPhone5相提并论。因此,华为的升P6功能非常明亮的画面。 92%的照明也十分均匀,但不是很准确的在iPhone5或Nexus4。

Distribution of brightness
tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
Maximum: 501 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 486.8 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 92 %
Center on Battery: 499 cd/m²
Contrast: 860:1 (Black: 0.58 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 5.31 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.89
ΔE Greyscale 5.74 | 0.5-98 Ø5.1
Gamma: 2.34

我们的审查样本的对比度不高的iPhone 5,谷歌Nexus4或索尼的XperiaŽ竞争者。然而,860:1率还过得去。黑色值也有点高于中提到的设备,但仍是可以接受0.58坎德拉/平方米。主观上,图像甚至使一个很好的印象。黑色区域看起来饱和,且没有表现出明显的亮度差异和颜色看起来脆。


与色度计的CalMAN软件在我们的测试中,我们实现了更加准确率比在默认的设置,通过设置色温控制约20%。平均的DeltaE率,所以偏离sRGB色彩空间,从5.31下降至3.54。虽然这是三星的Galaxy S4在设置的视频”模式不太好,速度非常好。灰度的20%设置的色彩温度控制精度,甚至更好。然后一切都在绿色的田野上的偏差。

CalMan Color Management
CalMan Color Management
CalMan Color Accuracy
CalMan Color Accuracy
CalMan Color Accuracy (color temperature control: 20%)
CalMan Color Accuracy (color temperature control: 20%)
CalMan Grayscale
CalMan Grayscale
CalMan Grayscale (color temperature control: 20%)
CalMan Grayscale (color temperature control: 20%)
CalMan saturation
CalMan saturation



Durch IPS+, die Technologie, die der Bildschirm verwendet, ist es möglich bis in die spitzesten Winkel das Bild ohne Helligkeits- oder Kontrastverschiebungen zu erkennen. Das Bild bleibt, auch wenn man sehr flach auf das Display blickt, klar und gut erkennbar.


被命名为深圳市海思半导体SoC的制造商,但该公司是华为的子公司。安装的海思K3V2 Hi3620 SOC在我们的审查采样时钟与指定的最大时钟速率为1.5 GHz的。它拥有四个运算核心,并在2012年年初推出。

在快节奏的智能手机市场,这几乎是一个永恒的,可以很快看到在基准分数。尤其是HTC的One和银河S4的明确规定,除了在系统性能方面。只有三星的Galaxy Express的落后幅度不大。看看在处理器的纯净的电源,使用“LINPACK”迅速证明SOC这里不站在一个机会对现代手机。高级智能手机部分超过了七倍。同样,登高P6是迟早的Xperia T和银河快车,从而在中端相提并论。


Smartbench 2012 - Productivity Index (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
2923 points
Sony Xperia ZL
5031 points +72%
Sony Xperia Z
4831 points +65%
Sony Xperia T
3387 points +16%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
7353 points +152%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
2697 points -8%
LG Optimus G E975
4951 points +69%
Google Nexus 4
3178 points +9%
6850 points +134%
Quadrant Standard Edition 2.0 - --- (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
5068 points
Sony Xperia ZL
7821 points +54%
Sony Xperia Z
7964 points +57%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
12566 points +148%
Google Nexus 4
4552 points -10%
12049 points +138%
Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Total Score (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
1671 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
2036 Points +22%
Sony Xperia Z
1918 Points +15%
Sony Xperia T
1556 Points -7%
Apple iPhone 5
1648 Points -1%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
3216 Points +92%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
1248 Points -25%
LG Optimus G E975
1831 Points +10%
Google Nexus 4
2054 Points +23%
2332 Points +40%
AnTuTu v3 - Total Score (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
13166 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
19942 Points +51%
Sony Xperia Z
14244 Points +8%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
23181 Points +76%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
11326 Points -14%
LG Optimus G E975
17554 Points +33%
Google Nexus 4
17555 Points +33%
23500 Points +78%
PassMark PerformanceTest Mobile V1 - System (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
1989 Points
Apple iPhone 5
3490 Points +75%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
3430 Points +72%
Google Nexus 4
2638 Points +33%
Linpack Android / IOS
Single Thread (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
46.57 MFLOPS
Sony Xperia ZL
227.8 MFLOPS +389%
Sony Xperia Z
210.1 MFLOPS +351%
Sony Xperia T
102.5 MFLOPS +120%
Apple iPhone 5
365.2 MFLOPS +684%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
304.8 MFLOPS +554%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
144.3 MFLOPS +210%
LG Optimus G E975
232.2 MFLOPS +399%
Google Nexus 4
76.8 MFLOPS +65%
308.2 MFLOPS +562%
Multi Thread (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
149.8 MFLOPS
Sony Xperia ZL
588 MFLOPS +293%
Sony Xperia Z
570 MFLOPS +281%
Sony Xperia T
172.5 MFLOPS +15%
Apple iPhone 5
575 MFLOPS +284%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
618 MFLOPS +313%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
211.6 MFLOPS +41%
LG Optimus G E975
541 MFLOPS +261%
Google Nexus 4
221.6 MFLOPS +48%
733 MFLOPS +389%


Huawei Ascend P6 HiSilicon k3v2 Hi3620, Vivante GC4000, 8 GB SSD
Sony Xperia ZL Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064A, Qualcomm Adreno 320, 16 GB SSD
Sony Xperia Z Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064A, Qualcomm Adreno 320, 16 GB SSD
Sony Xperia T Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus MSM8260A, Qualcomm Adreno 225, 16 GB SSD
Apple iPhone 5 Apple A6, PowerVR SGX543MP3, 32 GB SSD
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 APQ8064T, Qualcomm Adreno 320, 16 GB iNAND Flash
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus MSM8930, Qualcomm Adreno 305, 8 GB SSD
LG Optimus G E975 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064A, Qualcomm Adreno 320, 32 GB SSD
Google Nexus 4 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064A, Qualcomm Adreno 320, 16 GB SSD
HTC One Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 APQ8064T, Qualcomm Adreno 320, 32 GB SSD
Nokia Lumia 820 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus MSM8960, Qualcomm Adreno 225, 8 GB SSD


AnTuTu 3DRating
--- (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
4676 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
5218 Points +12%
Sony Xperia Z
4151 Points -11%
Apple iPhone 5
11353 Points +143%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
5243 Points +12%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
4216 Points -10%
LG Optimus G E975
5532 Points +18%
Google Nexus 4
5731 Points +23%
5459 Points +17%
1024x2048 Off-screen (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
1764 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
2132 Points +21%
Sony Xperia Z
1856 Points +5%
Apple iPhone 5
1373 Points -22%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
2037 Points +15%
LG Optimus G E975
1809 Points +3%
Google Nexus 4
1702 Points -4%
2377 Points +35%
NenaMark2 - --- (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
60.9 fps
Sony Xperia ZL
59.7 fps -2%
Sony Xperia Z
60 fps -1%
Sony Xperia T
59 fps -3%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
60.2 fps -1%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
60.8 fps 0%
LG Optimus G E975
59.8 fps -2%
Google Nexus 4
59 fps -3%
60.4 fps -1%
Epic Citadel
High Quality (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
19.2 fps
Sony Xperia ZL
54.8 fps +185%
Sony Xperia Z
51.1 fps +166%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
58.7 fps +206%
Google Nexus 4
54.3 fps +183%
57.1 fps +197%
High Performance (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
20.3 fps
Sony Xperia ZL
56.5 fps +178%
Sony Xperia Z
57.1 fps +181%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
59 fps +191%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
54.1 fps +167%
LG Optimus G E975
57.3 fps +182%
Google Nexus 4
54.9 fps +170%
57.5 fps +183%
GFXBench (DX / GLBenchmark) 2.7
T-Rex Onscreen (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
5.3 fps
Sony Xperia ZL
13 fps +145%
Sony Xperia Z
14 fps +164%
Apple iPhone 5
13.6 fps +157%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
15 fps +183%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
13 fps +145%
LG Optimus G E975
17 fps +221%
Google Nexus 4
20 fps +277%
1920x1080 T-Rex Offscreen (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
2.9 fps
Sony Xperia ZL
13 fps +348%
Sony Xperia Z
13 fps +348%
Apple iPhone 5
6.7 fps +131%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
15 fps +417%
LG Optimus G E975
9.3 fps +221%
Google Nexus 4
13 fps +348%
Basemark ES 2.0 - Taiji Free (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
10.67 fps
Sony Xperia ZL
38.23 fps +258%
Sony Xperia Z
38.14 fps +257%
Sony Xperia T
28.25 fps +165%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
47.24 fps +343%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
39.44 fps +270%
LG Optimus G E975
45.7 fps +328%
Google Nexus 4
53.5 fps +401%
41.08 fps +285%
Basemark X 1.0
On-Screen (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
3.932 fps
Sony Xperia ZL
7.5 fps +91%
Apple iPhone 5
18.08 fps +360%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
8.608 fps +119%
Google Nexus 4
15.7 fps +299%
Off-Screen (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
1.092 fps
Sony Xperia ZL
6.4 fps +486%
Apple iPhone 5
7.562 fps +592%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
8.015 fps +634%
Google Nexus 4
6.8 fps +523%
1280x720 Ice Storm Standard Score (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
2930 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
8971 Points +206%
Apple iPhone 5
5721 Points +95%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
11344 Points +287%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
4463 Points +52%
LG Optimus G E975
10233 Points +249%
Google Nexus 4
11396 Points +289%
10752 Points +267%
1280x720 Ice Storm Standard Graphics (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
2859 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
10382 Points +263%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
11395 Points +299%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
4415 Points +54%
LG Optimus G E975
10616 Points +271%
Google Nexus 4
11625 Points +307%
11192 Points +291%
1280x720 Ice Storm Standard Physics (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
3209 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
6080 Points +89%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
11170 Points +248%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
4641 Points +45%
LG Optimus G E975
9087 Points +183%
Google Nexus 4
10660 Points +232%
9451 Points +195%


Vellamo Mobile Benchmark 2.0
HTML5 (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
1302 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
2194 Points +69%
Sony Xperia Z
2186 Points +68%
Sony Xperia T
1809 Points +39%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
2105 Points +62%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
1657 Points +27%
LG Optimus G E975
1756 Points +35%
Google Nexus 4
1339 Points +3%
2375 Points +82%
Metal (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
429 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
627 Points +46%
Sony Xperia Z
632 Points +47%
Sony Xperia T
587 Points +37%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
835 Points +95%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
515 Points +20%
LG Optimus G E975
589 Points +37%
Google Nexus 4
625 Points +46%
788 Points +84%
Octane V1 - Total Score (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
571 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
1182 Points +107%
Sony Xperia Z
1214 Points +113%
Apple iPhone 5
1663 Points +191%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
2290 Points +301%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
1170 Points +105%
LG Optimus G E975
1163 Points +104%
Google Nexus 4
1248 Points +119%
1986 Points +248%
Nokia Lumia 820
618 Points +8%
Google V8 Ver. 7 - Google V8 Ver. 7 Score (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
633 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
1271 Points +101%
Sony Xperia Z
1279 Points +102%
Sony Xperia T
1540 Points +143%
Apple iPhone 5
1457 Points +130%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
2222 Points +251%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
1169 Points +85%
LG Optimus G E975
1479 Points +134%
Google Nexus 4
1381 Points +118%
1899 Points +200%
Nokia Lumia 820
783 Points +24%
Sunspider - 1.0 Total Score (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
4026 ms *
Apple iPhone 5
714 ms * +82%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
1168 ms * +71%
Google Nexus 4
1581 ms * +61%
Peacekeeper - --- (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
228 Points
Sony Xperia ZL
386 Points +69%
Sony Xperia Z
388 Points +70%
Apple iPhone 5
863 Points +279%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
555 Points +143%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
405 Points +78%
LG Optimus G E975
545 Points +139%
Google Nexus 4
236 Points +4%
683 Points +200%
Nokia Lumia 820
333 Points +46%
Mozilla Kraken 1.0 - Total (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
78148 ms *
Sony Xperia ZL
22540 ms * +71%
Sony Xperia Z
21141 ms * +73%
Apple iPhone 5
20380 ms * +74%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
13779 ms * +82%
LG Optimus G E975
23663 ms * +70%
Google Nexus 4
21389 ms * +73%
13059 ms * +83%
Nokia Lumia 820
44717 ms * +43%

* ... smaller is better

这种模式继续与内部存储。升P6似乎访问8 GB远低于所有设备相比。索尼的Xperia T和三星的Galaxy快递再次成为未来最快的手机,所有的溢价的智能手机有较大的领先优势。

AndroBench 3-5
Sequential Read 256KB (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
27.36 MB/s
Sony Xperia ZL
48.71 MB/s +78%
Sony Xperia Z
48.79 MB/s +78%
Sony Xperia T
40.45 MB/s +48%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
75.1 MB/s +174%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
52.8 MB/s +93%
LG Optimus G E975
60.1 MB/s +120%
Google Nexus 4
49.7 MB/s +82%
58.8 MB/s +115%
Sequential Write 256KB (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
5.08 MB/s
Sony Xperia ZL
13.55 MB/s +167%
Sony Xperia Z
14.49 MB/s +185%
Sony Xperia T
11.09 MB/s +118%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
13.11 MB/s +158%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
9.32 MB/s +83%
LG Optimus G E975
13.88 MB/s +173%
Google Nexus 4
13.97 MB/s +175%
16.37 MB/s +222%
Random Read 4KB (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
7.56 MB/s
Sony Xperia ZL
11.65 MB/s +54%
Sony Xperia Z
12.84 MB/s +70%
Sony Xperia T
4.99 MB/s -34%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
12.28 MB/s +62%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
8.42 MB/s +11%
LG Optimus G E975
11.64 MB/s +54%
Google Nexus 4
12.14 MB/s +61%
11.83 MB/s +56%
Random Write 4KB (sort by value)
Huawei Ascend P6
0.26 MB/s
Sony Xperia ZL
1.12 MB/s +331%
Sony Xperia Z
1.15 MB/s +342%
Sony Xperia T
0.26 MB/s 0%
Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505
1.13 MB/s +335%
Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
0.42 MB/s +62%
LG Optimus G E975
1.06 MB/s +308%
Google Nexus 4
1.07 MB/s +312%
1.19 MB/s +358%



然而,这看起来从Google PlayStore下载其他游戏不同。 “钢铁侠3”是可玩的,但明显的口吃,并且还产生了奇怪的图形错误。功率是足够的休闲游戏,如“愤怒的小鸟:星球大战”,但图形单元是不是非常面向未来。

Runs mostly smoothly: The included game "Riptide GT"
Runs mostly smoothly: The included game "Riptide GT"
Only runs with stutters and graphics bugs: "Iron Man 3"
Only runs with stutters and graphics bugs: "Iron Man 3"





Max. Load
 34.9 °C34.5 °C33.7 °C 
 35.9 °C36.3 °C35.2 °C 
 36.2 °C40 °C36.2 °C 
Maximum: 40 °C
Average: 35.9 °C
33.3 °C35 °C32.6 °C
34.7 °C36.4 °C34.2 °C
36.4 °C42.3 °C34.9 °C
Maximum: 42.3 °C
Average: 35.5 °C
Power Supply (max.)  34.4 °C | Room Temperature 23 °C | Voltcraft IR-350
(±) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 35.9 °C / 97 F, compared to the average of 32.8 °C / 91 F for the devices in the class Smartphone.
(±) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 40 °C / 104 F, compared to the average of 35.1 °C / 95 F, ranging from 21.9 to 63.7 °C for the class Smartphone.
(±) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 42.3 °C / 108 F, compared to the average of 33.9 °C / 93 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 29.7 °C / 85 F, compared to the device average of 32.8 °C / 91 F.


在后面的小喇叭似乎有点不起眼,但它会产生一个很好的声音的智能手机。三串和MID的定义,什么超速传动和一切听起来平衡。当然,低的范围是非常薄的,但其余的是很值得听。由于整个壳体作为一个音箱,它甚至并不重要,如果扬声器覆盖通过手指或手机被放置在它的后面的表上。杜比数字+(Dolby Digital Plus)的设置,可以在“常规”菜单“选项卡。它出声来增强音乐或视频的声音。

Energy Management



Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.4 / 0.8 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 1.3 / 2.5 / 2.8 Watt
Load midlight 5.2 / 6.1 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Voltcraft VC 940

Battery Runtime

与此相对应,华为的运行时间登高,P6是相当日常合适的。用户将生存的一天,由于到10:23小时的空闲运行。然而,三星的Galaxy Express的明确超过10:30时刚刚超过6个小时的Wi-Fi测试。用于比较所有其他智能手机,我们也可以超越当前的至少一个或两个小时。

Battery Runtime
Idle (without WLAN, min brightness)
10h 23min
WiFi Surfing
6h 05min
Load (maximum brightness)
2h 15min






In review: Huawei Ascend P6. Review sample courtesy of Huawei.
In review: Huawei Ascend P6. Review sample courtesy of Huawei.
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In Review: Huawei Ascend P6. Review sample courtesy of Huawei.
In Review: Huawei Ascend P6. Review sample courtesy of Huawei.


Huawei Ascend P6 (Ascend Series)
HiSilicon k3v2 Hi3620 4 x 1.5 GHz
Graphics adapter
Vivante GC4000
2048 MB 
4.70 inch 16:9, 1280 x 720 pixel, capacitive touchscreen, IPS+, glossy: yes
8 GB SSD, 8 GB 
, 4.7 GB free
1 USB 2.0, Audio Connections: 3.5 mm combo audio jack, Card Reader: microSD card reader max. 32 GByte, Sensors: proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, digital compass, accelerometer, position, temperature
802.11 b/g/n (b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/), Bluetooth 3.0, 2G: quad-band 850/900/1800/1900 MHz, 3G: penta-band 850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz, HSDPA: 21.6 MBit/s, HSUPA: 5.76 MBit/s
height x width x depth (in mm): 6.18 x 132.6 x 65.5
7 Wh Lithium-Polymer, 2000 mAh, Talk time 2G (according to manufacturer): 28 h, Talk time 3G (according to manufacturer): 14 h, Standby 2G (according to manufacturer): 416 h, Standby 3G (according to manufacturer): 315 h
Operating System
Android 4.2
Webcam: Rück: 8 Megapixel (3.264 × 2.448 Pixel), Front: 5 Megapixel (2.560 × 1.920 Pixel)
Additional features
Speakers: rear-facing speaker, Keyboard: virtual keyboard, power cord, USB cord, stereo headphone, cap for headphone jack (incl. card eject tool), sleeve, FM radio, flashlight, Polaris-Office 4.0, 24 Months Warranty
120 g, Power Supply: 45 g
500 Euro


Huawei's Ascend P6 challenges premium smartphones.
Huawei's Ascend P6 challenges premium smartphones.
The boxing makes a very high-quality impression at the outset.
The boxing makes a very high-quality impression at the outset.
A tug at the textile loop...
A tug at the textile loop...
and the device is unboxed.
and the device is unboxed.
The quite diverse, clearly arranged accessories are found underneath that.
The quite diverse, clearly arranged accessories are found underneath that.
The casing even passes a closer examination:
The casing even passes a closer examination:
Completely made of aluminum, quality build and rigid.
Completely made of aluminum, quality build and rigid.
The phone also has an extremely slim profile.
The phone also has an extremely slim profile.
The buttons are also high-quality and feature a good pressure point.
The buttons are also high-quality and feature a good pressure point.
A small detail in design and convenient: The flap for the audio jack wards off dirt and is also the eject tool for the SIM and SD card.
A small detail in design and convenient: The flap for the audio jack wards off dirt and is also the eject tool for the SIM and SD card.
Low-resolution front-facing camera? Not in this case. It features 5 megapixels.
Low-resolution front-facing camera? Not in this case. It features 5 megapixels.
The front-facing camera also shoots decent pictures.
The front-facing camera also shoots decent pictures.
There is a shutter delay and countdown when pictures are taken with the front-facing camera.
There is a shutter delay and countdown when pictures are taken with the front-facing camera.
The rear-facing camera even features 8 megapixels.
The rear-facing camera even features 8 megapixels.
Its pictures are also good.
Its pictures are also good.
Also on the back: The decent speaker.
Also on the back: The decent speaker.
There wasn't room for the buttons on the casing. They are implemented as virtual buttons on the screen.
There wasn't room for the buttons on the casing. They are implemented as virtual buttons on the screen.
The so-called "Emotion UI" interface for Android already has a uniquely designed lock screen.
The so-called "Emotion UI" interface for Android already has a uniquely designed lock screen.
It can be largely customized via themes.
It can be largely customized via themes.
The app "Designs" has to be opened first.
The app "Designs" has to be opened first.
The icons for the preinstalled apps also change with the themes.
The icons for the preinstalled apps also change with the themes.
Nice detail: New apps are marked with a banner.
Nice detail: New apps are marked with a banner.
It is possible to create folders and categorize the apps.
It is possible to create folders and categorize the apps.
The centerpiece is this widget that can be extensively configured. This is the dark design.
The centerpiece is this widget that can be extensively configured. This is the dark design.
A personal design can be developed from single parts of the designs.
A personal design can be developed from single parts of the designs.
The phone app doesn't quite fit to the design with its grass green dial button. However, it is very intuitive to use.
The phone app doesn't quite fit to the design with its grass green dial button. However, it is very intuitive to use.
A tab dubbed "General" with frequently used options is found in the settings.
A tab dubbed "General" with frequently used options is found in the settings.
The settings also offer slightly extended options.
The settings also offer slightly extended options.
One example is the "Glove mode that allows use with gloves.
One example is the "Glove mode that allows use with gloves.
The quick access bar can also be customized.
The quick access bar can also be customized.
The power is only enough for games to a certain extent. The SoC is an older model.
The power is only enough for games to a certain extent. The SoC is an older model.
Thus, browsing on the Internet is a bit slower than on more up-to-date phones.
Thus, browsing on the Internet is a bit slower than on more up-to-date phones.
The screen's high brightness is convincing but it could have a higher resolution.
The screen's high brightness is convincing but it could have a higher resolution.
Overall, Huawei's Ascend P6 is a very impressive phone. However, the lacks the final touch for the premium range.
Overall, Huawei's Ascend P6 is a very impressive phone. However, the lacks the final touch for the premium range.

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  • Manufacturer's information

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+ 非常漂亮的铝合金外壳
+ 坚实的基础
+ 超薄感受
+ 显然布置的作业系统
+ 良好的软件附加
+ 许多配件
+ 明亮的屏幕
+ 适应性色温
+ 良好的无线网络连接和手机信号
+ 相机拍摄的照片,在一个体面的质量


- 过时的SoC
- 屏幕的分辨率低
- 没有LTE
- 不满意GPS信号
- 高功率消耗的
- 游戏性能太低



设计非常时尚,身材苗条,铝机箱,布局清晰的操作系统。简而言之 - 不少。






苹果iPhone 5,谷歌Nexus4,索尼XperiaŤ,索尼XperiaŽ,索尼的Xperia ZL,LG擎天柱ĝ,宏达其中,诺基亚Lumia820,三星Galaxy S4,三星Galaxy快递


Huawei Ascend P6 - 08/05/2013 v3 (old)
Florian Wimmer

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 华为登上P6智能手机测评
Florian Wimmer, 2013-08- 5 (Update: 2024-08-15)