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三星SSD840系列的“基本”:250 GB测评

快捷,经济实惠? 高端的三星840 Pro的相比,“非亲”840使用相同的控制器,但相当少耐用TLC(三级单元)NAND闪存模块。你应该阻止它投资这种经济SSD呢?继续阅读,找出。
In Review: 250 GB Samsung 840 SSD
In Review: 250 GB Samsung 840 SSD

什么使得三星不同于其竞争对手的事实,它生产的所有部分,从控制器固件的SSD NAND记忆体模组。考虑到三星的可靠性方面的优良记录,这可能是一个重大的优势,因为它让三星控制整个生产过程。

MDX控制器,它采用的是840和840 Pro的固态硬盘,使用ARM的Cortex-R4内核,运行在300 MHz和512MB LPDDR2 SDRAM缓存。它的功能包括支持TRIM,耐磨和垃圾收集。我们知道,从840 Pro的审查,这是一个很能干的控制器,但在这种情况下,它有TLC NAND慢。


在这方面可能是有用的一些背景有关的性质的TLC NAND。最耐用的固态硬盘的闪存电路类型是SLC(单级单元)NAND闪存以较大优势。正如它的名字所暗示的,SLC的每个物理存储单元的数据只存储一个比特。 SLC穿非常缓慢,因此,好的高达100,000编程/擦除(P / E)周期。不幸的是,这种类型的内存也更为昂贵的生产,所以只用在更贵的企业级驱动器。

MLC(多级单元)NAND主流品种,采用的是几乎所有消费类固态硬盘,包括840 PRO。与MLC,耐久性经常减少一个数量级相比,SLC,但到底有多少依赖于过度配置,穿流平性和其他因素的影响。但是,它仍然是足够耐用,消费者在几乎所有的使用场景。

TLC(三级单元)增加了另一层复杂性,并进一步减少相当数量的耐久性。因此TLC迄今大多被用在拇指驱动器和内存卡,其中,耐力是不太重要的,由于罕​​见的转移。三星的840是第一台计算机采用TLC NAND的SSD。

据三星内存模块 - 虽然少得多比MLC耐用 - 1000 P / E周期。这是比优质SLC少百倍,但它会仍然意味着,高达256000 GB,你可以写一个250GB的三星840之前,它终于给英寸,这是相当数据,并对于大多数消费者来说,它应该是绰绰有余拖垮您的笔记本电脑或台式机,其余的驱动。

TLC NAND换句话说,对于大多数用户来说可能是一个非问题。此外,供应三星840系列在有限的3年保修,应该减轻最耐用的关注。


•120GB - 139.99美元
•250GB - 249.99美元
•500GB - 479.99美元

然而,实际的街道的价格是相当低的。例如,你可以找到一个250GB的840少$ 170在撰写本文时,包括台式机/笔记本安装套件。可选的安装套件包括一个SATA到USB电缆,SATA数据线和电源线,桌面系统和一块3.5英寸适配器支架。还包括三星的“智能数据迁移”软件,为您现有的数据转移到新的驱动器和操作系统。

另一个值得注意的细节是840 SSD是7毫米厚,因此比标准的9.5毫米笔记本硬盘薄。这使得驱动器,适用于某些超极本和其他超薄外形的笔记本电脑,使用的格式。该驱动器还附带一个标准的笔记本电脑硬盘托架SSD进入装修安装垫片。

Samsung SSD 840
Samsung SSD 840 Basic
Samsung SSD 840
Samsung SSD 840
Samsung SSD 840

Test System

就像在其他SSD的评论中,我们使用的是台式PC测试。我们的测试平台由英特尔DP67BG主板配备了英特尔酷睿i7-2600K,8 GB DDR3内存和NVIDIA GeForce®(精视™)GTX470 GPU,在他们的默认时钟频率运行的所有组件。使用英特尔快速存储驱动程序版本11.2.0.1006驱动器被安装在端口0和所使用的操作系统是Windows 7的64位(完全安装)。


Synthetic Benchmarks

Sequential Speeds

在顺序读取吞吐量方面,840是面值840 PRO在大多数情况下,这意味着它是接近上边界的SATA3接口。这是情况并非如此,当它涉及到连续写入速度,基于TLC-840是只有一半快,基于MLC-840 Pro在AS SSD和CrystalDiskMark3.0基准。

Seq Read (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
513 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
513 MB/s 0%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
499 MB/s -3%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
496.1 MB/s -3%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
503 MB/s -2%
Seq Write (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
254 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
498 MB/s +96%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
395 MB/s +56%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
288.4 MB/s +14%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
459 MB/s +81%
CrystalDiskMark 3.0
Read Seq (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
531 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
531 MB/s 0%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
514 MB/s -3%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
497.7 MB/s -6%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
486 MB/s -8%
Read 512 (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
458 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
471 MB/s +3%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
350 MB/s -24%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
441.2 MB/s -4%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
308 MB/s -33%
Write Seq (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
259 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
513 MB/s +98%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
413 MB/s +59%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
307.8 MB/s +19%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
470 MB/s +81%
Write 512 (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
258 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
501 MB/s +94%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
409 MB/s +59%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
299.5 MB/s +16%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
470 MB/s +82%


Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 250GB MZ7TD256HAFV
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256GB MZ7PD256HAFV-0Z000
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZ-7PC256D/EU
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Intel SSD 520 Series SSDSC2CW240A
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB VTX4-25SAT3-256G

不像使用无处不在的SandForce SF-2281控制器和其他的固态硬盘,三星硬盘是不依赖可压缩文件,以实现自己的最大速度。英特尔520演示清楚SandForce的供电固态硬盘依靠压缩多少。正如你可能想到的,写入速度是三星840高端驱动器相比,它的弱点。 840 Pro的一样,它也不太一致,而比老的830 SSD写入。

Samsung SSD 840 (MDX)
Samsung SSD 840 (MDX)
Samsung SSD 840 Pro (MDX)
Samsung SSD 840 Pro (MDX)
Samsung SSD 830 (MCX)
Samsung SSD 830 (MCX)
Intel SSD 520 (Sandforce SF-2281)
Intel SSD 520 (Sandforce SF-2281)

ATTO Transfer Speeds

ATTO测试针对SSD的最大传输速度是非常有用的。这里,有趣的是,三星基于TLC-840实际上是略快于840 PRO进行比较时,最大读取速度最块的大小。然而,它的写入速度要慢得多,但不是所有的老三星470为所有,但最小的块。

Samsung SSD 840 ATTO
Samsung SSD 840 ATTO

4K Transfer Speeds


4K Read (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
26 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
32.3 MB/s +24%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
21 MB/s -19%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
24.41 MB/s -6%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
26.3 MB/s +1%
4K Write (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
70 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
73.5 MB/s +5%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
69 MB/s -1%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
72 MB/s +3%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
76.7 MB/s +10%
4K-64 Read (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
354 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
381 MB/s +8%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
285 MB/s -19%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
236.2 MB/s -33%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
332 MB/s -6%
4K-64 Write (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
207 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
329 MB/s +59%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
104 MB/s -50%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
231.8 MB/s +12%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
306 MB/s +48%
CrystalDiskMark 3.0
Read 4k (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
29.7 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
35.7 MB/s +20%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
24.1 MB/s -19%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
29.74 MB/s 0%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
29.6 MB/s 0%
Write 4k (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
86.1 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
88.9 MB/s +3%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
85.4 MB/s -1%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
91.2 MB/s +6%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
85 MB/s -1%
Read 4k QD32 (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
372 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
402 MB/s +8%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
307 MB/s -17%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
239.9 MB/s -36%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
349 MB/s -6%
Write 4k QD32 (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
259 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
370 MB/s +43%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
152 MB/s -41%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
266.3 MB/s +3%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
342 MB/s +32%


Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 250GB MZ7TD256HAFV
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256GB MZ7PD256HAFV-0Z000
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZ-7PC256D/EU
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Intel SSD 520 Series SSDSC2CW240A
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB VTX4-25SAT3-256G

Access Times

访问时间都没有太大的问题,考虑如何微小的访问时间相比机械硬盘的固态硬盘。尽管如此,250 GB的三星840比840 Pro的,这并不奇怪,在TLC NAND有点慢,但它仍然是速度远远超过了英特尔520。

Access Time Read (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
0.063 ms *
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
0.056 ms * +11%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
0.069 ms * -10%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
0.126 ms * -100%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
0.13 ms * -106%
Access Time Write (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
0.054 ms *
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
0.046 ms * +15%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
0.052 ms * +4%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
0.212 ms * -293%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
0.03 ms * +44%


Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 250GB MZ7TD256HAFV
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256GB MZ7PD256HAFV-0Z000
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZ-7PC256D/EU
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Intel SSD 520 Series SSDSC2CW240A
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB VTX4-25SAT3-256G

* ... smaller is better

System Performance - PCMark

PCMark provides a useful measure of overall system performance. We use both PCMark Vantage and the newer version PCMark 7.

As is evident from the overall scores of both PCMark Vantage and PCMark 7, the difference between the SSDs is quite small compared to the drive-specific tests. Somewhat surprisingly even the System Storage subscore in PCMark 7 is very even. In PCMark Vantage's HDD subscore the difference is much more evident, placing the 840 well behind the 840 Pro, but also ahead of the Vertex 4.

PCMark Vantage
1024x768 HDD Score (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
41912 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
54763 Points +31%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
45077 Points +8%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
45907 Points +10%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
36056 Points -14%
1024x768 Productivity Score (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
23240 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
27046 Points +16%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
25451 Points +10%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
25406 Points +9%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
23055 Points -1%
1024x768 Communications Score (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
14764 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
16400 Points +11%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
17669 Points +20%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
19022 Points +29%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
16316 Points +11%
1024x768 Music Score (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
18073 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
21711 Points +20%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
20102 Points +11%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
21465 Points +19%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
18004 Points 0%
1024x768 Gaming Score (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
18342 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
23183 Points +26%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
20852 Points +14%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
22422 Points +22%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
20746 Points +13%
1024x768 TV and Movies Score (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
7427 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
7544 Points +2%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
7371 Points -1%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
7038 Points -5%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
7294 Points -2%
1024x768 Memories Score (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
13270 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
13721 Points +3%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
13279 Points 0%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
13283 Points 0%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
11982 Points -10%
1024x768 Result (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
17648 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
19147 Points +8%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
19999 Points +13%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
20391 Points +16%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
18602 Points +5%
PCMark 7
System Storage (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
5269 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
5519 Points +5%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
5248 Points 0%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
5216 Points -1%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
5085 Points -3%
Computation (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
4572 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
4589 Points 0%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
4573 Points 0%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
4962 Points +9%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
4573 Points 0%
Creativity (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
5214 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
5405 Points +4%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
5280 Points +1%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
5310 Points +2%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
5176 Points -1%
Entertainment (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
4689 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
4700 Points 0%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
4662 Points -1%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
4739 Points +1%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
4662 Points -1%
Productivity (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
4780 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
4905 Points +3%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
4728 Points -1%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
4808 Points +1%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
4611 Points -4%
Lightweight (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
5018 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
5236 Points +4%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
5039 Points 0%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
5068 Points +1%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
4900 Points -2%
Score (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
4862 Points
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
4945 Points +2%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
4866 Points 0%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
4941 Points +2%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
4835 Points -1%


Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 250GB MZ7TD256HAFV
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256GB MZ7PD256HAFV-0Z000
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZ-7PC256D/EU
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Intel SSD 520 Series SSDSC2CW240A
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB VTX4-25SAT3-256G

Program Profile with IOMeter

To simulate realistic "regular use" vs. heavier workstation use, we use the software IOMeter - the profiles "IOMix" and "Workstation" simulate various drive access scenarios of an average user/workstation user. 

Interestingly, even the Samsung 840 Pro came in behind the competition - including the old 830 - and the non-Pro 840 is the slowest of all the tested drives by a wide margin. It should be noted, however, that all SSDs in our comparison are high-end drives with the exception of the TLC-based 840.  

Workstation, 3min, 10GB Partition (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
61.8 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
135.8 MB/s +120%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
115.8 MB/s +87%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
165.7 MB/s +168%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
225.2 MB/s +264%
IOMix, 5min, 10GB Partition (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
89.6 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
177.5 MB/s +98%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
217 MB/s +142%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
230.2 MB/s +157%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
211.9 MB/s +136%


Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 250GB MZ7TD256HAFV
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256GB MZ7PD256HAFV-0Z000
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZ-7PC256D/EU
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Intel SSD 520 Series SSDSC2CW240A
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB VTX4-25SAT3-256G

Performance Drop

As a stress test we let the IOMix profile run on the entire SSD for 60 minutes. This shoud simulate the performance drop over time in filled SSDs which have been at load for extended periods of time. SSDs with more overprovisioning (dedicated spare area) should have an advantage.

Samsung's SSD Magician software allows the user to adjust the amount of overprovisioning. This essentially means setting aside more spare area  to lengthen the drive's lifespan. Considering the less durable TLC NAND modules used in the Samsung 840, it might be wise to sacrifice some space for a healthier drive.

The 840 series performs very well. They start lower than the 830 series but will eventually outpace them by an average 49 MB/s (840 Pro) and 52 MB/s (840) (830 - 38 MB/s). The Intel 520 series remains in the lead with its 200 MB/s and loses slightly in the IOMix test.

Samsung SSD 830 256 GB
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB
Samsung SSD 840
Samsung SSD 840
Samsung SSD 840 Pro
Samsung SSD 840 Pro
Intel SSD 520 256 GB
Intel SSD 520 256 GB


For testing the SSD as a system disk, we first use a regular stopwatch to measure boot times. As usual, there is little difference between modern SSDs when booting into Windows 7 – both the 840 and 840 Pro, as well as the old 830 and even 470 series clock in at around 28 to 30 seconds. Competing drives from other manufacturers also perform about the same. 

The same is true when starting the single-player mode of Battlefield 3, which takes 19-20 seconds with all modern SSD, compared to the 72 seconds required by the mechanical Toshiba MK6461GSYN 640 GB. 7200 rpm notebook hard drive.

In the simulated file copy benchmarks in AS SSD, the Samsung 840 falls behind the high-end drives in all tests and proves yet again that it can't keep up with the Pro model, despite using the same controller. 

Copy Game MB/s (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
158 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
269 MB/s +70%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
258 MB/s +63%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
214 MB/s +35%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
229 MB/s +45%
Copy Program MB/s (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
124 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
222 MB/s +79%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
192 MB/s +55%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
143.9 MB/s +16%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
196 MB/s +58%
Copy ISO MB/s (sort by value)
Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop
211 MB/s
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop
429 MB/s +103%
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop
415 MB/s +97%
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop
368 MB/s +74%
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop
347 MB/s +64%


Samsung SSD 840 250 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 250GB MZ7TD256HAFV
Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 840 Pro 256GB MZ7PD256HAFV-0Z000
Samsung SSD 830 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Samsung SSD 830 Series MZ-7PC256D/EU
Intel SSD 520 Series 240GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, Intel SSD 520 Series SSDSC2CW240A
OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB Desktop Intel Core i7-2600K, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, OCZ Vertex 4 256 GB VTX4-25SAT3-256G

Power Consumption and Battery Life

To test the SSDs power consumption we use two multimeters (current and voltage of a 5V wire) on the same PC used for our other benchmarks. Idle power consumption in notebooks should be reduced considerably (to 0.04 W) thanks to DMPI support, but this feature can unfortunately not be activated on our desktop system. The 0.04 W number has however been confirmed by our colleagues at Tom's Hardware.

Compared to the 840 Pro, the standard 840 requires a bit more power to operate on average, but the power consumption is considerably lower than its predecessor the 830, particularly when writing.

Power consumption while idle and at load with CrystalDiskMark.
Power consumption while idle and at load with CrystalDiskMark.

To measure the effect on battery life, we installed the SSDs as a system drive in a  precursor model of the Asus N56VM. First we tested the maximum battery life with Battery Eater's Reader test. As opposed to our regular resting procedure, WLAN was left on. In the second test – simulating a higher load – we ran the IOMeter profile IOMix on a small (<10 GB) partition. 

Both 840 drives produce good results, with the regular 840 even performing a bit better than the 840 Pro. However, this is not the case under IO load, where the non-Pro model fares a lot worse. On the other hand, it still comes out ahead of all the other tested SSD except the Intel 510 in terms of battery runtime under load.


Considering that the two SSDs use the same controller, comparisons between the 840 Pro and the normal 840 are inevitable. 

Although it is a cheaper drive in all respects, the 840 still manages to keep up with the 840 Pro in  terms of sequential read speeds, but falls shorts in many other areas - most obviously write speeds, but the 840 is also significantly slower than the 840 Pro in our IOMeter and file copy tests

On the other hand, the difference in everyday use should not be overly dramatic. Boot and load times are similar with all modern SSD, something that is also evidenced by the more general PCMark benchmarks.

Another important factor when choosing an SSD is reliability, and here Samsung has an excellent track record. On a more anecdotal note, we have used the Samsung 840 in a production machine for several months, where it still runs flawlessly. TLC NAND should not be a major concern for the average user as it should (theoretically) last for many years.  

Samsung's SSD Magician software is quite useful, and in some ways better than even Intel's SSD Toolbox in that you can assign you own amount of overprovisioning. Setting aside some extra storage space to improve the drive's longevity might be a good idea in this case, to be on the safe side.

As long as Samsung can keep the price considerably lower than high-end drives with better NAND, the 840 series is an attractive alternative. This is particularly true for users who are looking at upgrading to their first SSD at a reasonable cost per GB.

Samsung SSD 840 Basic
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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > 三星SSD840系列的“基本”:250 GB测评
Jesper Berg, 2013-07- 1 (Update: 2014-06-13)