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Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max和Studio Display的回顾。内容创作者的完美组合?

Apple的M1 Max在一台台式电脑中。

通过Mac Studio,Apple ,为内容创作者提供了一台台式电脑,现在也基于Apple 的内部M1 CPU。我们回顾了配备M1 Max的版本,同时,我们还看了具有5K分辨率的新Studio显示器。
Apple ARM Desktop MacBook Monitor Thunderbolt

Mac Studio是Apple ,是最新的台式电脑,与目前的 Mac Mini一样,制造商选择了其内部的M1处理器,但在这种情况下,我们有强大的M1 Max版本或新的M1 Ultra,它实际上结合了两个M1 Max芯片。我们的Mac Studio评测单元配备了M1 Max,包括32个GPU核心,64GB共享内存,以及2TB PCIe 4.0固态硬盘;Apple ,该配置收费3679欧元(约3842美元)(不包括输入设备)。作为比较。一台拥有相同硬件和迷你LED面板的MacBook Pro 16价格约为4700欧元(约合4908美元)。

此外,我们还将审查新的Studio Display,Apple ,新的27英寸显示器具有5K分辨率和自己的 A13-SoC.该显示器提供了几个USB-C接口以及Thunderbolt接口,因此除了外围设备(鼠标、键盘、硬盘),你还可以通过Thunderbolt直接连接笔记本电脑,然后以高达96瓦的功率充电。这不仅适用于MacBooks,也适用于Windows笔记本电脑。我们评测的Studio Display型号是标准版,价格为1749欧元(约合人民币1827元);它配有普通的反射玻璃和可倾斜调节的支架。

由于我们很少评测台式电脑,Apple ,特别是MacBook Pro机型将不得不在此作为对比设备。在这一点上,我们也建议看看我们以前的评测文章,在那里我们几乎可以评测所有版本。

注意:我们将这两款产品放在一起评测,即Mac Studio和Studio Display,但它们自然必须彼此分开购买。将Mac Studio与其他外部显示器一起使用也是可以的;同时,Studio Display也可以与MacBook或其他笔记本电脑/PC一起使用(后面会有更多介绍)。

Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 10 x 2.1 - 3.2 GHz, 30 W PL2 / Short Burst, 30 W PL1 / Sustained
Graphics adapter
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, 44 W TDP
64 GB 
, LPDDR5-6400
Apple SSD AP2048R, 2048 GB 
, 1980 GB free
2 USB 3.0 / 3.1 Gen1, 2 USB 3.1 Gen2, 4 USB 4.0 40 Gbps, 4 Thunderbolt, 1 HDMI, 4 DisplayPort, Audio Connections: 3.5 mm stereo audio jack, Card Reader: SDXC
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax (a/b/g/n = Wi-Fi 4/ac = Wi-Fi 5/ax = Wi-Fi 6/), Bluetooth 5.0
height x width x depth (in mm): 95 x 197 x 197
Operating System
Apple macOS 12 Monterey
Additional features
Speakers: integrated speakers, 12 Months Warranty
2.695 kg
3 Euro
Note: The manufacturer may use components from different suppliers including display panels, drives or memory sticks with similar specifications.


Apple Mac Studio - 一台立体的Mac Mini

新的Mac Studio是我们熟悉的Mac Mini的一个较大版本。 迷你版Mac.它的形状与圆角相同,边长也完全相同,但Mac Studio要高得多,只有不到9.6厘米。电源适配器已经集成在一起,我们带M1 Max的版本的重量是2.695公斤;Apple ,甚至指定带M1 Ultra的版本重量高达3.7公斤。像往常一样,做工是非常高质量的,铝制外壳看起来非常漂亮。Mac Studio只配备了相应的电源线。

Mac Studio的后部端口(图片:Apple )。
Mac Studio的后部端口(图片:Apple )。

正面有状态指示灯,两个USB-C端口(或Mac Studio上的2个Thunderbolt 4与M1 Ultra),以及读卡器和电源按钮。其余的端口都在背面。不过这两个版本的端口是相同的,它们包括四个Thunderbolt 4端口(USB-C),两个普通的USB-A端口,以及一个10GB以太网端口。此外,音频输出和HDMI 2.0输出也位于这里。

总的来说,配备M1 Max的Mac Studio可以支持四个外部显示器。一台通过HDMI输出的60赫兹的4K显示器,以及通过USB-C的最多三台6K显示器。配备M1 Ultra的Mac Studio最多可支持五台外部显示器(1台通过HDMI的4K/60 Hz,以及4台通过USB-C的6K显示器)。

Apple 工作室显示器 - 5K视网膜显示器,采用A13 SoC

新的Studio Display是Apple ,是最新的外部显示器,对角线尺寸为27英寸,分辨率为5K(5120x2,880像素,16:9,218DPI),与旧的iMac 27完全对应。再一次,圆边和平边的设计已经让我们想起了Pro Display XDR以及新的 iMac 24但该显示器的厚度也令人惊讶地达到了3.1厘米(比Pro Display XDR和iMac都要厚),这自然是由于除了扬声器系统之外还集成了Apple A13 SoC。Studio Display的内部看起来也更像一台旧的英特尔iMac,这可以从我们在iFixit的同事所做的拆解中清楚看到.



我们评测的是价格为1,749欧元(约合1,827美元)的Studio显示器的普通版本,也就是带有标准光面玻璃的版本。就像MacBooks一样,Apple ,把这称为抗反射涂层,至少从主观上看,反射程度非常相似,与许多其他光面显示器相比,反射程度相当低。尽管如此,你应该事先看一下你的周围环境。背景光源或窗户会导致反射(见图)。不过,如果你想安全起见,你也可以选择带有纳米纹理玻璃的版本,这是一种亚光表面。我们能够审查纳米纹理玻璃在一台iMac 27(2020年的型号)一段时间前,但主观质量印象在这里受到轻微影响,图像根本没有普通版本那么鲜艳。

与Pro Display XDR不同,Studio Display默认配备了一个倾斜支架。然而,Apple ,还提供倾斜和高度可调的支架,以及VESA适配器作为选项,买方必须在购买时决定一个变量。VESA适配器是免费提供的,但高度可调的支架需要460欧元(约480美元)的高额价格。

工作室显示器有三种安装方式(图片:Apple )。
工作室显示器有三种安装方式(图片:Apple )。
工作室显示器的端口(图片:Apple )
工作室显示器的端口(图片:Apple )

端口也与Pro Display XDR相匹配,因为有一个Thunderbolt 3端口也作为输入源,以及三个额外的USB-C端口(3.2 Gen.2,10 Gbit/s)用于额外的外围设备。笔记本电脑可以通过Thunderbolt端口以高达96瓦的功率充电。这对所有iPad、MacBook Airs和14英寸以下的MacBook Pro机型来说是理想的,这些机型在发货时都配有最大96瓦的电源适配器。不言而喻,Studio显示器也可用于MacBook Pro 16或旧的15英寸版本,但在这些情况下,你需要将设备也连接到电源适配器上,以获得全部性能。

与Mac Studio的连接也是通过Thunderbolt电缆完成的,整个设置非常简单。只要Mac打开,图像也会出现;总的来说,设置工作根本没有问题,而且非常容易进行。像往常一样,亮度传感器工作良好,你很快就会习惯True Tone技术(根据环境光线自动调整色温)。理论上,输入设备可以直接连接到显示器上,但只有当你使用有线连接或无线USB加密狗;蓝牙输入设备需要分别连接到Mac Studio、MacBook或iPad上。


正如我们前面提到的,Studio Display可以与Apple MacBooks一起使用,但你也可以简单地通过USB-C连接Windows笔记本电脑。Studio Display在这里也能提供最大96瓦的功率,这对几乎所有紧凑的次笔记本来说都是足够的。我们用一台华硕Zenbook S 13例如,通过USB 4连接。然而,与Apple 源设备相比,其功能范围是有限的。网络摄像头和扬声器可以工作,你也可以将输入设备连接到Studio Display(但只能使用电缆/加密狗),但像自动亮度控制或True Tone这样的东西却不能工作。在任何情况下,自动安装匹配的Studio Display色彩配置文件的事实是积极的,根据我们的测量,图像质量与使用Apple 设备时观察到的图像质量相吻合(后面会有更多内容)。

连接性 - Mac Studio只配备了80MHz的Wi-Fi 6


在速度方面,Mac Studio前面的全功能读卡器与最新的MacBook Pro机型不相上下。使用我们的参考卡(Angelbird AV Pro V60),在复制图像文件时,我们能够测量到121MB/s的传输速度。

SD Card Reader - average JPG Copy Test (av. of 3 runs)
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Intel Core i9-10910 (Toshiba Exceria Pro SDXC 64 GB UHS-II)
197 MB/s +63%
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
187 MB/s +55%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Pro Entry
Apple M1 Pro 8-Core (AV PRO V60)
122 MB/s +1%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
Apple M1 Pro (Angelbird AV Pro V60)
121 MB/s 0%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max (Angelbird AV Pro V60)
121 MB/s
Apple iMac Pro
Intel Xeon W-2145 (Toshiba Exceria Pro SDXC 64 GB UHS-II)
85.6 MB/s -29%


Mac Studio中的M1 Max支持Wi-Fi 6,但仍然只有80 MHz。然而,结合我们来自华硕的新参考路由器,性能比采用M1 SoC的MacBook机型略好,传输速率在850至950 MB/s之间。尽管如此,你应该能够期望在一台价格超过3000欧元(约3133美元)的最新设备中至少有160赫兹的Wi-Fi 6或最新的Wi-Fi 6E标准。

iperf3 transmit AX12
Average 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
  (405 - 1750, n=103)
787 MBit/s
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
772 (748min - 792max) MBit/s
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
754 (359min - 811max) MBit/s
Apple iMac Pro
Broadcom 802.11ac
713 MBit/s
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Pro Entry
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
689 (349min - 730max) MBit/s
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Broadcom 802.11ac
602 MBit/s
iperf3 receive AX12
Average 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
  (284 - 1414, n=103)
765 MBit/s
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
760 (404min - 869max) MBit/s
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Pro Entry
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
730 (645min - 824max) MBit/s
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Broadcom 802.11ac
723 MBit/s
Apple iMac Pro
Broadcom 802.11ac
721 MBit/s
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
713 (591min - 739max) MBit/s
iperf3 receive AXE11000
Average of class Desktop
  (801 - 1478, n=2, last 2 years)
1140 MBit/s +19%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
957 (935min, 935.29P1 - 971max) MBit/s
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
874 (522min - 938max) MBit/s -9%
Average 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
  (234 - 1696, n=127)
825 MBit/s -14%
iperf3 transmit AXE11000
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
864 (825min, 832.83P1 - 879max) MBit/s
Average 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
  (305 - 1757, n=129)
861 MBit/s 0%
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
835 MBit/s -3%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax
766 (698min - 785max) MBit/s -11%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max; iperf3 receive AXE11000: Ø957 (935-971)
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max; iperf3 transmit AXE11000: Ø864 (825-879)


Studio Display提供了一个具有超广角(f/2.4光圈)的1200万像素摄像头,以及追踪模式Center Stage。这一功能是与 iPad Pro 2021,它也配备了1200万像素的广角摄像头。当然,与其他笔记本网络摄像头相比,质量更好,而且该摄像头非常适用于视频通话。中心舞台功能也运作良好,允许用户在摄像头前移动,同时保持对焦。在我们的测试中,麦克风也运作良好,通过Siri进行语音控制也很可靠。

7.7 ∆E
9.3 ∆E
12.9 ∆E
11.1 ∆E
9.6 ∆E
9.2 ∆E
4.3 ∆E
10.7 ∆E
8.8 ∆E
4.8 ∆E
6.5 ∆E
3 ∆E
5.1 ∆E
10.4 ∆E
9.3 ∆E
5.5 ∆E
9.5 ∆E
13.2 ∆E
8.7 ∆E
7.2 ∆E
10.8 ∆E
11.5 ∆E
6.2 ∆E
10.9 ∆E
ColorChecker Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max: 8.59 ∆E min: 2.96 - max: 13.24 ∆E

输入设备 - 伟大的MagicPad和无背光键盘

Apple 继续提供常用的输入设备,但这些设备必须从Mac Studio单独购买。主要优势是完美的 ,包括Touch ID。Magic Trackpad工作得非常好,非常直观,特别是如果你已经熟悉在MacBook上使用它。魔术鼠标也很好用;唯一的不便是位于鼠标底部的 ,用于充电。 Apple Lightning

然而,键盘的问题就比较多了,因为对于桌面输入来说,键程很短,至少我们的键盘样品在打字时听起来有点嘎嘎响。然而,按键本身是精确的,而且打字体验基本上与最新的MacBook Pro机型相当。不过,一个明显的不足之处是缺乏背光。虽然Touch ID等便利功能很实用,但考虑到这是一款桌面键盘,肯定还有改进的余地。

带有Touch ID和数字键盘的魔法键盘
带有Touch ID和数字键盘的魔法键盘

显示器 - 5K IPS,60 Hz

我们已经谈到了工作室显示器的基本规格,总体而言,考虑到其高昂的价格,60赫兹IPS显示器的技术规格并不令人惊叹。然而,这并不影响其伟大的主观图像质量,因为内容是锐利的,图像看起来简直是辉煌。但与采用新的Mini LED面板的MacBook Pro型号(14和16英寸)不同,不支持HDR内容。

Apple 指定的亮度水平高达600尼特,这一点我们在测量中也可以确认(平均571cd/m²)。也就是说,高亮度也伴随着高黑度,因为0.58cd/m²对于高质量的显示器来说太高了;因此,对比度只有~1,000:1。不过,即使在全亮度的情况下,屏幕出血现象也是微乎其微的,而且我们也检测不到任何PWM。此外,对于一个普通的IPS面板来说,响应时间非常好。IPS面板的可视角度稳定性也非常好。

Distribution of brightness
tested with X-Rite i1Pro 2
Maximum: 599 cd/m² (Nits) Average: 570.9 cd/m² Minimum: 3.8 cd/m²
Brightness Distribution: 88 %
Contrast: 1033:1 (Black: 0.58 cd/m²)
ΔE Color 1.1 | 0.5-29.43 Ø4.89
ΔE Greyscale 1.8 | 0.5-98 Ø5.1
Gamma: 2.21
Apple Studio Display 2022
5120x2880, 27"
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
APPAE32, IPS, 5120x2880, 27"
Apple iMac Pro
APPAE1E, , 5120x2880, 27"
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
IPS, 4480x2520, 23.5"
Display P3 Coverage
sRGB Coverage
AdobeRGB 1998 Coverage
Response Times
Response Time Grey 50% / Grey 80% *
28.8 ?(14, 14.8)
27.2 ?(12.4, 14.8)
30.4 ?(14, 16.4)
29.2 ?(15.6, 13.6)
Response Time Black / White *
20 ?(12.4, 7.6)
12.4 ?(4.8, 7.6)
18.8 ?(11.2, 7.6)
17.6 ?(10, 7.6)
PWM Frequency
22730 ?(66)
208.3 ?(50)
Brightness middle
Brightness Distribution
Black Level *
Colorchecker dE 2000 *
Colorchecker dE 2000 max. *
Greyscale dE 2000 *
2.21 100%
2.32 95%
2.22 99%
2.16 102%
6777 96%
6826 95%
6824 95%
6729 97%
Color Space (Percent of AdobeRGB 1998)
Color Space (Percent of sRGB)
Colorchecker dE 2000 calibrated *
Total Average (Program / Settings)

* ... smaller is better



开箱后的图像再现已经非常好了,除了灰度中最小的蓝色色调(这在实践中并不明显),没有什么可抱怨的。灰度和所有颜色的平均DeltaE 2000偏差已经远远低于3的重要标志。在使用Windows笔记本电脑作为信号源时,也保持了这种质量。

CalMAN灰度(P3参考色彩空间,来源:Mac Studio)。
CalMAN灰度(P3参考色彩空间,来源:Mac Studio)。
CalMAN饱和度(P3参考色彩空间,来源:Mac Studio)。
CalMAN饱和度(P3参考色彩空间,来源:Mac Studio)。
CalMAN ColorChecker(P3参考色彩空间,来源:Mac Studio)。
CalMAN ColorChecker(P3参考色彩空间,来源:Mac Studio)。
CalMAN灰度(P3参考色彩空间,来源:华硕Zenbook S 13)。
CalMAN灰度(P3参考色彩空间,来源:华硕Zenbook S 13)。
卡尔曼饱和度(P3参考色彩空间,来源:华硕Zenbook S 13)
卡尔曼饱和度(P3参考色彩空间,来源:华硕Zenbook S 13)
CalMAN ColorChecker(P3参考色彩空间,来源:华硕Zenbook S 13)。
CalMAN ColorChecker(P3参考色彩空间,来源:华硕Zenbook S 13)。

Display Response Times

Display response times show how fast the screen is able to change from one color to the next. Slow response times can lead to afterimages and can cause moving objects to appear blurry (ghosting). Gamers of fast-paced 3D titles should pay special attention to fast response times.
       Response Time Black to White
20 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined↗ 12.4 ms rise
↘ 7.6 ms fall
The screen shows good response rates in our tests, but may be too slow for competitive gamers.
In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.1 (minimum) to 240 (maximum) ms. » 40 % of all devices are better.
This means that the measured response time is similar to the average of all tested devices (20.8 ms).
       Response Time 50% Grey to 80% Grey
28.8 ms ... rise ↗ and fall ↘ combined↗ 14 ms rise
↘ 14.8 ms fall
The screen shows relatively slow response rates in our tests and may be too slow for gamers.
In comparison, all tested devices range from 0.165 (minimum) to 636 (maximum) ms. » 35 % of all devices are better.
This means that the measured response time is better than the average of all tested devices (32.6 ms).

Screen Flickering / PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation)

To dim the screen, some notebooks will simply cycle the backlight on and off in rapid succession - a method called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) . This cycling frequency should ideally be undetectable to the human eye. If said frequency is too low, users with sensitive eyes may experience strain or headaches or even notice the flickering altogether.
Screen flickering / PWM not detected

In comparison: 53 % of all tested devices do not use PWM to dim the display. If PWM was detected, an average of 8584 (minimum: 5 - maximum: 343500) Hz was measured.

性能 - Mac Studio与M1 Max

Mac Studio有两种基本配置,一种是我们从MacBooks中熟悉的M1 Max SoC(有24或32个GPU内核),另一种是新的M1 Ultra。M1 Ultra结合了两个 M1 Max SoCApple 称之为Ultra Fusion。这使CPU和GPU核心的数量增加了一倍。

Mac Studio的测试配置
Mac Studio的测试配置
M1 Max SoC (图片:Apple)
M1 Max SoC (图片:Apple)
M1 Ultra SoC (image:Apple)
M1 Ultra SoC (image:Apple)

总的来说,你可以在四个SoC型号中选择,但只有M1 Ultra提供了获得高达128GB内存的可能性。存储容量截止到8TB,而且Apple ,升级的费用也很高。顶级Mac Studio型号(M1 Ultra,128GB内存和8TB固态硬盘存储)的价格为9200欧元(约合人民币9608元)。

就纯粹的性能而言,Mac Studio和MacBook Pro 16.0之间没有区别。MacBook Pro 16M1 Max,但台式机放弃了MacBook的额外性能模式(性能模式和静音模式);然而,考虑到不断运行的风扇,特别是静音模式可能不是一个坏的选择。正如我们对MacBook Pro 16的评测一样,我们可以从拥有32个GPU核心的M1 Max中获得约84瓦的最大消耗量(封装功率),其中CPU最多需要30瓦,GPU最多44瓦。在持续负载下,性能也保持在一个恒定的水平。由于风扇仍有很大的余量,我们假设M1 Ultra的大约170瓦也能充分冷却,但两个风扇届时可能会有更多的工作要做。

处理器 - 10个核心的M1

至于处理器,我们可以简单说一下,因为我们已经对拥有10个核心的M1(无论它是专业版还是最大版)非常了解,我们刚刚在我们的 关于当前移动处理器的综合效率文章中进行了分析.该CPU总共由三个集群组成,一个有2个核心的效率集群,以及两个各有4个核心的性能集群。这些核心不支持超线程,因此 "只能 "并行处理10个线程。

尽管如此,性能还是非常好,与其他消耗更多电力的移动处理器相当。然而,这也是棘手的部分,因为Mac Studio不是一台笔记本电脑。虽然效率仍然非常好,但M1 Max在性能方面显然不如其他桌面处理器和移动处理器。

如果我们假设M1 Ultra的性能是它的两倍,情况就会有所不同。我们将使用Cinebench R23进行比较,因为该基准在Mac上原生运行(R15和R20必须通过Rosetta 2进行模拟)。消耗量约为60瓦的20核CPU将快于英特尔酷睿i7-12700H这里的功耗约为120瓦。

Cinebench R15 Multi endurance test

Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max Apple M1 Max: Ø1691 (1678.91-1695.2)
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020 Intel Core i9-10910: Ø2171 (2137.21-2302.16)
Apple iMac Pro Intel Xeon W-2145; Win10: Ø1694 (1676.31-1706.48)
Apple iMac Pro Intel Xeon W-2145; macOS: Ø1687 (1658.31-1695.42)
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021 Apple M1: Ø1068 (1047.92-1074)
Intel Core i9-12900K Intel Core i9-12900K: Ø3987 (3920.42-4037.55)
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti Intel Core i7-12700H: Ø2829 (2783-2902.76)
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max Apple M1 Max; Rosetta 2: Ø1687 (1667.29-1693.05)
CPU Performance Rating: Percent
Cinebench R23: Multi Core | Single Core
Cinebench R20: CPU (Multi Core) | CPU (Single Core)
Cinebench R15: CPU Multi 64Bit | CPU Single 64Bit
Blender: v2.79 BMW27 CPU
Geekbench 5.5: Multi-Core | Single-Core
CPU Performance Rating
Average of class Desktop
92.9 pt
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
88 pt
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
69.4 pt
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
50.2 pt
Average Apple M1 Max
50 pt
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
49.8 pt
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020 -2!
Intel Core i9-10910
49.5 pt
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021 -1!
Apple M1
47.3 pt
Apple iMac Pro -7!
Intel Xeon W-2145
46.1 pt
Cinebench R23 / Multi Core
Average of class Desktop
  (12735 - 42705, n=11, last 2 years)
28576 Points +131%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
27005 Points +118%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
19250 Points +55%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
12396 Points
Average Apple M1 Max
  (12385 - 12396, n=3)
12389 Points 0%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
12385 Points 0%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1
7802 Points -37%
Cinebench R23 / Single Core
Average of class Desktop
  (1662 - 2353, n=11, last 2 years)
2057 Points +34%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
1998 Points +30%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
1819 Points +18%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
1536 Points
Average Apple M1 Max
  (1530 - 1536, n=3)
1533 Points 0%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
1530 Points 0%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1
1508 Points -2%
Cinebench R20 / CPU (Multi Core)
Average of class Desktop
  (4085 - 16722, n=10, last 2 years)
10642 Points +287%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
10240 Points +272%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
7382 Points +168%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Intel Core i9-10910
5196 Points +89%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
2753 Points
Average Apple M1 Max
  (2735 - 2753, n=3)
2746 Points 0%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
2735 Points -1%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1
2101 Points -24%
Cinebench R20 / CPU (Single Core)
Average of class Desktop
  (451 - 902, n=10, last 2 years)
778 Points +97%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
766 Points +94%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
696 Points +76%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Intel Core i9-10910
501 Points +27%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1
402 Points +2%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
395 Points
Average Apple M1 Max
  (390 - 395, n=3)
393 Points -1%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
390 Points -1%
Cinebench R15 / CPU Multi 64Bit
Average of class Desktop
  (2094 - 6588, n=14, last 2 years)
4730 Points +180%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
4057 Points +140%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
2903 (2783min - 2902.76max) Points +72%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Intel Core i9-10910
2302 (2137min - 2302max) Points +36%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
1693 (1667min - 1693max) Points 0%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
1691 (1678.91min, 1679.66P1 - 1695.2max) Points
Average Apple M1 Max
  (1689 - 1693, n=3)
1691 Points 0%
Apple iMac Pro
Intel Xeon W-2145
1686 Points 0%
Apple iMac Pro
Intel Xeon W-2145
1678 Points -1%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1
1074 (1048min - 1074max) Points -36%
Cinebench R15 / CPU Single 64Bit
Average of class Desktop
  (233 - 356, n=14, last 2 years)
313 Points +57%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
286 Points +43%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
263 Points +32%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Intel Core i9-10910
215 Points +8%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1
206 Points +3%
Average Apple M1 Max
  (197 - 210, n=3)
202 Points +1%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
200 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
197 Points -1%
Apple iMac Pro
Intel Xeon W-2145
177 Points -11%
Blender / v2.79 BMW27 CPU
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Intel Core i9-10910
208 Seconds * -11%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
189 Seconds * -1%
Average Apple M1 Max
  (187 - 190, n=3)
188.7 Seconds * -1%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
187 Seconds *
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
171 Seconds * +9%
Average of class Desktop
  (77 - 333, n=12, last 2 years)
133.8 Seconds * +28%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
121.1 Seconds * +35%
Geekbench 5.5 / Multi-Core
Average of class Desktop
  (11095 - 26186, n=12, last 2 years)
18376 Points +45%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
17854 Points +41%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
12981 Points +2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
12708 Points 0%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
12697 Points
Average Apple M1 Max
  (12563 - 12708, n=3)
12656 Points 0%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Intel Core i9-10910
10244 Points -19%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1
7695 Points -39%
Geekbench 5.5 / Single-Core
Average of class Desktop
  (1967 - 2559, n=12, last 2 years)
2288 Points +27%
Intel Core i9-12900K
Intel Core i9-12900K
2042 Points +14%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
1795 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max
1782 Points -1%
Average Apple M1 Max
  (1764 - 1795, n=3)
1780 Points -1%
Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16 G7 i7 RTX 3070Ti
Intel Core i7-12700H
1746 Points -3%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1
1737 Points -3%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Intel Core i9-10910
1381 Points -23%

* ... smaller is better

Cinebench R15 CPU Multi 64Bit
1691 Points
Cinebench R15 OpenGL 64Bit
94.5 fps
Cinebench R15 Ref. Match 64Bit
99.5 %
Cinebench R15 CPU Single 64Bit
200 Points
Cinebench R20 CPU (Multi Core)
2753 Points
Cinebench R20 CPU (Single Core)
395 Points
Cinebench R23 Multi Core
12396 Points
Cinebench R23 Single Core
1536 Points


配备M1 Max的Mac Studio也是一台反应极为迅速的机器,在整个测试期间我们没有发现任何问题。英特尔Mac的旧版应用程序通过Rosetta 2顺利模拟,这通常工作得非常好,但性能在这里可能比本地应用程序低一点。

一个非常好的例子是Adobe应用程序Photoshop和Premiere Pro,我们用它们进行了PugetBench测试。这些基准测试只适用于模拟的英特尔版本,它们也运行良好,但原生的M1版本总体上要快得多,反应也更快。由于这个原因,应该有点谨慎地看待基准测试结果。

然而,Apple ,在CrossMark或浏览器基准等原生基准测试中表现良好,符合预期。

CrossMark: Overall | Productivity | Creativity | Responsiveness
Blackmagic RAW Speed Test: 12:1 8K Metal | 12:1 8K CPU
Photoshop PugetBench: Overall Score
Premiere Pro PugetBench: Overall Score 0.9
Photoshop PugetBench: Filter Score | General Score | GPU Score
Premiere Pro PugetBench: GPU 0.9 | Live Playback 0.9 | Export 0.9
Jetstream 2: Total Score
WebXPRT 3: Overall
Speedometer 2.0: Result
CrossMark / Overall
Average of class Desktop
  (1759 - 2529, n=9, last 2 years)
2248 Points +39%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
1621 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
1615 Points 0%
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (1586 - 1621, n=2)
1604 Points -1%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
1586 Points -2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
1556 Points -4%
CrossMark / Productivity
Average of class Desktop
  (1544 - 2369, n=9, last 2 years)
2069 Points +49%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
1385 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
1379 Points 0%
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (1361 - 1385, n=2)
1373 Points -1%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
1361 Points -2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
1342 Points -3%
CrossMark / Creativity
Average of class Desktop
  (2218 - 2929, n=9, last 2 years)
2582 Points +20%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
2160 Points 0%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
2153 Points
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (2102 - 2153, n=2)
2128 Points -1%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
2102 Points -2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
2054 Points -5%
CrossMark / Responsiveness
Average of class Desktop
  (1296 - 2351, n=9, last 2 years)
1918 Points +73%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
1107 Points
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (1080 - 1107, n=2)
1094 Points -1%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
1087 Points -2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
1080 Points -2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
1055 Points -5%
Blackmagic RAW Speed Test / 12:1 8K Metal
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
215 fps +8%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
202 fps +1%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
202 fps +1%
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (200 - 202, n=2)
201 fps +1%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
200 fps
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
163 fps -18%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0512
56 fps -72%
Blackmagic RAW Speed Test / 12:1 8K CPU
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
46 fps +53%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
30 fps
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (29 - 30, n=2)
29.5 fps -2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
29 fps -3%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
29 fps -3%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
27 fps -10%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0512
17 fps -43%
Photoshop PugetBench / Overall Score
Average of class Desktop
  (1080 - 1289, n=2, last 2 years)
1185 Points +20%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
989 Points
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (809 - 989, n=2)
899 Points -9%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
809 Points -18%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
796 Points -20%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
694 Points -30%
Apple Mac Mini Late 2020 Entry (M1, 8GB)
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0256
580 Points -41%
Premiere Pro PugetBench / Overall Score 0.9
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
1167 Points +35%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
1080 Points +25%
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (862 - 1080, n=2)
971 Points +13%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
862 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
748 Points -13%
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
291 Points -66%
Photoshop PugetBench / Filter Score
Average of class Desktop
  (96.2 - 157.1, n=2, last 2 years)
126.7 Points +26%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
100.6 Points
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (75.2 - 100.6, n=2)
87.9 Points -13%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
77.5 Points -23%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
75.2 Points -25%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
69.1 Points -31%
Apple Mac Mini Late 2020 Entry (M1, 8GB)
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0256
62.1 Points -38%
Photoshop PugetBench / General Score
Average of class Desktop
  (100.6 - 119.7, n=2, last 2 years)
110.2 Points +13%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
97.2 Points
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (86.5 - 97.2, n=2)
91.9 Points -5%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
86.5 Points -11%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
81.7 Points -16%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
69.7 Points -28%
Apple Mac Mini Late 2020 Entry (M1, 8GB)
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0256
53.8 Points -45%
Photoshop PugetBench / GPU Score
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
108.1 Points
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (98.5 - 108.1, n=2)
103.3 Points -4%
Average of class Desktop
  (89.2 - 116.5, n=2, last 2 years)
102.9 Points -5%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
98.5 Points -9%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
95 Points -12%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
78.8 Points -27%
Apple Mac Mini Late 2020 Entry (M1, 8GB)
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0256
64 Points -41%
Premiere Pro PugetBench / GPU 0.9
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
55.8 Points
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (54.8 - 55.8, n=2)
55.3 Points -1%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
54.8 Points -2%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
51 Points -9%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
33.7 Points -40%
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
16.7 Points -70%
Premiere Pro PugetBench / Live Playback 0.9
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
215.7 Points +103%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
203.1 Points +92%
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (106 - 216, n=2)
160.9 Points +52%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
145 Points +37%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
106 Points
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
44 Points -58%
Premiere Pro PugetBench / Export 0.9
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
90.9 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
90.4 Points -1%
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (53.2 - 90.9, n=2)
72.1 Points -21%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
53.2 Points -41%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
40.7 Points -55%
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
14.1 Points -84%
Jetstream 2 / Total Score
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
247 Points +15%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
215 Points
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (215 - 215, n=2)
215 Points 0%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
214.5 Points 0%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
213.5 Points -1%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
212.5 Points -1%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Radeon RX 5700 XT (Desktop), i9-10910, Apple SSD AP1024
203.1 Points -6%
Apple Mac Mini Late 2020 Entry (M1, 8GB)
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0256
177.3 Points -18%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0512
175.4 Points -18%
WebXPRT 3 / Overall
Average of class Desktop
  (339 - 409, n=11, last 2 years)
374 Points +2%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
366 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
360 Points -2%
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (350 - 366, n=2)
358 Points -2%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
350 Points -4%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
342 Points -7%
Apple Mac Mini Late 2020 Entry (M1, 8GB)
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0256
293 Points -20%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0512
280 Points -23%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Radeon RX 5700 XT (Desktop), i9-10910, Apple SSD AP1024
236 Points -36%
Speedometer 2.0 / Result
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
422 runs/min +21%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
349 runs/min
Average Apple M1 Max, Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (272 - 349, n=2)
311 runs/min -11%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
282 runs/min -19%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, M1 Pro, Apple SSD AP1024R
276 runs/min -21%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
272 runs/min -22%
Apple Mac Mini Late 2020 Entry (M1, 8GB)
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0256
219 runs/min -37%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0512
215 runs/min -38%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Radeon RX 5700 XT (Desktop), i9-10910, Apple SSD AP1024
161 runs/min -54%



所有版本的Mac Studio都使用了快速的PCIe 4.0固态硬盘,我们的测试设备配备了一个2TB的硬盘,在第一次启动后仍然为用户提供1.98TB的可用存储空间。该驱动器在基准测试中实现了非常高的传输率,在这里没有留下任何批评的余地。M1 Max版本的Mac Studio默认配备了512GB的固态硬盘,2TB版本的额外费用为690欧元(约合人民币721元),而升级到8TB的价格甚至达到了2760欧元(约合人民币2882元)。进一步的SSD基准测试可在 这里.

Mac Studio提供了一个模块化的固态硬盘,甚至还有一个固态硬盘插槽,但到目前为止还不能用于扩展。此外,你必须做大量的修补和拆卸工作(包括拆除电源),甚至才能接触到SSD。


芯片M1 Max中的32核GPU有四个集群,每个集群有8个GPU核心,可消耗高达44瓦的功率。再次,性能与配备M1 Max的MacBook Pro 16相当,但由于限制在60赫兹,一些基准测试结果(如3DMark Wild Life Extreme)只有在无限模式下才有意义。在合成测试中,该GPU部分地与GeForce RTX 3070不过,后者的功耗要大得多。

当然,GPU的优势是共享内存,这意味着有更多的VRAM可用于大型项目。游戏仍然是一个挑战。一些游戏通过Rosetta 2运行,而另一些则是原生运行;还有一些额外的解决方案,如CrossWare,允许你玩Windows的游戏,如The Wichter 3。然而,我们参考了我们对MacBook Pro 16MacBook Pro 14在这里,我们对这个问题进行了更深入的探讨。

Wild Life Extreme Unlimited
Average of class Desktop
  (20692 - 59462, n=5, last 2 years)
39663 Points +95%
Lenovo Legion 7 16ACHg6
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU, AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX
22308 Points +10%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
20293 Points
Average Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (20228 - 20293, n=2)
20261 Points 0%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
20228 Points 0%
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-53-786B
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU, Intel Core i7-10750H
20036 Points -1%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
Apple M1 Max 24-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
15730 Points -22%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
Apple M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, Apple M1 Pro
10352 Points -49%
Wild Life Unlimited Score
Average of class Desktop
  (110844 - 172147, n=4, last 2 years)
138493 Points +92%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
72116 Points
Average Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
72116 Points 0%
Lenovo Legion 7 16ACHg6
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU, AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX
68156 Points -5%
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-53-786B
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU, Intel Core i7-10750H
56821 Points -21%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1 8-Core GPU, Apple M1
18117 Points -75%
Geekbench 5.5
OpenCL Score
Average of class Desktop
  (8030 - 457541, n=12, last 2 years)
280359 Points +335%
Lenovo Legion 7 16ACHg6
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU, AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX
127545 Points +98%
Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-53-786B
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU, Intel Core i7-10750H
107245 Points +67%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
64407 Points
Average Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (60482 - 64407, n=2)
62445 Points -3%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
60482 Points -6%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (Desktop), Intel Core i9-10910
56327 Points -13%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
Apple M1 Max 24-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
51568 Points -20%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
Apple M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, Apple M1 Pro
37867 Points -41%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1 8-Core GPU, Apple M1
19323 Points -70%
Metal Score
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
77213 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
67868 Points
Average Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
67868 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
Apple M1 Max 24-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
58191 Points
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
Apple M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, Apple M1 Pro
42115 Points
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1 8-Core GPU, Apple M1
21897 Points
2560x1440 Aztec Ruins High Tier Offscreen
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
326 fps +6%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
310.3 fps +1%
Average Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (309 - 310, n=2)
309 fps 0%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
308.5 fps
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
Apple M1 Max 24-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
240 fps -22%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (Desktop), Intel Core i9-10910
188.4 fps -39%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
Apple M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, Apple M1 Pro
166 fps -46%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1 8-Core GPU, Apple M1
81.4 fps -74%
1920x1080 Aztec Ruins Normal Tier Offscreen
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
853 fps +19%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
752 fps +5%
Average Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (718 - 752, n=2)
735 fps +2%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
718.4 fps
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
Apple M1 Max 24-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
636 fps -11%
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (Desktop), Intel Core i9-10910
493.2 fps -31%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
Apple M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, Apple M1 Pro
436 fps -39%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1 8-Core GPU, Apple M1
216.1 fps -70%
1920x1080 Car Chase Offscreen
Average of class Desktop
  (n=1last 2 years)
585 fps +30%
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
450.7 fps
Average Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU
  (424 - 451, n=2)
437 fps -3%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
Apple M1 Max 32-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
424.2 fps -6%
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
Apple M1 Max 24-Core GPU, Apple M1 Max
416 fps -8%
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
Apple M1 Pro 16-Core GPU, Apple M1 Pro
345 fps -23%
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
Apple M1 8-Core GPU, Apple M1
177.3 fps -61%
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) 139 104 97 88 61 33
Total War: Three Kingdoms (2019) 293 131 83 60 39 20
Borderlands 3 (2019) 67.4 53.2 46.1 39.6 33 20.6

排放 - Mac Studio的风扇持续运行


Mac Studio的内部结构(图片:Apple )。
Mac Studio的内部结构(图片:Apple )。

Mac Studio的上半部分完全被冷却系统所占据,它由两个风扇和一个巨大的散热器组成。在我们的评测单元中,我们没有遇到一些报告中提到的刺激性的风扇噪音,但这两个风扇总是以恒定的1300转/分钟的速度运行。这绝对是令人印象深刻的,因为它甚至在一个小时的最大负载(SoC温度~78 °C (~172 °F))后也没有改变,但我们不确定这是否真的有必要,即使在轻度负载下,特别是在与 MacBook Pro 16 M1 Max相比,后者经常安静地运行。像MBP上的可选省电模式,导致风扇被停用,在这里肯定会很有用。虽然持续的噪音绝不是令人讨厌的,只有不到29 dB(A),但它是可以听到的,而且有这样一个高效的芯片,持续的噪音就显得有点不必要了。两个风扇的最高转速可以达到3500转/分,但我们只能用一个额外的软件来管理这个转速。这个小立方体在这里变得相当响亮,达到59.1 dB(A),它也超过了大多数成熟的游戏笔记本电脑。

配备M1 Ultra的Mac Studio使用相同的风扇,但它没有使用铝制散热器,而是使用了铜制散热器,这就是为什么重量也明显增加的原因。虽然Studio显示器也有两个风扇,但它们是听不到的。

Noise Level

28.8 / 28.8 / 28.8 dB(A)
28.8 / 28.8 dB(A)
  red to green bar
30 dB
40 dB(A)
50 dB(A)
min: dark, med: mid, max: light   Earthworks M23R, Arta (15 cm distance)   environment noise: 23.8 dB(A)
dB(A) 0102030405060708090Deep BassMiddle BassHigh BassLower RangeMidsHigher MidsLower HighsMid HighsUpper HighsSuper Highs203833382530.828.632.83124.923.228.94026.227.230.15027.526.326.46324.621.7268023.519.624.71002416.723.212523.517.224.316022.514.922.220023.217.32325024.619.224.131526.414.525.64002510.925.650019.710.618.963018.61318.780019.89.819.4100017.710.617.712501710.717.2160014.910.814.3200012.910.812.1250011.71111.6315011.311.611.7400011.511.811.65000121211.9630012.31212.3800012.212.212.11000012.512.312.21250012.412.212.3160001211.712.2SPL28.823.828.7N1.10.51.1median 17median 12median 17.2Delta52.15.1hearing rangehide median Fan NoiseApple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
Apple iMac 27 Mid 2020
Radeon RX 5700 XT (Desktop), i9-10910, Apple SSD AP1024
Apple iMac Pro
Pro Vega 56, W-2145
Apple iMac 24 M1 2021
M1 8-Core GPU, M1, Apple SSD AP0512
Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Max
M1 Max 32-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP2048R
Apple MacBook Pro 14 2021 M1 Max 24-Core GPU
M1 Max 24-Core GPU, M1 Max, Apple SSD AP0512
off / environment *
Idle Minimum *
Idle Average *
Idle Maximum *
Load Average *
Witcher 3 ultra *
Load Maximum *

* ... smaller is better


不用说,表面温度对台式电脑和显示器来说并不像对笔记本电脑那样重要,但我们也可以在这里给予全票通过,因为无论如何它都不会真正变热。在压力测试中,Mac Studio的顶部发热到36°C(约97°F)左右,因为散热器在它的正下方。我们在风扇出口处直接登记了约40°C(约104°F),这意味着一切都在安全范围内。Studio Display也显示了背面的一个热点,但30°C(约86°F)是绝对没有问题的。

Mac Studio的表面温度--(压力测试)。
Mac Studio的表面温度--(压力测试)。
Mac Studio的表面温度--(压力测试)。
Mac Studio的表面温度--(压力测试)。
Mac Studio的表面温度 - (显示)
Mac Studio的表面温度 - (显示)
Mac Studio的表面温度 - (显示)
Mac Studio的表面温度 - (显示)


让我们从Mac Studio本身开始,它也有一个集成扬声器。它一点也不差,当然可以与一些笔记本电脑相媲美,但当然,它不能接近Studio显示器的音质。

Apple 已经在显示器中安装了一个具有六个扬声器和3D音频支持的系统,这基本上也是我们已经在 MacBook Pro 16.事实上,测量结果也非常相似,但从主观上看,Display自然有更大的外壳优势,声音似乎更强大,也更宽广一些。总的来说,音频性能确实非常好,大多数用户可能可以不用外接扬声器。

dB(A) 0102030405060708090Deep BassMiddle BassHigh BassLower RangeMidsHigher MidsLower HighsMid HighsUpper HighsSuper Highs203337.42528.634.83123.231.34027.231.75026.332.76321.728.78019.627.410016.742.912517.251.716014.950.320017.351.125019.251.631514.556.540010.959.750010.658.16301360.48009.865.5100010.664.4125010.765.6160010.865.8200010.866.525001167.1315011.663.4400011.868.150001269.463001264.6800012.260.91000012.361.31250012.262.21600011.763.6SPL23.877.6N0.541.1median 12median 62.2Delta2.15.63339.828.628.523.225.327.234.826.344.821.757.619.663.416.774.517.27914.972.917.375.419.273.614.575.110.97610.675.21376.39.874.810.67210.769.510.866.310.872.7117611.673.411.86712731268.912.273.512.371.812.272.611.770.423.8850.573.7median 12median 12median rangehide median Pink NoiseApple Mac Studio 2022 M1 MaxApple Studio Display 2022Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro
Frequency diagram (checkboxes can be checked and unchecked to compare devices)
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max audio analysis

(±) | speaker loudness is average but good (77.6 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(±) | reduced bass - on average 11.5% lower than median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (10.6% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(+) | balanced mids - only 3.2% away from median
(+) | mids are linear (3.8% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 3.4% away from median
(+) | highs are linear (5.5% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(+) | overall sound is linear (12.5% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 38% of all tested devices in this class were better, 13% similar, 50% worse
» The best had a delta of 6%, average was 17%, worst was 46%
Compared to all devices tested
» 9% of all tested devices were better, 2% similar, 89% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%

Apple Studio Display 2022 audio analysis

(+) | speakers can play relatively loud (85 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(+) | good bass - only 1.8% away from median
(±) | linearity of bass is average (7.4% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(+) | balanced mids - only 2.7% away from median
(+) | mids are linear (3.9% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 2.3% away from median
(+) | highs are linear (6.7% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(+) | overall sound is linear (4.2% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 0% of all tested devices in this class were better, 0% similar, 100% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%
Compared to all devices tested
» 0% of all tested devices were better, 0% similar, 100% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%

Apple MacBook Pro 16 2021 M1 Pro audio analysis

(+) | speakers can play relatively loud (84.7 dB)
Bass 100 - 315 Hz
(+) | good bass - only 3.8% away from median
(+) | bass is linear (5.2% delta to prev. frequency)
Mids 400 - 2000 Hz
(+) | balanced mids - only 1.3% away from median
(+) | mids are linear (2.1% delta to prev. frequency)
Highs 2 - 16 kHz
(+) | balanced highs - only 1.9% away from median
(+) | highs are linear (2.7% delta to prev. frequency)
Overall 100 - 16.000 Hz
(+) | overall sound is linear (4.6% difference to median)
Compared to same class
» 0% of all tested devices in this class were better, 0% similar, 100% worse
» The best had a delta of 5%, average was 18%, worst was 45%
Compared to all devices tested
» 0% of all tested devices were better, 0% similar, 100% worse
» The best had a delta of 4%, average was 24%, worst was 134%



功耗测量没有显示出任何惊喜,我们大致上与MacBook Pro 16 M1 Max如果你减去Mini LED面板的功耗,我们大致与MacBook Pro 16 M1 Max持平。在压力测试中,我们能够从Mac Studio中获得最大的114瓦,据此,由于Unigine Valley的不同序列,功耗总是有一些波动,但这是正常的。在空闲使用时,功耗略低于12瓦,而在待机模式下,这一数值降至1.8瓦。


Power Consumption
Off / Standbydarklight 0.33 / 1.8 Watt
Idledarkmidlight / / 11.6 Watt
Load midlight 78.6 / 114 Watt
 color bar
Key: min: dark, med: mid, max: light        Metrahit Energy

Energy consumption

Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max; 1920x1080 The Witcher 3 ultra (external Monitor): Ø41.3 (40.4-42.1)
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max; Idle 1min (external Monitor): Ø11.6 (11.4-12)
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max; Cinebench R23 Single (external Monitor): Ø18.9 (16.7-19.9)
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max; Cinebench R23 Multi (external Monitor): Ø46.6 (45.5-48.5)
Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max; 1280x720 Prime95 28.10 and Furmark 1.25; external Monitor: Ø100.5 (69.9-115)


+ 非常高的系统性能和高效的SoC
+ 高质量的工艺
+ 与Apple"生态系统 "非常好的整合
+ 良好的图像质量和出色的扬声器
+ 带有96瓦电源交付的显示器
+ 许多端口,包括Thunderbolt 4、10 GB/s以太网和SDXC
+ 高达128GB的内存和8TB的SSD存储空间
+ 即使在重载情况下也非常安静


- 基本上没有维护选项
- 持续的风扇活动,即使是在空闲状态下
- 不支持HDR
- 显示器的电源线不可拆分
- 升级的额外费用很高
- 没有背光键盘
- 只有80赫兹的Wi-Fi 6

结论--M1 Max也适用于台式机

Apple Mac Studio和Studio Display的回顾。测试设备由德国 提供。Apple
Apple Mac Studio和Studio Display的回顾。测试设备由德国 提供。Apple

总的来说,新的Mac Studio给人留下了良好的印象。它的性能非常好,有很多端口,与Studio Display和Apple's专有输入设备的互动简直完美无缺。然而,同样明显的是,Mac Studio的冷却系统是为M1 Ultra开发的,因为两个风扇对M1 Max来说很容易,即使在压力测试中,我们也无法从设备中得到更多安静的嘶嘶声。尽管如此,风扇一直在旋转,即使在空闲时也是如此;这里当然也有可能实现无声操作。

在原始显示规格方面,Studio Display与旧版iMac 27相当,当然这不是一件坏事,但你肯定可以从竞争对手那里得到更多的价格。不过,在这种情况下,你不得不放弃一些便利功能。扬声器对于显示器来说也非常好。特别是与MacBook一起使用(最好能达到 MacBook Pro 14,因为那时你真的只需要一个电缆连接,而不需要额外的电源适配器),如果你想在家里有一个更大的屏幕,Studio Display是有意义的。然后你可以简单地通过Thunderbolt连接MacBook,这也将为设备充电。虽然Studio Display也可以在Apple 生态系统之外使用,但在我们看来,它并没有什么意义。这里有更好的选择,在这个价格范围内也有更好或更大的显示器。

如果你想在家里尽可能方便地使用你的MacBook或iPad的大屏幕,并同时拥有True Tone等通常的便利功能以及一个好的音响系统,Studio Display是一个有趣的补充。

正如你所期望的那样,Apple ,硬件并不便宜,但集成的效果非常好。我们将尝试用M1 Ultra评测一台Mac Studio,因为冷却系统在这里可能会受到更大的挑战,而M1 Ultra所谓的双倍性能也相当诱人。


Apple 在撰写本文时,你可以在百思买的网上商店找到 (32GB内存,512GB固态硬盘)的基本型号的Mac Studio,价格略低于2,000美元。我们的评测配置(M1 Max,配备32核GPU,64GB内存,2TB固态硬盘)可以直接从Apple's在线商店 ,在那里你可以根据自己的需要定制计算机。这种配置将使你花费3199美元。

另一方面,,百思买似乎有几种Studio Display的配置。但目前它们要么被列为 "售罄",要么被列为 "即将推出"。你仍然可以,直接购买Studio Display。Apple,基本配置包括普通反射玻璃和可倾斜调节的支架(与我们的审查配置相同),价格为1599美元。

Price comparison

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> Notebookcheck中文版(NBC中国) > 评测 > Apple Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max和Studio Display的回顾。内容创作者的完美组合?
Andreas Osthoff, 2022-06-17 (Update: 2022-06-17)