Medion Erazer Major X10笔记本电脑评测。英特尔A730M的首次亮相

Erazer Major X10的价格约为1,700欧元(1,728美元),可在Medion的在线商店购买。.对于这个价格,你得到的不仅仅是32GB的双通道内存(2 x 16GB DDR5-4800),还有1TB的NVMe存储。这款笔记本电脑采用酷睿i7-12700H,这是一款在游戏笔记本电脑中非常受欢迎的14核处理器。正如一开始提到的,苛刻的图形处理是由英特尔的Arc A730M处理的--一个中档的GPU,主要是为了与 GeForce RTX 3060和 Radeon RX 6600M.这款笔记本电脑还配备了哑光165Hz显示屏,长宽比为16:10,分辨率为2,560 x 1,600。Windows 11家庭版使整个软件包更加完善。
Major X10正在与其他中端游戏笔记本电脑竞争,如华硕TUF F17 FX707Z-HX011W,Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R(两者都有RTX 3060;一个有较高的TGP,另一个有平均的TGP)和HP Omen 16-c0077ng(RX 6600M)。据称较慢的 戴尔 Inspiron 16 Plus 7620配有GeForce RTX 3050 Ti的戴尔Inspiron 16 Plus 7620也同样被列入对比表。我们将在后面的评论中解释原因。
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Rating | Date | Model | Weight | Height | Size | Resolution | Price |
85 % v7 (old) | 09 / 2022 | Medion Erazer Major X10 i7-12700H, A730M | 2.5 kg | 31 mm | 16.00" | 2560x1600 | |
84.1 % v7 (old) | 04 / 2022 | Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU | 2.5 kg | 25 mm | 17.30" | 1920x1080 | |
83.9 % v7 (old) | 08 / 2022 | Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU | 3.1 kg | 28.6 mm | 17.30" | 1920x1080 | |
87.4 % v7 (old) | 08 / 2022 | Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU | 2.1 kg | 18.99 mm | 16.00" | 3072x1920 | |
86 % v7 (old) | 04 / 2022 | HP Omen 16-c0077ng R7 5800H, Radeon RX 6600M | 2.3 kg | 26 mm | 16.10" | 2560x1440 |
从外观上看,Major X10让我们想起了联想的Legion 系列。Medion公司选择使用哑光的黑色底盘和铝制的盖子。在我们看来,机箱感觉很结实,尽管当你用力时,底座部分肯定会在某些地方弯曲,而且盖子可以更结实一些(就像大多数笔记本电脑的情况一样)。显示器可以打开到180°,这对笔记本电脑来说是相当不寻常的。铰链的工作没有任何问题。例如,该设备可以用一只手轻松打开。Medion公司为这台笔记本电脑配备了许多照明元素,使其对游戏玩家具有吸引力。除了键盘之外,盖子上的标志和两侧后部的十字线在视觉上也很突出。键盘上方的通风口采用了十字线设计,以补充整体的美感。
Major X10有一个非常好的配合和完成。在我们的评测单元上,所有的表面都整齐地连接在一起。在2.5公斤(5.5磅),这个16英寸的设备对于游戏笔记本电脑来说既不轻也不特别重。作为比较,稍大的华硕TUF F17和宏碁Nitro 5 AN517分别重2.5公斤(5.5磅)和3.1公斤(6.8磅),而16英寸的竞争对手Omen 16和Inspiron 16 Plus则稍轻一些,分别为2.3公斤(5.1磅)和2.1公斤(4.6磅)。根据制造商的说法,Major X10的厚度为2.7厘米(1.06英寸),不含脚垫,3.1厘米(1.22英寸)。
如果你不介意没有Thunderbolt端口和读卡器,你会对笔记本的端口选择感到满意。有三个USB A型接口和两个C型接口(与DisplayPort兼容),除了一个以外,都支持3.2 Gen 2标准。这款笔记本电脑还配备了一个组合音频插孔(耳机和麦克风),一个RJ45以太网端口和一个HDMI 2.0输出。由于最重要的端口位于笔记本电脑的背面,你不必担心在使用外部鼠标进行游戏时,你的行动会受到很大限制。
在我们的Wi-Fi测试中,没有任何惊喜(笔记本电脑距离我们的参考路由器华硕AXE11000 1米)。该设备内部的英特尔Wi-Fi 6 AX201模块提供了高传输速度,符合预期。
Networking | |
iperf3 receive AXE11000 | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Average Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 (390 - 1734, n=77) | |
Average of class Gaming (680 - 1744, n=123, last 2 years) | |
iperf3 transmit AXE11000 | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Average Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 (438 - 1715, n=72) | |
Average of class Gaming (469 - 1843, n=123, last 2 years) |

我们的评测装置只配备了一个300瓦的电源,尺寸约为20 x 9 x 2厘米(7.9 x 3.5 x 0.8英寸)。
Erazer Major X10有24个月的保修期。
对触摸板也没有什么可抱怨的。尺寸约为12 x 6.5厘米(4.7 x 2.6英寸),由于其相当光滑的表面,它可以让手指毫不费力地滑过,也没有表现出任何问题(例如,在精确度和手势方面)。只有底部的点击区域对我们来说有点太脆弱了,尽管足够结实。
Brightness Distribution: 82 %
Center on Battery: 489 cd/m²
Contrast: 1223:1 (Black: 0.4 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 2.08 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.88, calibrated: 1.27
ΔE Greyscale 2.6 | 0.5-98 Ø5.1
72.5% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
98% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
70.4% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
Gamma: 2.205
Medion Erazer Major X10 AUO B160QAN03.H, IPS, 2560x1600, 16" | Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W AU Optronics B173HAN04.9 (AUO4B9D), IPS, 1920x1080, 17.3" | Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R B173HAN04.0, IPS, 1920x1080, 17.3" | Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 BOE NE16N41, IPS, 3072x1920, 16" | HP Omen 16-c0077ng BOE09E5, IPS, 2560x1440, 16.1" | |
Display | -42% | -15% | 1% | -2% | |
Display P3 Coverage | 70.4 | 40.2 -43% | 58.9 -16% | 70.8 1% | 68.8 -2% |
sRGB Coverage | 98 | 59.7 -39% | 86.4 -12% | 99.5 2% | 96.9 -1% |
AdobeRGB 1998 Coverage | 72.5 | 41.5 -43% | 60.5 -17% | 73.2 1% | 71.1 -2% |
Response Times | -273% | 16% | -256% | -25% | |
Response Time Grey 50% / Grey 80% * | 13.9 ? | 39.2 ? -182% | 6 ? 57% | 38 ? -173% | 13 ? 6% |
Response Time Black / White * | 6.4 ? | 29.6 ? -363% | 8 ? -25% | 28 ? -338% | 10 ? -56% |
PWM Frequency | |||||
Screen | -66% | -36% | 9% | -30% | |
Brightness middle | 489 | 287 -41% | 286 -42% | 288.9 -41% | 297 -39% |
Brightness | 436 | 268 -39% | 278 -36% | 276 -37% | 283 -35% |
Brightness Distribution | 82 | 89 9% | 89 9% | 92 12% | 91 11% |
Black Level * | 0.4 | 0.17 57% | 0.32 20% | 0.26 35% | 0.22 45% |
Contrast | 1223 | 1688 38% | 894 -27% | 1111 -9% | 1350 10% |
Colorchecker dE 2000 * | 2.08 | 5.1 -145% | 3.05 -47% | 1.88 10% | 3.25 -56% |
Colorchecker dE 2000 max. * | 4.27 | 8.72 -104% | 5.83 -37% | 4.37 -2% | 6.33 -48% |
Colorchecker dE 2000 calibrated * | 1.27 | 5.1 -302% | 3.13 -146% | 0.42 67% | 1.11 13% |
Greyscale dE 2000 * | 2.6 | 4.24 -63% | 3.17 -22% | 1.4 46% | 6.97 -168% |
Gamma | 2.205 100% | 2.44 90% | 2.29 96% | 2.3 96% | 2.3 96% |
CCT | 6797 96% | 6008 108% | 6916 94% | 6634 98% | 6050 107% |
Total Average (Program / Settings) | -127% /
-90% | -12% /
-24% | -82% /
-30% | -19% /
-23% |
* ... smaller is better
Display Response Times
↔ Response Time Black to White | ||
6.4 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined | ↗ 2 ms rise | |
↘ 4.4 ms fall | ||
The screen shows very fast response rates in our tests and should be very well suited for fast-paced gaming. In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.1 (minimum) to 240 (maximum) ms. » 17 % of all devices are better. This means that the measured response time is better than the average of all tested devices (20.8 ms). | ||
↔ Response Time 50% Grey to 80% Grey | ||
13.9 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined | ↗ 6.5 ms rise | |
↘ 7.4 ms fall | ||
The screen shows good response rates in our tests, but may be too slow for competitive gamers. In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.165 (minimum) to 636 (maximum) ms. » 25 % of all devices are better. This means that the measured response time is better than the average of all tested devices (32.5 ms). |
Screen Flickering / PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation)
Screen flickering / PWM not detected | |||
In comparison: 53 % of all tested devices do not use PWM to dim the display. If PWM was detected, an average of 8529 (minimum: 5 - maximum: 343500) Hz was measured. |
虽然拥有32GB的内存和12GB的VRAM叫作高端,但由于Major X10的图形性能不甚理想,我们只能将其归类为中端机器(后面有更深入的分析)。以1,700欧元(1,728美元)的价格,整体包装不能真正被认为是一个伟大的交易。
这台Medion笔记本电脑中的酷睿i7-12700H是英特尔Alder Lake系列中的最新一代10纳米处理器。这个高端选项提供6个性能和8个效率核心,并能使用超线程处理多达20个线程的并行运算。在我们一系列的CPU测试中,Major X10即使没有激活Turbo模式也表现良好。在Cinebench R15循环测试中,其性能稳定在一个相当稳定的水平,略高于12700H的竞争对手所能达到的水平。甚至 Ryzen 7 5800H在惠普Omen 16中也不能与这个性能水平相提并论。
Cinebench R15 Multi Sustained Load
* ... smaller is better
AIDA64: FP32 Ray-Trace | FPU Julia | CPU SHA3 | CPU Queen | FPU SinJulia | FPU Mandel | CPU AES | CPU ZLib | FP64 Ray-Trace | CPU PhotoWorxx
Performance Rating | |
Average of class Gaming | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / FP32 Ray-Trace | |
Average of class Gaming (4986 - 60169, n=147, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (2585 - 17957, n=62) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / FPU Julia | |
Average of class Gaming (25360 - 252486, n=147, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (12439 - 90760, n=62) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / CPU SHA3 | |
Average of class Gaming (1339 - 10389, n=147, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (833 - 4242, n=62) | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / CPU Queen | |
Average of class Gaming (50699 - 200651, n=147, last 2 years) | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (57923 - 103202, n=62) | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 |
AIDA64 / FPU SinJulia | |
Average of class Gaming (4800 - 32988, n=147, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (3249 - 9939, n=62) | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / FPU Mandel | |
Average of class Gaming (12321 - 134044, n=147, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (7135 - 44760, n=62) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / CPU AES | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Average of class Gaming (19065 - 328679, n=147, last 2 years) | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (31839 - 144360, n=62) | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / CPU ZLib | |
Average of class Gaming (373 - 2409, n=147, last 2 years) | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (305 - 1171, n=62) | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / FP64 Ray-Trace | |
Average of class Gaming (2540 - 31796, n=147, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (1437 - 9692, n=62) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
AIDA64 / CPU PhotoWorxx | |
Average of class Gaming (10805 - 60161, n=147, last 2 years) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (12863 - 52207, n=62) | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R |
CrossMark: Overall | Productivity | Creativity | Responsiveness
PCMark 10 / Score | |
Average of class Gaming (5776 - 9852, n=133, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H, Intel Arc A730M (6830 - 6845, n=2) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
PCMark 10 / Essentials | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H, Intel Arc A730M (10529 - 11116, n=2) | |
Average of class Gaming (9057 - 12600, n=133, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
PCMark 10 / Productivity | |
Average of class Gaming (6662 - 14612, n=133, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H, Intel Arc A730M (7070 - 7260, n=2) | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
PCMark 10 / Digital Content Creation | |
Average of class Gaming (6807 - 18475, n=133, last 2 years) | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H, Intel Arc A730M (10714 - 11691, n=2) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R |
CrossMark / Overall | |
Average of class Gaming (1247 - 2344, n=115, last 2 years) | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H, Intel Arc A730M (n=1) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
CrossMark / Productivity | |
Average of class Gaming (1299 - 2204, n=115, last 2 years) | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H, Intel Arc A730M (n=1) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
CrossMark / Creativity | |
Average of class Gaming (1275 - 2660, n=115, last 2 years) | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H, Intel Arc A730M (n=1) | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R |
CrossMark / Responsiveness | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H, Intel Arc A730M (n=1) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Average of class Gaming (1030 - 2330, n=115, last 2 years) | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W |
PCMark 10 Score | 6830 points | |
Help |
AIDA64 / Memory Copy | |
Average of class Gaming (21842 - 94222, n=147, last 2 years) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (25615 - 80511, n=62) | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng |
AIDA64 / Memory Read | |
Average of class Gaming (23681 - 99713, n=147, last 2 years) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (25586 - 79442, n=62) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R |
AIDA64 / Memory Write | |
Average of class Gaming (22986 - 108954, n=147, last 2 years) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (23679 - 88660, n=62) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng |
AIDA64 / Memory Latency | |
Average of class Gaming (59.5 - 259, n=147, last 2 years) | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Average Intel Core i7-12700H (76.2 - 133.9, n=60) | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R |
* ... smaller is better
DPC Latencies / LatencyMon - interrupt to process latency (max), Web, Youtube, Prime95 | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 |
* ... smaller is better
Major X10内置的NVMe固态硬盘具有高于平均水平的速度,会让竞争对手感到紧张。它具有出色的连续读取和写入速度,分别超过5,000 MB/s和4,000 MB/s(使用AS SSD Benchmark获得)。还有第二个PCIe M.2插槽,如果将来需要,你可以方便地扩展存储。
Drive Performance Rating - Percent | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Average of class Gaming | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 |
* ... smaller is better
Sustained Performance Read: DiskSpd Read Loop, Queue Depth 8
我们已经来到了Major X10最有趣的部分:它的显卡。这是英特尔Arc A730M(24个Xe核心和24个光线追踪单元)首次出现在我们的测试平台上。当涉及到合成图形基准时,英特尔GPU是一个出色的表现者。在3DMark测试中,它明显超过了GeForce RTX 3050 Ti,与GeForce RTX 3060和Radeon RX 6600M处于同一水平。启用Turbo模式后,Medion笔记本电脑能够从GPU中获得多出近20%的性能,并在我们的比较中加速超过其他设备。更多基准测试结果可以在 我们关于Arc A730M的页面.
3DMark Performance Rating - Percent | |
Average of class Gaming | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 Turbo Mode | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng -1! | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W -1! | |
Average Intel Arc A730M | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 -1! |
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance GPU | |
Average of class Gaming (10741 - 72178, n=143, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 Turbo Mode | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Average Intel Arc A730M (24928 - 31551, n=4) | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 |
3DMark | |
1920x1080 Fire Strike Graphics | |
Average of class Gaming (2913 - 53059, n=155, last 2 years) | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 Turbo Mode | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Average Intel Arc A730M (19850 - 22620, n=4) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
2560x1440 Time Spy Graphics | |
Average of class Gaming (2295 - 22717, n=150, last 2 years) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 Turbo Mode | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Average Intel Arc A730M (7212 - 10352, n=4) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
2560x1440 Port Royal Graphics | |
Average of class Gaming (984 - 14592, n=83, last 2 years) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 Turbo Mode | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Average Intel Arc A730M (3758 - 5678, n=3) | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 |
3DMark 06 Standard Score | 46579 points | |
3DMark Vantage P Result | 63844 points | |
3DMark 11 Performance | 24223 points | |
3DMark Ice Storm Standard Score | 119799 points | |
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score | 44757 points | |
3DMark Fire Strike Score | 18543 points | |
3DMark Time Spy Score | 9041 points | |
Help |
相比之下,GPU在游戏基准测试中的情况非常复杂。即使A730M有时能够挑战RTX 3060和RX 6600M,但它经常只是徘徊在GeForce RTX 3050 Ti的性能水平,这通常出现在更便宜的游戏笔记本电脑中。在最坏的情况下,A730M甚至比RTX 3050 Ti还慢。考虑到GPU的价格和规格(12GB对4GB的VRAM),这是相当令人失望的。英特尔真的应该继续改善驱动支持。与我们在iGPU中看到的情况类似,一些游戏运行时出现了视觉伪影或其他杂项问题。我们还不得不处理偶尔的崩溃问题。也就是说,图形切换似乎工作良好。我们测试中使用的所有游戏都是直接分配给dGPU的。从根本上说,Arc A730M或多或少是为全高清显示器设计的。在1,920 x 1,080的分辨率下,几乎所有游戏在细节设置为高或非常高的情况下都能顺利运行。同时,更高的分辨率(如原生的2,560 x 1,600)使英特尔GPU达到极限。关于更多的GPU比较,你可以查看我们的游戏列表.
The Witcher 3 | |
1920x1080 High Graphics & Postprocessing (Nvidia HairWorks Off) | |
Average of class Gaming (40.1 - 442, n=90, last 2 years) | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
1920x1080 Ultra Graphics & Postprocessing (HBAO+) | |
Average of class Gaming (18.4 - 214, n=122, last 2 years) | |
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W | |
HP Omen 16-c0077ng | |
Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R | |
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 | |
Medion Erazer Major X10 |
我们运行 在笔记本电脑上运行了Witcher 3在笔记本电脑上运行了一个小时,以检查3D性能在较长时间内的保持情况。结果是:没有出现性能下降或任何类似问题。
Witcher 3 FPS graph
low | med. | high | ultra | QHD | |
GTA V (2015) | 165.9 | 100.3 | 42.8 | ||
The Witcher 3 (2015) | 212 | 114 | 49.4 | ||
Dota 2 Reborn (2015) | 109.3 | 94.2 | 90.4 | 80.4 | |
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark (2018) | 71 | 49.7 | |||
X-Plane 11.11 (2018) | 57.3 | 47.1 | 38.6 | ||
Far Cry 5 (2018) | 92 | 83 | 78 | ||
Strange Brigade (2018) | 178.2 | 148.8 | 124.1 | ||
Hunt Showdown (2020) | 88.2 | 72.3 | 50.1 | ||
Doom Eternal (2020) | 112.4 | 104.2 | 101.7 | 70.9 | |
Gears Tactics (2020) | 147 | 99.2 | 79.7 | 52 | |
Death Stranding (2020) | 89.8 | 82.9 | 81.9 | 60 | |
Crysis Remastered (2020) | 125.4 | 60.7 | 50.1 | 34.8 | |
Serious Sam 4 (2020) | 72.7 | 54.8 | 42.5 | 34.7 | |
Mafia Definitive Edition (2020) | 55.4 | 52.7 | 36.9 | ||
Star Wars Squadrons (2020) | 167.1 | 149.4 | 140.6 | 97.4 | |
Watch Dogs Legion (2020) | 85 | 75 | 48 | 35 | |
Dirt 5 (2020) | 80.6 | 64.5 | 54 | 44.2 | |
Assassin´s Creed Valhalla (2020) | 64 | 54 | 48 | 37 | |
Yakuza Like a Dragon (2020) | 51.3 | 47.3 | 46.1 | 39.4 | |
Hitman 3 (2021) | 123 | 109 | 102 | 65 | |
Outriders (2021) | 90 | 76.1 | 69 | 43.9 | |
Resident Evil Village (2021) | 119.9 | 107.8 | 93.3 | 61.1 | |
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (2021) | 88.5 | 81.9 | |||
Days Gone (2021) | 80.2 | 76 | 58.2 | 42 | |
Deathloop (2021) | 76.2 | 65.5 | 54.6 | 37 | |
Alan Wake Remastered (2021) | 116.7 | 98.6 | 67.5 | ||
Far Cry 6 (2021) | 87 | 75 | 65 | 47 | |
Back 4 Blood (2021) | 132.9 | 115.4 | 105.9 | 68.3 | |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2021) | 81 | 76 | 73 | 52 | |
Riders Republic (2021) | 60 | 51 | 47 | 34 | |
Forza Horizon 5 (2021) | 86 | 80 | 50 | 41 | |
Farming Simulator 22 (2021) | 136.6 | 110.8 | 107.2 | 80.5 | |
Halo Infinite (2021) | 67.2 | 59.8 | 56.2 | 42.3 | |
God of War (2022) | 53.1 | 44.9 | 36.9 | 30.7 | |
Rainbow Six Extraction (2022) | 103 | 99 | 83 | 55 | |
Dying Light 2 (2022) | 60.9 | 51.2 | 35.6 | ||
GRID Legends (2022) | 109 | 91 | 71 | 56.9 | |
Elden Ring (2022) | 59.9 | 59.7 | 56.9 | 46.2 | |
Cyberpunk 2077 1.6 (2022) | 71 | 57.5 | 57.4 | 30.9 | |
Elex 2 (2022) | 49.7 | 48.8 | 43.3 | 36.5 | |
Ghostwire Tokyo (2022) | 85.4 | 83.6 | 83.3 | 52.3 | |
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands (2022) | 86.6 | 64.6 | 52 | 35.5 | |
Vampire Bloodhunt (2022) | 135.8 | 121.5 | 111.9 | 71.4 | |
F1 22 (2022) | 124 | 104 | 35 | 23.4 | |
The Quarry (2022) | 58.9 | 47.5 | 38.1 | 24.8 |
当Major X10在游戏模式下运行时,可以明显听到声音。负载下的噪音水平可以达到49至51 dB(A),许多用户可能会认为这很烦人。也就是说,其他游戏笔记本也可以和Major X10一样响,甚至比它更响。我们肯定会建议使用耳机。在空闲状态下,你可以预期该设备会产生30至31 dB(A)的噪音,这相当明显,但不是特别安静。16英寸笔记本很少完全安静,因为风扇通常在运行。
Noise Level
Idle |
| 25 / 30 / 31 dB(A) |
Load |
| 49 / 51 dB(A) |
![]() | ||
30 dB silent 40 dB(A) audible 50 dB(A) loud |
min: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Medion Erazer Major X10 i7-12700H, A730M | Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU | Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU | Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU | HP Omen 16-c0077ng R7 5800H, Radeon RX 6600M | |
Noise | 11% | -3% | 4% | -6% | |
off / environment * | 25 | 24 4% | 25.5 -2% | 23.3 7% | 25 -0% |
Idle Minimum * | 25 | 24 4% | 25.5 -2% | 25.7 -3% | 25 -0% |
Idle Average * | 30 | 24 20% | 25.5 15% | 26.1 13% | 31.2 -4% |
Idle Maximum * | 31 | 24 23% | 27 13% | 30.6 1% | 33.8 -9% |
Load Average * | 49 | 42.6 13% | 52.6 -7% | 46.2 6% | 55.4 -13% |
Witcher 3 ultra * | 50 | 46.84 6% | 49.2 2% | ||
Load Maximum * | 51 | 46.84 8% | 68.2 -34% | 49.4 3% | 56 -10% |
* ... smaller is better
(±) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 45 °C / 113 F, compared to the average of 40.4 °C / 105 F, ranging from 21.2 to 68.8 °C for the class Gaming.
(-) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 48 °C / 118 F, compared to the average of 43.2 °C / 110 F
(±) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 32.7 °C / 91 F, compared to the device average of 33.9 °C / 93 F.
(-) Playing The Witcher 3, the average temperature for the upper side is 40.9 °C / 106 F, compared to the device average of 33.9 °C / 93 F.
(±) The palmrests and touchpad can get very hot to the touch with a maximum of 38 °C / 100.4 F.
(-) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 28.9 °C / 84 F (-9.1 °C / -16.4 F).
Medion Erazer Major X10 i7-12700H, A730M | Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU | Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU | Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU | HP Omen 16-c0077ng R7 5800H, Radeon RX 6600M | |
Heat | 6% | 1% | 12% | 15% | |
Maximum Upper Side * | 45 | 52 -16% | 48.3 -7% | 46 -2% | 40.6 10% |
Maximum Bottom * | 48 | 47 2% | 52 -8% | 45.8 5% | 36 25% |
Idle Upper Side * | 38 | 31 18% | 34.5 9% | 29.2 23% | 31.3 18% |
Idle Bottom * | 39 | 31 21% | 35.8 8% | 31 21% | 36 8% |
* ... smaller is better
Medion Erazer Major X10 audio analysis
(+) | speakers can play relatively loud (82 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(-) | nearly no bass - on average 16.1% lower than median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (12.9% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(±) | higher mids - on average 6.9% higher than median
(+) | mids are linear (4.3% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 3.2% away from median
(+) | highs are linear (6.7% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(±) | linearity of overall sound is average (17.5% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 46% of all tested devices in this class were better, 12% similar, 42% worse
» The best had a delta of 6%, average was 18%, worst was 132%
Compared to all devices tested
» 31% of all tested devices were better, 8% similar, 61% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%
Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W audio analysis
(±) | speaker loudness is average but good (79.5 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(±) | reduced bass - on average 13.1% lower than median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (9% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(±) | higher mids - on average 9.1% higher than median
(±) | linearity of mids is average (7.8% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 3.9% away from median
(±) | linearity of highs is average (9.1% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(±) | linearity of overall sound is average (20.4% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 70% of all tested devices in this class were better, 6% similar, 24% worse
» The best had a delta of 6%, average was 18%, worst was 132%
Compared to all devices tested
» 51% of all tested devices were better, 8% similar, 41% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%
Major X10的音质在游戏笔记本中属于平均水平。正如通常的情况一样,扬声器主要缺乏低音。因此,如果你想真正享受笔记本上的音乐和视频,你应该尽可能地拿一副耳机。
很难理解为什么Medion将一个笨重的300瓦的电源与笔记本放在一起。在我们的压力测试中,Major X10使用的功率不超过220瓦,这表明一个更紧凑的230瓦的充电器会更合理。在负载情况下,该设备消耗122至220瓦的电力,这与配备RTX 3060的笔记本电脑相似。然而,其24至36瓦的高空闲功耗使其在对比组中稳居榜首。
Off / Standby | ![]() ![]() |
Idle | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Load |
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
min: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Medion Erazer Major X10 i7-12700H, A730M | Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU | Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU | Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU | HP Omen 16-c0077ng R7 5800H, Radeon RX 6600M | Average of class Gaming | |
Power Consumption | 33% | 23% | 43% | 13% | 20% | |
Idle Minimum * | 24 | 6.6 72% | 9.7 60% | 6.8 72% | 12 50% | 13.5 ? 44% |
Idle Average * | 26 | 8.3 68% | 14.6 44% | 9.6 63% | 12.8 51% | 18.8 ? 28% |
Idle Maximum * | 36 | 11.8 67% | 16.7 54% | 17 53% | 18.5 49% | 26.7 ? 26% |
Load Average * | 122 | 119 2% | 166 -36% | 117.5 4% | 190 -56% | 103.1 ? 15% |
Witcher 3 ultra * | 155.6 | 169 -9% | 113.1 27% | 194 -25% | ||
Load Maximum * | 220 | 222 -1% | 235 -7% | 137.4 38% | 200 9% | 245 ? -11% |
* ... smaller is better
Power consumption Witcher 3 / Stress test
Power consumption with external monitor
尽管Major X10的电池容量不错(80Wh),但它并不完全具备强大的耐力,在这方面经常落后于竞争对手。然而,当我们用它在中等屏幕亮度下通过Wi-Fi浏览互联网时,它的续航能力相当可观,达到6.5小时。
Medion Erazer Major X10 i7-12700H, A730M, 80 Wh | Asus TUF Gaming F17 FX707Z-HX011W i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU, 90 Wh | Acer Nitro 5 AN517-55-738R i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU, 90.61 Wh | Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7620 i7-12700H, GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU, 86 Wh | HP Omen 16-c0077ng R7 5800H, Radeon RX 6600M, 70 Wh | Average of class Gaming | |
Battery Runtime | 112% | 58% | 72% | -9% | 32% | |
Reader / Idle | 493 | 701 42% | 1114 126% | 580 ? 18% | ||
WiFi v1.3 | 400 | 519 30% | 387 -3% | 575 44% | 363 -9% | 384 ? -4% |
Load | 47 | 138 194% | 111 136% | 69 47% | 84.9 ? 81% | |
H.264 | 462 | 317 | 419 | 444 ? | ||
Witcher 3 ultra | 83 | 74.7 ? |
对于它所提供的游戏性能来说太昂贵了:这就是Medion Erazer Major X10可以被概括的方式。
虽然英特尔Arc A730M 在合成基准中表现相对较好,并在与GeForce RTX 3060 和Radeon RX 6600M 的竞争中表现出色,但其各种弱点和性能异常在实际游戏中变得明显,其性能水平与GeForce RTX 3050 Ti 相当甚至更差。因此,就性价比而言,很难推荐Arc A730M,特别是考虑到其电源效率仍有待提高。
否则,Major X10在大多数情况下是相当令人印象深刻的。特别是16英寸的屏幕,由于其16:10的长宽比、高分辨率(2,560 x 1,600)、高峰值亮度和出色的色彩再现,为购买该笔记本电脑提供了一个令人信服的理由。
总的来说,我们只向铁杆英特尔粉丝或那些对显示器极为挑剔的人推荐Major X10。所有其他需要或想要注意预算的游戏玩家可能应该看看带有RTX 3060或具有类似性能的GPU的笔记本电脑。Medion目前提供了一些具有这种规格的设备(更不用说它们通常更便宜)。
Erazer Major X10配备酷睿i7-12700H、Arc A730M、32GB内存和1TB固态硬盘存储,价格约为1700欧元(1728美元),可从Medion的德国在线商店购买。.在本评论发表时,这款笔记本电脑还没有在其他地区上市。
Medion Erazer Major X10
- 09/12/2022 v7 (old)
Florian Glaser