惠普Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3敞篷车回顾。不再有骁龙或ARM上的Windows

请不要与以下产品混淆 蛤壳式蜻蜓G3蜻蜓Folio G3是二合一版本,具有自己独特的设计和功能。它在许多方面是一个非常不同的子笔记本,但它的目标是同一市场的办公室和行政商务用户。蜻蜓Folio G3直接取代了去年的 EliteBook Folio G2.
我们的评测单位是一个中间SKU,配备12代酷睿i7-1265U处理器和400尼特光面触摸屏,价格约为3900美元。其他选项有广域网、各种内存/SSD大小,以及较小的酷睿i5-1235U、i5-1245U或i7-1255U CPU,但3:2的1920 x 1280原生分辨率在整个产品系列中保持不变。
这个领域的竞争者包括其他13英寸以商业为中心的解决方案,如 MSI Summit E13 Flip, 戴尔Latitude 7330 2合1,联想ThinkPad L13 Yoga第二代, 或 微软Surface Pro系列.
Rating | Date | Model | Weight | Height | Size | Resolution | Price |
90.3 % v7 (old) | 12 / 2022 | HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs | 1.4 kg | 17.8 mm | 13.50" | 1920x1280 | |
91 % v7 (old) | 08 / 2022 | HP Elite Dragonfly G3 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs | 1.2 kg | 16.3 mm | 13.50" | 1920x1280 | |
89 % v7 (old) | 07 / 2022 | Dell Latitude 13 7330 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs | 1 kg | 16.96 mm | 13.30" | 1920x1080 | |
85.1 % v7 (old) | 07 / 2022 | Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel i7-1260P, Iris Xe G7 96EUs | 1.3 kg | 15.85 mm | 13.50" | 2256x1504 | |
86.6 % v7 (old) | 12 / 2020 | Razer Book 13 FHD i7-1165G7, Iris Xe G7 96EUs | 1.4 kg | 15.15 mm | 13.40" | 1920x1200 | |
86.1 % v7 (old) | 09 / 2021 | Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE i5-1135G7, Iris Xe G7 80EUs | 1.4 kg | 17.6 mm | 13.30" | 1920x1080 |
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外壳 - 金属与人造皮革
机箱是由原来的 2020年的Dragonfly Folio G1和 2021年EliteBook Folio G2.它最显著的特点是仿皮外盖,部分包裹着底座的背面。这种材料在平板电脑模式下比金属更容易抓握,而且可以减少可见的指纹。与典型的塑料或铝合金解决方案相比,它还为整体视觉设计增加了一种 "永恒 "的感觉。
底盘刚性与去年的机型一样好,因为我们的2022年版本利用了类似的材料。惠普这次的目标是提高可维修性和性能,而不牺牲使蜻蜓书桌系列视觉上独特的东西。即便如此,该系统的底座仍然表现出比在Spectre 13.5上稍多的弯曲度。 Spectre 13.5或 Elitebook x360 1040因此,仍有改进的余地。
顶部和底部边框比大多数其他笔记本电脑更厚,因为它们必须支持一个不常见的二合一仿皮设计和一个大的800万像素网络摄像头传感器。即使是更强大的框架笔记本电脑例如,它也比Dragonfly Folio G3略薄、略小、略轻。它绝不是很重或很大,但蜻蜓Folio G3肯定不是其尺寸级别中最薄或最轻的。
连接性 - 只有USB-C
该系统仅集成了两个USB-C 4.0端口,每个端口都与Thunderbolt 4配件和显示器兼容。其他大多数商务副笔记本,如蜻蜓G3或 Latitude 7330能够集成更多种类的端口,以减少对坞站或加密狗的依赖。
两个USB-C端口都是沿着左边的边缘,右边没有,这与 Razer Book相比之下,Razer Book每侧都有一个USB-C接口。后者是有利的,因为它允许从笔记本电脑的任何一侧充电,而充电必须在蜻蜓Folio G3的左侧进行。
英特尔AX211是蓝牙5.3和Wi-Fi E连接的标准配置。当与我们的6GHz路由器配对时,传输率既快又稳定,没有任何问题。
Networking | |
iperf3 transmit AX12 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
iperf3 receive AX12 | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
iperf3 receive AXE11000 6GHz | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
iperf3 receive AXE11000 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
iperf3 transmit AXE11000 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
iperf3 transmit AXE11000 6GHz | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 |
网络摄像头 - 8MP!
蜻蜓Folio G3是首批配备800万像素网络摄像头的笔记本电脑之一,而其他主要制造商仍在使用200万像素甚至100万像素的传感器。还支持高达1836p的视频录制。因此,图像质量是所有笔记本电脑中最清晰的之一,但也有一些限制。首先,尽管MP值很高,但默认的相机应用不支持60FPS的视频录制。其次,色彩和低光照条件下的可用性似乎并不比大多数其他笔记本电脑好。最后,任何运动都显得非常模糊,可能部分是由于显示屏的黑白响应时间太慢。如果在明亮的光线条件下,它是一个优秀的网络摄像头,涉及的运动量很小,但肯定仍有改进的余地。

与其他大多数笔记本电脑制造商不同,惠普上传了许多型号的官方拆解视频,包括Dragonfly Folio G3。我们强烈建议,查看视频如果你对自己维修笔记本电脑感兴趣,或者看到里面到底有什么,什么可以或不能升级。与旧的2020年或2021年的机型相比,制造商已经使维修变得非常容易。
与大多数其他笔记本电脑相比,由于采用了仿皮封面,拆卸底板需要多几个步骤。首先,必须从后角拆下两个插头,露出下面的两个飞利浦螺钉。然后,可以小心翼翼地将人造革从底部底座上拆下来,露出额外的Torx螺钉。一旦进入内部,用户将只看到一个用于存储的M.2 2280 PCIe4 x4插槽和一个用于WAN的M.2扩展插槽。内存和WLAN模块是焊接的。
键盘布局与 蜻蜓G3有着类似的打字体验。惠普Spectre和EliteBook的键盘往往有更清晰的反馈,以避免许多其他便宜的超极本所遭受的通常的海绵状感觉。
许多较新的惠普笔记本电脑的一个独特功能是用户可定制的键,称为 "可编程键"。该键可以被设置为启动一个应用程序或输入一串文本。其他大多数笔记本电脑没有内置这一功能,或者需要第三方应用程序来实现同样的目标。
显示器 - 仅限60赫兹IPS
- 1920 x 1280, IPS, 400尼特, 哑光, 60赫兹
- 1920 x 1280, IPS, 400尼特, 光面, 60 Hz
- 1920 x 1280, IPS, 1000尼特, 光面, Sure View, 60 Hz
Sure View与1000尼特面板捆绑在一起,没有选项可以将它们分开。Sure View是一种混合体验,因为它牺牲了一些视觉保真度,以获得更窄、更私密的可视角度。
Brightness Distribution: 87 %
Center on Battery: 369.5 cd/m²
Contrast: 1540:1 (Black: 0.24 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 2.3 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.88, calibrated: 0.6
ΔE Greyscale 3.1 | 0.5-98 Ø5.1
70.2% AdobeRGB 1998 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
98.6% sRGB (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
68.3% Display P3 (Argyll 2.2.0 3D)
Gamma: 2.1
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 Chi Mei CMN13C0, IPS, 1920x1280, 13.5" | HP Elite Dragonfly G3 Chi Mei CMN13C0, IPS, 1920x1280, 13.5" | Dell Latitude 13 7330 LG Philips 133WF9, IPS, 1920x1080, 13.3" | Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel BOE CQ NE135FBM-N41, IPS, 2256x1504, 13.5" | Razer Book 13 FHD Sharp LQ134N1JW48, IPS, 1920x1200, 13.4" | Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE B133HAN06.6, IPS, 1920x1080, 13.3" | |
Display | 0% | -4% | 1% | 2% | -38% | |
Display P3 Coverage | 68.3 | 68 0% | 66.1 -3% | 69.9 2% | 70.1 3% | 42.49 -38% |
sRGB Coverage | 98.6 | 98.3 0% | 93.5 -5% | 99.4 1% | 99.3 1% | |
AdobeRGB 1998 Coverage | 70.2 | 69.9 0% | 68.2 -3% | 71.1 1% | 71.6 2% | 43.92 -37% |
Response Times | 23% | 31% | 43% | 14% | 26% | |
Response Time Grey 50% / Grey 80% * | 66.8 ? | 50.8 ? 24% | 48.4 ? 28% | 34.7 ? 48% | 56.8 ? 15% | 52.4 ? 22% |
Response Time Black / White * | 44.4 ? | 35.2 ? 21% | 29.6 ? 33% | 27.5 ? 38% | 38.8 ? 13% | 31.2 ? 30% |
PWM Frequency | 2475 ? | |||||
Screen | -3% | 3% | -17% | -15% | -121% | |
Brightness middle | 369.5 | 387.2 5% | 460.1 25% | 449.6 22% | 545.3 48% | 244 -34% |
Brightness | 350 | 360 3% | 445 27% | 431 23% | 507 45% | 237 -32% |
Brightness Distribution | 87 | 80 -8% | 89 2% | 90 3% | 88 1% | 93 7% |
Black Level * | 0.24 | 0.26 -8% | 0.31 -29% | 0.31 -29% | 0.31 -29% | 0.21 12% |
Contrast | 1540 | 1489 -3% | 1484 -4% | 1450 -6% | 1759 14% | 1162 -25% |
Colorchecker dE 2000 * | 2.3 | 2.36 -3% | 2.42 -5% | 2.76 -20% | 1.39 40% | 4.7 -104% |
Colorchecker dE 2000 max. * | 4.34 | 4.79 -10% | 3.97 9% | 7.96 -83% | 2.61 40% | 17.7 -308% |
Colorchecker dE 2000 calibrated * | 0.6 | 0.63 -5% | 0.77 -28% | 0.58 3% | 2.72 -353% | 4.3 -617% |
Greyscale dE 2000 * | 3.1 | 3 3% | 2.3 26% | 5.2 -68% | 1.3 58% | 2.8 10% |
Gamma | 2.1 105% | 2.17 101% | 2.23 99% | 2.23 99% | 2.2 100% | 2.24 98% |
CCT | 6248 104% | 6137 106% | 6262 104% | 6475 100% | 6476 100% | 6259 104% |
Color Space (Percent of AdobeRGB 1998) | 65.9 | 40.3 | ||||
Color Space (Percent of sRGB) | 99.6 | 63 | ||||
Total Average (Program / Settings) | 7% /
1% | 10% /
5% | 9% /
-5% | 0% /
-7% | -44% /
-86% |
* ... smaller is better
Display Response Times
↔ Response Time Black to White | ||
44.4 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined | ↗ 24.4 ms rise | |
↘ 20.4 ms fall | ||
The screen shows slow response rates in our tests and will be unsatisfactory for gamers. In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.1 (minimum) to 240 (maximum) ms. » 99 % of all devices are better. This means that the measured response time is worse than the average of all tested devices (20.8 ms). | ||
↔ Response Time 50% Grey to 80% Grey | ||
66.8 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined | ↗ 35.6 ms rise | |
↘ 31.2 ms fall | ||
The screen shows slow response rates in our tests and will be unsatisfactory for gamers. In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.165 (minimum) to 636 (maximum) ms. » 98 % of all devices are better. This means that the measured response time is worse than the average of all tested devices (32.6 ms). |
Screen Flickering / PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation)
Screen flickering / PWM not detected | |||
In comparison: 53 % of all tested devices do not use PWM to dim the display. If PWM was detected, an average of 8549 (minimum: 5 - maximum: 343500) Hz was measured. |
性能 - 正确的核心U系列选项
CPU性能非常好,多线程结果比我们数据库中配备相同的笔记本电脑快10%至15%。 酷睿i7-1265UCPU。最值得注意的是,即使考虑到任何节流因素,它的性能始终比蜻蜓G3中的酷睿i7-1265U要快。从旧的第十代酷睿i7-1065G7升级的用户酷睿i7-1065G7 的用户将看到多线程性能大幅提高了近2倍。
涡轮增压的可持续性不是无限的,这是U系列超极本的预期。循环运行CineBench R15 xT显示,随着时间的推移,性能下降了约20%,如下图所示。
Cinebench R15 Multi Loop
Cinebench R23: Multi Core | Single Core
Cinebench R15: CPU Multi 64Bit | CPU Single 64Bit
Blender: v2.79 BMW27 CPU
7-Zip 18.03: 7z b 4 | 7z b 4 -mmt1
Geekbench 5.5: Multi-Core | Single-Core
HWBOT x265 Benchmark v2.2: 4k Preset
LibreOffice : 20 Documents To PDF
R Benchmark 2.5: Overall mean
Cinebench R23: Multi Core | Single Core
Cinebench R15: CPU Multi 64Bit | CPU Single 64Bit
Blender: v2.79 BMW27 CPU
7-Zip 18.03: 7z b 4 | 7z b 4 -mmt1
Geekbench 5.5: Multi-Core | Single-Core
HWBOT x265 Benchmark v2.2: 4k Preset
LibreOffice : 20 Documents To PDF
R Benchmark 2.5: Overall mean
* ... smaller is better
AIDA64: FP32 Ray-Trace | FPU Julia | CPU SHA3 | CPU Queen | FPU SinJulia | FPU Mandel | CPU AES | CPU ZLib | FP64 Ray-Trace | CPU PhotoWorxx
Performance Rating | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE |
AIDA64 / FP32 Ray-Trace | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (2619 - 8178, n=10) | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel |
AIDA64 / FPU SinJulia | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (3105 - 5135, n=10) | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 |
AIDA64 / FPU Mandel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (6967 - 20804, n=10) | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel |
AIDA64 / FP64 Ray-Trace | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (1473 - 4376, n=10) | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel |
AIDA64 / CPU PhotoWorxx | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (20213 - 47031, n=10) | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 |
CrossMark: Overall | Productivity | Creativity | Responsiveness
PCMark 10 / Score | |
Average of class Convertible (3229 - 9125, n=58, last 2 years) | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs (4753 - 5766, n=7) | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE |
PCMark 10 / Essentials | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Average of class Convertible (7233 - 12005, n=58, last 2 years) | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs (9278 - 11418, n=7) | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 |
PCMark 10 / Productivity | |
Average of class Convertible (5062 - 10800, n=58, last 2 years) | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs (5828 - 7311, n=7) | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 |
PCMark 10 / Digital Content Creation | |
Average of class Convertible (2496 - 16551, n=58, last 2 years) | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs (5127 - 6330, n=7) | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE |
CrossMark / Overall | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs (1301 - 1615, n=7) | |
Average of class Convertible (524 - 2274, n=60, last 2 years) | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 |
CrossMark / Productivity | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs (1230 - 1586, n=7) | |
Average of class Convertible (554 - 1925, n=60, last 2 years) | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 |
CrossMark / Creativity | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Average of class Convertible (550 - 2949, n=60, last 2 years) | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs (1413 - 1706, n=7) | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 |
CrossMark / Responsiveness | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs (1193 - 1521, n=7) | |
Average of class Convertible (381 - 1868, n=60, last 2 years) | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 |
PCMark 10 Score | 5766 points | |
Help |
AIDA64 / Memory Copy | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (40212 - 72204, n=10) | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE |
AIDA64 / Memory Read | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (41808 - 69493, n=10) | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE |
AIDA64 / Memory Write | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (41382 - 76027, n=10) | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE |
AIDA64 / Memory Latency | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Average Intel Core i7-1265U (74.6 - 112.4, n=10) | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE |
* ... smaller is better
DPC Latencies / LatencyMon - interrupt to process latency (max), Web, Youtube, Prime95 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 |
* ... smaller is better
存储设备 - 支持PCIe4 x4
只有一个M.2 PCIe4 x4 NVMe固态硬盘的空间,没有辅助选项。我们的测试单元配备了512GB 三星PM9A1最大的读取和写入速率分别为6700MB/s和4900MB/s。不幸的是,正如我们下面的DiskSpd循环测试结果所示,该驱动器不能长时间保持如此高的传输速率。蜻蜓Folio G3缺乏固态硬盘的散热器,这意味着该硬盘必须通过节流来保持温度在较安全的水平。然而,在发生任何节流之前,需要几分钟的SSD重度使用,因此这对大多数用户来说不应该是一个问题。
Drive Performance Rating - Percent | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 -11! | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
Dell Latitude 13 7330 |
* ... smaller is better
Disk Throttling: DiskSpd Read Loop, Queue Depth 8
GPU性能--Iris Xe一路走来
鸢尾花 Iris Xe 96 EUs仍然是英特尔目前所能提供的最快的集成图形解决方案。尽管它已经落后于AMD,但高图形性能并不完全是二合一商务次笔记本的重点。降级到带有Iris Xe 80 EUs的较小的Core i5 SKU将导致图形性能下降约20%至30%。
在平衡模式或性能模式下运行3DMark 11,显示这两种模式之间的性能差异可以忽略不计。
3DMark 11 Performance | 6578 points | |
3DMark Cloud Gate Standard Score | 20815 points | |
3DMark Fire Strike Score | 4640 points | |
3DMark Time Spy Score | 1795 points | |
Help |
* ... smaller is better
The Witcher 3 - 1920x1080 Ultra Graphics & Postprocessing (HBAO+) | |
Asus Zenbook S 13 OLED | |
Dell XPS 13 Plus 9320 i7-1280P OLED | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
Lenovo Yoga 6 13ALC6 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Lenovo ThinkBook 13s G3 20YA0005GE | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
HP Envy x360 13-bf0013dx | |
Dell Latitude 9330 | |
HP Envy 13-ba0001ng | |
Asus ExpertBook B5 Flip B5302FEA |
GTA V - 1920x1080 Highest Settings possible AA:4xMSAA + FX AF:16x | |
Asus Zenbook S 13 OLED | |
Razer Book 13 FHD | |
Dell XPS 13 Plus 9320 i7-1280P OLED | |
HP Elite Dragonfly G3 | |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 | |
Lenovo Yoga 6 13ALC6 | |
Dell Latitude 9330 | |
Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel | |
HP Envy x360 13-bf0013dx | |
Asus ExpertBook B5 Flip B5302FEA |
Witcher 3 FPS Chart
low | med. | high | ultra | |
GTA V (2015) | 94.4 | 84.5 | 23.6 | 10.1 |
The Witcher 3 (2015) | 89.7 | 52.9 | 32.6 | 14.5 |
Dota 2 Reborn (2015) | 109 | 76.4 | 60.3 | 54.5 |
Final Fantasy XV Benchmark (2018) | 42.2 | 23.1 | 16.5 | |
X-Plane 11.11 (2018) | 48.4 | 39.5 | 35.1 | |
Strange Brigade (2018) | 86.4 | 39.8 | 31.9 | 25.5 |
Cyberpunk 2077 1.6 (2022) | 19.7 | 16.3 | 12.5 | 10.1 |
系统噪音 - 令人难以置信的安静
风扇的噪音是我们观察到的带有Core U系列CPU的任何次笔记本中最安静的一些。与去年的Dragonfly Folio G2相比,G3模型采用了更薄的风扇叶片和新的风扇算法来限制脉冲行为。最终的结果是相当令人惊讶的;在一个循环中多次运行3DMark 06将导致风扇噪音略低于28 dB(A),而在7330上则是38 dB(A)或34 dB(A)。 Latitude 7330或ThinkPad L13 Gen 2分别为38 dB(A)或34 dB(A)。我们只有在运行游戏等较重的负载时才能记录到最大只有33 dB(A)。
Noise Level
Idle |
| 24.6 / 24.6 / 24.6 dB(A) |
Load |
| 27.8 / 33.4 dB(A) |
![]() | ||
30 dB silent 40 dB(A) audible 50 dB(A) loud |
min: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 Iris Xe G7 96EUs, i7-1265U, Samsung PM9A1 MZVL2512HCJQ | HP Elite Dragonfly G3 Iris Xe G7 96EUs, i7-1265U, Micron 3400 MTFDKBA512TFH 512GB | Dell Latitude 13 7330 Iris Xe G7 96EUs, i7-1265U, Toshiba KBG40ZNS512G NVMe | Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel Iris Xe G7 96EUs, i7-1260P, WDC PC SN730 SDBPNTY-512G | Razer Book 13 FHD Iris Xe G7 96EUs, i7-1165G7, Samsung SSD PM981a MZVLB256HBHQ | Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE Iris Xe G7 80EUs, i5-1135G7, Samsung SSD PM981a MZVLB512HBJQ | |
Noise | 5% | -9% | -19% | -11% | -18% | |
off / environment * | 24.6 | 22.8 7% | 23.4 5% | 22.8 7% | 27 -10% | 29.3 -19% |
Idle Minimum * | 24.6 | 23.2 6% | 23.4 5% | 23 7% | 27 -10% | 29.3 -19% |
Idle Average * | 24.6 | 23.2 6% | 23.4 5% | 23 7% | 27 -10% | 29.3 -19% |
Idle Maximum * | 24.6 | 23.2 6% | 23.4 5% | 23 7% | 27.1 -10% | 29.3 -19% |
Load Average * | 27.8 | 25.1 10% | 37.8 -36% | 47.3 -70% | 29 -4% | 34.3 -23% |
Witcher 3 ultra * | 33.4 | 32 4% | 39.2 -17% | 47.3 -42% | 33.3 -0% | |
Load Maximum * | 33.4 | 35.2 -5% | 43 -29% | 49.8 -49% | 44.8 -34% | 36.3 -9% |
* ... smaller is better
(+) The maximum temperature on the upper side is 32.8 °C / 91 F, compared to the average of 35.4 °C / 96 F, ranging from 19.6 to 60 °C for the class Convertible.
(+) The bottom heats up to a maximum of 33.4 °C / 92 F, compared to the average of 36.8 °C / 98 F
(+) In idle usage, the average temperature for the upper side is 22.2 °C / 72 F, compared to the device average of 30.3 °C / 87 F.
(+) The palmrests and touchpad are cooler than skin temperature with a maximum of 22.4 °C / 72.3 F and are therefore cool to the touch.
(+) The average temperature of the palmrest area of similar devices was 28 °C / 82.4 F (+5.6 °C / 10.1 F).
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs | HP Elite Dragonfly G3 Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs | Dell Latitude 13 7330 Intel Core i7-1265U, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs | Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel Intel Core i7-1260P, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs | Razer Book 13 FHD Intel Core i7-1165G7, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 96EUs | Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE Intel Core i5-1135G7, Intel Iris Xe Graphics G7 80EUs | |
Heat | -17% | -10% | -14% | -14% | -32% | |
Maximum Upper Side * | 32.8 | 39 -19% | 38.6 -18% | 36.8 -12% | 39.2 -20% | 43.3 -32% |
Maximum Bottom * | 33.4 | 42.2 -26% | 42 -26% | 42.4 -27% | 44 -32% | 58 -74% |
Idle Upper Side * | 24.6 | 26.8 -9% | 23.8 3% | 24.2 2% | 23 7% | 25.6 -4% |
Idle Bottom * | 24.6 | 28.2 -15% | 24.6 -0% | 29 -18% | 26.8 -9% | 28.8 -17% |
* ... smaller is better
当运行Prime95时,CPU将在最初的几秒钟内提升到3.5 GHz和49 W,直到达到69 C的核心温度。此后,时钟频率和功耗将分别下降到2.3 GHz和20 W,以保持仅60 C的核心温度。7330中的酷睿i7-1265U Latitude 7330例如,在运行相同的Prime95测试时,可以达到85 C和2.5 GHz。
运行时的GPU时钟速率和温度 Witcher 3将分别稳定在1100 MHz和58 C,而在Latitude 7330上则为1247 MHz和83 C。
如果用电池供电,性能会略有下降。在电池上的3DMark 11将返回物理和图形分数,分别为10407和5888分,而在主电源上则为11716和6116分。
CPU时钟(GHz) | GPU时钟(MHz) | CPU平均温度(°C) | |
系统空闲 | -- | -- | 30 |
Prime95压力 | 2.3 | -- | 60 |
Prime95 + FurMark 压力 | 1.5 | 650 | 57 |
Witcher 3 应力 | 2.1 | 1100 | 58 |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 audio analysis
(+) | speakers can play relatively loud (88.8 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(±) | reduced bass - on average 13.2% lower than median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (11.9% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(+) | balanced mids - only 1.7% away from median
(+) | mids are linear (4.5% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 4% away from median
(±) | linearity of highs is average (7.3% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(+) | overall sound is linear (10.4% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 5% of all tested devices in this class were better, 2% similar, 93% worse
» The best had a delta of 6%, average was 21%, worst was 57%
Compared to all devices tested
» 4% of all tested devices were better, 1% similar, 95% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro audio analysis
(+) | speakers can play relatively loud (84.7 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(+) | good bass - only 3.8% away from median
(+) | bass is linear (5.2% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(+) | balanced mids - only 1.3% away from median
(+) | mids are linear (2.1% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 1.9% away from median
(+) | highs are linear (2.7% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(+) | overall sound is linear (4.6% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 0% of all tested devices in this class were better, 0% similar, 100% worse
» The best had a delta of 5%, average was 18%, worst was 45%
Compared to all devices tested
» 0% of all tested devices were better, 0% similar, 100% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%
Off / Standby | ![]() ![]() |
Idle | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Load |
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
min: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, Samsung PM9A1 MZVL2512HCJQ, IPS, 1920x1280, 13.5" | HP Elite Dragonfly G3 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, Micron 3400 MTFDKBA512TFH 512GB, IPS, 1920x1280, 13.5" | Dell Latitude 13 7330 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, Toshiba KBG40ZNS512G NVMe, IPS, 1920x1080, 13.3" | Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel i7-1260P, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, WDC PC SN730 SDBPNTY-512G, IPS, 2256x1504, 13.5" | Razer Book 13 FHD i7-1165G7, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, Samsung SSD PM981a MZVLB256HBHQ, IPS, 1920x1200, 13.4" | Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE i5-1135G7, Iris Xe G7 80EUs, Samsung SSD PM981a MZVLB512HBJQ, IPS, 1920x1080, 13.3" | |
Power Consumption | 0% | 6% | -34% | 5% | -8% | |
Idle Minimum * | 3.4 | 3.4 -0% | 2.8 18% | 5.3 -56% | 3.3 3% | 4.4 -29% |
Idle Average * | 4.9 | 5.6 -14% | 4.8 2% | 8.4 -71% | 6.4 -31% | 7.2 -47% |
Idle Maximum * | 9.3 | 8.4 10% | 7.3 22% | 11.2 -20% | 7 25% | 9.8 -5% |
Load Average * | 41.9 | 40.8 3% | 48.1 -15% | 57.4 -37% | 37.3 11% | 31.7 24% |
Witcher 3 ultra * | 36.4 | 35.5 2% | 35.4 3% | 46.7 -28% | 36.4 -0% | 33.3 9% |
Load Maximum * | 67.5 | 68.4 -1% | 63.6 6% | 61.2 9% | 53.7 20% | 66.6 1% |
* ... smaller is better
Power Consumption Witcher 3 / Stresstest
Power Consumption external Monitor
电池容量比Dragonfly G3上小22%。也许并非巧合的是,我们能够记录到的WLAN运行时间在蜻蜓Folio G3上缩短了约20%,总共为9小时25分钟。电池寿命仍然比我们在Latitude 13 7330、框架笔记本电脑或ThinkPad L13至少各长了一个小时。
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, 53 Wh | HP Elite Dragonfly G3 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, 68 Wh | Dell Latitude 13 7330 i7-1265U, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, 41 Wh | Framework Laptop 13.5 12th Gen Intel i7-1260P, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, 55 Wh | Razer Book 13 FHD i7-1165G7, Iris Xe G7 96EUs, 55 Wh | Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Gen2-20VH0017GE i5-1135G7, Iris Xe G7 80EUs, 46 Wh | |
Battery Runtime | 32% | -26% | -21% | 24% | -40% | |
Reader / Idle | 1637 | 2268 39% | 1314 -20% | 2205 35% | ||
WiFi v1.3 | 565 | 706 25% | 497 -12% | 447 -21% | 886 57% | 364 -36% |
Load | 158 | 209 32% | 84 -47% | 126 -20% | 89 -44% | |
H.264 | 453 |
蜻蜓Folio G3放弃了去年型号上的Snapdragon SoC。 去年的型号为一个更传统的英特尔酷睿U系列CPU。仅这一变化就使该机型对更多对Windows on ARM不感兴趣或喜欢更传统的Windows PC体验的用户更有吸引力。该系统现在也更容易维修,而不需要牺牲独特的仿皮设计。这些变化对于整个系列来说绝对是一个进步。
蜻蜓Folio G3的最大挑战者也许是惠普自己,因为已经有一个针对商业用户的优秀二合一系列:EliteBook x360。特别是EliteBook x360 1040 G9更轻、更薄,集成了更多的端口,提供类似400尼特和1000尼特的面板选择,5G连接,甚至还有相同的Core i7-1265U CPU。当你有一个完全相同的制造商提供的更时尚、装备更好的替代品时,选择蜻蜓Folio G3是很难的。
蜻蜓Folio G3的风格有点太重了。惠普更薄的EliteBook替代品有更多的端口,因此,如果蜻蜓的独特设计不是你所喜欢的,那么它的用途更广。
蜻蜓Folio G3的关键卖点在于你对仿皮风格的重视程度。它肯定是一个看起来很结实的行政级敞篷车,但我们不确定这是否值得更宽的腰围和在这个过程中放弃一堆端口。
惠普现在正在运送其Dragonfly Folio G3模型有多种配置,起价2479美元,最高近4000美元。
HP Elite Dragonfly Folio 13.5 G3
- 12/10/2022 v7 (old)
Allen Ngo