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Newsmay AC8F-POE 评测:一款支持 PoE 和 Intel N100 的迷你 PC,适用于专业环境

不适合日常使用! Newsmay AC8F-POE 是一款适用于专业环境的微型 PC。它支持 PoE,可直接通过网线为电脑供电。在这篇评测中,您将了解到更多关于纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 的信息,以及英特尔 N100 的预期性能。
Mini PC Desktop Intel Internet of Things (IoT) Linux / Unix Windows Business

Newsmay 是一家专门生产特种 PC 的中国系统制造商。纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 是一款工业用迷你 PC,既可用作防火墙,也可用作移动路由器。无风扇概念体现在其视觉外观上,这也是纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 从视觉角度上区别于其他大多数微型 PC 的原因。采用 英特尔 N100新美 AC8F-POE 配备了已被广泛采用的 SoC,长期以来,该芯片在许多测试中都取得了经济实惠、性能卓越的优异成绩。内存为 16 GB,大容量存储由 128 GB 的小型 SSD 提供。

在我们进行评测时,该设备目前的售价为 295 美元,同时也可以在亚马逊上订购。除了我们评测的规格外,纽仕迈还提供配备其他两种处理器的 AC8F-POE。您可以选择 英特尔 N95英特尔 N97.为了说明其他迷你 PC 的性能,在本次评测中,纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 必须与性能类似的设备进行比较,以证明自己的实力。竞争对手列表见下表。

Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100 4 x 1 - 3.4 GHz, 25 W PL2 / Short Burst, 10 W PL1 / Sustained, Alder Lake-N
Graphics adapter
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8 GB 
, DDR4-2666, Single-Channel
Intel Alder Lake-N PCH
AirDisk AFF 10-128G, 128 GB 
, 96 GB free
Intel Alder Lake-N PCH - cAVS
4 USB 2.0, 2 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 1 HDMI, 1 DisplayPort, 3x RJ45 i225-V LAN-Port, 1 PoE in ready, 1x RJ45 COM RS232, can update to RS485/RS422, internal Mainboard header: 1x USB2.0, 1x RS232
Intel Ethernet Controller I225-V (10/100/1000/2500MBit/s)
height x width x depth (in mm): 62 x 155 x 126.5
Additional features
36W Power Adapter, 12 Months Warranty
1.244 kg, Power Supply: 143 g
295 EUR
Note: The manufacturer may use components from different suppliers including display panels, drives or memory sticks with similar specifications.



61.3 %v8
Newsmay AC8F-POE
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
25101.2 kg295 EUR
65.8 %v8
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
189367 g219 EUR
77.4 %v7 (old)
Geekom MiniAir 12
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2515453 g279 EUR
75.8 %v7 (old)
Acemagic S1
N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2525450 g249 EUR
73.5 %v7 (old)
Blackview MP80
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1515214 g250 EUR
73.2 %v7 (old)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
256828 g299 EUR
71.1 %v7 (old)
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
3515392 g179 EUR

注:我们更新了评级系统,这意味着第 8 版的结果无法与第 7 版的结果进行比较。更多信息请参见 这里.

纽斯迈 AC8F-POE
纽斯迈 AC8F-POE
纽斯迈 AC8F-POE
纽斯迈 AC8F-POE
纽斯迈 AC8F-POE
纽斯迈 AC8F-POE
纽斯迈 AC8F-POE
纽斯迈 AC8F-POE
Newsmay AC8F-POE 和 PSU(12 V;3.0 A)
网线(12 伏;3.0 安)

外壳 - 坚固的金属外壳可用作冷却元件

纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 的散热概念是这款迷你 PC 外观的主要原因。由于制造商选择了被动散热,因此机箱也被用来散热。我们可以看到,在实际使用中,效果非常出色。机箱完全由金属组成,拆卸起来相当方便。在机身顶部和两侧,安装了大型散热通风口,以便大面积散发热量。这一概念的一个缺点是重量,评测样品的重量为 1.2 千克,比较合适。此外,Newsmay 还比竞争对手占用更多空间。装配和外观都很好,所有部件都能和谐地结合在一起。唯一需要批评的是散热片的边缘有些锋利。


155 mm 126.5 mm 62 mm 1.2 kg132 mm 127.5 mm 57.6 mm 828 g128 mm 124 mm 42 mm 450 g126 mm 112 mm 40.8 mm 392 g115 mm 110 mm 46 mm 367 g117 mm 112 mm 34.2 mm 453 g87.7 mm 87.7 mm 37 mm 214 g210 mm 148 mm 1 mm 2.9 g


Newsmay AC8F-POE 提供了符合预期用途的多种端口选择。首先映入眼帘的是许多 LAN 端口,它们可以作为各种网络的接口。例如,LAN 端口 4 可为设备供电,因此无需使用 PSU。拥有 PoE 选件的迷你 PC 并不多,这也是纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 的独特卖点。不过,由于我们目前没有支持 PoE 的交换机,因此无法进行测试。除了众多 USB 端口(其中两个仅为 2.0 端口)外,正面还有一个 HDMI 端口和一个用于传输图像的 DisplayPort 接口。同样,还有一个 SIM 卡插槽,不过该设备没有配备内置 4G 或 5G 模块。由于纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 也没有安装 Wi-Fi 模块,因此两个 Wi-Fi 天线端口的承诺都大于实际效果。在这种情况下,本评测中就没有了下一部分关于通信的内容。不过,您可以在设备上安装 Wi-Fi 模块。

正面:电源、SIM 卡插槽、DisplayPort、HDMI、4 个 USB-A 2.0、USB 3.0 A 型、USB 3.0 C 型(来源:Newsmay)
正面:电源、SIM 卡插槽、DisplayPort、HDMI、4 个 USB-A 2.0、USB 3.0 A 型、USB 3.0 C 型(来源:Newsmay)
后部:4 个 LAN 端口,1 个支持 PoE 输入,1 个 RJ45 COM RS232,可升级为 RS485/RS422(来源:Newsmay)
后部:4 个 LAN 端口,1 个支持 PoE 输入,1 个 RJ45 COM RS232,可升级为 RS485/RS422(来源:Newsmay)


迷你 PC 包装简洁、朴实。包装盒内有一条 HDMI 电缆和 35 瓦 PSU。纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 还可安装在 VESA 支架上。包装中还附带了一个安装板和安装材料。同样,包装内还附带了两条用于连接机箱的 Wi-Fi 天线线缆。不过,没有外置 Wi-Fi 天线。设备中已安装了用于选配 2.5 英寸大容量存储器的连接线。

纽士迈 AC8F-POE 包装盒内的物品
纽士迈 AC8F-POE 包装盒内的物品


Newsmay AC8F-POE 在销售时已配备内存和大容量存储器,这意味着在首次使用该设备之前无需进行升级工作。不过,坚固的金属外壳可以在设备底座上轻松打开。只需拧下四颗螺丝即可拆卸底板。幸运的是,这些螺丝没有像其他制造商那样被橡胶脚垫覆盖。在我们的案例中,可以安装额外的 2.5 英寸数据存储设备。同样,还有一个空闲的 Wi-Fi 模块插槽。被动式设计意味着无需清洁风扇。从长远来看,这意味着系统本身不会积聚大量灰尘。

纽斯迈 AC8F-POE - 已拆除
拆下底板的 Newsmay AC8F-POE
不带底板的 Newsmay AC8F-POE
Newsmay AC8F-POE 不带侧面部件
Newsmay AC8F-POE 不带侧面部件


从外观上看,纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 的包装中规中矩。但是,从内部可以看出使用了大量塑料。独立包装的线缆是不必要的,而且会污染环境,因此在这方面还有改进的余地。设备本身基本上没有使用塑料,这一点很好。不过,我们没有关于环境足迹的其他数据。

性能 - 配备四个内核的被动冷却型英特尔 N100

与此同时,英特尔 N100 是一款广泛使用的 SoC,拥有四个原生处理单元,属于 Alder Lake 系列。该 SoC 于 2023 年初推出,主要用于经济型设备。由于功耗低,该处理器也适用于被动散热设备。纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 仅有 8 GB 内存,在与 Windows 操作系统结合使用时略显不足。不过,日后可以进行扩展。



我们使用 "最高性能 "节能设置进行了所有性能测试。不同的节能方案仅在功耗和噪音测量中发挥作用。有关测试标准的其他细节汇总如下 此处.


英特尔 英特尔 N100是一款采用 Alder Lake 架构的四核处理器。与 N95N97型号相同,三种型号之间只有微弱的性能差异。这正是 Newsmay 在 AC8F-POE 中提供的三种型号。不过,从规格书中可以看出,处理器在功耗方面的表现各不相同。我们评测系统中的英特尔 N100 的 PL1 为 10 瓦。英特尔 N97 的 PL1 为 12 瓦,而英特尔 N95 的 PL1 为 15 瓦。因此,这两款替代 SoC 都能实现更好的多核性能。在性能比较中,我们的评测设备排名倒数第二。只有采用类似被动冷却方式的 华硕 PN42更差。不过,与其他采用主动散热的竞争对手相比,差距很小,只有个位数百分比的差距。

更多处理器基准测试可在 这里.

Cinebench R15
Cinebench R15
Cinebench R20
Cinebench R20
Cinebench R23
Cinebench R23
Performance Rating - Percent
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
36.8 pt
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
36.2 pt
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
36 pt
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
35.9 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
34.9 pt
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
33.7 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
31.8 pt
Cinebench R23
Multi Core
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
2983 Points +53%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
2913 Points +50%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
2785 Points +43%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
2686 Points +38%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
2203 Points +13%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
1946 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1406 Points -28%
Single Core
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
973 Points +15%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
935 Points +11%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
929 Points +10%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
914 Points +8%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
907 Points +8%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
843 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
690 Points -18%
Cinebench R15
CPU Single 64Bit
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
161 Points +17%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
155 Points +12%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
152 Points +10%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
151 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
146 Points +6%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
138 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
113 Points -18%
CPU Multi 64Bit
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
479 Points +61%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
479 Points +61%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
452 Points +52%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
434 Points +46%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
336 Points +13%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
298 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
219 Points -27%
Cinebench R20
CPU (Single Core)
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
371 Points +14%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
357 Points +10%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
353 Points +8%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
350 Points +7%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
346 Points +6%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
326 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
265 Points -19%
CPU (Multi Core)
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
1139 Points +52%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
1115 Points +49%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
1067 Points +43%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
1029 Points +38%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
842 Points +13%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
748 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
542 Points -28%
Cinebench R11.5
CPU Single 64Bit
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
1.94 Points +16%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
1.86 Points +11%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
1.83 Points +10%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
1.83 Points +10%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
1.76 Points +5%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
1.67 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1.36 Points -19%
CPU Multi 64Bit
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
5.97 Points +55%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
5.62 Points +46%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
5.41 Points +41%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
5.18 Points +35%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
4.23 Points +10%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
3.84 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
2.73 Points -29%
Cinebench R10
Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
8567 Points +18%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
8098 Points +12%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
8080 Points +11%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
7750 Points +7%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
7574 Points +4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
7250 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
5971 Points -18%
Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
24158 Points +66%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
23912 Points +64%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
22275 Points +53%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
20565 Points +41%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
16948 Points +17%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
14545 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
11030 Points -24%
Blender - v2.79 BMW27 CPU
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
2150 Seconds * -41%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
1522 Seconds *
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
1346 Seconds * +12%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
1124 Seconds * +26%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
1103 Seconds * +28%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
1038 Seconds * +32%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
1020 Seconds * +33%
wPrime 2.10
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
25.99 s * -52%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
18.213 s * -7%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
17.521 s * -3%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
17.085 s *
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
16.819 s * +2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
16.224 s * +5%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
15.908 s * +7%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
874.559 s * -35%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
645.884 s *
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
588.291 s * +9%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
568.939 s * +12%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
538.757 s * +17%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
522.766 s * +19%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
496.78 s * +23%
X264 HD Benchmark 4.0
Pass 1
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
174.8 (165.8min - 175.5max) fps +72%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
173 (172.8min - 173.5max) fps +70%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
163.3 (162.1min - 163.7max) fps +60%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
162.4 (161.9min - 162.4max) fps +60%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
121.2 (121min - 174.5max) fps +19%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
101.8 (100.5min - 169.3max) fps
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
79.95 (79min - 109.2max) fps -21%
Pass 2
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
34.85 (34.6min - 35max) fps +67%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
34.7 (34.7min - 34.8max) fps +66%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
32.45 (32.4min - 32.5max) fps +56%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
32.4 (32.4min - 32.4max) fps +55%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
24.1 (24min - 25.1max) fps +16%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
20.85 (20.8min - 21.1max) fps
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
16.3 (16.2min - 16.4max) fps -22%
WinRAR - Result
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
2501 KB/s +12%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
2372 KB/s +7%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
2362 KB/s +6%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
2321 KB/s +4%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
2277 KB/s +2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
2226 KB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
2115 KB/s -5%
AES Mean 100MB
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
3.2 GB/s +10%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
2.9 GB/s 0%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
2.9 GB/s 0%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
2.9 GB/s 0%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
2.9 GB/s
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
2.8 GB/s -3%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
2.7 GB/s -7%
Twofish Mean 100MB
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
0.583 GB/s +10%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
0.537 GB/s +2%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
0.532 GB/s +1%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
0.532 GB/s +1%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
0.529 GB/s
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
0.501 GB/s -5%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
0.492 GB/s -7%
Serpent Mean 100MB
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
0.287 GB/s +12%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
0.263 GB/s +2%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
0.261 GB/s +2%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
0.257 GB/s 0%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
0.257 GB/s
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
0.244 GB/s -5%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
0.239 GB/s -7%
Geekbench 5.5
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
2896 Points +24%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
2829 Points +21%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
2793 Points +20%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
2757 Points +18%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
2616 Points +12%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
2332 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1540 Points -34%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
1060 Points +9%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
1013 Points +4%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
1007 Points +3%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
998 Points +2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
996 Points +2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
975 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
928 Points -5%
Geekbench 5.0
5.0 Multi-Core
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
2862 Points +26%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
2804 Points +23%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
2738 Points +20%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
2737 Points +20%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
2585 Points +13%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
2278 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1518 Points -33%
5.0 Single-Core
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
1052 Points +9%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
1005 Points +4%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
1000 Points +3%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
999 Points +3%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
993 Points +3%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
968 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
891 Points -8%
Geekbench 4.4
64 Bit Single-Core Score
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
4703 Points +10%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
4553 Points +6%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
4552 Points +6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
4549 Points +6%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
4495 Points +5%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
4467 Points +4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
4278 Points
64 Bit Multi-Core Score
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
11264 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
11250 Points +9%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
10893 Points +5%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
10798 Points +4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
10361 Points
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
10299 Points -1%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
9989 Points -4%
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance Physics
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
6118 Points +64%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
6062 Points +63%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
5806 Points +56%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
5767 Points +55%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
4382 Points +18%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
3723 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
2765 Points -26%
7-Zip 18.03
7z b 4
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
13177 MIPS +51%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
13174 MIPS +51%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
12224 MIPS +40%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
12177 MIPS +40%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
10350 MIPS +19%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
8725 MIPS
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
7146 MIPS -18%
7z b 4 -mmt1
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
4019 MIPS +12%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
3843 MIPS +7%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
3803 MIPS +6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
3780 MIPS +5%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
3635 MIPS +1%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
3583 MIPS
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
3230 MIPS -10%
HWBOT x265 Benchmark v2.2 - 4k Preset
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
3.49 fps +65%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
3.47 fps +64%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
3.29 fps +55%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
3.25 fps +53%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
2.51 fps +18%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
2.12 fps
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1.52 fps -28%
R Benchmark 2.5 - Overall mean
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1.149 sec * -18%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
0.975 sec *
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
0.889 sec * +9%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
0.834 sec * +14%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
0.831 sec * +15%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
0.83 sec * +15%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
0.789 sec * +19%
LibreOffice - 20 Documents To PDF
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
120 s * -20%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
100.2 s *
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
80.8 s * +19%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
75.7 s * +24%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
74.6 s * +26%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
72.9 s * +27%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
68.3 s * +32%
WebXPRT 3 - Overall
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
191.4 Points +17%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
183.4 Points +12%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
181.4 Points +11%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
179.4 Points +10%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
171.3 Points +5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
170.4 Points +4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
163.3 Points
Mozilla Kraken 1.1 - Total
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1460 ms * -35%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
1083 ms *
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
1056 ms * +2%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
1026 ms * +5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
1024 ms * +5%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
1020 ms * +6%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
975 ms * +10%
1920x1080 Fire Strike Physics
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
6525 Points +37%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
6473 Points +36%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
6062 Points +27%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
5952 Points +25%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
5256 Points +10%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
4775 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
4135 Points -13%
2560x1440 Time Spy CPU
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
2500 Points +68%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
2493 Points +67%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
2386 Points +60%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
2378 Points +60%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
1610 Points +8%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
1489 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1251 Points -16%
Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 1M - 1M
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
19.473 s *
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
19.421 s * -0%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
19.359 s * +1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
19.358 s * +1%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
18.806 s * +3%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
18.749 s * +4%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
18.404 s * +5%
Super Pi mod 1.5 XS 2M - 2M
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
42.733 s * -5%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
40.679 s *
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
40.504 s * -0%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
40.352 s * +1%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
40.302 s * +1%
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
39.73 s * +2%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
38.325 s * +6%
Super Pi Mod 1.5 XS 32M - 32M
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, 25, 6
1010.589 s * -17%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, 25, 10
863.891 s *
Intel Processor N95, 35, 15
824.724 s * +5%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, 15, 15
823.666 s * +5%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, 25, 15
818.372 s * +5%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, 18, 9
816.966 s * +5%
Acemagic S1
Acemagic S1, N97, Intel Processor N97, 25, 25
785.564 s * +9%

* ... smaller is better

Cinebench R10 Rendering Single 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Shading 64Bit
8706 Points
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 64Bit
14545 Points
Cinebench R10 Rendering Single CPUs 64Bit
7250 Points
Cinebench R10 Shading 32Bit
Cinebench R10 Rendering Multiple CPUs 32Bit
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 32Bit
3.53 Points
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 32Bit
33.05 fps
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Single 64Bit
1.67 Points
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Multi 64Bit
3.84 Points
Cinebench R11.5 OpenGL 64Bit
33.23 fps
Cinebench R11.5 CPU Single 32Bit
1.55 Points
Cinebench R15 CPU Single 64Bit
138 Points
Cinebench R15 Ref. Match 64Bit
97.8 %
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64Bit
38.04 fps
Cinebench R15 CPU Multi 64Bit
298 Points
Performance Rating
Average of class Mini PC
100 pt
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
26.3 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22.1 pt
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
17.7 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
17.3 pt
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
10.3 pt
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
10 pt
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9.5 pt
AIDA64 / FP32 Ray-Trace
Average of class Mini PC
  (561 - 51004, n=120, last 2 years)
11625 KRay/s +702%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2204 KRay/s +52%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1646 KRay/s +14%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1449 KRay/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
1384 KRay/s -4%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
837 KRay/s -42%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
769 KRay/s -47%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
764 KRay/s -47%
AIDA64 / FPU Julia
Average of class Mini PC
  (3604 - 214250, n=120, last 2 years)
59574 Points +706%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11550 Points +56%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8519 Points +15%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
7395 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
7292 Points -1%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4398 Points -41%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4144 Points -44%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4140 Points -44%
Average of class Mini PC
  (225 - 9399, n=120, last 2 years)
2623 MB/s +451%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
808 MB/s +70%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
570 MB/s +20%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
476 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
466 MB/s -2%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
308 MB/s -35%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
290 MB/s -39%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
290 MB/s -39%
AIDA64 / CPU Queen
Average of class Mini PC
  (8172 - 184747, n=120, last 2 years)
75988 Points +239%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
23345 Points +4%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22866 Points +2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22512 Points 0%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22407 Points
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8704 Points -61%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8186 Points -63%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8172 Points -64%
AIDA64 / FPU SinJulia
Average of class Mini PC
  (408 - 29064, n=120, last 2 years)
8123 Points +697%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1136 Points +11%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1114 Points +9%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1019 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
985 Points -3%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
432 Points -58%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
408 Points -60%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
408 Points -60%
AIDA64 / FPU Mandel
Average of class Mini PC
  (1958 - 113499, n=120, last 2 years)
31182 Points +736%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
5834 Points +56%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
4222 Points +13%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
3732 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
3648 Points -2%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2220 Points -41%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2092 Points -44%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
2088 Points -44%
Average of class Mini PC
  (3691 - 325960, n=120, last 2 years)
83460 MB/s +806%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22028 MB/s +139%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
18389 MB/s +100%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9214 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
8752 MB/s -5%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8439 MB/s -8%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
7961 MB/s -14%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
7951 MB/s -14%
Average of class Mini PC
  (74.8 - 2039, n=120, last 2 years)
675 MB/s +379%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
220 MB/s +56%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
161 MB/s +14%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
140.8 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
133.4 MB/s -5%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
82.5 MB/s -41%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
77.4 MB/s -45%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
76.7 MB/s -46%
AIDA64 / FP64 Ray-Trace
Average of class Mini PC
  (308 - 26952, n=120, last 2 years)
6217 KRay/s +725%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
1190 KRay/s +58%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
893 KRay/s +18%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
754 KRay/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
705 KRay/s -6%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
465 KRay/s -38%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
433 KRay/s -43%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
432 KRay/s -43%
AIDA64 / CPU PhotoWorxx
Average of class Mini PC
  (4408 - 50500, n=120, last 2 years)
26857 MPixel/s +175%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
14376 MPixel/s +47%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
14155 MPixel/s +45%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9750 MPixel/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
9467 MPixel/s -3%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
6599 MPixel/s -32%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
6278 MPixel/s -36%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
5296 MPixel/s -46%

Cinebench R15 多连续测试

尽管采用了无风扇设计,但 Newsmay AC8F-POE 在 Cinebench R15 连续循环测试中表现出色。不过,由于没有持续使用涡轮增压,英特尔 N100 的性能基本保持稳定。由于最高温度仅为 65 °C,SoC 在任何时候都不会达到临界值,因此其性能几乎与某些主动冷却型号相似。

Cinebench R15 循环期间的 CPU 指标
Cinebench R15 循环期间的 CPU 指标
Newsmay AC8F-POE Intel Processor N100, Intel Processor N100: Ø295 (290.65-304.47)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D Intel Processor N100, Intel Processor N100: Ø330 (323.31-347.87)
Geekom MiniAir 12 Intel Processor N100, Intel Processor N100: Ø472 (462.09-474.18)
Acemagic S1 Intel Processor N97, Intel Processor N97: Ø462 (454.89-465.38)
Blackview MP80 Intel Processor N95, Intel Processor N95: Ø425 (410.8-428.48)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV Intel Processor N200, Intel Processor N200: Ø210 (198.23-215.98)
BOSGAME N95 Intel Processor N95, Intel Processor N95: Ø421 (417.99-423.28)


系统性能主要受 CPU 性能和内存的影响。后者在 8GB 的情况下略显不足,这在日常情况下有时会凸显出来。因此,不要指望纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 能够同时处理太多的需求。考虑到这一点,该系统运行良好。尽管如此,我们还是建议您直接选择 16 GB 内存模块,以获得足够的资源。

PCMark 10 / Score
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N97
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac G938E
3435 Points +23%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
3220 Points +16%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
3192 Points +15%
Geekom MiniAir 12, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Lexar NM620 512GB
3183 Points +14%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Gofatoo 256GB
3147 Points +13%
Newsmay AC8F-POE, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), AirDisk AFF 10-128G
2786 Points
PCMark 10 / Essentials
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Gofatoo 256GB
7482 Points +23%
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N97
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac G938E
7416 Points +22%
Geekom MiniAir 12, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Lexar NM620 512GB
7198 Points +19%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
7079 Points +17%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
7021 Points +16%
Newsmay AC8F-POE, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), AirDisk AFF 10-128G
6068 Points
PCMark 10 / Productivity
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
4993 Points +11%
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N97
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac G938E
4952 Points +11%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
4923 Points +10%
Geekom MiniAir 12, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Lexar NM620 512GB
4886 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Gofatoo 256GB
4861 Points +9%
Newsmay AC8F-POE, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), AirDisk AFF 10-128G
4479 Points
CrossMark / Overall
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N97
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac G938E
844 Points +20%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Gofatoo 256GB
791 Points +12%
Geekom MiniAir 12, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Lexar NM620 512GB
786 Points +11%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
773 Points +9%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
764 Points +8%
Newsmay AC8F-POE, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), AirDisk AFF 10-128G
706 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
614 Points -13%
CrossMark / Responsiveness
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N97
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac G938E
896 Points +47%
Geekom MiniAir 12, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Lexar NM620 512GB
835 Points +37%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
755 Points +24%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Gofatoo 256GB
730 Points +20%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
709 Points +17%
Newsmay AC8F-POE, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), AirDisk AFF 10-128G
608 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
577 Points -5%
CrossMark / Creativity
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Gofatoo 256GB
768 Points +14%
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N97
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac G938E
751 Points +12%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
739 Points +10%
Geekom MiniAir 12, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Lexar NM620 512GB
723 Points +8%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
714 Points +6%
Newsmay AC8F-POE, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), AirDisk AFF 10-128G
672 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
560 Points -17%
CrossMark / Productivity
Acemagic S1, Intel Processor N97
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac G938E
930 Points +19%
BOSGAME N95, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
843 Points +8%
Geekom MiniAir 12, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Lexar NM620 512GB
837 Points +7%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Gofatoo 256GB
836 Points +7%
Blackview MP80, Intel Processor N95
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Netac NS512GSSD330
810 Points +4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE, Intel Processor N100
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), AirDisk AFF 10-128G
779 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV, Intel Processor N200
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
688 Points -12%
AIDA64 / Memory Copy
Average of class Mini PC
  (6481 - 76462, n=120, last 2 years)
46036 MB/s +147%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
31917 MB/s +71%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
22018 MB/s +18%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
18937 MB/s +2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
18620 MB/s
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
12715 MB/s -32%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
10663 MB/s -43%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8458 MB/s -55%
AIDA64 / Memory Read
Average of class Mini PC
  (6914 - 83287, n=120, last 2 years)
46450 MB/s +138%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
32913 MB/s +69%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
23505 MB/s +20%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
19509 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
18451 MB/s -5%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11626 MB/s -40%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11247 MB/s -42%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
9027 MB/s -54%
AIDA64 / Memory Write
Average of class Mini PC
  (6862 - 89318, n=120, last 2 years)
50227 MB/s +157%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
36423 MB/s +87%
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
23127 MB/s +18%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
21626 MB/s +11%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
19528 MB/s
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
14266 MB/s -27%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
11728 MB/s -40%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
8959 MB/s -54%
AIDA64 / Memory Latency
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
139.9 ns * -183%
Blackview MP80
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
124.9 ns * -152%
Intel Processor N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
119.8 ns * -142%
Average of class Mini PC
  (44.9 - 184.8, n=120, last 2 years)
90.3 ns * -82%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel Processor N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
52.9 ns * -7%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
50.7 ns * -2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel Processor N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
49.5 ns *
Acemagic S1
Intel Processor N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
45 ns * +9%

* ... smaller is better

DPC 延迟

乍一看,记录的 DPC 延迟时间还可以接受。相比之下,我们的评测设备表现非常出色,再次稳居中游。在上网和播放 4K 视频材料时,我们测得的直流延迟并不高,只有在播放 Prime95 时才会增加。此外,在播放 4K 测试视频时,我们还记录了一些跳帧。

打开多个浏览器标签页和播放 4K 视频材料时的最大延迟
打开多个浏览器标签页和播放 4K 视频材料时的最大延迟
Prime95 十秒后的最大延迟时间
Prime95 十秒后的最大延迟时间
DPC Latencies / LatencyMon - interrupt to process latency (max), Web, Youtube, Prime95
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs, N200, Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
5491 μs * -759%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Gofatoo 256GB
2194.9 μs * -243%
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N95, Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
1165.5 μs * -82%
Blackview MP80
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N95, Netac NS512GSSD330
817.1 μs * -28%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, AirDisk AFF 10-128G
639 μs *
Acemagic S1
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N97, Netac G938E
449.2 μs * +30%
Geekom MiniAir 12
UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), N100, Lexar NM620 512GB
409.9 μs * +36%

* ... smaller is better


安装的固态硬盘是直接以 SATA 速度运行的 M.2 固态硬盘。因此,AirDisk 型号只能提供较低的传输速度,不如这里列出的所有其他竞争型号。尽管如此,该固态硬盘仍能很好地应对日常使用。预装型号只有 128 GB,存储空间不大。减去安装的 Windows 系统后,你可能只能使用 96 GB 的存储空间,但你仍然可以安装第二个存储设备。选配的 2.5 英寸存储设备的电缆连接器已安装在设备中。

更多比较和基准测试请参阅我们的 比较表.

AS 固态硬盘
AS 固态硬盘
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
Sequential Read: 491.9 MB/s
Sequential Write: 357.9 MB/s
512K Read: 388.9 MB/s
512K Write: 337 MB/s
4K Read: 32.02 MB/s
4K Write: 71.43 MB/s
4K QD32 Read: 96.97 MB/s
4K QD32 Write: 171 MB/s
Drive Performance Rating - Percent
Average of class Mini PC
94.4 pt
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
77.9 pt
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
66.7 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
63.9 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
49.1 pt
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
41.5 pt
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
30.5 pt
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
18 pt
seq read
Average of class Mini PC
  (233 - 4357, n=120, last 2 years)
2214 MB/s +436%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1948 (1560.49min - 1947.92max) MB/s +372%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
1781 (456.55min - 1780.69max) MB/s +331%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
1529 (1518.34min - 1529.45max) MB/s +270%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
1471 (1453.54min - 1471.36max) MB/s +256%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
762 (757.28min - 762.31max) MB/s +85%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
542 (541.31min - 542.36max) MB/s +31%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
413 (410.18min - 412.9max) MB/s
seq write
Average of class Mini PC
  (222 - 5595, n=120, last 2 years)
2341 MB/s +461%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
2130 (210.13min - 2130.43max) MB/s +411%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1535 (1194.25min - 1534.56max) MB/s +268%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
1478 (20.55min - 1478.09max) MB/s +254%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
1392 (1353.52min - 1392.3max) MB/s +234%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
649 (644.49min - 649.49max) MB/s +56%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
476 (138.2min - 475.75max) MB/s +14%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
417 (409.15min - 416.7max) MB/s
seq q8 t1 read
Average of class Mini PC
  (236 - 8430, n=120, last 2 years)
3562 MB/s +797%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
3339 (2794.11min - 3338.91max) MB/s +741%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
2058 (1971.74min - 2057.94max) MB/s +418%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
1788 (1591.28min - 1787.61max) MB/s +350%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
1771 (1628.33min - 1771.46max) MB/s +346%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
820 (687.12min - 820.02max) MB/s +107%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
556 (424.25min - 556.44max) MB/s +40%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
397 (395.52min - 396.69max) MB/s
seq q8 t1 write
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
3029 (212.44min - 3028.52max) MB/s +569%
Average of class Mini PC
  (228 - 6669, n=120, last 2 years)
2627 MB/s +480%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
2086 (1404.04min - 2086.06max) MB/s +360%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
1710 (1487.72min - 1710.37max) MB/s +277%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
1690 (18.45min - 1690.07max) MB/s +273%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
684 (677.48min - 683.67max) MB/s +51%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
489 (220.62min - 488.78max) MB/s +8%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
453 (445.02min - 453.26max) MB/s
4k q1 t1 read
Average of class Mini PC
  (5.67 - 86.6, n=120, last 2 years)
53.9 MB/s +90%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
52.9 (39.99min - 52.89max) MB/s +86%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
48.9 (48.33min - 48.93max) MB/s +72%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
46.7 (46.12min - 46.69max) MB/s +64%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
45.9 (45.49min - 45.92max) MB/s +62%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
43.1 (20.32min - 43.07max) MB/s +52%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
32.5 (32.38min - 32.5max) MB/s +14%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
28.4 (28.01min - 28.38max) MB/s
4k q1 t1 write
Average of class Mini PC
  (22 - 435, n=120, last 2 years)
190.4 MB/s +371%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
136.8 (103.17min - 136.84max) MB/s +239%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
131.7 (130.58min - 131.74max) MB/s +226%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
129.9 (26.76min - 129.87max) MB/s +222%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
96.7 (95.09min - 96.72max) MB/s +139%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
88.1 (66.88min - 88.14max) MB/s +118%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
74 (57.85min - 73.96max) MB/s +83%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
40.4 (39.84min - 40.4max) MB/s
4k q32 t16 read
Average of class Mini PC
  (26.1 - 4158, n=120, last 2 years)
1269 MB/s +687%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
823 (230.6min - 823.13max) MB/s +410%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
737 (736.82min - 737.34max) MB/s +357%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
578 (567.96min - 578.39max) MB/s +258%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
440 (438.98min - 440.28max) MB/s +173%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
324 (210.77min - 323.72max) MB/s +101%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
179.4 (173.35min - 179.35max) MB/s +11%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
161.3 (160.59min - 161.32max) MB/s
4k q32 t16 write
Average of class Mini PC
  (30.2 - 4288, n=120, last 2 years)
1221 MB/s +640%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
830 (808.45min - 829.56max) MB/s +403%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
806 (13.77min - 805.51max) MB/s +388%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
732 (50.3min - 732.45max) MB/s +344%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
411 (406.46min - 410.69max) MB/s +149%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
276 (99.25min - 275.55max) MB/s +67%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
165 (159.56min - 165.01max) MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
142.2 (93.56min - 142.15max) MB/s -14%
Score Total
Average of class Mini PC
  (151.3 - 10021, n=118, last 2 years)
3928 Points +614%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
2938 Points +434%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
2656 Points +383%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
2373 Points +331%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
1423 Points +159%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1396 Points +154%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
796 Points +45%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
550 Points
Score Read
Average of class Mini PC
  (61 - 3741, n=118, last 2 years)
1471 Points +755%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
1282 Points +645%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
1111 Points +546%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
1018 Points +492%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
522 Points +203%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
504 Points +193%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
265 Points +54%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
172 Points
Score Write
Average of class Mini PC
  (88 - 4371, n=118, last 2 years)
1756 Points +518%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
1008 Points +255%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
978 Points +244%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
839 Points +195%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
631 Points +122%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
626 Points +120%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
387 Points +36%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
284 Points
Seq Read
Average of class Mini PC
  (291 - 6620, n=118, last 2 years)
3067 MB/s +535%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
2934 MB/s +507%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
1600 MB/s +231%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
1556 MB/s +222%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1233 MB/s +155%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
700 MB/s +45%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
526 MB/s +9%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
483 MB/s
Seq Write
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
2449 MB/s +608%
Average of class Mini PC
  (240 - 5783, n=118, last 2 years)
2130 MB/s +516%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
1326 MB/s +283%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
1125 MB/s +225%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
1124 MB/s +225%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
595 MB/s +72%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
466 MB/s +35%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
346 MB/s
4K Read
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
62.1 MB/s +110%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
59.9 MB/s +102%
Average of class Mini PC
  (6.08 - 104.3, n=118, last 2 years)
57.5 MB/s +94%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
44.6 MB/s +51%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
38.7 MB/s +31%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
30.2 MB/s +2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
29.6 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
28.1 MB/s -5%
4K Write
Average of class Mini PC
  (30.9 - 366, n=118, last 2 years)
172.2 MB/s +163%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
122.1 MB/s +86%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
116.8 MB/s +78%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
110.7 MB/s +69%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
100.9 MB/s +54%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
84.3 MB/s +29%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
65.5 MB/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
40.8 MB/s -38%
4K-64 Read
Average of class Mini PC
  (23.4 - 3220, n=118, last 2 years)
1106 MB/s +1073%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
927 MB/s +883%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
911 MB/s +866%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
798 MB/s +746%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
413 MB/s +338%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
353 MB/s +274%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
181.8 MB/s +93%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
94.3 MB/s
4K-64 Write
Average of class Mini PC
  (32.8 - 3731, n=118, last 2 years)
1371 MB/s +646%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
735 MB/s +300%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
641 MB/s +249%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
610 MB/s +232%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
478 MB/s +160%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
466 MB/s +153%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
256 MB/s +39%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
183.9 MB/s
Access Time Read
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
0.288 ms *
Average of class Mini PC
  (0.022 - 0.489, n=118, last 2 years)
0.1014 ms * +65%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
0.101 ms * +65%
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
0.077 ms * +73%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
0.073 ms * +75%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
0.071 ms * +75%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
0.055 ms * +81%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
0.054 ms * +81%
Access Time Write
Newsmay AC8F-POE
AirDisk AFF 10-128G
0.316 ms *
Blackview MP80
Netac NS512GSSD330
0.136 ms * +57%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Lexar NM620 512GB
0.125 ms * +60%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Gofatoo 256GB
0.12 ms * +62%
Average of class Mini PC
  (0.016 - 0.765, n=118, last 2 years)
0.116 ms * +63%
Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0
0.109 ms * +66%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G
0.074 ms * +77%
Acemagic S1
Netac G938E
0.034 ms * +89%

* ... smaller is better

Continuous Performance Read: DiskSpd Read Loop, Queue Depth 8

Newsmay AC8F-POE AirDisk AFF 10-128G; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø413 (409.97-413.15)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D Gofatoo 256GB; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø1764 (1623.93-1770.42)
Geekom MiniAir 12 Lexar NM620 512GB; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø2163 (895.27-2580.55)
Acemagic S1 Netac G938E; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø1723 (916.09-1789.5)
Blackview MP80 Netac NS512GSSD330: Ø551 (425.51-553.5)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV Kingston KC3000 2048G SKC3000D2048G; diskspd 2.0.17 f: Ø1990 (1877.37-2058.56)
BOSGAME N95 Kingston OM8SEP4256Q-A0: Ø817 (676.33-820.44)


英特尔 N100 只有一个简单的 iGPU,名称为英特尔UHD Graphics 。iGPU 仅配备 24 个 EU,只能提供低级 3D 性能。与竞争对手相比,纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 的性能相差无几,没有突出的负面或正面表现。只有 Acemagic S1 的英特尔 N97 因其较高的功耗限制而取得了显著的领先优势。不过,我们与可用的游戏性能相差甚远。

更多英特尔UHD Graphics 基准测试请访问移动显示芯片——基准测试成绩列表

3DMark Performance Rating - Percent
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
100 pt
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
69.5 pt
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
69.1 pt
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
68.6 pt
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
67.4 pt
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
67.4 pt
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
65.9 pt
3DMark 11 - 1280x720 Performance GPU
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
2233 Points +53%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1494 Points +2%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1490 Points +2%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1489 Points +2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1488 Points +2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1458 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
1349 Points -7%
2560x1440 Time Spy Graphics
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
473 Points +56%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
342 Points +13%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
321 Points +6%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
321 Points +6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
321 Points +6%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
317 Points +4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
304 Points
1920x1080 Fire Strike Graphics
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
1646 Points +47%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1217 Points +8%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1198 Points +7%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1172 Points +4%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
1144 Points +2%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1124 Points 0%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1122 Points
Unigine Heaven 4.0
Extreme Preset OpenGL
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
9 fps +36%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
7.6 fps +15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
7.5 fps +14%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
7.2 fps +9%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.7 fps +2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
6.6 fps
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
5.4 fps -18%
Extreme Preset DX11
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
9.3 fps +39%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
7.7 fps +15%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
7.7 fps +15%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
7.5 fps +12%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6.8 fps +1%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
6.7 fps
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
5.8 fps -13%
Unigine Valley 1.0
1920x1080 Extreme HD DirectX AA:x8
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
5.7 fps +33%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
5.3 fps +23%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
5.2 fps +21%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
5.2 fps +21%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
4.6 fps +7%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
4.3 fps
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
3.5 fps -19%
1920x1080 Extreme HD Preset OpenGL AA:x8
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
6 fps +28%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
6 fps +28%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
6 fps +28%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
5.8 fps +23%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
5.4 fps +15%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
4.7 fps
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
3.5 fps -26%
Unigine Superposition
1280x720 720p Low
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
2646 Points +35%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
2505 Points +28%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
2376 Points +21%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
2351 Points +20%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1958 Points
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
1924 Points -2%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
1607 Points -18%
1920x1080 1080p High
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
688 Points +45%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
530 Points +11%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
527 Points +11%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
512 Points +8%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
476 Points
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
469 Points -1%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
466 Points -2%
1920x1080 1080p Extreme
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
302 Points +44%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
226 Points +8%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
225 Points +7%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
218 Points +4%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
218 Points +4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
210 Points
ComputeMark v2.1
1024x600 Normal, Score
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
911 Points +45%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
700 Points +11%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
684 Points +9%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
683 Points +8%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
670 Points +6%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
650 Points +3%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
630 Points
1024x600 Normal, Fluid 3DTex
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
155 Points +32%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
154 Points +32%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
133 Points +14%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
126 Points +8%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
117 Points
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
116 Points -1%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
87 Points -26%
1024x600 Normal, Fluid 2DTexArr
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
122 Points +28%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
120 Points +26%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
114 Points +20%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
106 Points +12%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
97 Points +2%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
95 Points
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
83 Points -13%
1024x600 Normal, Mandel Vector
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
169 Points +41%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
143 Points +19%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
126 Points +5%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
125 Points +4%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
120 Points
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
118 Points -2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
118 Points -2%
1024x600 Normal, Mandel Scalar
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
190 Points +88%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
144 Points +43%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
110 Points +9%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
110 Points +9%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
101 Points
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
99 Points -2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
99 Points -2%
1024x600 Normal, QJuliaRayTrace
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
311 Points +58%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
243 Points +23%
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
203 Points +3%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
197 Points
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
194 Points -2%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
192 Points -3%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
189 Points -4%
LuxMark v2.0 64Bit
Room GPUs-only
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
275 Samples/s +24%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
261 Samples/s +18%
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
255 Samples/s +15%
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
250 Samples/s +13%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
222 Samples/s
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
129 Samples/s -42%
Sala GPUs-only
Acemagic S1
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N97
753 Samples/s +45%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
551 Samples/s +6%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
518 Samples/s
Blackview MP80
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N95
508 Samples/s -2%
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
473 Samples/s -9%
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
Intel UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs (Rocket Lake), Intel Processor N200
369 Samples/s -29%
Affinity Photo 2 - Combined (Single / Multi GPU)
Geekom MiniAir 12
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1124 Points +6%
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1119 Points +6%
Newsmay AC8F-POE
Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N), Intel Processor N100
1059 Points
3DMark 05 Standard
12765 points
3DMark 06 Standard Score
9253 points
3DMark Vantage P Result
5578 points
3DMark 11 Performance
1626 points
3DMark Ice Storm Standard Score
43011 points
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score
6053 points
3DMark Fire Strike Score
1055 points
3DMark Time Spy Score
345 points

排放 - 无噪音、无温度问题


由于没有主动冷却组件,纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 始终保持静音运行。其 维纳斯系列 UN100D让人印象深刻的是,Minisforum 证明了主动散热并不一定需要很大的噪音。

Noise Level

24.8 / 24.8 / 24.8 dB(A)
24.9 / 25 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Earthworks M23R (15 cm distance)   environment noise: 24.8 dB(A)
dB(A) 0102030405060708090Deep BassMiddle BassHigh BassLower RangeMidsHigher MidsLower HighsMid HighsUpper HighsSuper Highs203633.634.934.236.138.5362532.928.434.735.634.629.932.93126.229.930.632.532.327.826.2402525.427.626.527.523.2255022.525.321.721.930.629.822.56318.516.825.322.323.72018.58020.220.125.722.626.118.520.210017.818.719.217.417.717.617.812511.613.213.610.812.612.511.616011.59.310.88.910.21011.520013.612.412.712.412.612.213.625011.19.910.59.711.711.411.13159. 12.2median 12.3median 12.5median 11.8median 12.4median 12.2median 12.2Delta2. rangehide median Fan NoiseNewsmay AC8F-POE
Newsmay AC8F-POE
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Geekom MiniAir 12
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Acemagic S1
N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Blackview MP80
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
off / environment *
Idle Minimum *
Idle Average *
Idle Maximum *
Load Average *
Load Maximum *

* ... smaller is better


在我们的评测设备中,由于采用了散热概念,机箱温度大多略高于同类产品。散热效果非常好,没有明显的直接热点。在与处理器接触面的图片中可以看到。英特尔 N100 的峰值温度仅为 59 °C,保持了相当低的温度,尤其是考虑到英特尔为该 SoC 设定的热极限为 105 °C。在较长的时间内,制造商设法确保了 10 瓦功率下的稳定性能。在短时间内,SoC 的功耗达到了 21 瓦,这并不完全符合 PL2 的规定。

关于机箱温度,值得注意的是,这与设备的安装位置有很大关系。通风良好的地方可以确保相对较低的表面温度。我们在环境温度为 20 至 21 °C 的空调房间内记录了温度。

压力测试 Prime95,单人
压力测试 Prime95,单人
Newsmay AC8F-POE 闲置运行(上图)
Newsmay AC8F-POE 闲置运行(上图)
Newsmay AC8F-POE 闲置运行(底部)
Newsmay AC8F-POE 闲置运行(底部)
压力测试中的 Newsmay AC8F-POE(上图)
压力测试中的 Newsmay AC8F-POE(上图)
压力测试中的 Newsmay AC8F-POE(底部)
压力测试中的 Newsmay AC8F-POE(底部)
压力测试期间的 PSU
压力测试期间的 PSU
Max. Load
 41.4 °C41.7 °C40.4 °C 
 41.8 °C42 °C40.2 °C 
 41.7 °C42.2 °C40.4 °C 
Maximum: 42.2 °C
Average: 41.3 °C
38.7 °C38.9 °C39.7 °C
39 °C39 °C39.6 °C
38.8 °C39 °C39.9 °C
Maximum: 39.9 °C
Average: 39.2 °C
Power Supply (max.)  38.1 °C | Room Temperature 20.8 °C | Fluke t3000FC (calibrated)
(-) The average temperature for the upper side under maximal load is 41.3 °C / 106 F, compared to the average of 32 °C / 90 F for the devices in the class Mini PC.
(±) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 42.2 °C / 108 F, compared to the average of 35.7 °C / 96 F, ranging from 24 to 69.5 °C for the class Mini PC.
(+) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 39.9 °C / 104 F, compared to the average of 36.3 °C / 97 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 30.6 °C / 87 F, compared to the device average of 32 °C / 90 F.


纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 的能源管理有两种方式。一种方法是使用随附的 36 瓦 PSU,不过,如果网络结构可用,也可以使用 PoE(802.3 bt/at)。在比较中,除 Acemagic S1 外,我们评测设备的耗电量比其他设备都要高一些,但这仍然是可以接受的。Newsmay 在这方面没有任何重大失误。随机提供的电源始终能提供充足的电力,而且在测试期间,我们没有遇到任何有关电源的问题。

Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 2.2 / 2.3 Watt
Idledarkmidlight 7.9 / 10.1 / 10.3 Watt
Load midlight 17.3 / 31.6 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Metrahit Energy
Currently we use the Metrahit Energy, a professional single phase power quality and energy measurement digital multimeter, for our measurements. Find out more about it here. All of our test methods can be found here.
Newsmay AC8F-POE
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Geekom MiniAir 12
N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Acemagic S1
N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Blackview MP80
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV
N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs
N95, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Average Intel UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N)
Average of class Mini PC
Power Consumption
Idle Minimum *
Idle Average *
Idle Maximum *
Load Average *
19.1 ?(12.9 - 27.6, n=12)
Load Maximum *

* ... smaller is better

Power consumption with an external monitor

Newsmay AC8F-POE N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø10.3 (10.2-10.4)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø6.9 (6.46-10.1)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø13.5 (13.1-15.6)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø6.07 (5.03-9.79)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 1920x1080 The Witcher 3 ultra (external Monitor): Ø31.1 (30.4-36.1)
Newsmay AC8F-POE N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 1280x720 Prime95 28.10 and Furmark 1.25: Ø17.3 (16.5-34)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 1280x720 Prime95 28.10 and Furmark 1.25: Ø15.3 (14.5-27.6)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 1280x720 Prime95 28.10 and Furmark 1.25: Ø43.4 (41.2-46.2)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs; 1280x720 Prime95 28.10 and Furmark 1.25: Ø14.3 (12.7-27.7)
Newsmay AC8F-POE N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 3DMark06 Return To Proxycon: Ø17.3 (15.9-21)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 3DMark06 Return To Proxycon: Ø15.7 (10.4-26.3)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 3DMark06 Return To Proxycon: Ø27.5 (20.2-31.7)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs; 3DMark06 Return To Proxycon: Ø14.7 (12.8-22.4)

Power consumption with an external monitor

Newsmay AC8F-POE N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø16.5 (15.9-31.6)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø15.6 (13.7-28.1)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø37.1 (32.3-37.9)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs; Prime95 V2810 Stress (external Monitor): Ø14.1 (12.1-30.2)
Newsmay AC8F-POE N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø16.9 (15.6-26)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø16.2 (13.8-23.4)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø28.4 (27.3-30.4)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs; Cinebench R15 Multi (external Monitor): Ø13.6 (11.7-28.8)
Newsmay AC8F-POE N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R23 Single (external Monitor): Ø16.3 (13.6-20.6)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R23 Single (external Monitor): Ø14.9 (12.7-21.8)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R23 Single (external Monitor): Ø23.2 (22.3-29.4)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs; Cinebench R23 Single (external Monitor): Ø12.6 (10.9-28.5)
Newsmay AC8F-POE N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R23 Multi (external Monitor): Ø16.3 (15.7-26)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R23 Multi (external Monitor): Ø15.3 (13.8-23.8)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); Cinebench R23 Multi (external Monitor): Ø28.5 (28-30.4)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs; Cinebench R23 Multi (external Monitor): Ø12.9 (11.7-29.3)
Newsmay AC8F-POE N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø17.1 (16.4-25.3)
Minisforum Venus Series UN100D N100, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø13.6 (12.9-16.5)
Acemagic S1 N97, UHD Graphics 24EUs (Alder Lake-N); 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø27.3 (26.2-36.2)
Asus ExpertCenter PN42-BBN200MV N200, UHD Graphics Xe 750 32EUs; 1280x720 FurMark 1.19 GPU Stress Test (external Monitor): Ø14.2 (12.3-24.7)


+ 外壳非常稳定
+ 低能耗
+ 可通过 PoE 供电
+ 静音运行
+ 多个 USB 端口
+ 稳定的 CPU 性能
+ 散热均匀


- 图形性能低
- 无无线局域网
- 只有 8 GB DDR4,速度为 2666 MT/s

结论 - 适用于特殊任务的特殊迷你 PC

Newsmay AC8F-POE 评论 - 由 Newsmay 提供
Newsmay AC8F-POE 评论 - 由 Newsmay 提供

Newsmay AC8F-POE 肯定不是一款适合日常办公使用的经典迷你 PC,尽管该设备基本上配备了与其竞争对手类似的硬件组件。英特尔 英特尔 N100英特尔 N100 芯片组绝对是一个不错的选择,即使该芯片组在一年多前才首次亮相。在我们的评测中,这款被动冷却的 SoC 性能稳定。在低功耗的情况下,散热装置的表现非常出色,而且在散热方面,纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 从未出现过任何问题。在端口方面,很明显,纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 是一款专为特殊使用情况而设计的迷你 PC。许多 2.5G LAN 端口提供了同时管理各种网络的可能性,这意味着该设备可以用作防火墙。结合移动数据连接,该电脑还可用作移动路由器。不过,这需要额外的硬件,因为没有 4G 或 5G 模块。

纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 提供了许多其他微型电脑所不具备的功能。能够通过局域网供电是与其他迷你 PC 相比的最大优势之一。

由于纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 主要使用小型 Linux 发行版,因此 RAM 和大容量存储器的大小就显得尤为重要。与 Windows 相比,经过专门调整的 Linux 版本对硬件的要求更低,所需的资源也更少。我们所使用系统的 8 GB 内存和 128 GB 存储空间根本不够用。幸运的是,这些关键部件并非固定安装,可以快速交换或扩展。

坚固的工业外观机箱做工精良,被动散热元件也令人印象深刻。因此,纽仕迈本可以为英特尔 N100 提供更多性能。15 瓦的持续功率可以让你获得更多的性能,而不会因为散热装置的噪音过大而烦恼。Newsmay AC8F-POE 的坚固散热元件当然有足够的性能储备。


纽仕迈 AC8F-POE 已在亚马逊上市。如果您计划将该设备进口到欧盟,额外的税费将大大增加设备的总成本。

注:我们更新了评级系统,这意味着第 8 版的结果无法与第 7 版的结果进行比较。更多信息请参见 这里.

Newsmay AC8F-POE - 07/01/2024 v8
Sebastian Bade

87 / 98 → 89%
31 / 81 → 39%
Games Performance
7 / 80 → 9%
Application Performance
57 / 92 → 62%
AI Performance
Mini PC - Weighted Average
CO2 Emissions
No Data
Power Use
Software Updates
Total Sustainability Score: 31.4%


The present review sample was given to the author by the manufacturer free of charge for the purposes of review. There was no third-party influence on this review, nor did the manufacturer receive a copy of this review before publication. There was no obligation to publish this review.

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > Newsmay AC8F-POE 评测:一款支持 PoE 和 Intel N100 的迷你 PC,适用于专业环境
Sebastian Bade, 2024-07- 4 (Update: 2024-07- 4)